
      篇:father’s day
      when i was five my biological father committed suicide it left me feeling as though i'd done something wrong that if i had been better somehow maybe he'd have stayed around my mother remarried shortly thereafter and this man was my dad until i was nineteen i called him dad and used his name all through school but when he and my mother divorced he just walked away once again i wondered what was wrong with me that i couldn't keep a father
      mother remarried again and bob was a wonderful kind man i was twenty now and no longer living at home but i felt a great love and attachment for him a few years later my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was not given long to live shortly before she died bob came over to my house alone one day we talked about a lot of things and then he told me that he wanted me to know that he'd always be there for me even after mother was gone then he asked if he could adopt me
      i could hardly believe my ears tears streamed down my face he wanted me me this man had no obligation to me but he was reaching out from his heart and i accepted during the adoption proceedings the judge commented on all the undesirable duties of his profession and then with a tear in his eye thanked us for brightening his day as he pronounced us father and daughter i was twentyfive but i was his little girl
      three short years later bob too was diagnosed with cancer and was gone within the year at first i was hurt and angry at god for taking this father away too but eventually the love and acceptance that i felt from dad came through again and i became once more grateful for the years we had
      on father's day i always reflect on what i've learned about fatherhood i've learned that it is not dependent on biology or even on raising a child fatherhood is a matter of the heart bob's gift from the heart will warm my soul for eternity
      dear dad
      today i was at the shopping mall and i spent a lot of time reading the father’s day cards they all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how i feel about you yet as i selected and read and selected and read again it occurred to me that not a single card said what i really want to say to you
      you’ll soon be 84 years old dad and you and i will have had 55 father’s days together i haven’t always been with you on father’s day nor have i been with you for all of your birthdays it wasn’t because i didn’t want to be with you i’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way
      you know dad there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it you stood on one side of the great divide and i on the other father and daughter split apart by age and experience opinions hairstyles cosmetics clothing curfews music and boys
      the fatherdaughter duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old dodge and i decided i would drive the 54 chevy whether you liked it or not the police officer who escorted me home after you reported the chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand fatherdaughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old you were so decent about it dad and i think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life




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