
      Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling
      The Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling late Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic of China is situated at 46 North Rive Street in the Rear Lake area of the West City District The residence was once a garden of one of the Qing Dynasty princes' mansions The area along the banks of Rear Lake is quiet and beautiful with shady willow trees lining the streets Water from Rear Lake has been diverted through an underground channel into a stream that winds its way through the garden
      This lovely Beijing garden is elegantly laid out with rockeries and ponds set off by pines cypresses and flowers Winding corridors links traditionalstyle halls and pavilions in the garden The tasteful layout gives the garden an atmosphere of elegant antiquity
      Originally the grounds of the mansion contained numerous buildings the front hall called Happiness on the Hao River Bridge after a story from Zhuang Zi the Pavilion for Listening to the Orioles and the eastern hall called the Hall for Gazing at Flowers Linked to the South Building by a winding corridor was the Waves of Kindness Pavilion Exquisite large rockeries were dotted with structures such as the Fan Pavilion and the Room for Listening to the Rain Ponds fine rocks shady trees flowers and lawns all added to the enchantment of the garden But over the years the whole garden fell into disrepair
      After the founding of New China in 1949 the Party and government made plans to build a residence for Soong Ching Ling in Beijing and decided to renovate one of the princes' gardens for the purpose New buildings wee constructed to the west of the mansion's main hall to create a quiet secluded courtyard as it stands today Soong Ching Ling moved into the mansion in 1963 and worked studied and lived here until she passed away on May 29 1981
      A short way inside the main gate is a grape arbor and by it in a flowerbed stands a wooden tablet carved with a brief introduction to the history of the mansion
      Walking northeast form the grape arbor one comes to the exhibition halls The auxiliary exhibition hall served as a guest room where Soong Ching Ling received guests from China
      The first exhibition hall is divided into eight sections each representing a period of Soong Ching Ling's life The exhibits include large numbers of photographs documents and objects of interest depicting her childhood and student days her marriage to Sun Yatsen her participation in political activities he organization of the Association to Safeguard the Rights of the Chinese People and her support of the advocates of resistance to the Japanese invasion Also on display is a copy of one of Soong Ching Ling's most famous saying taken from her essaySun Yatsen and His Cooperation with the Communist Party of China
      Sun Yatsen's 40 years of political struggle for the Chinese nation and people reached their peak in the last years of his life The high point of his development came with his decision to cooperate with the Communist Party of China and work for the Chinese revolution
      The second exhibition hall is divided into seven sections with the following titles Invitation to Come to the North One of the Founders of New China Close ComradeinArms of the Party Beloved Leader of the People Pioneer in Safeguarding PeaceEnvoy of the Chinese people Study Life and Work Great Communist Fight and the Grief of a Nation the Sorrow of the World
      The third exhibition hall is the Children's Hall reflecting Soong Ching Ling's great affection and concern for the youth of China She once said Children are our future our hope they are our country's most valuable asset Included in the exhibition is a painting of a basket of longevity peaches presented to Soong Ching Ling by the affection which the children of New China feel for her
      The fourth exhibition is a small twostory building The ground floor contains a small drawing room and a dining room while Soong Ching Ling's study office and living quarters are on the second floor The bedroom study and dining room are all arranged as they were when Soong Ching Ling lived there The layout is simple and tasteful Formerly Soong Ching Ling would spend her time here playing the qin (Chinese zither) doing embroidery and writing poems and prose




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