One World,One Dream

    One World One Dream
      one world one dream
      slogan for beijing olympic
      one world one dream in the coming years even for decades to come the four simple english words will be closely unmistakably linked to the summer olympic games and the paralympic games that beijing will be hosting in XX
      one world one dream is the slogan for the beijing XX games it was announced at a grand ceremony held in the chinese capital this evening and was broadcast live on cctv and beijing tv the countrys two heavyweight broadcasters
      immediately after the announcement made by li changchun member of the standing committee of the political bureau of the cpc central committee a big round of applauses echoed in the beijing workers indoor arena where the ceremony was held
      a promotional video for the beijing olympic games slogan was shown at giant screens erected in the indoor arena a jubilant mood filled the air and festive art performances by chinese and foreign artists followed china mobile one of the official partners for beijing XX sent the slogan in the form of a short message to all its subscribers across china only minutes after the slogan was announced
      more than 6000 guests were present at the slogan announcement ceremony among whom were liu qi president of the beijing organizing committee for the games of the xxix olympiad (bocog) and bocog first vicepresident chen zhili and representatives from different walks of life including beijingbased foreign dignitaries
      one world one dream is an embodiment of the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people bocog president liu qi said in his address it is a slogan that conveys the lofty ideal of people in beijing as well as in china to share the global community and civilization and to create a bright future hand in hand with people from the rest of the world it expresses the firm belief of a great nation with a long history of 5000 years and on its way towards modernization that is committed to peaceful development harmonious society and peoples happiness it voices the aspirations of 13 billion chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and bright world
      the olympic games are unique in their ability to attract the worlds attention using sport to promote peace and understanding the ioc is delighted that bocogs slogan for the XX olympic games has captured that olympic spirit ioc president jacques rogge said in a letter of congratulations to bocog
      bocog issued a call for the slogan on january 1 XX and the response was unexpectedly good by the deadline at 1730 on january 31 XX the office for the solicitation of slogans for the beijing XX olympic games received at least 210000 entries of slogans that people sent in by 10123 emails and 10038 letters
      the letters and emails came from all over the world including all the provinces and autonomous regions on the chinese mainland hong kong and macau special administrative regions and taiwanas well as the united states great britain france japan the republic of korea cuba norway brazil and many other countries and regions most of the slogans submitted are in chinese some are in english french and spanish
      after the deadline bocog invited experts in the olympic studies sociology sports culture and linguistics to evaluate preselect preview all the submissions based on the preset standards and in line with the principles of equality and fairness the finalized slogan is the outcome of collective wisdom
      the slogan beijing used during its bid campaign was new beijing great olympics it has successfully helped the world to recognize that beijing a city with a history of more than 3000 years and at the heart of chinas splendid culture is also one of the fastest modernizing cities in the world the new slogan shifted the focus from the city itself to the three concepts of XX games (namely green olympics hitech olympics and peoples olympics) and the universal values of the olympic movement
      games organizers have increasingly used olympic slogans as an important platform to launch their communications campaigns slogans from past games such as share the spirit of the XX sydney games and light the fire within of the XX salt lake city winter games have caught peoples imagination and inspired millions around the world welcome home also became a highlight during the athens games last summer and was a source of boundless pride for greeks




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