
    Stephen lives in a large house with eight rooms He has his own bedroom and bathroom He likes the __91___ best He loves to sit there and look out at the __92___ and the sea It’s cool
    My neighbours are kind __93_ Some of them are volunteers They often meet at the community centre and share their different __94__ They help us with all kinds of __95__
    Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries Most American f _96__ have one or two parents and one or two children each.
    Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up They usually live far f _97__ their parents because they want to find good j _98__ They often write letters to their parents or call themAnd they often go to v _99__ their parents on holiday.
    In the US parents usually ask their children to do some housework at home such as cleaning the floor and w_100_ the dishes Of course the parents must pay for it In many families children know how to make money when they are young
    91 balcony  92 beach  93 helpful  94 skills  95 problems
    96 families  97from  98 jobs 99 visit  100 washing

    江苏省南通市八中学20202021学年七年级学期第次阶段训练英语试题\七短文填空 (题10题题1分满分10分)
    Peter Pan is one of the bestloved children’s books of all time It was written by the famous British writer James Matthew Barrie James likes writing stories and s 86 them with his friends He tells them that baby Peter can f 87 and the bars(棒)of the windows of the children’s bedroom are to stop him flying away Then the i 88 for Peter Pan is born
    The book t 89 the story of Peter Pan and his mother’ Wendy One night when Mr and Mrs Darling go out Wendy meets Peter Pan a little boy who never grows up Peter t 90 Wendy and her brothers to fly and takes them away to an island called Neverland They have l 91 of adventures (险) together Wendy and his brothers have a good time there but they miss their parents s 92 So one day they decide to return home but the bad man Captain Hook catches them Peter fights with Hook and finally saves them After that the children fly back to their home in London But Peter Pan doesn't want to grow up and returns to Neverland Many years pass When Peter v 93 Wendy again she is married and has a daughter of her o 94 Peter takes her daughter to Neverland for a visit And ten years later he takes her daughter’s daughter
    Never growing up is a children’s fairy tale dream but they can’t refuse to g 95 up What’s more after reading the story I think it’s a pity that something pure and beautiful will be forgotten as we grow up
    86__________ 87_________ 88___________ 89_________ 90__________
    91__________ 92_________ 93___________ 94_________ 95__________
    86 sharing 87 fly 88 idea 89 tells 90 teaches
    91 lots 92 sometimes 93 visits 94 own 95 grow

    七 短文填空(题6题题1分满分6分)
    We all have neighbours There is a saying that a good neighbour is better than a distant relative I agree with it b_____77___ of my experiences (历) I think it’s i__78______ for everyone to have a good neighbour It is common that we may meet with p____79____ If we have good neighbours they will always come to help you Neighbours should get on well with each other My neighbour has a daughter We are of the s___80_____age but we don’t study in the same school In the evening we always do homework t____81____ She is good at Maths and I am good at English So we often help each other I think if you want to have a good neighbour you should f____82____be a good neighbour yourself
    77________ 78________ 79________ 80________ 81________ 82________
    because important same together first

    三 短文填空(题10题题1分满分10分)
    When we buy a house we all want to have nice neighbors because m 86 of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbors But what k 87 of neighbor is good The answers are d 88 from people to people Here are my answers
    F 89 it is very important to respect (尊敬) each other If our neighbours try to k 90 more about our life how will we feel He or she may also talk with others about our life Do you want to live with him or her anymore The answer is No We will feel very sad to have this kind of neighbour and move a 91 quickly
    Next a good neighbour is always r 92 to give us a hand when we need him or her For example if we are not at home our good neighburs will watch our houses for us
    Finally a good neighbor should love the environment (环境) He or she n 93 puts rubbish here and there Good neighbours should keep the place clean because the good environment can m 94 us comfortable and happy
    I think we all should learn to be good neighbours and I also h 95 everyone will have good neighbours and live a happy life
    most kind different First know away ready never make hope

    江苏省海安市紫石中学20202021学年七年级学期第次阶段检测英语试题八短文填词(空1分 10分)
    A 课文填空
    My neighbours are kind and helpful Some of them are volunteers They have different 96 and often help us with all kinds of problems
    Usually there is a helping hands meeting at the weekend People go there when they need help with their problems Computer 97 are popular They help people 98 their computers
    You can also find someone to 99 things like 100 bicycles
    96 _______ __ 97_____ ____ 98 ______ ___ 99 ____ ____ 100 __ _______
    B 首字母填空
    We all have neighboursThere is a saying that a good neighbour is better than a distant relativeI agree with it b 101 of my experiences(历).I think it's i 102 for everyone to have a good neighbour It is common that we may meet with p 103 If we have good neighbours they will always come to help you Neighbours should get on well with each other My neighbour has a daughter We are of the s 104 age but we don't study in the same school In the evening we always do homework together She is good at Maths and I am good at English So we often help each other I think if you want to have a good neighbor you should
    f 105 be a good neighbor yourself
    101__________102___________103____________104_____________ 105______________
    A96skills 97 engineers 98check 99fix 100broken
    B101because 102important 103problems 104same 105first





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