
    dear nancy
    i know you failed your exam i know you are sad and worried it’s normal to have these feelings it doesn’t matter if you do badly in one exam but you shouldn’t be in a bad mood for a long time or you may become sick
    if you still feel sad here are some suggestions for you you can go to the movies watch tv and listen to soft music try to talk with others and you can even cry loudly what’s more doing sports with your classmates is also a good way to make yourself happy again last you must study harder than before and i’m sure you can do better next time follow these suggestions you’ll feel much better and be happy again
    believe in yourself everything will be fine
    分p23how to stay in good spirits
    洲岛(meizhou island)历
    1 天气:晴朗
    2 理位置:莆田南部著名旅游胜
    3 交通方式:坐巴2时文甲船15分钟达
    4 风景:妈祖庙观日出海等
    5 食物:美味特海鲜(seafood)
    saturday april5thsunnyit was a fine day i went to visit meizhou island with kangkang meizhou island is in the south of putian it is one of the most famous places of interest it took us about two hours to get to wenjia by bus then we got to meizhou island by ship for another 15 minutes when we got there we visited mazu temple first then we enjoyed the blue sea the next morning we got up early to enjoy the beautiful sunrise and i was surprised at what i saw the food is very delicious especially the fresh seafood
    we had a wonderful time it was an exciting experience
    链接:游记类话题作文参考课文p33 sandy’s trip to japanp44第3部分p411a
    how to keep safety when riding
    many students like to travel by bike riding a bike can save energy and it doesn’t
    cause any pollution what’s more it’s good for health
    however more and more bike accidents happened to students some of them got
    hurt or died
    what can we do to lessen(减少) the accidents the most important thing is to obey
    the traffic rules we must never ride too fast riding fast may cause accidents easily
    we mustn’t play listen to music or do other things when riding in the street and we
    had better wear the helmets to protect our heads if we ride at night we must wear
    lightcolored clothes and have lights on the bicycles in a word the best way to be safe
    is to be careful
    链接:行车优点参考课p431a 安全骑车参考课p451a
    dear betty
    i want to tell you about my life i exercise from monday to friday on weekends i usually get up late so i don’t rxrecise every morning i practice reading english after i get up i like watching tv but my parents don’t ask me to do that on school nights so i only watch tv on weekends sometimes i surf the internet after i do my homework about twice a week i like comedies and i go to the movies with my friends once a month
    what about your life please write and tell me about it
    lin li
    how to keep healthy
    how to keep healthy is a big problem for us here is some of my advice
    a good lifestyle is important to us we should get up and go to bed early try to have a good sleep and exercise often
    have a good eating habits try not to eat outside have more vegetables fruit water and milkkeeoing clean is also important remember to wash our hands often and keep our rooms cleandon’t get stressed out and try to relax and we should often go to see a doctor
    dear tom
    i’m sorry to hear that you have a cold how are you feeling now here is some of my advice i think it’s good for your health
    i think you are too weak you should have a good eating habit and exercise more now you should drink more hot water with honey don’t get too tired you shouldn’t study too late try to relax and go to bed early every day if your illness is serious you should go to see a doctor and do what he or she asks you to do i hope you’ll get better soon
    li ming
    national day(国庆节)is coming i’m very happy during the vacation i’m going to the beach with my friends we are riding our bikes there we are leaving on the third of october we are doing many interesting things there we are going swimming and playing beach volleyball and we are lying on the beach enjoying the sun what do you think of my plans are they great 第四单元(1)关交通出行
    my home isn’t far from my school i usually go to school by bike but on rainy days i take the bus my father works in a hospital it’s kind of far from my home every day he goes to work in his car it takes him about 40 minutesto get to the hospital my mother works in a bank it’svery far from my home she usually goes to work by subway
    dear tina
    im very happy that you are going to my city for vacation now i’ll tell you how to get to my house after you get out of the airport you can take subway line 5 to the city center after you get out of the subway station you can take the no18 bus or a taxi to changhong street the bus stop is just near my home i’ll wait for you at the stop
    zhang hong 第五单元关接受拒绝邀请
    dear ted
    thanks a lot for your invitation i’m sorry i can’t go to the mountains with you this saturday this saturday is my grandmother’s birthday on saturday i’m going to buy something for my grandmother after shopping i’m going to her home with my parents we are having a birthday party for her we are staying there until we finish dinner then i have to go to a piano lesson i’m really busy that day
    i hope you’ll have fun going to the mountains
    li ming
    根中文提示写60字e_mail(开头已出)提示:tom邀请liping参加生日聚会liping父母出差(be out on business)月回(come back home)奶
    dear tom
    thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday partyi’d love tobut i can’t my parents
    are both out on business they are coming back next month and now i have to look after my
    grandma because she is ill in bed and i also need to study for my coming english exam i am
    very sorrybut i can’t go to your party thank you for asking mei hope you will have a good time
    li ping
    dear holly
    long time no see i also miss you very much im’ taller than before now i eat less junk food
    and take more exercise so i’m much healthier now i spend less time watching tv and playing
    computer games i spend much more time studying and i get more good grades in my exams i’m
    not so quiet as i was in the past now i’m more outgoing and i have more friends
    come to visit me if you are free
    wang dan
    sunday october 29th 2014sunny
    today is my sister’s birthday i made fruit salad for her first i peeled three bananas three
    apples and a watermelon then i cut them up and put them in a big bowl next i put in two
    teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt finally i mixed them up when my sister got back home
    she was happy to see the fruit salad after she ate it she thanked me for the delicious fruit salad
    i had a yard sale with my brother today after breakfast we put some of our old thingsout in the
    yard and starded our yard sale we took out our old books old clothes old toys and some other
    things then we wrote the yard sale for kids in the countryside on the paper and then showed
    it to people many people came and bought our things at the end of the sale we sold most of the
    old things and got 300 yuan we were very happy wer want to give the money to kids in the
    my dream is to be a basketball player like yao ming i am tall and thin and i am good at and i
    am good at playing basketball now i’m the captain of the school basketball team i know that to
    be a basketball player is not easy i have to practice harder so every day i go to the club to
    practice it after school i hope my dream will come ture when i am older
    dear tony
    i am going to australia with my parents for my winter vacation we plan to stay there for a
    month could you help me take care of the cat take her for a walk after supper give her water
    and feed her twice a day don’t forger to clean her bed every day and you’d better give her a bath
    twice a week she is a lovely cat and i’m sure you will like her write to me soonthanks
    假设李华美国朋友bill写封信介绍学英语 2 关键词:
    favorite subject work hard practise reading speaking listening writing keep on doing
    remember words listen to watch english videos talk in english(
    dear bill
    how are you today i want to tell you about my english study i'm interested in english
    because it's my favorite subject i'm working hard at it now you know i practise listening
    speaking reading and writing everyday but my spoken english is not so good so i keep on
    practising all the time i remembered over 1000 english words in the evening i watch english
    videos i try to talk in english with my classmates or my english teacher i still have some
    problems i can't make sentences with new words would you please give me some help
    best wishes
    li hua
    例:春联代表着欢乐祥中国逢春节城市农村家家户户精选副红春联贴门节日增加喜庆气氛幅幅春联仅带吉祥祝福带中国古老浓浓文化气息瞧春光长天晓日红岁岁皆意年年安江山万里画神州四时皆春春风送春处处***美喜鹊报喜家家喜事…… 幅幅春联千家万户喜气盈门春联种类较场分门心框横批春条斗方等贴位置门心贴门板端中心部位横批贴门楣横木
    新年钟声敲响家家户户门早已贴火红金黄联家老老少少乐合拢嘴兴奋孩子目转睛盯着电视品尝着年度晚会餐――春节晚会急着长辈拜年发短信电话新年祝福话语仿佛说完调皮孩子正父辈 讨压岁钱屋外鞭炮声起彼伏炸开锅五彩烟花更特殊夜晚点缀绚丽姿
    dear tony
    how are you thank you for your letter
    my classmate wang fei and i are going to learn english we'll listen to english on the radio we will go to the english corner in the park near our school on saturday morning we will speak english there i will go to shanghai next month would you like to go with me
    yours ever
    liu ming
    2my life
    my school life is a lot of fun i like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmates we get on well with each other we play sports and sing together i often miss my classmates and teachers if i don’t see them for a long time but sometimes our teachers give us too much homework parents and teachers often put great pressure on us i wish a happy life in a big city in the future i will live in a big house with a garden and drive to work i will travel a lot in my spare time i’ll work hard so that i can go to a good university then i can get a good job in the future and my dream will come true
    when i was dreaming just now my robot woke me up oh it was nine o' clock now i get up it' s time to get up this morning i will study science lesson on the computer i needn' t go to school there are fewer schools now it is a sunny day today my parents work in the other city they often ask me about my lessons through the television but i always want to play with my friends now the robot is helping me clean my house and the garden after that it will stay with me till i go to bed it will work out the problems of the computer and cook meals for me
    4某星期天家里客造访英语写写样招uncle johnaunt mary词数80文体限
    today is sunday i didn' t go to school when the door bell rang i was watching tv in the morning i opened the door oh my god they' re my uncle and aunt they are from australia i let them in and sit down on the sofa then i brought some chinese green tea for them they both said the tea was wonderful uncle john is a computer
    programmer aunt mary is a actor they didn' t come to my house for a long time i talked with them and showed them my photo album at noon we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant i paid for the meal in the afternoon my parents came back home we went
    shopping together i knew my uncle and aunt were interested in our city
    this term i should study harder i am good at math physics and science lessons my english is not good i think i should learn from my friend nari his english is good perhaps he would like to help me teacher said my compositions were not good so i should read more useful books after class i believe i will do well in english on the other way i should do more exercise this will make me strong i like
    playing ball games after class i should make more friends because the more we are together the happier we are
    dear jean
    i am sorry to argue with you several days ago we haven' t talked with each other these days you are my best friend aren' t you
    few days ago when i heard you lost my lovely book i was really mad so i argued with you and said that i could not be your friend from then on later i didn' t sleep well those days i always remembered a lot of fun we had so i decided to write a letter to say sorry to you i
    also think you should be careful and take good care of your things let' s be best friends again ok
    yours ever
    8my beautiful dream题英语写篇短文词数60左右 my beautiful dream
    last night i had a beautiful dream i had turned into an alien i flew my ufo in the sky suddenly i saw some people playing in a park they were very happy i wanted to join them so i landed in the park and got out of the ufo when the people saw me they were scared i said hello to them but they didn' t understand me after a while only a kid came to me and asked who are you i am your friend the boy got happy he moved to my ufo may i play with you sure you can play in the ufo with me when we got into the ufo it started to fly into the sky suddenly it fell to the ground i was scared and jumped up from the bed oh it was a dream
    my father
    my father is a businessman he sells computers he is a kind man he isn' t good at talking he is very busy
    last week he flew to london i told him to bring some interesting things to me but when he came back home he brought nothing i was mad but he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me when he flew back to this city in the street he met a poor girl she didn' t have enough money to go to school she was begging in the street my father gave her the snacks and books and some money so i had nothing but i was also happy i am proud of my father
    13集邮(collect stamps)爱?请谈谈集邮历史果没谈谈爱容写篇60词左右短文
    i like to collect many things such as nice stones names of movies books toys photos of famous people but i like collecting stamps best i have been collecting stamps for five years when i was very young my uncle sent me a stamp from australia i loved it at once since
    then i tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it i have more than one hundred stamps some were sent by my friends some were collected by myself some were from foreign countries some were chinese i like them often i take them out and show them to my friends
    i am a friendly boy i like to make friends but i like to eat too my mother gives me some money every day i always go to buy
    something to eat i eat in the class after school and while playing one day i went to school with 10 yuan suddenly i saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop he was asking people for money i was surprised a boy younger than me he should go to school like me i walked to him asked what' s wrong little brother my parents were dead so i had nothing he was sad i touched my money i really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat at last i gave him my money he was very happy so was i
    i like little animals i want to get a cat long ago but my mother doesn’t like them last month my friend gave me a white cat i was so glad that i often played with it after school my mother was annoyed by the cat' s voice she said it always broke the things and the sofa and its hair could be seen here and there so last friday when i came back home and wanted to play with my pet it didn’t appear i asked my mother she told me she had sent the cat to the zoo i was mad at her i shouted and cried and didn’t listen to her when my father came home i told him the event he also said it wasn’t an important thing later i said sorry to my mother and so did she
    刚进入景区门铁拐李腰间酒葫芦吸引住便问老板价钱老板说60元时吓跳处见葫芦图案已身价涨十倍连考虑没考虑立转头走谁知老板买降价说道:3020说想少钱买?走姐姐心里暗笑没等说什呢沉住气 游玩回走时姐姐中心型吊坠吊坠普通没奇特处留纪念结果老板开口35元姐姐听坚定说:五块30五块二十五五块二十五块十五五块十五五块商店老板姐姐旧样坚定五块钱赚钱说:吧吧孩真会讲价
    通讲价 件事情写出姐姐聪明智慧写出整件事情趣味语言优美流畅措辞讲究层次清晰果讲价时语言生动希继续努力





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