
    1 The words that are often used may be divided from a stylistic point of view into three 2 3 A grammatically complete sentence is one that contains at least and a 4 According to their use sentences are 5 A loose sentence puts the main idea before all supplementary information in other
    words it puts first things first and lets the readers know what it is mainly about when they have read the first few words The reverse arrangement makes a periodic sentence the main idea is expressed at or near the end of it and it is not grammatically complete until the end is reached (松散句圆周句P39)
    6 7 Inductive reasoning when you use induction you start with facts and proceed from
    facts to a general conclusion In other words you move from specific examples to a general statement
    Deductive reasoning The process is just the opposite of inductive reasoning—it moves from a general statement to s specific conclusion It works on the model of syllogism—a threepart argument in which there are two statements known as the major premise and the minor premise and a conclusion
    8 The process of writing a research paper is generally divided into five steps or stages
    Choosing a topic
    Collecting information
    Analyzing the information organizing ideas and working out and outline
    Writing the first draft
    Revising the draft and finalizing the paper
    Name the figures of speech used in each of the following sentences( p2122)
    1 Her rich relative rained birthday presents on her only son (隐喻:metaphor)
    2 Wrong ideas many harm man just like diseases (明喻:simile)
    3 Some words may be defaced by careless usage (拟:personification)
    4 The leaves are trembling in the cold wind (拟:personification)
    5 The storm was so angry that it wanted to destroy everything in its way (personification)
    6 Many people bowed before Force but eventually Force would surrender to Reason
    7 Selfless people are like cows which eat straw but produce milk (simile)
    8 what do you think of the roast duck Not bad (Understatement)
    9 His friends praised his daughter’s performances to the skies (Overstatement)
    10 His writing is clear and clean (Alliteration 头韵)
    11 His unfriendly tongue surprised her (metonymy换喻)
    12 There is fertile soil for popular music in China today (Metaphor)
    1 Narration(陈述) To narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events In its
    broadest sense narrative writing includes stories real or imaginary biographies histories news items and narrative poems
    2 Exposition(说明文) An expository paper explains or explores something such as the
    process of making a machine the causes of a natural or social phenomenon the planning of a project or the solution of a problem
    3 Comparison and contrast A comparison explains how things are similar and a contrast
    how they are different
    4 Division and classification Division is used to deal with one thing Its purpose is to
    separate that thing into parts Classification on the other hand is used to organize things which share certain qualities Its purpose is to group these things systematically
    四. 简答:
    1 Three main parts of a book report
    Generally speaking a book report consists of the following three main parts
    Information about the author and his times
    A summary of the book
    Comments on it
    2 While writing our first draft how many points should we pay our attention to
    1) Using your own words
    2) Using proper tenses
    3) Using facts and views
    4) Paying attention to logic and organization
    5) Making your tone objective rather than personal
    6) Choosing the right style
    五.写作 (选题)
    1. The problems I have in studying English
    范文:English is one of the required courses in all colleges and universities across the countryUnfortunatelyI have several problems in my English studywhich make me gradually lose confidenceFor one thingI easily forget the new words that I have memoriedFor anotherI always misunderstand the meanings of some wordsalsoI feel nervors whenever I speak English in class
    I think that there are reasons explaining my problemsThe main reason in that I am forced to study English marely for examinationsBesidesI always read new words one after anothertrying to memorise them mechanicallywhich makes me feel very dull
    In view of all that mentioned aboveI will take two measures to solve my problemsFirstlyI will study English out of interestSecondlyI will practice my oral English more and do more reading exercise In a wordI believe I can solve my problems successful with such efforts 范文二:Although Ilike english very mush english is so diffcult to me Now I
    am studyingenglish at collegeThere are someproblems in my studying english Go as the following
    First Vocabulary isnot enough When I was reading a artical I cannot understand the essayBecause I donnot know what is mean of some words
    Secondly The grammer isnot good I cannot instrate the sentence very well Also the sentence
    cannot be linked up by me So I couldnot write a good artical
    ThirdThe listening isnot good too When I was listening a story I cannot understand at allAs for the good english there is still a long distance for me to cover I wish I could
    speakenglishvery well So from now on I must work hard Go
    范文三:Studying English is not very easyI have many problems in Studying it
    Firstspoken English is the most difficult problem for me I was also afraid to speak in
    classbecause I thought my classmates might laugh at me
    Secondlylistening is another problem English is our second language it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked
    Thirdly I usually make mistakes in grammar
    Last but not leastI find to remember the words is a hard jobBecause Chinese is different from EnglishRememberring so many words is really hard for us
    Though there are many problems in English learning But I trust that I can do it well if I pay much attention to it
    2. Failure
    a Relationship between failure and success
    b How to turn failure into success
    c Give detailed example of your experience





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