
    锦州市20**年中考英语真题答案+评分标准(ord版) 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(50分) Ⅰ 单项选择(15分题1分) 题四选项中选出佳答案代表字母涂(填)答题卡(纸)相应位置 1 I’m satisfied ith my shopping on line
    Ⅰ 单项选择(15分题1分)
    1 I m satisfied ith my________ shopping on line
    A one B the one C the first D first
    2 Running man is________ popular TV sho that I ant to see it every day
    A so B such C such a D too
    3 Ho dangerous You re driving the car ith one hand and sending a message on Wechat ith________
    A the other B another C other D others
    4 I m afraid I can t travel ith you
    Don t orry We ll________ going on vacation until you re better
    A put on B put out C put aay D put off
    5 Practice more________ you ll fail behind
    A but B or C and D so
    6 Would you like something to drink
    Yes________ please
    A apples B tomatoes C beef D coffee
    7 Lucy and Lily look the same Are they tins
    Yes but Lucy is________ of them
    A the taller B the tallest C taller D tallest
    8 You re in a hurry Where are you going
    To the library Tony________ for me there
    A aits B aited C is aiting D as aiting
    9 Whose dictionary is this
    It________ be Jack s Here s his name
    A must B mustn t C can D can t
    10 We should do hat e can________ our English
    A improve B improved C to improve D improving
    11 The air pollution is so terrible
    It ill be orse________ e do something to protect the environment
    A if B unless C after D hen
    12 The first thing________ I m going to do is to send an email to Peter
    A hich B ho C that D hy
    13 Could you tell me________
    A hen does the train leave B there s a bank near here
    C here can I park D hat your mother is
    14 ________ excellent nes reporter he is All of us are proud of him
    A What B What an C Ho D What a
    15 If you have any trouble please call me
    A I m sorry to hear that B I ill Thank you very much
    C I have no trouble D I ill think it over
    Ⅱ 补全话(5分题1分)

    A Good morning
    B Morning doctor

    A **
    B I m not feeling very ell
    A Oh let me see 17 You are just overeight
    B Really But I don t eat too much
    A 18 You often eat seet food and meat don t you
    B Yes both of them
    A To keep fit you d better eat less sugar but more vegetables 19
    B OK I ll do like that
    A  20
    B Thank you very much
    Ⅲ 完形填空(10分题1分)
    It as Christmas Eve I as fifteen years old and feeling like the orld as over for me I didn t have enough money to buy myself the 21 that I had anted that year
    Dad came back in and there as ice in his beard(胡子) You ve been by ido(寡妇)Smith s house recently he asked Wido Smith 22 to miles don the road Her husband died a year ago and left her ith 23 children
    I rode by just today Dad 24 Little Jack as out looking for ood They must have used up ood Tom
    We filled our sledge(雪橇)high ith 25 Then e ent to the store and Dad bought some food and a small pair of shoes I tried to think about 26 Dad as doing I kne e didn t have enough money so hy as Dad buying them so many things
    We 27 ido Smith s house and ent in We brought you a fe things madam Dad said and 28 the bag of food on the table Then Dad handed ido Smith the pair of shoes At that moment tears filled her eyes and started running don her face
    My throat seemed to be filled ith 29 and there ere tears in my eyes too Just then my dream gift seemed very unimportant Dad had given me the look on
    ido Smith s face and the smiles of 30 three children He had given me the best Christmas of my life
    21 A gift B ice C house D store
    22 A taught B lived C studied D orked
    23 A one B to C three D four
    24 A continued B rote C spoke D ondered
    25 A clothes B shoes C food D ood
    26 A hy B hat C hich D ho
    27 A orried B returned C left D reached
    28 A put don B take don C look don D turn don
    29 A everything B something C anything D nothing
    30 A my B his C her D their





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