
    摘:老友记美国受欢迎电视连续剧部电视剧讲述六生活纽约间公寓里朋友 认识开始发生系列事情中包括起生活突麻烦幸福友情爱情等部电视剧友情爱情线幽默语言夸张表演反映出美国友情爱情态度断笑声中美国样普通生活形形色色情感原利益位等问题产生矛盾闹出笑话 时亲情友情爱情里升华老友记形中成美国日常生活面镜子解美国爱情观友谊观
    chandle呼吸着制造幽默活爱男(心理医生roger分析chandle话说:that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance出生样家庭环境中表现难理解然第二喜欢)ross死板社会种准生活细致责感深情知识分子(phoebe争执进化phoebe买梦想行车ross季里变样斤斤计较里相信编剧然)写整整18页front and back身点样幽默乐观坚强魅力十足
    friends然出现少安静时刻:chandle扶已死楼怪海先生扫时说会安静点点惭愧joey搬回公寓时chan会意说句welcome homemanrachel信卡公司说已magic beanfriends版my best friend's wedding中julia样刻献祝福——congratulationsmonicaemma12岁时未孩子取名字送
    rachel原i love you moreross心撞倒女孩卖饼干joeychan造虚拟太空站phoebe直猫成母亲ross质疑阻止时反问:how many parents did u lostjoey离开chan公寓时折回紧紧拥抱chan失业时候祈祷找工作回忆里谁说总嘻嘻哈哈原生活朋友认真
    瑞秋教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利逃婚莫妮卡处莫妮卡调酒师保罗约会君伪装成离婚蹶振苦命博取情骗女床罗斯婚姻失败情绪低落乔伊安慰说女性种类冰激凌品种样离婚未尝事家西班牙肥皂剧信口瞎猜剧情罗斯高中起爱慕瑞秋刻死灰复燃提议约会瑞秋答应 事梗概
    fniends第1季第1集中 monica酒吧调酒师paul约会众生活掀起波澜约会闲聊中 paulmonica讲述前女友甩掉遭遇历monica吃惊情paul夜情monica沉浸甜蜜幸福中没想幸福转瞬逝第二天早班时monica事口中知原paul专谎言骗取女床爱情骗子
    [scene a restaurant monica and paul are eating]
    monica oh my god paul i know i know i'm such an idiot i guess i should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week i mean how clean can teeth get monica my brother's going through that right now he's such a mess how did you get through it paul well you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers say her monica leg paul (laughing) that's one way me i i went for the watch monica you actually broke her watch wow the worst thing i ever did was ii shredded by boyfriend's favorite bath towel
    倾听paul讲述甩历时monica时发出ohmy god(天)wow(哇)惊叹声英语口语中类似表示惊叹句子果某天突然遇年没音信老友想必会样惊叹道:for the love of mikei didn’t expect to meet you here(老天爷做梦没想竞遇见)然monica样ohmy god(天) wow(哇)i can’t believe it(真难置信)my goodness(天)ohthat's incredible(哦简直思议)what a surprise(真出意料)gee(哎呀)等等表达时惊讶心情
    记前日子朋友聊起生活中奇闻轶事听说活吞老鼠时朋友两眼圆睁脱口出:whateat a rat alive(什活吞老鼠)类似表达方式:ohnohow dreadful(哦太怕)youmust be kidding(定开玩笑)really(真)it can't be()等等
    女友浑然知paul说:i'm such an idiot.(真白痴)monica想起哥哥ross性恋妻子分手整日魂守舍便说:my brother's going through that right nowhe's such a mess.(哥哥正事扰真救药笨蛋)mess词指通常理解脏乱状态形容某救药傻瓜笨蛋说:honeyi can never follow what you really mean.i'm a mess.意思说:亲爱总领会意混啊
    直强调样事枉断前日正陪宝宝玩耍丈夫跑喊道:come onthere's a mess in our baby's diapers.(快呀宝宝尿布拉屎)果时mess理解成傻瓜眼里岂turn into a mess(成救药蠢蛋)关mess词法请参考书524会紧张单元 典白讲解二:
    事梗概 集情节围侥ross展开ross妻子carol性恋两离婚.ross深受击法面现实认定婚整日付失魂落魄样子.chandlerjoey竭力宽慰ross鼓励棵树吊死鼓起勇气重新寻找幸福
    chandler look ross you gotta understand between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a mento you however have had the love of a woman for four years four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out and that is why we don't do it i don't think that was my point ross you know what the scariest part is what if
    there's only one woman for everybody y'know i mean what if you get one woman and that's it unfortunately in my case there was only one woman for her joey what are you talking about 'one woman' that's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you lemme tell you something ross there's lots of flavors out there
    chandler想规劝ress放弃婚姻念头:four yvars of closeness and sharing at the end ofwhich she ripped your heart out...(四年中亲亲密密福享难头心碎)英语中通常break one's heart表示令某心碎相言rip one's heart out表示程度更强烈
    heart词非常活词构成种常表达方式果说:you know whatyesterday 1 witnessed a car accidentand my heart was in my mouth when i saw the bloody scene.(知道昨天目睹场车祸血淋淋场面吓命)句话千万根字面意思直接翻译理解否会闹出笑话果想夸赞副心肠说:you've got a heart of gold.反:you've got d heart of stone.(真铁石心肠)相互钟情男女会彼wear their heart on their sleeve(流露爱意)单相思
    (lovesickness)set his heart on love(渴爱情)恋.dump (甩掉)会cry his heart out(痛哭流涕)heart相关词语家学中积累you get what you put in.(种瓜瓜种豆豆)
    ross担心:what if there's only one woman for everybody(假男生中女办)离婚岂永远成孤家寡消ross顾虑joey说:what are you talking aboutone womanthat's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.lemme tell you something.ross.there's lots of flavors out there.(说什呢女等说吃种口味冰激凌ross听说千百种口味冰激凌等着挑选呢)joey想通冰激凌喻ross明白男棵树吊死
    美国名冰激凌howard johnson's公司二十八种口味(28flavors)baskin robbins公司三十种口味(3l flavors)冰激凌冰激凌容器dish常说a dish ofice cream(盘冰激凌)冰激凌店零售外卖时a scoop ofice cream(勺冰激凌)说a bowl ofice creama glass of ice creamkfc冰激凌店常见圣代英文sundae指加压碎坚果水果果汁糖浆等冰激凌香蕉船英文名字banana split根香蕉劈成两半放玻璃容器面放三种口味圣代起香蕉船baked alaska翻译成火烧冰激凌种冰激凌果冻组合物面覆海绵蛋糕层厚厚蛋白甜糕食前先放烤箱中烤成黄褐色加种新鲜水果作点缀
    想必描述已make your mouth water(直流口水)赶紧stuff your face(吃痛快)吧
    rnchel逃跑新娘(runaway bnide)形象出现众面前婚礼开始前 rnchel逃离婚礼现场前投奔惟认识高中校友monica时rnchel没工作手头拮然找工作连遭失政命运似没影响购物欲仰仗父亲买单信卡 rachel花钱然手脚家劝rachel马毁掉信卡便早日独立 典白3:
    [scene monica and rachel's everyone is sitting around the kitchen table rachel's credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors]
    rachel oh god come on you guys is this really necessary i mean i can stop charging anytime i want
    monica c'mon you can't live off your parents your whole life
    rachel i know that that's why i was getting married
    phoebe give her a break it's hard being on your own for the first time
    rachel thank you
    直赖父母生活rachel想马立monica鼓励信卡毁掉便独立:c'monyou can’t live off your parents your whole life.(动手吧总父母辈子呀)美国强烈独立精神通常仰仗社会背景家庭出身获成功果pull some strings中国说走门出头定会遭数美国鄙夷坚信学识(knowledge)智慧(wisdom)创造精神(creativity)良品性(moral character)成功必少条件
    monica鼓励rachel信卡说byebye c’moncome on缩略形式听位美国留学学抱怨说里说英语似总听懂英语容易造成问题原缩略形式英语中广泛运毫准备听者听懂词加缩略语语速加快理解英语便成难题相信懂缩略语读者难猜出句话意思:dj’ask’cr yet实句话标准英语表达简单:did you ask her yct:dushi speak english相:does she speak english
    常见缩略形式包括:va=are you’cause=becausedunno=don't knowgimme=give me’n=and等等c’mon缩略语英语中困难keep your chin up (灰心丧气)everything's gonna bc fine.(切会起)
    家三rachel加油鼓劲然犹豫决时phoebe说道:give her a breakit's hard being on your own for the first time.(逼第次独立时候费劲)
    break作名词时会联想英语课堂老师常说句话:time is up.let's have a break.意思说:堂课结束课间休息吧break意思课间休息间歇停顿说现公司员工提供tea break(茶休息时间)电视台break for the commercial(插播商业广告间歇)盈利果work for 10 hours without a break before computers(间断电脑前工作10时)健康极利然果意思理
    解give sb.a break会错特错give sb.a break口语意思某机会放某马难某作老师考试会听学生说类似话:老师帮帮忙吧否重读二年级句话英文表达:give me d break and pass meor else i’ll have to bc a sophomore again.万事绝时句give me a breakgimmc a break表示相信胡诌乱编相:吧傻子收起套噱头英语语言理解take everything for granted(切想然)否会笑掉牙
    信息工程学院1201a班姓名:彭丽学号:1049721201442section one
    i love tv play called friends beyong any words nowmaybe i am addicted to it to some extent as i learn a lot usefull things from it
    this is a story of six people:monica who is never willing to lose to anyone or anything and have a strong desire of controlling rache who is an inexperienced princess coming from a rich family ross the honest and most royalty man and chandler who is rather humor and wit beside quite charmingi like him most among those people we also admire phoebe of her odd and attractive character and last is our innocent big boy joey who is very lovely the affection between friends all the way including success and failure of their career and the joys and sorrows in their life always affects each other truthfully they treat each other just like family membersit is just the ordinary little things sharing in their daily life that become the most moving part in our heart
    actually the original purpose i watched the friends play was just to improve my listening skills after allit’s classics without any doubtbut now i gradually fell in love with this program when meetting some more surprise or accident moments i would unconsciously figured out
    wow and sometimes i even involuntarily sang the song smelly cat smelly cat what are they feed you oh and that classic words my
    god the friendship and understanding between them moved me a lot they understood each other willing to contribute to friends without any pay sincerely stood in their friends’ point to consider for each other
    from them i also learn to be tolerance and understand my friends in my life learn to not to be competitive with each other for trifles any more
    and also no longer get angry for other’s bad attitudeso friend gives me a lot and witness my growing upit’s very meaningful and successfull
    i really have the impulse to watch it again from beginning to end as netizens says the united states people come along with friends for ten years we certainly will not just as the fans in the united states who have more profound friendship but the love and friendship reflected in it also impressed us deeply even affected my way of thinking for me friends is not only a tool to learn english but also it teaches me a lot i will miss the six men foreverthey are my friends and tell me how to treat others
    section two
    i like chandler m bing a most handsome man the reasons are as follows
    could it be any longeronce hearing these words we all know that the guy is our famous chandler coming every time his appearance on the scene is rather interestingfunny and the important point is sunny which easily makes a deeply impression on us that this guy just likes the
    neighborhood child who is pretty kindhearted and warm no one’s humor in the friends can compare with himso can his temperate
    character whenever confronted with a frozen situation he always jumps out to break the ice into a harmonious atmosphere again in an ironic way by laughing at himself as soon as possiblehow smart and charming a man he is
    i also deeply appreciate him
    we can witness that in the past he just a little hippie wearing the hat now become more and more mature little by little when living with his dear wife monicathe most moment that moves me a lot is that he spends all his savings on the wedding between monica and he which his wife has well planned in her heart all her lifewhich express his will that he can let her be happy foreverwhen informed that he has no ability to have a child he even asks his colleagues for sperm donor maybe the reasons why many people are into him are that he just has a father who is a sexy dancer on las vegas and a mother who is devoted herself into writing pornographic novelsbecause he is really real and more close to us in our daily life even sometimes his innocent smile makes us feel so warm and so comfortable so i am attracted by his good points and getting lost in his nice temperament
    he is quite unique in all aspects
    it’s obvious that his attitude to life is different from anyone in this play rachel and ross both have a complex life monica sequentiallly keeps warmhearted to life and enjoys it as much as possiblewhile phoebe has weird temper and also has novel ideas and his roommate joey is rather
    simple and pure as a lovely big child chandler m bing is not in common with them to life he has a bit selfabased psychology covering up his inner world with selfmockeryhowever when his friends are in trouble he would do anything he can do to get them through which should be highly spoken of chandler treat joey better than a brother at least much
    better than their parents he does not care for joey’s all kinds of cost board and lodging and he is willing to share in his anguish whenever in need he is so obsessed monica that his uneasy and excited mood is
    vividly expressed when when monica takes refuge in him when he's in londonhow excellent a man he isafter marrige in order to support his family even he is willing to give up his love ads career and return to a job which he has worked for years by the way no one can say exactly what kind of highpaying job iswe just know that chandler has a great spirit of sacrifice
    chandler is also very cute which makes us happy all the time maybe the deepest impression is that he is wearing a pink bunny with innocent expression on his face during the halloween party with
    despaired feeling and shouting always no bonnie at all then he and ross are going to have a armwrestling and he intentionally loses to himwhat’s worseeveryone unexpectly believes that false resultof
    course it’s inevitable that he sometimes is considered as gay which will make him embarrased when seeing his lovely and innocent expression i just can’t help intending to ask him why do you always get hurt he always says oh my god throughout the play
    this is chandler a lovely and generous spoony devoted person i can't help holding myself just like him all the way
    1 to hell with her she left me离开
    2 aura 气息气氛氛围
    3 hysterical 笑歇斯底里异常兴奋
    4 lesbian 女性姓恋患者
    5 spoon勺子 grab a spoon 起勺子
    6 horny 角状饥渴
    7 freezer 冰箱
    8 ever since she walked out on me 离开
    9 don’t be a hero 撑英雄
    10 i’m out of here走
    11 here’s the thing问题
    12 i doubt it认
    13 i can’t believe what i’m hearing真感相信耳朵
    14 butt 臀部粗端靶垛笑柄
    poor john was the butt of all their jokes怜约翰嘲笑象
    15 hairpiece假发
    16 hump 驼峰驼背
    17 metaphor 喻暗喻隐喻
    18 wandering 闲逛
    19 tip 顶尖端费秘密消息
    20 honeymoon 蜜月
    21 lizard 蜥蜴
    22 i cannot feel my legs 腿麻
    23 bracket 支架
    24 bookcase 书架
    1 that’s ridiculous太荒谬
    2 thumb 姆指
    3 i’m getting good at this进步神速




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