
    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 —You may go to Mountain Huang for a free trip with me
    —It’s a very kind     but I really can’t accept it
    A idea B way C offer D chance
    22 When I got to my friend’s house yesterday he    a soccer game on TV
    A is watching B was watching C has watched D will watch
    23 —Are you satisfied with the result of the exam
    —Not at all I can’t have a    one
    A bad B better C best D worse
    24 —Have a look at the shirt on you and I think it    you so well
    —Really OK I’ll take it
    A dresses B wears C fits D leads
    25 You’ve ordered too much food for me I really    eat any more
    A needn’t B mustn’t C shouldn’t D can’t
    26 —What was she wearing at the party last night
    —Nothing     She was just in her usual dress but beautiful
    A serious B special C simple D strange
    27 I think more and more jobs    by robots in the near future
    A will do B are done C will be done D are doing
    28 —Sally don’t get into the room    you are asked to
    —OK I will
    A till B as C since D when
    29 —Bob why didn’t you    at my birthday party last night 
    —Sorry I didn’t feel well yesterday
    A stay up B show up C take up D cheer up
    30 —What a heavy rain it is Will it last long
    —     We’re getting into the rainy season now
    A I’m afraid so B I’m afraid not C It’s impossible D Of course not
    21~25 CBDCD 26~30 BCABA 31~35 DBCAD

    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 I have to take the books off the small table to make    for the computer
    A area B room C field D position
    22 —What do you think of the film My People My Country
    —It’s      I was even more proud of our country after watching it
    A awful B fantastic C noisy D boring
    23 —Have you discussed     you are going to place the new furniture 
    —No not yet We may put it in the living room
    A when B how C where D what
    24 A new school     here The local government hopes to finish it next year
    A is built B was built C has been built D is being built
    25 The two girls never argue with each other    they have different opinions sometimes
    A until B if C though D since
    26 Hurry up The train     in twenty minutes
    A has left B left C is leaving D has been away
    27 —Who do you think can win the running race
    —John He practices running every day and he can run    of all the boys
    A fast B fastest C slowly D faster
    28 Little Tom got an A in his English test and he told the news to his father    when he got home
    A happily B sadly C angrily D quietly
    29 —Oh dear I have     2 kg this month
    —Don’t worry It’s natural for a growing teenage girl
    A put out B put off C put down D put on
    30 —I’m sorry I’m late
    —     But please be on time next time
    A Of course B Never mind C Forget it D You’re welcome
    21~25 BBCDC 26~30 CBADB

    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 —Yang Liwei is a     in space travel in China
    —Yes He is a hero in our country
    A pioneer B host C tourist D waiter
    22 —Learning how to plan our time is helpful to our studies
    —I agree It is also a (n)     skill we need in life
    A valuable B comfortable C enjoyable D painful
    23 —Sam speaks English so well that many people think he is from the USA
    —Yes     you can’t imagine he couldn’t say even an English word 5 years ago
    A And B So C Or D But
    24 —I think the workers need to have a rest and get something to eat
    —I agree with you They     in the rain for a long time
    A will work B are working C worked D have worked
    25 Whenever I am in trouble my friend will always be there to     me
    A share B suggest C support D separate
    26 —I wonder     you drove yesterday
    —About five hours
    A how far B how long C how soon D how many
    27 He kept only a small part of the prize money The rest     to the charity last week
    A was given B will be given C is given D gave
    28 Treat everyone      even those who are rude to you not because they are nice but because you are
    A wisely B badly C politely D seriously
    29 —What will you do when you are down or tired
    —I will     my brain and listen to some soft music
    A cheer up B shut off C pick up D take off
    30 —Lucy someone is knocking at the door Go and see who it is
    —     I’m answering a call
    A Just a minute B I’m not sure C It’s impossible D That’s fine
    21~25 AADDC 26~30 BACBA

    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 People sang and danced happily when they heard the good news just like celebrating a
    A lesson B dream C custom D festival
    22 —Did you drive your friends home last night
    —No I watched them leave and then drove off in the     direction
    A opposite B wrong C central D final
    23 We’d better     the problem before lunch because we have many other things to do this afternoon
    A answer B check C cause D solve
    24 —Diana isn’t at school today Do you know why
    —She     have the flu but I’m not sure about it
    A must B can’t C may D should
    25 —I called you by WeChat at eight yesterday morning but there was no answer
    —I     along the river at that time
    A run B ran C am running D was running
    26 —Can you tell me     my uncle will visit us 
    —Next Sunday I think
    A when B what C why D how
    27 —Look Some people are jumping the line
    —We should wait     others don’t follow the rule
    A unless B although C if D because
    28 —I think one of the best ways to study is working in groups
    —I agree More chances     to students to learn from each other
    A offer B offered C are offered D were offered
    29 You need to     some words of the passage to make it easier to understand
    A cut in B cut out C cut down D cut up
    30 —Do you mind if I ask you one more question
    —     What do you want to know 
    A I’m afraid I can’t B I’m sorry to hear that
    C No go ahead D That’s too bad
    21~25 DADCD 26~30 ABCBC 31~35 CCBAD

    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 —You always wear school uniforms on Monday morning
    —Yes It’s one of the     in our school
    A rules B hobbies C habits D plans
    22 —Look Sally is running so fast
    —It’s hard to     that her legs were once broken
    A remember B realize C imagine D experience
    23 —Listen The little boy is crying again He is always crying
    —Mary be      Maybe he feels hungry
    A patient B hurry C polite D nervous
    24 —The company develops so     
    —Yes You can buy their products almost everywhere
    A carefully B rapidly C seriously D deeply
    25 —I     the only ticket
    —What a pity You can’t go to concert now
    A lose B will lose C am losing D have lost
    26 —How can I get the meaning of the word
    —Look it up in the dictionary     you will find it out
    A and B but C or D as
    27 —When did the accident happen
    —     the night of last Tuesday
    A In B At C On D With
    28 As we all know the 2022 Winter Olympic Games     in Beijing and Zhangjiakou
    A will hold B held C was held D will be held
    29 My father always gets up early and     the newspapers before he goes to work
    A takes after B looks through
    C thinks of D makes up
    30 —I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes
    —     Thank you for your advice
    A Not at all B You are welcome
    C Of course D It’s a pleasure
    21~25 CBBAC 26~30 DBCDA 31~35 CABCD

    Ⅴ 单项填空(10题题1分满分10分)
    21 —If Tom can’t keep his     this time he’ll make his friend angry
    —So it is Honesty should be first
    A victory B courage C promise D treasure
    22 —What do you think of the fivepart TV special National surveillance (国家监察)
    —Meaningful and      Many people across China have watched it  
    A necessary B successful C different D comfortable
    23 Next Sunday is Father’s Day My daughter will come back to     it for me  
    A remind B celebrate C disappoint D encourage
    24 —Alice do you have any plans for this summer holiday
    —I’m not sure I     volunteer to visit the aged at the Old People’s Home
    A may B should C must D need
    25 Lang Ping is good at volleyball and she     as one of the greatest coaches in modern China
    A regards B regarded C is regarded D was regarded
    26 It’s too dark in the classroom and we can’t see the words     on the blackboard
    A strongly B luckily C probably D clearly
    27 —What should we do now
    —     it’s raining heavily we have to stay at home  
    A So B Since C Though D If
    28 —Could I have a talk with Mr Zhang
    —I’m afraid not He     to Shanghai on business
    A goes B went C has gone D will go
    29 —Excuse me can I     some time to introduce myself  
    —Of course I have nothing much to do now
    A turn down B give away C look for D take up
    30 —Can I bring a friend of mine to your birthday party this Sunday
    A no problem B not at all C no way D well done
    21~25 ACABD 26~30 ACDBA 31~35 CAADB





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