
    Passage A
    Chess is called the game of kingsIt has been  1 for a long timePeople have been playing it for over 500 yearsThe chess we play today is from Europe 
    Chess is a twoplayer gameOne  2 uses the white piecesThe other uses the black piecesEach piece  3 in a special wayOne piece is called the kingEach player has oneThe players take turns moving their  4 If a player lands on a piecehe or she takes itA player  5 when his or her king cannot move without being takenThere are a few more rules 6 those are the basics 
    Some people think that chess is more than a 7 They think that it makes the mind strongerGood chess players use their  8 They take their timeThey think about what will  9 nextThese skills are  10 in life and in chessChess is kind of like a(n)  11 for the mind 
    You don’t always have lots of 12 to think when playing chessThere is a type of chess with short time limitsIt’s called speed chessEach player gets ten minutes to  13 for the whole gameYour clock runs during your  14 You hit the time clock after your moveThis stops your clockIt also  15 the other player’s clockIf you run out of timeyou lose 
    1Aaround Baway Cback Dhere
    2Astudent Bplayer Cwinner Dtrainer
    3Achanges Bdrops Cbreaks Dmoves
    4Aballs Bpieces Ckings Dseats
    5Aloses Bfinds Cchooses Dpasses
    6Aor Bbecause Cbut Dso
    7Agame Bcompetition Ctest Dskill
    8Abrains Badvantages Cpower Dbelief
    9Aoffer Bcome Cappear Dhappen
    10Anew Bunusual Chelpful Dinteresting
    11Aadventure Bexercise Ctask Dtrouble
    12Athings Bways Ctime Dcourage
    13Ause Bwait Cdiscuss Drest
    14Asearch Bturn Cstay Dvisit
    15Achecks Bstops Cstarts Dquiets
    Passage B
    Something really terrible happened last AugustIt started out as a warmsunny dayWe were at the  1  with friendsLate that afternoonmy friendher sixyearold cousinand I were  2  in shallow watertalking about school startingThen I felt something on my right legI  3  a crab (螃蟹) bit meBut then I saw a  4  swimming near me 
    I was 5 I thoughtThis can’t be happening I  6  to my friendGet out of the water It’s a shark She ran onto the beach toward our parentsI  7  runningtooBut then I looked over my shoulder and  8  my friend’s little cousin was still in the waterI  9  and caught her handI knew it was risky 10  I also thought I probably wouldn’t get bitten  11 When she saw my legshe  12 I was super terrifiedI felt great  13 We ran and finally got to the beach 
    Now that I’m recoveredmy family and I are back to swimming in the oceanGetting bitten by a shark hasn’t 14  how much I love going to the beachSomehowthis experience made me  15  it more 
    1Apark Bpool Cbeach Dparty
    2Aswimming Bdrinking Cfishing Ddiving
    3Afound Bthought Csaw Dremembered
    4Aduck Bsnake Cgirl Dshark
    5Asurprised Bfrightened Cexcited Dangry
    6Alistened Bpointed Csmiled Dshouted
    7Astarted Bkept Cpracticed Dstopped
    8Ahoped Bforgot Crealized Dguessed
    9Alooked away Bwent by Cran back Dheld on
    10Aand Bbut Cso Dor
    11Atoo Balone Cbefore Dagain
    12Aunderstood Bleft Claughed Dcried
    13Apride Bpain Csatisfaction Duncertainty
    14Adeveloped Bshown Cexplained Dchanged
    15Alove Bdoubt Cregret Dmiss
    Passage C
    I was a single parentraising my fouryearold son Daniel in PerthAustralia with all my family based on the other side of the countryOne nightafter a busy day at workI raced to Daniel’s childcare centre to 1 him on timeAfter dinnerwe went outside so Daniel could ride his bicycle 2 his Batman costumehe was energetic as he  3 proudly through Claremont towards the riverAt the same timeI walked alongside feeling weighed downI tried to keep a cheerful facebut inside I was  4 When we got to the river we walked down the pier (码头)There was an older man  5 at the end and I had a slight  6 that Daniel would disturb his  7 and quiet by making noiseso I told him to be quietAs we  8 the man turnedsmiled and askedHow’s Batman this evening 
    Daniel 9 told the man that Batman was goodthanksbefore asking about the fishI  10 good behaviorand had been afraid we might be disturbing the man 11 I couldn’t have been more wrongThe kind man  12 with my sonand watching their conversations made my eyes  13 This lovely old gentleman was so  14 and truly interested in Batmanmy little boythat I just wanted to cry 
    It was just 15 how this man gave my son the time of dayI will always be thankful for that 
    1Areturn Bfollow Ccollect Dencourage
    2AWearing BHiding CSharing DControlling
    3Awalked Bdrove Cran Drode
    4Awarm Bbroken Cexcited Dfree
    5Afishing Bboating Csailing Dswimming
    6Ahope Bchance Cexcuse Dworry
    7Alife Bpeace Crest Dview
    8Aturned Bstarted Cleft Dapproached
    9Aembarrassedly Bsadly Cproudly Dcarelessly
    10Aown Baccept Cexpect Dvalue
    11AYet BSo CThen DStill
    12Aagreed Bcompeted Cstayed Dcommunicated
    13Asleepy Bwide Cwatery Dbright
    14Agenerous Bfriendly Cindependent Dhonest
    15Aimpossible Buncertain Cunforgettable Dunusual
    Passage D
    As a boy I was always small for my ageI remember one Spring afternoon I felt especially 1 as I sat in the yard behind our houseWe lived miles from town and I  2 saw my own friends outside of schoolI  3 my brothers laughing from  4 the house and felt a single tear coming down my faceAt that moment I saw a large brown dog  5 meHe was wagging his tail  6 He greeted me like a long lost  7 licking my hand and sitting beside me on the grass 8 he didn’t know meI petted and  9 this fourlegged angelHe let me pour out all my troubles and share my deepest thoughts  10  he kissed me goodbyeI went back inside feeling happy 11 that no matter what life might hold I was lovedI  12 that the dog was sent in that moment of  13 to remind me just how much I was loved 
    In truthnothing brings us greater 14 than knowing we are lovedKnowing we are loved gives us the  15 to love others as wellIt also helps us to be the people the world meant for us to beRemember how much the world loves you and share your love with the world 
    1Arelaxed Banxious Cstrange Dlonely
    2Aregularly Beven Chardly Dalways
    3Aheard Bfound Cmade Dimagined
    4Abehind Bover Coutside Dinside
    5Awalking to Bbarking at Cpassing by Dkeeping off
    6Aquietly Bhappily Cslightly Dnaturally
    7Achild Bfriend Ctoy Dchance
    8Abecause Bif only Cwhen Deven though
    9Apicked up Bthought of Clearned from Dtalked to
    10Abecause Bsince Cbefore Dafter
    11Adoubting Bwondering Cshowing Dknowing
    12Adecide Bprove Cbelieve Dexplain
    13Asadness Bpeace Cmadness Dsilence
    14Achanges Bhonor Cideas Djoy
    15Apride Bfreedom Cstrength Dpossibility
    Passage E
    I loved to read when I was youngerBut later the lack of choice  1  led me to read less and lessWhen I was in secondary schoolthe  2  books I read were ones we were assigned in English classand I was never very  3  about my teacher’s choicesI thought too much discussion of symbolism (象征意义) and themes  4  the bookMaybe the sky being blue didn’t  5  anythingmaybe it was just a description Rather than make me more  6  in literatureit made me  7  want to pick up a book again 
    I reluctantly (情愿) chose a French literature course in my first year at universityI started out unhappydetermined not to  8  any of the works we were studying over the course of the yearHoweverI soon  9  that at a university levelthe discussion was more  10  and the books more interesting Being able to discuss my thoughts  11  other people meant that I could better understand the subtle aspects of the books — even the symbolism and themes 
    I began reading again for 12 Nowduring my year abroadI spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops and  13  in cafésand even attend a monthly book club with some other language assistants 
    Reading is a great way to widen your horizons 14  your vocabulary and use your imaginationI’m so happy that I  15  my love of books 
    1Ahardly Busually Cfinally Dstrangely
    2Anext Bonly Csame Dlast
    3Acertain Bconcerned Cdoubtful Denthusiastic
    4Areviewed Bexplained Cruined Drenewed
    5Arepresent Banswer Cadvertise Daffect
    6Asuccessful Binterested Cconfident Ddisappointed
    7Anearly Bnever Ceven Dalready
    8Ashare Blearn Ctouch Denjoy
    9Arealized Bexpected Cthought Dsupposed
    10Asimilar Bformal Cfruitful Dfamiliar
    11Awith Bfor Cagainst Dto
    12Acomfort Bpleasure Chope Dprize
    13Achatting Bplaying Csitting Dreading
    14Aknow Bmeasure Cexpand Dshow
    15Aexpressed Brediscovered Creturned Dexperienced
    Passage F
    On a cold afternoon in January 2015Yesenia Diosdado11got off a school busShe noticed that a(n) 1  woman was trying to communicate with an Emergency Medical Service worker using sign languagebut he couldn’t understand herI heard him  2  an interpreter Yesenia says 
    She ran over to the paramedic (护理员) to  3  — her mothera former sign language interpreterhad  4  her and her sisters how to  5  (no one in the family is hearingimpaired) 
    She saidI signCan I help’ says EMS captain Chris WingerI was 6  
    Yesenia was able to 7  to the emergency worker that the woman’s neck was injured and tell them the name of the local hospital she preferredShe looked really  8  says YeseniaI’m proud that I got to do  9  to help 
    When her motherSusan Milidore36heard about Yesenia’s 10  actionsshe wasn’t surprisedIt’s in her  11  to help says SusanI was impressed that she recognized the  12  of the situation and took chargeMost adults wouldn’t have  13  that 
    A few weeks laterparamedics 14  Yesenia with a gold coin and a certificate of appreciation at her elementary school 
    My mom always says that you 15  know when sign language might come in handy says YeseniaThat dayit did 
    1Alost Bkind Cinjured Dattractive
    2Acall on Bask for Creply to Dlook into
    3Ahelp Bgreet Cwatch Dwait
    4Amissed Bwritten Ctaught Drecorded
    5Ashare Bsign Cspeak Dhear
    6Aencouraged Btroubled Csurprised Dfrightened
    7Alisten Bturn Cexplain Dannounce
    8Ahurt Bcalm Cbusy Dsleepy
    9Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything
    10Acrazy Bbrave Cfunny Dcareless
    11Aduty Bnature Cinterest Ddream
    12Apurpose Badvantage Cimportance Dseriousness
    13Amet Bdone Cchosen Daccepted
    14Aprovided Bconfused Cpresented Dcompared
    15Aoften Bnever Cstill Dforever
    Passage G
    This is a real story about an old man in ChinaSixtythreeyearold Zhuang Guorong is a  1  rural primary school art teacherwho has had a life of  2  for more than 40 years 
    Every yearthe strongyoungerthanhisactualage pensioner goes to the farmers’ home of Chenyang Community to paint or 3  other villagers how to  4  
    The farmers’ homea public building 5  the venue (聚集点) for a branch of the Sheyang Farmers Painting Institute 
    The institute is a government  6  cultural organization in Sheyang Countyin the north of Jiangsu Provinceeast China 
    Zhuang works at the institate part timeand each year he  7  up to ten paintingswhich are then  8  by the local government 
    He 9  around 5000 yuan — that’s about 740 US dollars — a year by doing this  10  
    As well as earning himself some moneyZhuang says the job gives him an opportunity to 11  his views of life to his fellow countrymen 12  the elderly 
    This painting is about a nursing homeWe now live in a(n) 13  societyWe can no longer  14  the traditional way of taking care of our elderly just with our children doing it 15 professional nursing homes are important for elderly people’s welfareAnd all of my paintings are based on our real lives 
    1Asmart Bfamous Cstrict Dretired
    2Apainting Bwriting Cfarming Ddesigning
    3Aask Bteach Cexamine Danswer
    4Aexercise Bcommunicate Clearn Ddraw
    5Abelongs to Blooks like Cserves as Dstands for
    6Adecorated Bsupported Ccontrolled Dreported
    7Acreates Bcollects Ccopies Dexhibits
    8Apublished Bput up Cbought Dhanded in
    9Acharges Bmakes Cspends Ddonates
    10Atest Btalking Cwork Dresearch
    11Agive Boffer Csend Dexpress
    12Aespecially Bsimilarly Cequally Dgenerally
    13Afree Bopen Cageing Dtechnological
    14Aask for Brely on Cthink of Dturn down
    15AHowever BInstead CBesides DTherefore

    Passage A
    1A 根文中People have been playing it for over 500 years知国际象棋存已长段时间填aroundbe around意某领域行业中活跃突出
    2B 根文中Chess is a twoplayer gameThe other uses the black pieces知国际象棋两局名玩家(player)白棋名玩家黑棋
    3D 文中The players take turns moving提示棋子特移动(moves)方式
    4B 根语境文中OneThe other uses the black pieces知玩家轮流移动棋子(pieces)
    5A 根文中cannot move without being taken知名玩家王方死判定名玩家输掉(loses)赛
    6C 文中There are a few more rules文中those are the basics形成转折关系but
    7A 根语境文中They think that it makes the mind stronger知认国际象棋游戏(game)脑变更强
    8A 根语境文中They take their timeThey think about what willnext知优秀国际象棋选手会动脑(brains)
    9D 容迫会考虑接会发生(happen)事
    10C 技巧生活中国际象棋中(helpful)
    11B 根文中They think that it makes the mind stronger知国际象棋种锻炼(exercise)思维活动
    12C 根文中There is a type of chess with short time limits知种国际象棋玩时候没太时间(time)思考
    13A 根文中It’s called speed chessfor the whole game知国际象棋中种快棋场赛中方消耗(use)十分钟时间
    14B 根文中Your clock runs during yourthe other player’s clock知轮(turn)时候棋钟开始计时
    15C 走完步棋棋钟会停止计时时方棋钟会开始(starts)计时
    Passage B
    1C 根文发生事情知朋友沙滩(beach)
    2A 朋友6岁表妹浅海处游泳(swimming)
    3B 根文中Then I felt something on my right legI  3  a crab bit me知觉东西右腿开始(thought)螃蟹 
    4D 根语境文中It’s a shark知见条鲨鱼(shark)身边游动
    5B 根文中I thoughtThis can’t be happening’Get out of the water It’s a shark’知见鲨鱼害怕(frightened)
    6D 赶紧朋友喊道(shouted)快离开里里鲨鱼
    7A 根文中She ran onto the beach toward our parentsI  7  runningtoo知朋友岸边跑开始(started)跑 
    8C 根语境文中But then I looked over my shoulder and  8  my friend’s little cousin was still in the water知回头时候意识(realized)朋友表妹水里 
    9C 根语境文中caught her handI knew it was I also thought I probably wouldn’t get bitten知跑回(ran back)水里
    10B 知道险(but)觉会鲨鱼咬
    11D 觉会(again)鲨鱼咬
    12D 根文中When she saw my legshe  12 I was super terrified知见腿时候吓哭(cried) 
    13B 非常害怕腿非常疼(pain)
    14D 根文中Somehowthis experience made me  15  it more知鲨鱼咬伤件事没改变(changed)沙滩热爱 
    15A 鲨鱼咬伤事件没改变沙滩热爱反更爱(love)
    Passage C
     1C 该空前I raced to Daniel’s childcare centre知忙整天工作飞奔托时接(collect)Daniel
    2A 该空his Batman costume知Daniel穿着(Wearing)蝙蝠侠衣服
    3D 文中we went outside so Daniel could ride his bicycle知Daniel豪骑车(rode)穿Claremont骑河边
    4B 文中feeling weighed downtried to keep a cheerful facebut引起转折知极力想露出笑脸心感悲伤(broken)
    5A 段中before asking about the fish知位老河边钓鱼(fishing)
    6D 文中Daniel would disturb hisand quiet by making noise知担心(worry)Daniel会发出噪音扰位正钓鱼老安宁
    7B 该空quiet知处指担心Daniel会扰位老静(peace)安宁
    8D 文中we walked down the pier该空the man turnedsmiled and asked知走(approached)时位老转身微笑着问Daniel蝙蝠侠晚
    9C 文中he was energetic as heproudly through Claremont该空told the man that Batman was goodthanks知Daniel豪(proudly)告诉位老蝙蝠侠
    10D 文中had been afraid we might be disturbing the man知重视(value)良行直担心会扰位老
    11A 文描述作者担忧知处表示转折然(Yet)错特错
    12D 文中watching their conversations知位心老没感扰反子交谈(communicated)起
    13C 文中I just wanted to cry知交流感动眼眶禁湿润(watery)
    14B 文中The kind man该空truly interested in Batman知位爱老非常友(friendly)蝙蝠侠—子表示出极兴趣禁想哭
    15C 文中I will always be thankful for that知位老善举非常难忘(unforgettable)
    Passage D
    1D 文中Imy brothers laughingfelt a single tear coming down my face知感特孤独(lonely)
    2C 该空前We lived miles from town知放学(hardly)朋友
    3A 该空my brothers laughing知听(heard)哥哥笑声
    4D 文中I sat in the yard behind our house文中I went back inside feeling happy知哥哥朋友家里(inside)玩躲院玩
    5A 文中licking my hand and sitting beside me on the grass知见狗走(walking to me)
    6B 文中He greeted me like知狗快乐(happily)摇着尾巴
    7B 文中描述知久违老朋友(friend)样招呼
    8D 文中描述知(even though)认识久违老朋友样招呼
    9D 文中let me pour out all my troubles知狗倾诉(talked to)
    10C 文中描述知机会倾诉烦恼分享心深处想法吻前(before)
    11D 文中描述知清楚知道(knowing)爱着
    12C 文中felt a single tear coming down my faceI went back inside feeling happy知相信(believe)难(sadness)时候狗出现提醒爱着
    13A 见题解析
    14D 文中I went back inside feeling happy知没什知道爱着带更欢乐(joy)
    15C 知道爱着力量(strength)爱
    Passage E
    1C 选择限制终(finally)导致作者读书越越少
    2B 高中时候作者唯(only)阅读书籍英语课老师指定书籍作者老师选择缺乏热情(enthusiastic)
    3D 见题解析
    4C 根段中too much discussionmaybe it was just a description知象征意义题度讨毁掉(ruined)书籍身湛蓝天空许代表(represent)事物许仅仅描写
    5A 见题解析
    6B 根段中作者读书越越少描述知作者文学兴趣(interested)未加深(never)爱读书
    7B 见题解析
    8D 根段中I reluctantly chose a French literature courseI started out unhappy知作者认会享受(enjoy)学年课学作品
    9A 根段中Howeverthe books more interesting知作者快意识(realized)学里学生老师书讨变更成效(fruitful)书更趣
    10C 见题解析
    11A (with)交流想法作者更理解书中隐晦意思
    12B 根段中again第段中作者爱读书描述知作者开始享受读书快乐(pleasure)
    13D 根空前I spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops知作者书店里度闲暇时光咖啡店里读书(reading)
    14C 根空前widen your horizons知读书种扩(expand)词汇量方法
    15B 根第段中作者爱读书描述知作者高兴重新找回(rediscovered)书籍热爱
    Passage F
    1C 文the woman’s neck was injured知Yesenia注意受伤(injured)女士
    2B 文Yesenia提供帮助知急救员请求(ask for)名懂手语翻译
    3A 文Yesenia说I signCan I help知懂手语Yesenia跑护理员面前帮忙(help)
    4C Yesenia妈妈位手语翻译者教会(taught)Yesenia姐妹讲手语(sign)
    5B 见题解析
    6C 十岁女孩会手语动提供帮助Chris Winger 惊讶(surprised)
    7C 懂手语Yesenia受伤女手语意思解释(explain)医护员
    8A 文the woman’s neck was injured知女伤(hurt)厉害
    9C Yesenia提供(something)帮助感豪
    10B Yesenia动提供帮助英勇(brave)行
    11B her motherwasn’t surprised知妈妈Yesenia帮助行点吃惊认 天性(nature)
    12D 车祸中女士受伤严重Yesenia够意识情况严重性(seriousness)动予帮助妈妈感受颇深成年定会样做(done)
    13B 见题解析
    14C Yesenia动提供帮助举措急救中心员授予(presented)Yesenia枚金币份证书示感谢
    15B Yesenia家没听力障碍妈妈教会姐妹讲手语知Yesenia妈妈认(never)’会知道手语天
    Passage G
    1D 文中Sixtythreeyearold文中pensioner知庄国荣位退休(retired)学美术老师
    2A 文中art teacher文描述知庄国荣绘画(painting)生涯超40年
    3B 文中描述知庄国荣陈洋社区农民家作画教(teach)村民画画(draw)
    4D 见题解析
    5C 文描述知农民家充(serves as)射阳农民绘画机构分支点
    6B 该机构政府支持(supported)文化组织
    7A 该空ten paintings知年创作(creates)画作达十幅
    8C 文中5000 yuan知画作政府购买(bought)
    9B 文中5000 yuanabout 740 US dollars文中earning himself some money知做份工作(work)年挣(makes)概五千元
    10C 见题解析
    11D 文中his views of life to his fellow countrymen知仅挣钱份工作庄国荣次机会老乡表达(express)生活法尤(especially)告诉老该生活
    12A 见题解析
    13C 文中taking care of our elderly知生活老龄化(ageing)社会
    14B (rely on)传统方法顾老孩子赡养老
    15D 文间表示果关系(Therefore)





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    高考英语完形填空专题解题技巧与方法指导一、利用首句来解题,根据全文来选择 首句一般不设空。因此我们应重视首句,并利用首句预测短文的问题和全文内容。1. I did very badly at ...

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    2015高考英语试题分类解析(语法填空答案解析)——专题18 完形填空之记叙文


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    2015高考英语试题分类解析(语法填空答案解析)——专题19 完形填空之夹叙夹议

    1.【2015·浙江】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号...

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    Imagine an area 34 times the size of Manhattan. Now imagine it covered ankle-deep in plastic wast...

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    小评杨过           ———论杨过之狂 看完小说《神雕侠侣》之后,感触良多,赞叹于金庸先生的如椽巨笔,惊叹于他行文的流畅,运筹帷幄,感慨于杨过的痴情缠绵,他的敢爱该恨,敢作敢当,大...

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    高中英语语法 高考二轮复习省略句考点讲义【精讲版】有关省略结构的重要练习题与对应知识点总结是反意问句还是省略句 请看下面一题,是考查反意疑问句还是考查省略句?Many people have ...

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    Actinium(Ac) 锕    Aluminium(Al) 铝    Americium(Am) 镅    Antimony(Sb) 锑    Argon(Ar) 氩    Arsenic...

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    2022年高考英语语法专题-将来完成时定义将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,也可与before或by the ti...

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    2022年高考英语作文万能句型1.While many people attach great importance to this issue, no real effective acti...

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    高考英语 二轮专题语法系列分词讲义

    分词1 构成与特点英语中的分词有两种:现在分词(-ing分词)和过去分词(-ed分词)。分词具有形容词、副词和动词的特征。现在分词可以带状语或宾语,过去分词可以带状语,构成分词短语。分词或分词...

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    2022届高考英语二轮专题复习:语法填空 练习(一) On May 7th an article __1____(appear) on medRxiv, an online re...

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