全国10-07高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题


    1 Tom has three _____
    A brothersinlaw B brotherinlaws
    C brotherinlaw D brothers in law
    2 Measles (麻疹) _____ a long time to get over
    A take B takes
    C spend D spends
    3 I caught the last bus from town but Tom came home __ than I
    A more late B more later
    C even later D the later
    4 It _____ that the young Marine was not the old man’s son
    A turned out B came to
    C happened to D looked out
    5 The wind died ____ and it began to rain
    A off B out
    C up D away
    6 You shouldn’t take _____ of that child who knows nothing about it
    A chance B advantage
    C away D benefit
    7 In America many white people are _____ the black people
    A prejudiced to B prejudicing against
    C prejudiced against D prejudiced at
    8 The soldier reported what he had seen to the general _____
    A an time B upon time
    C in detail D of detail
    9 He said no ______ made me very disappointed
    A which B that
    C what D where
    10 It is believed _____ he can finish the work in only three days
    A which B that
    C what D how
    11 It ______ be a good film but it turned out to be a disaster
    A is suppose to B is supposed to
    C was suppose to D was supposed to
    12 The musician upstairs ______ every note of the music
    A absorbed into B put in
    C handed in D drank in
    13 _____ all your wishes come true
    A Must B May
    C Could D Might
    14 Everybody wants _____ properly for what they do
    A to pay B being paid
    C to be paid D to be paid for
    15 Mr Guan is _____ of the foreign affairs in the company
    A put charge B in charge
    C charged with D in the charge
    16 I remembered _____ my handbag by my right side but it was gone now
    A to put B putting
    C put D have put
    17 His father is an artist _____
    A or anything B or something
    C or nothing D or else
    18 _____ we’ve done what you want there is no reason for you to complain any more
    A Now that B Because
    C In case D For fear that
    19 He was deprived _____ the right to take care of his child
    A from B of
    C away D off
    20 People need _____ regularly at the dentist’s
    A to have their teeth examined B to be examining their teeth
    C to be examined their teeth D to have examined their teeth

    Passage One
    I know I belonged to the public and to the world not because I was talented or even beautiful but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else
    ——Marilyn Monroe
    Marilyn Monroe’s career as an actress was only 16 years She made 29 films 24 in the first 8 years of her career
    Born as Norma Jeanne Mortenson on June 1 1926 in Los Angeles General Hospital her mother Gladys listed the father’s name as unknown Marilyn would never know the true identity of her father On July 23 1946 she signed a contract with Twentieth CenturyFox Studios She selected her mother’s family name of Monroe From this point on she would be known as Marilyn Monroe to all her fans
    Her first serious acting job came in 1950 when she had a small but important role in The Asphalt Jungle and received favorable reviews Clash By Night in 1952 earned her several notices Alton Cook of the New York WorldTelegram and Sun wrote a forceful actress a gifted new star worthy of all the fantasy of the press Her role here is not very big but she makes it dominant Monroe’s first leading part in a serious feature was to be in Don’t Bother to Knock also filmed in 1952
    Also in 1952 Marilyn began filming Niagara This film established her stardom After her next big film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes she signed her name and placed her hands and feet in the wet cement in front of the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard where she had visited years earlier as a child
    In Monroe’s life Arthur Miller had a great effect on her To Monroe Miller represented the serious theatre and a wisdom that she found attractive To Miller years after he said It was wonderful to be around her she was simply overwhelming She had so much promise It seemed to me that she could really be a great kind of phenomenon a terrific artist She was endlessly fascinating full of original observations there wasn’t a traditional bone in her body
    Monroe’s health had been getting worse due to increased dependency on drugs and an unhappy marriage She often came to the set late and was unable to remember her lines
    Monroe died on August 5 1960 at the age of 36
    21 From this passage we know ____
    A Marilyn Monroe gave herself her family name
    B Marilyn’s mother named Monroe in hospital
    C Arthur Miller selected the name for Marilyn Monroe
    D Marilyn Monroe was named after her father
    22 It was in 1952 that Marilyn Monroe ____
    A signed a contract with Twentieth CenturyFox Studios
    B gradually attracted the public’s attention by her acting job
    C began to play a leading role in the film called Clash By Night
    D turned 36
    23 Arthur Miller said there wasn’t a traditional bone in Monroe’s body probably because ____
    A she was a great beauty
    B she brought people fresh and creative feelings
    C she belonged to the public and the world
    D she achieved a lot in her short acting career
    24 It can be concluded from the passage that ____
    A since she was born Monroe’s health had been in bad condition
    B Monroe began to pick up an acting job at the age of 16
    C Monroe died very young because of her unhappy marriage
    D Monroe’s acting fame was founded very quickly
    25 What does the word terrific mean
    A terrible B attractive
    C wonderful D beautiful
    Passage Two
    You’ve just got a new computer and you are delighted with it It is doing everything you want it to do But what are you going to do with your old computer
    In the past consumers often paid high prices for their computers but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer which has become outofdate or has been replaced by a newer mode Unfortunately the only thing you can do with a computer which you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage
    What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly they take into account its original cost and then reduce the price according to the age of the computer rather like a secondhand car They forget that new computers are becoming cheaper every day making old computers almost worthless In 1985 for example a good computer cost over 4000 Then years later its owner would be lucky to get 400
    One wellknown computer magazine recently compiled a list of 10 things to do with an old computer One suggestion was to donate it to charity or give it as one of the small prizes in a competition The final suggestion was to keep it in a safe place and hope that it would become a collector’s item in 15 or 20 years though the article in the magazine admitted that in 15 or 20 years there may be so many old computers that they will all be worthless
    26 What does the word outofdate mean
    A Fashionable
    B No longer fashionable
    C Second hand
    D Worthless
    27 According to the computer magazine the best way to do with an old computer is _____
    A to throw it away
    B to evaluate it and sell it
    C to donate it to the poor
    D to keep it at home
    28 How many ways are mentioned in the passage to do with an old computer
    A 10
    B 12
    C 5
    D 4
    29 The title of the passage could be
    A Throw Away Your Old Computer
    B How Much Does An Old Computer Cost Now
    C What To Do With Your Old Computer
    D Useless Computer
    30 Is it worth to preserve the computer for 15 years according to the author
    A Yes
    B No
    C Perhaps
    D He doesn’t mention it

    31 shall 32 smooth
    33 is 34 them
    35 circle 36 start
    37 book 38 caught
    39 rain 40 town
    41 fear 42 known
    43 all 44cup
    45 teach 46thick
    47 swear 48 few
    49 knit 50 Single

    and again around at below but
    For Tited until up weather Worried
    51 of sleeping on the floor a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed 52 the first time in his life he became the proud owner of a bed which has springs and mattress Because the 53 was very hot he carried the bed on to the roof of his house He slept very well for the first two nights 54 on the third night a storm blew 55 A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard 56 The young man did not wake up 57 the bed was smashed to pieces The man was miraculously unhurt When he woke up he was still on the mattress Glancing 58 the bits of wood and metal that lay 59 him the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house After he had put it on the floor he promptly went to sleep 60
    Kids have a 61 sense of what emergency wards of hospitals are really 62 On TV shows they takes a kid to an 63 ward and four doctors come rushing 64 to bandage his leg In a 65 life situation the kid would be sitting on the bench 66 two hours before he even saw a nurse On TV there always 67 to be a hospital bed 68 when a kid needs it What the kids in this country don’t know is that sometimes you have to 69 three days to get a hospital bed and then you have to 70 500 dollars down before they give it to you

    71 The prince of Denmark told Andersen to learn a useful trade because ____
    72 In Night Watch the son whose hand the dying old man held tightly was ____
    73 In Love of Life even though the man was saved and had enough to eat he still hid food because he ______
    74 In The Joker one thing was sure you couldn’t help liking Henry Ground and _____
    75 Sangstrom wanted to buy poison to _____
    76 Dr Applebaum’s recent study on the effect of television on children is about _____
    77 According to the doctor the cause of Louise’s heart failure was _____
    78 Steve was not ashamed of working as a trash man because ______
    79 Mr Budd was eager to catch the murderer because ______
    80 In Thank You Ma’am Mrs Jones didn’t ask any question about his family for the reason that ______






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