
    I always wanted to be a writer When I was fifteen I told my classmates that I was going to write my own books My classmates fell out of their chairs 16 Don’t be silly Only geniuses can become writers and you are not talented enough I was so 17 that I burst into tears
    That night I wrote a short sad poem about 18 dreams and sent it to a newspaper To my surprise they published it and sent me two dollars I couldn’t believe that I became a 19 writer Then I wrote more and sold more poems When I graduated I had a series of published works I never told about my writing to my classmates again as they were dream 20
    Years later when I began to write my first novel I already had two children I wrote on my computer while they were 21 around midnight It took nine months to finish Then I chose a publisher and mailed it off A month later I received a contract (合) and they required me to start another book My third book became a best seller Translated into fifteen languages it was sold 22
    People asked what college I attended and what was needed to be a writer The answer is None I am not 23 and I just keep on writing To those who have the same dream I will tell you Yes you can Just 24 yourself I have dealt with the difficulties successfully Writing is 25 anyone can do it
    16 A shouting B crying C laughing D talking
    17 A excited B encouraged C ashamed D worried
    18 A broken B bright C great D sweet
    19 A popular B valuable C famous D useless
    20 A reporters B makers C producers D killers
    21 A playing B studying C sleeping D talking
    22 A separately B internationally C freely D wonderfully
    23 A trained B proud C brave D hardworking
    24 A talk with B depend on C fight against D look after
    25 A difficult B easy C challenging D boring
    16 —20 CCABD
    21—25 CBABB

    二完形填空 ( 10 题题 15 分 满分 15 分)
    阅读面短文掌握意然 16~25 题 ABC D 项中 选出佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    As my father walked into the room my brother became nervous he knew that he had done something 16 From a distance I could see that he had opened my father's new book and drawn all over the first page with a pencil Now staring at my father fearfully he and I both waited for his 17
    My father picked up his muchloved book looked at it 18 for quite a while and then sat down without saying a word Books were important to him he was a teacher and had several degrees For him books were knowledge and yet he loved his children What he did next was remarkable Instead of punishing my brother he sat down took the pen from my brother s hand and the 19 in the book himself alongside the drawings made by John John's work 1959 age 2 You have made the book priceless I m very thankful to you for drawing in my book
    The years and the books came and went Our family 20 what all families go through and perhaps a little bit more success and failure gain and loss 21 and tears From time to time we would open the book look at the drawings read my father's words of 22 and feel uplifted
    Now I know that through this simple act my father 23 us how every bad event in life can have a positive side if we are prepared to look at it from another angle and how precious it is when our lives are touched by the 24 of others But he also taught us about what really __25 in life people not objects tolerance not judgment love not anger
    Each time I think about these things I will smile and whisper Thank you Dad
    16 A reasonable B new C wrong D brave
    17Apraise B comment C punishment D turn
    18Acarelessly B causally C quickly D carefully
    19Awrote B looked C drew D cut
    20A took B stood C forgot D experienced
    21Asadness B laughter C pain D pride
    22Alife B regret C love D faith
    23Agave B taught C took D made
    24Akindness B power C joy D sorrow
    25 A cares B needs C hopes D matters
    16 20CCDAD 21 25 BCBAD

    二完形填空 (10题题15分满分15分)
    One day I was in front of the mall cleaning my car A man was coming my way from across the parking lot From the 16 of him I could tell that he had no car no home no clean clothes and no money He sat down in front of the bus stop but looked like that he had no money to 17 the bus
    That's a very 18 car He said He was badlydressed but looked satisfied I answered
    Thanks and then 19 cleaning my car I thought he would ask me for money but that never came
    After a while I said to 20 Ask him if he needs help I was sure that he would say yes Do you need any help l asked He answered in two 21 but meaningful words And you I had been feeling high successful and important until those two words 22 me I did need help and maybe it was not for a bus ticket or a place to sleep I 23 my wallet and gave him enough money to get a warm meal and a place to sleep for the day
    This homeless stranger taught me an important lesson No matter how much you 24 no matter what you have achieved you need help too No matter how little you have no matter how your life are filled with 25 even without money or a place to sleep you can give help
    16 A words B sounds C actions D looks
    17 A buy B take C drive D stop
    18 A nice B old C common D cheap
    19 A finished B stopped C continued D began
    20 A himself B itself C herself D myself
    21 A harmful B strange C new D simple
    22 A examined B shocked C created D believed
    23 A went out B found out C took out D worked out
    24 A eat B have C use D think
    25A shyness B happiness C sadness D problems
    16—20 DBACD 21—25 DBCBD





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