Keeping Fit,a Lifelong Career to Maintain

    Keeping Fit a Lifelong Career to Maintain
    Keeping Fit a Lifelong Career to Maintain
    The advance of science and technology in the 20th century demonstrates itself in improved productivity and the abundance of material wealth As a consequence people become more obesity gradually So some people resort to lose weight However  in some people’s view losing weight may affect their health As for me losing weight is a good way to keep fit
    Besides health dangers including high blood pressure a stroke and so on obesity can cause economic hardships and psychological effects including depression and selfesteem issues Perhaps worst of all is the discrimination suffered by those who are obese Discrimination against larger people now exceeds that based on race and gender says Bacon Therefore losing weight and keeping healthy is necessary meanwhile people’s risk for those conditions is reduced
        As soon as I told everyone that I determined to lose weight there was no doubt that I had already treated myself a rich meal just before I said those words Losing weight now tends to become a pet phrase of us Frankly speaking it is because that most of us hold an innocent idea that we can get in shape only by starving ourselves or doing some exercise for several weeks rather than  put it into practice It is this kind of concept that should be to blame for our failure in the way of losing weight In my point of view losing weight equals to keeping fit which is a lifelong career for us to maintain
       At the same time as  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported shorttime losing weight repeatedly will lead to an extreme which will make us fatter and fatter Shorttime diet and exercise do have some effects in a period of time However once we stop  doing that the lost fat will knock our doors and even more fat will comeback Therefore we make around again and again and finally we are still on the starting point or even worse Thus the first thing to consider is why do we want to be slim Chubby as I was I have started to lose weight for thousand times since from my high school but always ended in failure which pushed me to revise my way of thinking Then I realized the reason why I longed for being thinner is to meet a better me who can live a higher quality life with beautiful clothing to wear and delicious foods to taste Apparently shorttime losing weight cannot assure us healthier lives and a good living habits However if we do exercise and have a balanced diet on every single day things will be different and we even may become the inspiration for someone else to lose weight and improve their life
    Keeping fit turns out to be a form of selfcultivation which facilitates our ability of selfcontrol and personality of perseverance In order to maintain such a lifelong activity we need to have an appropriate plan and stick to it With the pressures of study or works we need to learn how to design a balanced time schedules  Starting from the tiny things in lives we may as well change some bad habits Step by step we will become the ones  we want to be One of my senior schoolmates used to be called Big Yu He is one of the heaviest guys in our school who is almost 120kg After one summer holiday to our surprise he became much thinner When it comes to how he succeeded he replied  with only to words keeping on And also he is and will be always doing exercise in the future What encourages me most is his ability of selfcontrol which should help him make a great progress in further development His attitude toward keeping fit for a lifelong career makes his life more orderly
    As a lifelong process we can not regard a transitory slender figure as a true success of weightlose Some people lose weight successfully in a short time they may loose momentum Without a balanced diet and regular exercise people may easily get their lost pounds back along with a few unexpected one As a consequence the process of weightlose may become a vicious cycle this not only provokes a serious damage to people’s physical health but also brings a great pressure on their mindsTake Wenli Jiang for example she always tried her best to lose weight in order to present a attractive characters to audience After the performance she still on the way of losing weight out of keeping good condition Suffering back and forth for several times unfortunately her body could not stand that heavy burden any more and she went to the hospital for a long time even stoping work

    As soon as we convince ourselves that this is a lifelong career we will treat it seriously and commence to be well prepared in our mind first We have more chance to succeed when we devote ourselves to what we are going to do Although it is easier said than done the mental positive power of our human being is inevitable Once we make our decisions we should never doubt whether we can do it or not because nothing is impossible
    Rather than an activity with its aim and organization  keeping fit is an attitude towards healthy life Through a scientific way of doing exercise and keeping healthy diet we will be healthy both in physically and mentally Besides more other unexpected thing will be achieved Don’t try to lose weight in a tradition way and count on the shorttime action because it is no other than futile effect Move right now and never put it to an end





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