
    1 What are your _____ (爱)
    2 This is my new ______( 笔友 )
    3 Does she like _____(唱歌 )
    4I ___( 居住 ) in Changchun
    5Does your sister go ____( 远足 )
    6I go to school by bike But my brother ___( go)to school
    7Does your pen pal like ____( draw) pictures
    8What about going ____( swim) thi afternoon
    9Let ’ s ___( go) together
    10Mr Green ____( live) in Australia
    11How ___( do) he go to school
    12He____(live ) in the city
    13What does he ___(like )
    14I ___(have ) a pen pal
    15There ___( be ) a stamp show on Sunday
    16Can he ___( go ) with us
    17He _(like)climbingthemountainsIlike___(play ) football
    18My mother is a teacher She ___(teach ) math
    19What is pen pal’ s ___( hobby )
    20 Can you ____________(猜字迷)
    21He likes———做中(国菜 )
    22My pen pal——————住( )Shang hai
    23Chen jie often——————读事()
    24I often————踢足(球 )
    25Do you ____( like ) fruits
    26Yes I _____ ( like ) oranges very much
    27Does Chen jie ___ (like ) vegetables Yes she ___(like ) cabagesnvery much
    28How do you ____(feel) I___( not) feel very well
    29How does Da Ming _ (feel ) He ___( not ) feel very well
    30They _____( have ) a cold
    31Sarah ___ (have ) a toothache
    32Mother ____( get up) at six in the morning I ____(get up ) at six thirty every morning 33I usually go to school by ______( 行车 )
    34You must pay attention to the ______( 交通信号灯)
    35How can I get to the Science Museum _______________( 右转弯 )
    36What are you going to do this weekend I am going to __________( 电影 )
    37If you feel angry you should ______( 深吸口气)
    38Oliver is going to take a trip____( 明天 )
    39I usually go to school by ____( 行车 )
    40Is your father a _______( 邮递员 )
    41What ’ s your hobby I like ____游(泳 )
    42 The cat is _____( 高兴) with them
    43Where ___( he ) ___( 工作 )
    44Turn left at the _____(书店 )
    45Stop and wait at a red _____( 灯)
    46He is a ____( 商 )He often ____( ) to other countries
    47They are going to ________( 电影 ) this evening
    48What is your brother’爱s ) ( He ___( like )__(游泳 )
    49First let’ s turn right then直走 ( )
    50How can I get to the _____ _( 邮局 )
    51She is a___( work) She ___(work) at a ______( 工厂 )
    52We should ____(慢行 )and ____( 停 ) at a yellow light
    53There is a pet _____(医院 ) in my city
    54Where is the _____( 科学博物馆 )It’ s next to the 邮(局 )
    55————左(转弯 )at the———电影(院 )
    56How do you come to schoolI come ____( 步行 )
    57Does Sarah ___( watch TV ) in the evening
    58My brother ___( do homework) on Sundays
    59Zhang Peng ’ s father often ___(read newspaper) after dinner
    60Does Amy often ___( go hiking)
    61On the weekends I often ___( play ping pong ) But my brother often _____( study English )
    62I ’ m going to(美术课 )
    63The museum is _____(紧挨着 )____( 书店 )
    64You should ________(深呼吸 ) when you are angry 65 I must pay attention to ______(交通灯 )
    ( ) 1 A where B what C when D weekend ( ) 2 A watched B play C took D went
    ( ) 3 A gym B library C cinema D camp ( ) 4 A shorter B smaller C singer D longer ( ) 5 A sad B hurt C worried D happy
    ( ) 6 A last B cooked C was D drank
    ( ) 7 A milk B foot C bread D beef
    ( ) 8 A window B door C music D desk ( ) 9 A better B bigger C cleaner D fatter ( ) 10 A tomato B often C usually D sometimes ( ) 11 A give B football C ruler D schoolbag ( ) 12 A train B river C sea D lake
    ( ) 13 A snowy B rainy C heavy D windy ( ) 14 A plant B grass C flower D tree
    ( ) 15 A old B cool C warm D cold
    ( ) 16 A deep B tall C fall D long
    ( ) 17 A bigger B funnier C thinner D singer ( ) 18 A third B danced C visited D learned ( ) 19 A sweater B shoes C clothes D jeans ( ) 20 A ten B fourth C fifth D first
    9June 10cold
    11ship 12warm 13cool 14July 15four 16blue 17five 18pencil 19plane
    20cloudy 21yellow 22green 23eraser 24August 25 ruler 26snowy
    颜色 ___________________________________________
    学品 _______________________________________
    天气 ___________________________________________
    月份 ___________________________________________
    数词 ___________________________________________
    交通工具 _______________________________________
    ( )写出列单词现分词
    do_________ swim_________ ski________ sing_________ write________ dance________ run_________
    swing_________ stop________ study______ have_______ take_______
    play______ make_____ ride______ get______
    (二 )写出列单词第三称单数
    live_______ teach________ go_______ watch_______ be_______
    do_____ have______ like______ ride______ play______ study______ read_______
    (三 )写出列动词式
    clean_________ do_____ read_______ take______ buy________
    get______ go______ wash________ eat_______ play________ have_______
    see_____ ride_______ amis______ are______ sleep_____ study_______ stop_____ (四 )写出列单词复数形式
    shelf_________ knife_________ potato__________ tomato_________
    photo_______ sheep_______ foot_______ bus______ dish_______
    watch________ baby_________ city________ child_________
    desk______ woman________ this________ that_________
    (五 )写出列单词较级
    big________ heavy_________ thin________ young_________
    old_______ strong_________ good_________ small________ funny_________
    (六 )写出列单词序数词
    one_______ two______ three_______ four_______ five_______
    eight_____ nine_______ twelve_______ fifteen________ twenty_______
    thirty one___________ fifty__________ sixty two___________
    (七 )写出列单词反义词应词
    boy_______ man________ teacher________ black________ big________
    long________ kind________ new________ old________ quiet_________
    taller_______ stronger_________ go________ in front of_________
    on______ hot______ cool______ winter________ sad_____ aunt_______
    (八 )写出列单词音词
    by_______ I________ their________ for_______ sea______
    (九 )写出列单词职业名词
    work________ farm________ drive________ teach________
    sing________ dance_________ clean________ write_______ science________ post____
    (十 )代词间转换
    us( 格 )_____ I( 宾格 )______ she(宾格 )______ he( 宾格 )_______ you( 形容词性物代词)_______ we( 形容词性物代词 )________
    they( 宾格 )________ their( 格 )________ I(名词性物代词)________
    (十 )写出列单词原形
    studied_________ writing__________ thinner_________ teaches_________
    took_______ has_______ stopped________ went_______ running________
    heavier__________ were_______ leaves_______ swimming__________
    (十二 )写出列单词应形容词
    sun________ wind________ rain________ snow_______ cloud_______
    (十三 )写出列单词缩略形式完整形式
    I ’ m_________ they’ re_______ can not________ do not________
    doesn ’ t_________ isn ’ t_________ let us_______ what’ s _________
    centimeter_______ kilogram________ were not_________
    1 W________ does your sister do She is a worker
    2 H_______ does your aunt go to work By subway
    3 W_______ are you going I ’ m going to the zoo
    4Remember the traffic rules And s______ at a red light
    5Your ruler is shorter My ruler is l________ than yours
    6 What day is it today It ’ s W_________
    7 When is your b___________ It’ s in May
    8 What are you going to do this weekend
    I ’ m going to v________ my grandparents
    9 What did you do last weekend I p_______ badminton
    10My father is a c_______ He works in a gym
    1My hair is _________ ( 更 ) than yours
    2You look so ___________ (年 )
    3They _____________________ (相 )in the park yesterday
    4We are going to __________________( 学英 )
    5There _______(be) no libraries in my school five years ago
    6Tom ______________(起床 ) at 630 every day
    7Ten years later( ) I am _________________( 想 ) a doctor
    8How _______ Mike ________ ( 感 ) today
    9I _____________________ ( ) yesterday
    10Ben is very _______(心 ) Her mother is ________( 担心 ) about her
    11How do you go to Beijing Usually I go _____________(火 )
    12________ _______(减速 ) and stop at a yellow light
    13 Where is the cinema please It’ s(旁) the hospital
    14 What are you going to do ______________ ( 周 )
    15 What does your mother do She is a _____________(警察 )
    16 What are your _________( )
    I like ________________( 读事 ) and _________________( 猜字谜 )
    17 What should I do if I am ill
    You should ___________________(医生 )
    18 Where is the ____________( 电影院 ) please
    19 She likes __________(游泳 ) and _________________ ( 骑行车 )
    20 Does she _______________(教语文 ) Yes she does
    1Look My brother ____________ (play) the piano
    2It ’ s 630 It’ s time __________ (get) up
    3He often _________ (have) dinner at home
    4I ___________________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend
    5Mike _________________ (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays
    6Miss White ____________ (teach) us English
    7Wu Yifan likes ___________ (ride) bikes
    8I ______ (be) ill yesterday I ________ (have) a cold
    9We often _________ (watch) TV in the evening
    10He __________ (read) a book now
    11Listen She _________ (sing) in the classroom
    12I want _________ (go) to the cinema this evening
    13What can you do I can _________ (sweep) the floor
    14Thank you all for ________ (come)
    15 It _______(be) an egg five days ago Now it ______(be) a chick( 鸡 )
    16He _____ (be) a student He likes _________ (take) pictures
    He often______(go) to the park ______ (take) pictures
    Yesterday he ______(take) some pictures in the park
    LookHe ___________ (take) pictures in the park now
    Tomorrow he ___________________ (take) pictures in the zoo
    17I _____ (be) 10 years old My brother ____ (be)
    18We _______(be) inthe same class Yesterday we _______ (be) ) for class Our 生气)us 适形式填空
    1Did you help _______ (they) clean ________ (they) room
    2Your parents are teachers My parents are ________ (farm)
    3My birthday is on the ________ (one) of January
    4I am _______ (short) than my sister But she is _______(thin) than me
    5Look There are some ________(knife) on the desk
    6 Is this ______ (you) skirt No _____ (I) skirt is red
    7 How many ________ (bus) can you see I can see five
    8 Look It ’ s(rain) outside( 外面 )The weather reporter says it will
    be ________(sun) tomorrow
    9Mr Wang is ______ (we) math teacher ______ (He) class is so much fun
    10I ’ d like some ________ (tomato) and _______(fish) for dinner
    11February is the ________ (two) month of the year
    12There are five _______(sheep) and ten ________ (horse) on the farm





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