2018年毕业感谢老师 英语

    毕业感谢老师 英语
      of you not actors it attracts our hungry eyes you are not a singer but let the knowledge spring tinkling sing charming songs you are not a sculptor but to shape a batch of young people's soul teacher ah how can i forget you
      * if i can fly in the sky that you gave me to take off if i can sail in the sea it is the ride you gave me strength if i am the eternal torch it is you give me the light of youth
      a festival although not in the spring but spring is in the air teacher your holiday is the most beautiful the day the flowers are in full bloom for your garden
      on the teacher you have worked hard you let me know nothing is impossible to a willing heart
      of the teacher you are hard gardener nurture our these seeds enable us to germinate grow sturdily you are the architects of the future by hard work you are the candle lit up with us but there was no light today our sincere wishes to thank you teacher you have worked hard i wish the teacher have
      happy teachers day can enjoy the sunshine smile a healthy body you are the miracle workers you are feeding us we deeply thank you
      of the teacher if you are beautiful the sky the sun we are the underground sweet grass is that you give us new life you help us around the clock to take care of us thank you for your hard work
      you are the winter of charcoal is the heat inside the shade umbrella turbulence in the stepping stone is a sea of fog light my dear teacher you teach by precept and example educating people gan human ladder unforgettable
      thousand words of gratitude later language cannot express blessing to you thousands of years does not change the teacher i wish you good luck in everything
      to have love as deep as the sea i wish the teachers health
      in the mountains do not move clear water flow often i division enze in the heart forever
      on the teacher you have worked hard every time the first school is you and the last batch of home to you again a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime i wish you in the education busineagain brilliant
      of all those simple face that both hands to cultivate the flowers of the motherland and hardworking gardener in your season wish you a happy holiday
       in this special festival we want to say teacher you worked hard wishes teacher to music to life to smile to test
      in may the whole world bole glorious and resplendent with the sun
      in the world there is a kind of feelings beyond kinship friendship it is the teacher of our meticulous concern for our careful guidance i sincerely wish the teacher good luck in everything health forever forever happy
      of the teacher you are like a candle lit their own illuminates the others like spit all hair spring silkworm in order to let the younger generation to get the science of climbing peak golden key your white hair has taken pains to in the teacher 's day i wish you good health good luck in everything
      i wish all the teachers of health good luck in everything work smoothly happy every minute happy every day
      of teachings such as the spring breeze your kindneas deep as the sea have chunhui four times
      in may the teacher have the heart is good everything is good
      of you give us knowledge you show us the way your mother to protect us as your students to enjoy good health everything is going smoothly on the third (3) classes
      in the teacher is sacred occupation you for us to learn grow hardworking we teach education on this holy day we want to say teacher you have worked hard
      of my beloved teacher your earnest teachings such as the spring breeze like rui yu in my heart forever
      of a day has risen to land a session of students walk through the same deep is your love and smile bleyou my dear teacher
      of if we are the rainbow you is the sun give us a colorful light if we are fish you is the water in the air give us a new breath if we say that we are grass you is the spring rain give us the source of life
      of education hard efforts supporting pillars happy holidays my dear teacher
      in remembrance of things past describing the teachers and students love in the young age was solemnly entrust to us the teacher corrects the deviation from the course teacher solid hands tuoqi our bright future
      in let the sun to look good let the breeze send our deep blessing let the white clouds and blue sky decoration you always hungry let your life full of happiness
      blesses is really mind not a thousand words no words silently singing song wish all the teachers happy holidays
      of miyou miyou a teacher for your blessing and will mithe to date increasing momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing ying the good life of peace
      in the face of platform backed by the blackboard in a long time are you out every45 minutes with a hard sweat and wisdom of woven into countledazzling aura
      in the future i will be tall and straight trees shrub or low teacher i will give you a green life
      in gratitude to you thousands and thousands of words cannot express blessing to you baishiwan years does not change a teacher i wish you good luck in everything
      in my life you are the most unforgettable teacher of the people because of you let my life appeared in fun you have made my life turning point thank you
      teacher concept of season wind in my eyes fell on the heart several curtain and curtain luoren can not help but recall the past quietly regards to your childhood
      of mentor permanent mind shi long difficult to leave i wish the teacher happy happy happy holidays happineforever
      of when we pick fruit harvest time you are left to their own is hair dyed white temples salute to you beloved teacher
      in the life of your journey kindled the light of hope for me to enrich my mind add my wisdom to thank you the teacher is willing you to be forever healthy cheerful happiness
      of clean sweep brush like when you wonderful hand kind words of comfort to me most tender most sincere enlightenment bleyou dear teacher
      in in a fine festival i want to teach my writing with the teacher taught me the fine words for the teacher to write a most beautiful small poem
      of the teacher you light up my heart with your heart rear my love with your love with you i feel the warmth of the world
      in the beautiful tone bewitching flowers are subject to time constraints only the blessing of eternal forever i will always bleyou for giving me the wisdom springmy teacher
      of a day has risen to land a session of students walk through the same deep is your love and smile bleyou dear teacher
      of slowly into the hands of the chalk dust filled the crumbs of love the love of your original black dyed white hair in this special day send a your hard teacher
      the sincere heart of mind grow way on the road to succeis always inseparable from you my dear teacher i wish you happineforever
      in a way you teach will not get lost along with your attention only more confident teacher thank you for your courage
      * to death to make silk wax torch ashes tears teacher you have worked hard
      in the hope that today all the teachers will smile from the heart to have as long as the teacher happy we are happy




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