
      单数数名词  单数数名词前必须加冠词a(an)表示泛指类指the表示特指类指
      例句: washington who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the revolutionary war overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句中句washington overcame the strong opposition who引导非限制性定语句修饰washington该句中that引导句作believe宾语
      译文: 美国独立战争期间目睹黑士兵勇敢华盛顿开始认生等克服亲强烈反遗嘱中奴隶
      例句: while the quality of legal journalism varies greatly there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers (选XX年part c)
      分析: 该句复合句中supplied to them by lawyers作定语修饰interpretationsundue reliance意分赖
      译文: 然法律报道质量相许新闻记者分赖律师提供解释
      the sun the moon the universe the camel
      the blind the largest island the only student the piano
      例句: the universe works in a way so far removed from what common sense would allow that words of any kind must necessarily be inadequate to explain it (1998年第19题)
      分析: 该句复合句what common sense would allow作介词from宾语句该句中包含sothat句
      译文: 宇宙运行方式常识允许构思相距甚远种语言必然足解释清楚
      例句: but somewhere from the 19th century onward more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless phony or worst of all as we went from wordsworths daffodils to baudelaires flowers of evil (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句干结构more artists began seeing happiness as as we went from wordsworths daffodils to baudelaires flowers of evil状语句
      译文: 19世纪某时候开始华兹华斯水仙花转波德莱尔恶花时越越艺术家开始快乐做毫意义虚假甚令厌倦东西
      the atlantic ocean (西洋)
      the red sea (红海)
      the society for anglo chinese understanding (英中解协会)
      the special economic zone (济特区)
      例句: the four special economic zones(sezs) in guangdong and fujian provinces 14 coastal cities and hainan island have specifically designed tax and other incentives for the foreign investor (选far eastern economic review)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 广东福建两省四济特区14海开放城市海南岛专门外国投资者制定税收鼓励投资政策
      例句: i admire the patience of scientific workers which gives me much revelation
      分析: 该句复合句包含which引导非限制性定语句
      译文: 钦佩科研工作者耐心启示
      例句: some uniforms are also expensive to maintain requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes
      分析: 该句简单句中requiring句中作语补足语语some uniforms作进步解释说明形容词短语possible with many types of civilian clothes句中作定语修饰the home laundering
      译文: 制服维护费较昂贵需专业清洗洗涤普通衣物家庭洗涤方式
      1 节日前般加冠词christmas例外
      the spring festival(春节)
      the mid autumn festival(中秋节)
      the dragon boat festival(端午节)
      例句: before the spring festival the leaders of the village made the house to house survey inquiring in each family about their needs and problems
      分析: 该句简单句中inquiring in each family about their needs and problems句中作伴状语
      译文: 春节前夕村中领导挨家挨户走访询问家庭需问题
      2 日三餐表示般意义时前面冠词表示特殊含义时athe
      例句: my little son had a big breakfast this morningand it was the very breakfast that made him uncomfortable the whole day
      分析: 该句列句中第二分句强调句
      译文: 子早吃太顿早餐整天舒服
      3 公园街道体育项目游戏等名称前般冠词季节月份等日期前般冠词表示特指时须加冠词
      例句: long after the 1998 world cup was won disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing decisions that denied victory to their team
      分析: 该句复合句中定语句that denied victory to their team修饰decisions
      译文: 1998年世界杯早已尘埃落定失球迷然球队痛失胜利争议判罚耿耿怀
      名词格表示名词代词句中词间意义关系形式英语中格形式普通格(common case)属格(genitive case)
      a boys sister
      the childrens holiday
      the teachers room
      例句: and if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment gordon says that by and large you could use todays data and feel fairly confident (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句中干部分gordon says that
      译文: 果需预测类久身高情况设计种新衣服戈登认基天(身高)数感颇信心
      my sister in laws present (嫂子礼物)
      the commander in chiefs wife (总司令妻子)
      the grandsons toys (孙子玩具)
      tom and johns cartoms and johns cars
      womens shoes (女鞋)
      students books (学生书)
      a masters degree (研究生学位)
      例句: and even more incredible is the young brains ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him to analyze to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways
      分析:该句倒装句正常句序the young brainsin new ways is even more incredible语中to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him to analyze to combine and recombine句中作定语修饰ability
      译文: 更令难相信幼周围杂乱声音中识语言序分析新方式组合重新组合语言成分
      a littlesomemuchconsiderablea great (good) deal ofa lot of (lots of) plenty ofa large amount ofa large quantity ofa wealth of(量)heaps of (量) +数名词
      例句: the portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel that man being prince henry the navigator who lived in 15th century
      分析: 该句复合句中that mannavigator独立格结构进步解释说明one man who lived非限制性定语句解释说明prince henry
      译文: 葡萄牙位促进海旅行荣誉便15世纪航海家亨利王子
      例句: if humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young(选XX年part c)
      分析: 该句复合句句we may well believe中带that引导宾语句 if引导条件状语句中包含that引导句作realizing宾语短语made headway in意思某方面取进展
      译文: 机构终价值类独特影响果类认识已进展许完全相信种验已年轻交道程中学会
      somea lot of (lots of) plenty ofa large quantity ofa wealth ofheaps ofa fewthe number ofa number ofquantities ofa great many (of) +复数数名词
      例句: plenty of other species are able to learn and one of the things theyve apparently learned is when to stop (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句列句第二句子中theyve apparently learned省略关系代词定语句修饰things
      译文: 许物种够学已明显学会东西时停止学
      例句: but a number of anthropologists in the early 1900s also rejected the particularist theory of culture in favor of diffusionism (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句简单句中短语in favor of 意思赞成支持利
      译文: 20世纪初许类学家反文化特殊转支持文化传播
      例句: the data received from the two spacecraft whirling around mars indicate that there is much evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet (1996年第18题)
      分析: 该句复合句干the dataindicate that 中receivedmars作定语修饰the datathat hugethe planetevidence位语句
      译文: 环绕火星两艘宇宙飞船接收数表明 充分证表明该行星赤道附正着暴雨
      例句: crisis would be the right term to describe the decline in many animal species (1999年第33题)
      译文: 许动物物种日渐减少 危机词描述恰
      (四)列两类名词复数形式 动词复数连
      calipers(卡钳)glasses scales(磅秤)pants
      pliers(钳子)scissors trousers shoes
      jeans shorts(短裤)
      名词作语时谓语动词复数形式前a pair of修饰时谓语单复数pair单复数决定
      例句: im going to weigh my luggage are there any scales
      译文: 想行李磅磅秤
      例句: the girl wears sun glasses which were bought from the glasses line and a pair of old ones has been broken
      译文: 姑娘戴着眼镜行买太阳镜副旧眼镜已折断
      外: arms goodsclothes
      contents headquarters minutes(会议记录)
      regards(敬意) wages respects(敬意问候)
      thanks fireworks(烟火)archives(档案)
      例句: my wages are the principle source of my income
      译文: 薪金收入源
      1 学科名称:
      politics linguistics
      physics economics
      mathematics ethics
      electronics informatics
      mechanics(力学) statistics
      例句: talk to anyone in the drug industry and youll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered (XX年第8题)
      分析: 该句复合句talk to anyone in the drug industry祈句that引导宾语句since引导时间状语句
      译文: 事药品工业交谈会发现盘尼西林研制出遗传学药品研究击
      2游戏名称: checkers(跳棋) darts(投镖游戏) billiards(弹子戏) cards(纸牌)专名词 naples(勒斯)the united statesthe new york times等表示瀑布山脉岛屿s结尾专名词常表复数
      例句: today the snooker billiards becomes an international sports activity that the people of various countries like
      分析: 该句复合句that the people of various countries like作定语修饰sports activity
      译文: 天斯诺克台球已成国民普遍喜爱项国际性体育活动
      例句: naples is an important seaport of the southwest in italy
      译文: 勒斯意利西南部重海港
      1 集体名词接单数动词:
      merchandisepoetry machinery furnitureluggage
      baggage foliage(树叶)
      例句: modern machinery has been installed in the company
      译文: 公司已安装现代化机械
      例句: this class of merchandise is usually sold on dp(documents payment) basis
      译文: 种商品通常付款交单基础出售
      people police poultry clergy(教士)
      vermin(害虫)cattle militia(民兵)
      例句: these vermin are harmful to the plants so they must be got rid of
      译文: 害虫庄稼害应该快消灭掉
      例句: all the poultry in hong kong were destroyed to stop the threat
      译文: 消威胁香港屠杀家禽
      audience boardfamily class couple crew
      committeegovernment jury party team public
      例句: my family are fond of playing bowls so they never miss the program involved
      译文: 家喜欢顶碗游戏少错相关节目
      例句: my family is a big one and so it is called extended family by neighbors
      译文: 家家庭邻居常称家家庭
      注: 需强调体时集体名词般应单位词:
      three heads of cattle 三头牛
      a piece of luggage 件行李
      例: air(空气)——airs(样子摆架子)
      例句: they want to expose those educationally disadvantaged students to creativeenriching educational experiences for a five year period
      分析: 该句简单句中expose sb to sth意某暴露……
      译文: 想教育背景欠佳学生接受种创造性丰富生期五年教育
      例句: the integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with authority over technical economic tasks
      分析: 该句简单句中with authority over technical economic tasks介词短语作a central organization定语
      译文: 首先创办权理技术济工作中心组织便更实现独立国家间结合
      a littlesomemuchconsiderablea great (good) deal ofa lot of (lots of) plenty ofa large amount ofa large quantity ofa wealth of(量)heaps of (量) +数名词
      例句: the portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel that man being prince henry the navigator who lived in 15th century
      分析: 该句复合句中that mannavigator独立格结构进步解释说明one man who lived非限制性定语句解释说明prince henry
      译文: 葡萄牙位促进海旅行荣誉便15世纪航海家亨利王子
      例句: if humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young(选XX年part c)
      分析: 该句复合句句we may well believe中带that引导宾语句 if引导条件状语句中包含that引导句作realizing宾语短语made headway in意思某方面取进展
      译文: 机构终价值类独特影响果类认识已进展许完全相信种验已年轻交道程中学会
      somea lot of (lots of) plenty ofa large quantity ofa wealth ofheaps ofa fewthe number ofa number ofquantities ofa great many (of) +复数数名词
      例句: plenty of other species are able to learn and one of the things theyve apparently learned is when to stop (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句列句第二句子中theyve apparently learned省略关系代词定语句修饰things
      译文: 许物种够学已明显学会东西时停止学
      例句: but a number of anthropologists in the early 1900s also rejected the particularist theory of culture in favor of diffusionism (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句简单句中短语in favor of 意思赞成支持利
      译文: 20世纪初许类学家反文化特殊转支持文化传播
      例句: the data received from the two spacecraft whirling around mars indicate that there is much evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet (1996年第18题)
      分析: 该句复合句干the dataindicate that 中receivedmars作定语修饰the datathat hugethe planetevidence位语句
      译文: 环绕火星两艘宇宙飞船接收数表明 充分证表明该行星赤道附正着暴雨
      例句: crisis would be the right term to describe the decline in many animal species (1999年第33题)
      译文: 许动物物种日渐减少 危机词描述恰
      (四)列两类名词复数形式 动词复数连
      calipers(卡钳)glasses scales(磅秤)pants
      pliers(钳子)scissors trousers shoes
      jeans shorts(短裤)
      名词作语时谓语动词复数形式前a pair of修饰时谓语单复数pair单复数决定
      例句: im going to weigh my luggage are there any scales
      译文: 想行李磅磅秤
      例句: the girl wears sun glasses which were bought from the glasses line and a pair of old ones has been broken
      译文: 姑娘戴着眼镜行买太阳镜副旧眼镜已折断
      外: arms goodsclothes
      contents headquarters minutes(会议记录)
      regards(敬意) wages respects(敬意问候)
      thanks fireworks(烟火)archives(档案)
      例句: my wages are the principle source of my income
      译文: 薪金收入源
      1 学科名称:
      politics linguistics
      physics economics
      mathematics ethics
      electronics informatics
      mechanics(力学) statistics
      例句: talk to anyone in the drug industry and youll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered (XX年第8题)
      分析: 该句复合句talk to anyone in the drug industry祈句that引导宾语句since引导时间状语句
      译文: 事药品工业交谈会发现盘尼西林研制出遗传学药品研究击
      2游戏名称: checkers(跳棋) darts(投镖游戏) billiards(弹子戏) cards(纸牌)专名词 naples(勒斯)the united statesthe new york times等表示瀑布山脉岛屿s结尾专名词常表复数
      例句: today the snooker billiards becomes an international sports activity that the people of various countries like
      分析: 该句复合句that the people of various countries like作定语修饰sports activity
      译文: 天斯诺克台球已成国民普遍喜爱项国际性体育活动
      例句: naples is an important seaport of the southwest in italy
      译文: 勒斯意利西南部重海港
      1 集体名词接单数动词:
      merchandisepoetry machinery furnitureluggage
      baggage foliage(树叶)
      例句: modern machinery has been installed in the company
      译文: 公司已安装现代化机械
      例句: this class of merchandise is usually sold on dp(documents payment) basis
      译文: 种商品通常付款交单基础出售
      people police poultry clergy(教士)
      vermin(害虫)cattle militia(民兵)
      例句: these vermin are harmful to the plants so they must be got rid of
      译文: 害虫庄稼害应该快消灭掉
      例句: all the poultry in hong kong were destroyed to stop the threat
      译文: 消威胁香港屠杀家禽
      audience boardfamily class couple crew
      committeegovernment jury party team public
      例句: my family are fond of playing bowls so they never miss the program involved
      译文: 家喜欢顶碗游戏少错相关节目
      例句: my family is a big one and so it is called extended family by neighbors
      译文: 家家庭邻居常称家家庭
      注: 需强调体时集体名词般应单位词:
      three heads of cattle 三头牛
      a piece of luggage 件行李
      例: air(空气)——airs(样子摆架子)
      例句: they want to expose those educationally disadvantaged students to creativeenriching educational experiences for a five year period
      分析: 该句简单句中expose sb to sth意某暴露……
      译文: 想教育背景欠佳学生接受种创造性丰富生期五年教育
      例句: the integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with authority over technical economic tasks
      分析: 该句简单句中with authority over technical economic tasks介词短语作a central organization定语
      译文: 首先创办权理技术济工作中心组织便更实现独立国家间结合
      ()般现时(simple present tense)
      1 表示客观真理科学事实
      例句: the moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less than that of the earthin consequence the force of gravity at the moons surface is only one sixth of that at the earths surface
      分析: 该句复合句定语句that is nearlyless than that of the earth修饰a massin consequence列句
      译文: 月球质量差球质量1100月球表面引力球表面引力16
      例句: one difficulty in translation lies in obtaining a concept match by this is meant that a concept in one language is lost or changed in meaning in translation (XX年第8题)
      分析: 该句两句子构成前简单句句子复合句that宾语句
      译文: 翻译中难点找相应概念说翻译程中种语言概念会丢失发生意义改变
      2 表示现反复发生惯性动作存状态常alwaysoftenusually sometimes once a weekseldomnever等时间状语连
      例句: its usually the case that people seldom behave in a rational way when in a furious state
      分析: 该句复合句句that people seldom behave in a rational waythe case位语when省略people are
      译文: 暴怒时通常会丧失理智
      例句: physicians frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句中干部分physicians too often offer aggressive treatment分词短语frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient作physicians置定语句what is scientifically justified作介词beyond 宾语
      译文: 医生够治愈疾病时担心病失希常常采极端胆治疗方法方法远远超科学认界限
      3 表示计划进行动作常comearrivecatchflyleavegostart等词
      例句: when he comes please inform him of all that i have just told you
      分析: 该句复合句该复合句中包含when引导时间状语句that引导定语句
      译文: 时请转告告诉切
      4 时间条件状语句中表示动作
      例句: he will come the moment he finishes his work
      分析: 该句中the moment连词意……相as soon as
      例句: if it is fine tomorrow well go shopping
      译文: 果明天天气话逛商场
      5 表示语力性格性等
      例句: as an industry biotechnology stands to rival electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020 (XX年第25题)
      分析: 该句简单句surpass前省略定式to
      译文: 作门产业生物技术营业额电子业相媲美2020年社会影响超
      例句: the director treats his staff as equals
      译文: 属视仁
      6 表示格言警句
      例句: a fence needs the support of three stakes an able fellow needs the help of three other people
      译文: 篱笆三桩汉三帮
      例句: histories make men wise poets witty the mathematics subtle natural philosophy deep moral gravelogic and rhetoric able to contend
      译文: 读史明智读诗灵秀数学周密科学深刻伦理庄重逻辑修辞学善辩
      (二)现完成时(present perfect tense)
      1 已完成法: 表示动作某明确时间已完成强调现影响法常带时间状语明确时间状语连: alreadyyeteverjustnever
      例句: i have excluded him because while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems (XX年第48题)
      分析: 该句复合句because引导原状语句中加入while引导步状语句
      译文: (普通科学家)排外成果助解决道德问题承担务研究问题事实方面
      例句:the same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker more visible and much more damaging ways (选XX年text 3)
      分析:该句复合句句干部分the same dramatic technological changes have also increased the riskthat have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices定语句修饰changesthat passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quickermore visible and much more damaging ways
    risk位语句介词短语in quicker more visible and much more damaging ways该位语句中作状语表示方式修饰谓语动词voice
      2 未完成法: 表示动作某时开始持续现持续强调持续性法带表示段时间状语: recently these days for 3 years since XX over the past等
      例句: for example it has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats yet upon examination of the dead bodies the animals look completely normal
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 早已知道完全剥夺睡眠老鼠言绝致命然检验动物尸体时动物起完全正常
      例句: since the dawn of human ingenuity people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous boring burdensome or just plain nasty (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句句中定语句that is dangerousboringburdensome修饰work since句中作状语
      译文: 类具独创性发明愈加精巧工具处理危险聊麻烦者仅仅令讨厌工作
      3 现完成时时间条件状语句中表示完成动作
      例句: ill help you when i have finished my work i will return the book if i have finished it
      4 列表达方式现完成时
      this (thatit) is the first (second)
      this (thatit) is the best (finestworstmost interesting)
      例句: this is the first time that china has had such negotiations with a g 7 member the official said
      译文: 该官员说中国七国集团成员首次进行样谈判
      例句: this is the first time that he has felt really relaxed for months
      译文: 月第次真正感放松
      注意: 果句动词表示时间句常完成时果句动词表示时间句现完成时
      例句: it was the best picture that she had seen
      it will be the best picture that she has seen
      5 时间状语常现完成时态
      up till nowso farat (for) the past (last) years
      in recent yearsup to present
      例句: for the past several years the sunday newspaper supplement parade has featured a column calledask marilyn (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句简单句中calledask marilyn作置定语修饰a column
      译文: 年里展示杂志周日增刊出现做玛瑞林提问特色专栏
      (三)完成时(past perfect tense)
      1 表示某时刻前发生完成动作常复合句中
      例句: she felt suitably humble just as she had when he had first taken a good look at her city selfhair waved and goldennails red and pointed (XX年第4题)
      分析: 该句复合句when引导时间状语句完成时句时态句般时felt时间状语应完成时 as完整形式应as she had felt
      译文: 举止谦逊体初见时表现样: 金黄色卷发尖尖红指甲
      例句: bolivar had received aid from haiti and had promised in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句he liberated修饰the areas定语句前省略作宾语关系 代词whichthat
      译文: 玻利瓦尔接受海援助作报承诺解放区废奴隶制
      2 hardlywhen scarcelywhen(before) no soonerthan(刚……)句型中hardlyscarcelyno sooner置句首时句子结构倒装
      例句: no sooner had we reached the top of the hill than we all sat down to rest
      hardly had the teacher entered the classroom when the pupils were in absolute silence (be in absolute silence译鸦雀声)
      3 虚拟语气条件句中表示事实相反假设
      例句: i would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible but i was fully occupied the whole of last week (1997年第4题)
      分析: 该句列复合句had it been at all possible省略if倒装句完整形式应 if it had been句but前非真实条件句表示事实相反假设
      译文: 果点话会医院礼拜整周没空
      4动词hopeexpectthinkintendwantmeansupposeplanbelieve等完成 时表示未实现希意图计划等
      例句: mr pelkmans is not among those who had believed that the ecs single market is threatened by the doubt building over europes continued integration
      分析: 该句复合句定语句who had believed修饰thosethat the ecs single market is threatened作believed宾语分词短语building over作定语修饰the doubt
      译文: 原促进欧洲持续整合怀疑虑会威胁欧体统市场佩尔克斯曼先生认
      注意: 连词after指明两动作时间先序时after句中完成时般时连词when引导句中时完成时般时互换before作连词引导句时句中完成时般时互换
      例句 julia left the room after she had turned off (turned off) the light
      when the teacher had left (left) the room the pupils started talking
      before he entered college he had served (served) in the army
      (四)般时(simple future tense)
      1 willshall+动词表示单纯含义
      例句: some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could decline (XX年第23题)
      分析: 该句复合句written and spoken作定语修饰languagethat结果状语句
      译文: 日软件做文字翻译做口头翻译翻译通第二语言需求会降
      例句: hilton is building its own hotel there which you may be sure will be decorated with hamlet hamburger bars the lear lounge the banquo banqueting room and so forth and will be very expensive (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句which引导定语句修饰its own hotel句中you may be sure插入语句干部分which will be decorated withand will be very expensive
      译文: 希尔顿正建立酒店许肯定配(莎士亚剧中物名字命名)哈姆雷特汉堡包店李尔王休息室班柯宴会包间等价格非常昂贵
      2 be going to+动词表示计划算做某事表示未预测
      例句: as long as poor people who in general are colored are in conflict with richer people who in general are lighter skinned there is going to be a constant racial conflict in the world (1999年第18题)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句who in general are coloredwho in general are lighter skinned分修饰poor peoplericher people句干部分poor people are in conflict with richer people
      译文: 般说穷富(般色种白色种)间突世界种族突会停止
      例句: clearly only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly contested market (选XX年part c)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 显然规模应变力强电视传媒集团够精彩纷呈竞争 激烈市场中生存
      3 be to+动词表示计划安排发生动作求做事常表示官方命令决定禁止许等
      例句:if gilbert and the philharmonic are to succeedthey must first change the relationship between americas oldest orchestra and the new audience it hopes to attract (选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句复合句中句中定语句it hopes to attract修饰audience
      例句: but his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business (XX年第49题)
      分析: 该句复合句句干his primary task is not to think aboutany more than定语句which governs his activity修饰the moral code中notany more than意…………
      译文: 首务考虑支配行动道德规范指商专注探讨行业规范样
      4be about to+动词表示发生动作接时间状语
      例句: marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about to pay compliments to his political leaders (1999年第9题)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句who is not about to pay compliments to修饰a young man
      译文: 马林独立思考力年轻会恭维政治领导
      例句: his brother who was a school teacher was broke his stomach ulcers were troubling him one of his children had to have a serious operation and his wife was about to have twins
      分析: 该句列复合句中定语句who was a school teacher修饰his brother干部分his brother washis stomach ulcers wereone of his children had to and his wife was about to
      译文: 哥哥位老师已身分文患胃溃疡孩子接受次手术爱生双胞胎
      5 位置移动动词: comearrivegoflycatchstartleavetravel法be+现分词表示计划发生动作常较时间状语连
      例句: the spring festival is coming and all the urban people are busy engaging in all kinds of preparations
      分析: 该句and连接列句
      译文: 春节城里忙着做种样准备
      6 动词comegostartleavearrivereturnbegin常般现时表示表示已预先计划安排肯定发生动作语常事物名词
      例句: by the time you arrive in london we will have stayed in europe for two weeks (1994年第1题)
      分析: 该句复合句arrive般现时表示
      译文: 达伦敦时已欧洲两周
      (五)现进行时(present continuous tense)
      1 表示刻正进行目前限定时间断进行动作
      例句: that may change fast lots of proposed data security legislation is now doing the rounds in washington dc(选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句列句号容前面提容进步说明
      译文: 切快会改变: 提议信息安全法规正华盛顿逐讨
      例句:its no surprise that jennifer seniors insightful provocative magazine cover story i love my children i hate my life is arousing much chatter—nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling life enriching experience (选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句中破折号前复合句中it形式语真正语jennifer seniors insightful provocative magazine cover story is arousing much chatter引号中容前cover story位语关系破折号容前面陈述容解释suggestion位语句
      2 表示现阶段正进行动作刻定进行
      例句: the future of this company is at stake many of its talented employees are following into more profitable net based businesses (XX年第30题)
      分析: 该句列句号容前面容进步解释
      译文: 家公司未生死未卜许雇员正流失赚钱更网络行业中
      例句: data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset says haim mendelson of stanford universitys business school
      分析: 该句复合句定语句which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset修饰an asset
      译文: 斯坦福学商学院海姆·门德尔森说: 信息已成种资产需资产样加保护
      3 表示计划安排进行动作(法见般时法5)
      4 时间条件状语句中表示正进行动作
      例句: take care when you are taking an exam
      put him up if he is still finding a dwelling place
      注意: 表示状态感觉情感动词现进行时: forget know see notice love like hate desire believe look think mind have seem sound remain等
      (六)完成时(future perfect tense)完成进行时(future perfect continuous tense)
      1 表示某时间前已完成动作
      例句: its reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory will have risen by about 10
      例句: the conference will have lasted a full week by the time it ends
      译文: 会议结束前持续整星期
      2 完成进行时表示直持续某时间动作持续
      例句: he pointed to the deserted house and saidi will have been living there by the end of this year
      (七)般时(simple past tense)
      1 表示确定时间里发生动作状态常表示时间状语连yesterday last week an hour ago the other day in XX等
      例句: it was within the computer age that the terminformation societybegan to be widely used to describe the context within which we now live (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句中it wasthat强调句型which引导定语句修饰the contextwithin定语句中live介词live within the context
      译文: 正计算机时代信息社会词广泛形容生活环境
      例句: the greeks assumed that the language structure had some connection with the process of thought which took root in europe long before people realized how diverse the language could be (XX年第61题)
      分析: 该句复合句that宾语句作assumed宾语which引导定语句修饰前面宾语句中提容中套before引导状语句宾语句how diverse the language could be作realized宾语
      译文: 希腊认语言结构思维程间存着某种联系观点尚未认识语言千差万前早已欧洲扎根
      2 表示惯性动作状态used towould+动词前者表示昔现已存情况者表示重复行表示规惯
      例句: the defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the iq scoreeven though iq tests are not given as often as they used to be (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句even though引导步状语句:as often as较状语句
      译文: 然智商测试前样频繁应界定类智力术语似然智商分
      例句: when the engine would not start the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at fault
      分析: 该句复合句中what was at fault句中作find宾语
      译文: 发动机启动时机械师检查部件便找出毛病
      注意: be used to+名词动名词表示惯…………已感惯指现 指used to+动词原形表示常常做……(现)混淆
      例句: during his year in the hospital drjoan was not used to treating patient this way
      译文: 医院阵子约翰医生惯样病
      例句:the rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for (选XX年text 3)
      分析:该句复合句介词短语to marketing success 句中作置定语修饰guidethat you got what you paid for表语句what you paid for作got宾语
      3 日常话中表示现动作状态口气较委婉
      例句: i wondered whether youd attend to my sick daughter while im away
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 想知道外出时否顾生病女
      二时态致(tense agreement)
      例句: darwin was convinced that loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness but might possibly be injurious to the intellect and more probably to the moral character (XX年第50题)
      分析: 该句复合句干结构darwin was convinced that宾语句中not onlybut引导列结构短语be injurious to意思……产生危害害……
      译文: 达尔文确信没爱少乐趣会损思维力更导致道德品质降
      例句: publication of the letter came two days after lord irvine caused a storm of media protest when he said the interpretation of privacy controls contained in european legislation would be left to judges rather than to parliament (选XX年cloze test)
      分析: 该句复合句when引导句中the interpretation of privacy controls作said宾语分词短语contained in european作置定语修饰the interpretation句部分publication of the letter came句中语lord irvinehe指
      译文: 艾尔文爵士声称欧洲法律中包含隐私监督条款解释工作交法官非议会处理言出立引起媒体强烈抗议两天信公开发表
      1 句表示客观真理物常性特点
      例句: the speaker claimed that no other modern nation devotes so small a portion of its wealth to public assistance and health as the united states does
      分析: 该句复合句claimed接宾语句中not soas意没……更……
      译文: 位演讲者声称没现代化国家美国样公援助保健事业方面投入财富例
      2 句中表示绝时间状语
      例句: several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to reverse or at least weakenthe trends that emerged in the 1980s (1998年第36题)
      分析: 该句复合句句部分several international eventsseem likely to reserveor at leastthe trends定语句that emerged in the 1980s修饰the trends
      译文: 20世纪90年代初期发生干国际事件似80年代出现趋势逆转 少受削弱
      例句: specialists in history and economics have shown two things that the period from 1650 to 1750 was marked by great poverty and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace (选1998年cloze test)
      分析: 该句复合句号两列句前面two things进步解释说明作位语分句中两列谓语
      译文: 历史学济学方面专家已证明两件事: 1650年1750年期间极度贫 困特征工业化然没种状况恶化事实改善数民生活条件
      3 说话者强调动作正进行发生
      例句: the staff of the airport i met at the lounge just now told me the plane i will take leaves at nine
      分析: 该句复合句定语句i meti will take前分省略whomwhichthat
      译文: 刚休息室碰位机场工作员说坐趟航班9点起飞
      例句: whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which in its strongest form states that language imprisons the mind and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far reaching consequences for the culture of a society (XX年第65题)
      分析: 该句复合句全句句whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinismwhich引导定语句修饰determinism定语句中谓语动词states连接两that引导宾语句
      译文: 沃尔夫开始相信某种语言决定种理坚定认语言束缚思维种语言语法模式会社会文化产生深远影响
      例句: if railroads charged all customers the same average rate they argue shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句they argue插入语who引导定语句修饰shippers分词短语 leaving remaining customers to句中作状语表示结果
      译文: 认果铁路部门客户均收费转选择卡车运输方式客户会做样剩余客户承担维持铁路营成费
      例句: she used to be much more irritable than she is now
      译文: 现更容易发火
      例句: there ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today
      分析: 该句复合句中than较状语句中省略相部分there全句应该 there ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than there exists in the public mind today
      译文: 觉察患癌危险应现样公众中造成忧虑
      三情态动词(model verb)
      数情态动词表示说话种推测cancould表示潜性理逻辑推理存性maymight表示事实性mightmaycouldcan仅表should ought would will表示must表示肯定述表示性序弱强
      例句: while comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgment (XX年第50题)
      分析: 该句复合句句it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgment中it形式语真正语to rely on theirand makewhile引导步状语句
      译文: 律师见解反应会提高报道质量新闻记者重性理解行判断
      例句: and one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control to help us sleep and feel better (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句that引导says宾语句中not only but列结构
      译文: 位权威士说异常强烈脑活动仅驾驭意识加控制达帮助睡眠建立良感觉目
      例句: greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage is to be avoided (1998年第5题)
      分析: 该句复合句to increase agricultural production定式作置定语修饰greater efforts
      译文: 避免粮食短缺必须加力度增加农业产量
      you might be right(许)
      you ought to be right()
      you must be right(定)
      例句: thus poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句句子干poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps中might not be表示现推测that may be possible only with broader formal education修饰political changes定语句
      译文: 样果没政治变革贫困国家许摆脱贫困泥潭进行政治变革唯扩正规教育
      (二)canbe able to法差异
      1 can表示现力be able to表示力
      例句: the chairman of the board pressed on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ (XX年第15题)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句the firm can no longer afford to employ先行词good workers间省略关系代词whom中短语press sth on sb意思……强加某
      译文: 董事长解雇公司雇起优秀员工件令头痛工作强加
      例句: he is too young to be able to discern between right and wrong(XX年第11题)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 太年轻分辨非
      例句: despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year XX researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句句researchers lately have begun to extendwhen引导定语句修饰the 1960s and 1970s定语句中套入that引导宾语句句中if not centuries完整形式if it is not centuriesit指代句中描述容
      译文: 20世纪60年代70年代开始乐观认晶体电路微处理器似XX年前够复制脑行研究员已开始预言推迟——世纪十年
      2 could泛指力表示种轻微假设was able to表示技产生力表示某特定力
      例句: step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat light up the stove and you could burn down the house (选1999年text 1)
      分析: 两句子and祈句陈述句连接组成列句式
      译文: 果走出会门口垫子滑倒摔断腿生炉子时会烧毁整间房屋
      例句: during the past generation the american middle class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句that once could count on hard work and fair play to修饰 family
      译文: 十年中济风险新现实已改变原努力工作公竞争保持收入稳定美国中产阶级家庭境况
      例句: however growth in the fabricated metals industry was able to offset some of the decline in the iron and steel industry (XX年第19题)
      分析: 该句简单句中in the fabricated metals industry介词短语作定语修饰growth
      译文: 然金属制造业方面增长够抵消钢铁工业方面衰退
      1 must have done表示肯定推测定发生
      例句: my pain must have been apparent the moment i walked into the room for the first man i met asked sympatheticallyare you feeling all right (1996年第2题)
      分析: 该句复合句the moment引导时间状语句定语句i met前省略关系代词whom
      译文: 走进房间时疼痛定明显遇第情问: 吧
      2 cant have done表示否定推测定没发生
      例句: you cant have seen him in his office last sunday hes been out of town for several weeks
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 周日办公室见已离开镇星期
      3 couldmay have done表示肯定推测语气弱must have done发生
      例句: nelson could have won the game with a little more training and a better manager
      分析: 该句简单句with a little more training and a better manager相事实相反虚拟语气句: if he had had a little more training and a better manager
      译文: 果尼尔森加强训练教练赢赛
      例句: the current state of affairs may have been encouraged—though not justified—by the lack of legal penalty (in america but not europe) for data leakage (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句though not justified完整形式应though it is not justified中it指代破折号前叙述容
      译文: 目前事状况会激化然合理(美国欧洲)缺乏信息泄露法律制裁
      4 couldnt have done表示否定推测语气弱cant have done肯定意味强表没发生
      例句: he couldnt have been robbed in the street last night in that he was with me the whole night
      分析: 该句实际复合句中短语in that连词引导原状语句
      译文: 昨晚街抢劫整晚起
      5 would have done事实相反虚拟语气中表假设
      例句: the southern states would not have signed the constitution without protections for the peculiar institution including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句谓语形式虚拟语气without引导介词短语作条件状语that引导定语句修饰clause
      译文: 果特殊体制没保护措施话南方诸州会签署宪法特殊体制中包括议会代表席位条款奴隶35头计算
      例句: a safety analysis would have identified the target as a potential danger unfortunately it was never done (1996年第6题)
      分析: 两列句根句子知份安全分析没做前句子事实种虚拟假设
      译文: 安全分析鉴出预定目标潜危险幸未做种安全分析
      例句: some individuals would therefore not have been caught since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句句中隐含事实相反虚拟语气分词短语leading to an underestimate of fish stocks句中作状语表示结果
      译文: 鱼没捕捉没捕捉带饵钩导致鱼类资源低估
      6 might have done表示实际未发生行事实相反假设句中
      例句: we didnt know her telephone number otherwise we might have telephoned her
      分析: 该句两列分句前分句we didnt know her telephone number相情况相反虚拟语气句if we had known her telephone number
      译文: 知道电话号码然会
      7 shouldought to +have done表示应该做某事实际未做否定形式表示应该做某事实际已做
      例句: now he is suing the casino charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句复合句charging分词短语作状语表示伴原状语句because接宾语句
      译文: 现正起诉家赌场起诉该赌场知道已瘾情况未拒绝入场
      例句: it was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句as引导状语句句中it形式语真正语that this primacy should have narrowed
      译文: 着国家日益富强起(美国)霸位逐渐降避免
      例句:unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldnt have had kids but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world(选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句but连接两列分句中前分句中if they shouldnt have had kids充wonder宾语分句中the message接位语句
      8neednt have done表示没必实际已发生行
      例句: as it turned out to be a small house party we neednt have dressed up so formally (1998年第2题)
      分析: 该句复合句as句中引导状语句表示原
      译文: 原家庭聚会没必穿戴正式
      例句: you neednt have done all those calculations we have a computer to do that sort of thing
      译文: 需做运算做类事情计算机
      外: mustcant be+名词表示现肯定否定推测意定定
      例句: if no surplus is available a farmer cant be self sufficient(选XX年cloze test)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 没余粮农民足
      例句: for there to be successful communication there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present (1996年第8题)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 达成功交流目场集中精神积极参加讨
      9didnt need to do表示必做结果未发生行
      例句: he didnt need to get up so early as usual because of illness so he stayed in bed till the afternoon
      分析: 该句so连接两列句
      译文: 生病必日样早起直床躺中午
      副词修饰动词形容词副词介词短语整句子  例句: andrew my fathers younger brother will not be at the picnic much to the familys disappointment (1997年第3题)
      分析: 该句简单句中副词much修饰介词短语to the familys disappointment
      译文: 父亲弟弟安德鲁会参加野餐令全家非常失
      1 时间副词now yesterday today ago then lately soon shortly immediately finally recently before tomorrow
      例句 americans today dont place a very high value on intellect (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 现美国重视智力
      2 点副词here there above below downstairs upstairs home somewhere everywhere elsewhere down up anywhere等
      例句: here is an example which i heard at a nurses convention of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句两which引导定语句分修饰an examplea story前 which引导定语句非限制性定语句起补充说明作
      译文: 说次护士会听发挥幽默效果事听众医生持相法
      3 程度副词fairly rather very almost too quite enough so much
      例句 she had clearly no intention of doing any work although she was very well paid(1997年第34题)
      分析: 该句复合句although面步状语句
      译文: 然付报酬丰厚意工作
      4 频率副词sometimes often usually always frequently constantly rarely seldom never occasionally
      例句: in addition the designer must usually select furniture or design built in furniture according to the functions that need to be served
      分析: 该句简单句中built in意嵌式方式状语中that need to be served定语句修饰the functions
      译文: 外根需满足功设计者通常必须选择家具设计嵌式家具
      5方式副词表示动作发生进行方式quicklyfastslowlysuddenlycarefully well properly roughly angrily rudely
      例句: you would be shocked if the inside of your bedroom were suddenly changed to look like the inside of a restaurant
      分析: 该句复合句if引导句表示现相反虚拟语气
      译文: 果卧室部突然变饭店部样会吃惊
      6疑问副词when where how why who
      例句: so where are the headlines warning of gloom and doom this time (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句特殊疑问句动词warning形式作headlines置定语表示种动关系
      译文: 次警告济萧条头版新闻呢
      例句: yet it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could recreate the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the us when the standard oil trust was broken up
      分析: 该句复合句句it is hard to imagine中it形式语真正语to imagine thatto competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the u s定语句修饰the same threats when the standard oil trust was broken up非限制定语句修饰a century ago
      译文: 然目前家石油公司合否次竞争带威胁难预料美国世纪前合引发场竞争危机造成标准石油托拉斯解体
      8连接副词therefore then however otherwise hence so moreover yet consequently besides nevertheless when where why how
      例句: it is generally recognized however that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s radically changed the process although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句中it形式语真正语that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s作定语修饰the introduction although its impact on the media步状语句
      译文: 然普遍认20世纪初出现计算机20世纪60年代发明集成电路传媒影响没立显现出彻底改变发展进程
      例句:the magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only madonna and child image on newsstands this week (选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句简单句中分词短语showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby holding a cute baby分作置定语修饰covermother
      例句: growth which rarely continues beyond the age of 20 demands calories and nutrients—notably protein—to feed expanding tissues (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分growth demands calories and nutrients to feed expanding tissueswhich rarely continues beyond the age of 20修饰语growth非限制性定语句面破折号起补充说明作
      译文: 20岁少继续长高长高需热量营养特蛋白质满足身体组织生长需求
      例句: the mechanisms at work are manifest in the tendency for such physical activity to utilize the potentially harmful constituents of the stress response (XX年第14题)
      分析: 该句简单句中定式to utilize the potentially harmful constituents of the stress response作状语表示目
      译文: 起作机制显然倾种身体活动会利应激反应中潜害素
      例句: the newly built science building seems substantial enough to last a hundred
      分析: 该句简单句中副词enough作定语修饰形容词substantial
      译文: 新建科学楼坚固百年坏
      例句: the solution works only for couples who are self employed dont have small children and get along well enough to spend most of their time together (1999年第8题)
      分析: 该句复合句句部分the solution works only for couples who are self employed修饰couples定语句
      译文: 解决办法适谋职业没孩子部分时间起睦相处夫妻
      例句: as for the influence of computerization nowhere have we seen the results more clearly than in the us which really have surprised us all
      分析: 该句复合句which really have surprised us all非限制性定语句修饰the results句中nowhere置句首引起倒装
      译文: 计算机化影响言结果美国方明显真惊奇已
      例句: naturally he will try to borrow money at a low rate of interest but loans of this kind are not frequently obtainable (选XX年cloze test)
      分析: 该句but连接列句
      译文: 然会努力获取低息贷款种贷款常贷
      例句: traditionally legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person (XX年第46题)
      分析: 该句简单句句子干部分legal learning has been viewed asrather than
      译文: 长久法律知识类学校里直视律师专受教育者知识素养必组成部分
      例句: instead the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分the new habits create parallel pathwayswe deliberately press into ourselves省略关系代词定语句修饰语the new habits短语press into意思逼迫挤入定语句that can bypass those old roads修饰句宾语parallel pathwaysthat作句语
      译文: 相反意培养新惯会形成行路径避开原惯轨道
      例句: jane lived isolatedly方式in the town点for ten years时间
      例句: why do so many americans distrust what they read in their newspapers (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句what引导宾语句作distrust宾语
      译文: 什美国相信报刊东西呢
      1 英语中副词两种形式: 种形容词形式相种形式ly结尾意义法:
      clean完全 cleanly干净
      close接 closely紧密(表抽象概念)
      free免费意 freely率直
      hard努力 hardly
      high高 highly高度非常
      late迟晚 lately
      pretty相颇 prettily漂亮
      fair公 fairly公正相
      most颇 mostly半
      just刚正 justly公正
      direct直接 directly直接坦率马
      例句: since the dawn of human ingenuity people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous boring burdensome or just plain nasty (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句中that is dangerousboringburdensomeor just plain nasty定语句修饰work
      译文: 类具独创性发明越越精巧工具应付危险枯燥繁重者仅仅令讨厌工作
      例句: the american dream is most plausible during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by american capitalism (1999年第25题)
      分析: 该句简单句generated by american capitalism分词作置定语修饰the periods
      译文: 美国资义带生产率提高财富增加段时期美国梦实现
      例句: in the general population today at this genetic environmental level weve pretty much gone as far as we can go says anthropologist william cameron chumlea of wright state university (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 引号句子简单句句部分weve pretty much gone as far as we can go介词短语in the general population todayat this genetic句中作状语
      译文: 怀特州立学类学家威廉·卡梅隆·查姆利指出: 天般群中种基环境水已达达高度
      brotherly scholarly(学者风度) heavenly(天堂)
      homely friendly masterly(高明)
      likely lovelycostly
      childly quarterly(季度)manly
      例句: replies show that compared with other americans journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods have maids own mercedeses and trade stocks and theyre less likely to go to church do volunteer work or put down roots in a community (选XX年text 3)
      分析:该句复合句中分词短语compared with other americans作状语表示较谓语动词showand连接两列宾语句
      例句: those forced to exercise their smiling muscles reacted more enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown suggesting that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around(选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分thosereacted more enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those中did代句相谓语部分reacted enthusiastically to funny cartoons正常语序than thosedid外分词短语forced to exercise their smiling muscles作置定语修饰语thosewhose mouths were contracted in a frown定语句修饰句中第二thosesuggesting that分词短语作状语表示结果相which引导非限制性定语句
      例句:the people whove been hurt the worst are those whove stayed too long (选XX年text 2)
      分析:该句复合句句干部分the people are those两定语句whove been hurt the worst whove stayed too long分修饰先行词the peoplethose
      例句:among other students in his class he studies (the) hardest
      so beautiful girls错误形式应改: such beautiful girls
      例句:only a decade earlier such an act would have required legislative approval in virginia (选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句简单句干部分such an act would have required legislative approval in virginia would have required表示事实相反推测only a decade earlier句中作状语表示时间
      例句:the newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of europe and southeast asia that some scholars even accused boas and sapair of fabricating their data (XX年第43题)
      分析:该句复合句that引导结果状语句短语accuse sb of sth意指责指控某某事
      例句:such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life (选XX年text 2)
      分析:该句简单句中形容词短语necessary to succeed in school and in life作定语修饰elements
      例句:the discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that at intervals the speakers stopped for refreshments (1996年第26题)
      very修饰形容词原级副词much(very much)修饰动词形容词副词较级高级
      例句:ted had told me that he always escaped being fined as he had got a very fast sport car
      分析:该句复合句中being fined动名词般式动式句中作谓语动词escape宾语
      例句:mercurys velocity is so much greater than the earths that it completes more than four revolutions around the sun in the time it takes the earth to complete one (1996年第20题)
      (三)too muchmuch too(far too)
      too much+数名词 much toofar too+形容词副词原级
      例句:the reason in fact may be just the opposite there is too much damn happiness in the world today (选XX年text 4)
      例句:i dont like eating chocolate the taste is much too sweet
      (四)also too either
      also too肯定句also正式场合too惯法either否定句
      例句:i support your decision but i should also make it clear that i am not going to be bound to it
      分析:该句but引导列句中短语be bound to sth意必定作保证
      例句:careless use of words prevents a meeting of the minds of the speaker and the listener too
      例句:mary is not a christianjohn is not a christian either
      例句:but the 47 year old manicurist isnt cutting filing or polishing as many nails as shed like to either (选XX年text 3)
      1 绝部分形容词作定语作表语少数形容词作定语放名词前常见: dailyweeklymonthlyformerlatterwoolenwooden少数形容词作表语置be表语形容词般字母a开头
      afraid alive alone alike ashamed
      awake aware asleep afire
      例句: this alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of 80 european television networks no less than 50 took a loss in 1989 (XX年第48题)
      分析: 该句复合句含句a fact underlined by statistics that接定语句show接宾语句中no less than译少少take a loss 译亏赔
      译文: 仅点足证明电视行业里生存非易事统计数字尤说明事实: 欧洲国家80电视网络中达半公司1989年亏损
      2 作定语形容词般作前置修饰语列情况中形容词作置定语
      例句: id say whenever you are going after something belonging to you anyone who is depriving you of the right to have it is criminal (1997年第21题)
      分析: 该句复合句句who is depriving you of the right to have it作anyone定语 whenever you are going after something belonging to you作say宾语句中状语
      译文: 想说什时候追求某种属东西时想剥夺拥权利犯罪
      例句: any student careful enough to take the exam is sure to succeed in the end
      分析: 该句简单句careful enough to take the exam 作定语修饰student
      译文: 参加考试位学生足够细心终定会取成功
      the member present (出席成员)
      court martial (军事法庭)
      secretary general (秘书长)
      例句: i was unaware of the critical points involved so my choice was quite arbitrary (1998年第37题)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 没意识问题关键抉择十分武断
      例句: there were many people present and he appeared only for a few secondsso i only caught a glimpse of him (1998年第22题)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 场会见眼
      3 表度量形容词
      例句: there is a heavily polluted river 100 meters long in front of our small playground
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 操场前条长100米严重污染河
      4 形容词列作定语时位置
      限定词→数量(序数前基数)→形状→长短高低等度量→新旧→颜色→国籍→ 材料
      例句: i have never seen these beautiful round multi colored chinese cloisonne(景泰蓝)vases in my first three years in china
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 中国初三年中没见颜色异圆形中式景泰蓝花瓶
      contemptuous (表示轻蔑)
      desirous (渴)
      envious (羡慕)
      expressive (表情丰富)
      forgetful (健忘)
      imaginative (富想象)
      perceptive (感觉敏锐)
      persuasive (说服说服力)
      respectful (表示尊敬)
      tolerant (容忍容许) 客观意义:
      contemptible (轻视卑劣)
      desirable (值想)
      enviable (令羡慕)
      expressible (表达出)
      forgettable (忘记)
      imaginable (想象出)
      perceptible (感觉)
      persuasible (说服听话)
      respectable (敬)
      tolerable (容忍)
      例句: the authors are witheringly contemptuous of the bogus equation of tidiness and morality for example in corporate clean desk policies
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 作者毫留情批评整洁道德相等做法例公司清洁办公桌政策
      例句: we should be alert to the possibility that individuals organizations or governments tend to pied a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and selfish interests
      分析: 该句复合句that individualsorganizations or governments tend to作possibility位语
      译文: 应警惕种性: 组织政府高尚目标作采取卑鄙手段 获取私利口
      the poor (穷)
      the blind (盲)
      the deaf (聋子)
      the fewthe many (少数数)
      the dying (奄奄息)
      the killed (死)
      the oppressed (压迫)
      the agedthe weakthe sick and the disabled (老弱病残)
      the living (活着)
      例句: the old are cared well in a home for the poor and aged
      译文: 老养老院里料
      例句: the poor are very happy but the rich are sad
      译文: 穷快乐富快乐
      少数词接单数动词: the departedthe deceased (死者) the beautiful (美事物) the unexpected (意外情况)
      例句: the deceased has been sent to the funeral parlor
      译文: 死者已送殡仪馆
      three year old child (三岁孩子)
      six storied building (六层楼房)
      one eyed donkey (眼驴)
      : prep adj n adv+pp(分词)
      off putting (令讨厌)
      nit picking (找茬吹毛求疵)
      free living (生活拘束)
      hard wearing (耐穿)
      star crossed (命运佳倒霉)
      tender hearted (心肠软慈善)
      well intentioned (善意心)
      例句: people who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in densely populated areas (1999年第27题)
      分析: 该句复合句中those living相those who live in
      译文: 住镇似住口稠密区更友
      例句: in this way these insects show an efficient use of their sound producing ability organizing two sounds delivered at a high rate as one call (1997年第16题)
      分析: 该句简单句organizing two sounds delivered作伴状语
      译文: 通种方式昆虫展示高超发音功高频率发出两种声波作次鸣
      英语中绝数形容词表示较意义部分形容词身已带较含义 词没较级高级形式:
      only mere sole extreme supreme perfect single real utmost eternal principal chief main empty matchless unique wonderful square等
      例句: my favorite radio song is the one i first heard on a thick 1923 edison disc i stumbled upon at a garage sale (XX年第22题)
      分析: 该句复合句i first heard on a thick 1923 edison disci stumbled upon at a garage sale两定语句分修饰the oneedison disc
      译文: 次现场旧货出售中偶然碰张1923年爱迪生唱片张唱片第次听喜欢广播歌曲
      例句: critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句that commercial genetic testing作argue宾语to which a sample is compared修饰the reference collections定语句
      译文: 批评家指出商业基检测坏取决样参考样坏
      例句: scientists generally agree that the earths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years as much as it has warmed in the 2000 years since the ice age
      分析: 该句复合句that the earthsice age 作 agree宾语句
      译文: 科学家普遍认球气候未50年1XX年时间里会变暖变暖程度冰河世纪2 0XX年时间里变暖程度样
      例句: its a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette yet somehow a breath of fresh air (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句简单句even more bitter than修饰a message
      译文: 读消息滋味甚抽丁香烟苦知带股清新气息
      例句: these recordings are cheap available everywhere and very often much higher in artistic quality than todays live performances moreover they can be consumed at a time and place of the listeners choosing (选XX年text 1)
      形式:not so (as)+原级+asless+原级+ than
      例句: according to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples single parents are the least happy of all (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句简单句中分词短语concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples作置定语修饰studies句that parents are less happy than childless couples充concluding宾语
      译文: 结 父母者子女者幸福项研究表明单亲父母幸福
      例句: their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates
      分析: 该句简单句中those代表lives
      译文: 生活属样空虚
      1 优等较
      形式: the+高级+单数名词one +of (in短语)that句(仅限形容词)
      例句: it soon becomes clear that the interior designers most important basic concern is the function of the particular space
      分析: 该句复合句中it形式语真正语that the interior designers most important
      译文: 室设计者基关注点某特定空间功点快清楚
      例句: i believe that the most important forces behind the massive m&a wave are the same that underlie the globalization process falling transportation and communication costs lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分i believe that that require enlargeddemands修饰falling transportationand enlarged markets定语句形容词短语capable of meeting customers demands修饰operations中be the same that意…………相
      译文: 认引起场规模合浪潮重力量导致全球化力量相: 运输通信费降贸易投资障碍减少市场扩切需扩业务满足消费者需求
      2 劣等较
      形式: the+least+原级+(单数名词one)+of(in短语)that句(仅限形容词)
      例句: in class she is the least talented girl in mastering foreign language that i have ever taught
      分析: 该句复合句that i have ever taught修饰girl定语句
      译文: 班里教外语学方面缺乏天分女孩
      3 较级表示高级含义
      形式: 较级+ than any other+单数名词
      例句: the campus of this university is much more beautiful than any other campus
      译文: 学校园漂亮
      4 高级形容词前加定冠词the作表语物作较时省the
      例句: i have been busiest these days for writing papers
      译文: 写文天忙时间
      are your jobs more important than jack
      (说法错误工作jack较应该jack工作相较该句正确说法: are your jobs more important than jacks)
      the climate of shanxi province is much better than henan province
      (说法错误山西气候河南省较应该河南省气候相较该句正确说法: the climate of shanxi province is much better than that of henan province )
      例句: meanwhile many settlers had slighter religious commitments than danes as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the new world for religion (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句中干many settlers had slighter religious commitments than danes danes 省略religious commitmentas one clergyman learned方式状语句 who mocked修饰folk定语句they had not come to the new world for religionthat引导宾语句作mock宾语
      译文: 时许移居者宗教虔诚丹表现正位神职员海边遇里听样嘲弄说道新陆宗教
      she is taller than any girls in class
      (句表达错误句中应该girl前加other排身较外girl复数she某女孩高女孩加起高应改: she is taller than any other girl in class)
      级较asas结构前almostnearlyjust (about)quite等修饰词
      优等较较级+ than结构前(so) very much(quite)a lota great deala bitsomewhatstillfarby far等修饰词
      例句: often they chose—and still are choosing—somewhat colder climate such as oregon idaho and alaska in order to escape smog crime and other plagues of urbanization in the golden stars (选1998年text 4)
      分析: 该句简单句in order to escape作状语表示目of urbanization修饰plagues
      译文: 常常选择——现然选择——居住气候较冷区俄勒冈州爱达荷州阿拉斯加州逃避黄金州(加利福尼亚州)烟雾犯罪市化带问题
      例句 i also know that people in japan and sweden countries that spend far less on medical care have achieved longer healthier lives than we have (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句中定语句that spend far less on medical care修饰countriesthan we have较状语句
      译文: 深知日瑞典样医疗开销少国家获更长寿命更健康生活
      (七) more thanmorethan
      1 more than over表示超止 极修饰名词形容词副词动词句放动词前常译仅仅远
      例句: more than two hundred years ago the united states broke away from the british empire and became an independent country
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 200年前美国摆脱英帝国成独立国家
      例句: the more than 50 000 nuclear weapons in the hands of various nations today are more than ample for destroying every city in the world several times over (1998年第18题)
      分析: 该句简单句短语be ample for sth doing sth意足……介词短语in the hands of various nations today作定语修饰weapons
      译文: 天国手中掌握5万件核武器足世界座城市毁灭数次
      2 morethan译说……说……more a than b译说b说a强调morea反义表达less a than b译说a说b强调thanb
      例句: what he said is more a story than a joke made for fun
      分析: 该句复合句语what引导语句is谓语made for fun作置定语修饰joke
      译文: 说讲述逗开心笑话说相离谱事
      (八) no more than no morethan
      1 no more than nothing more than only表示仅仅意
      例句 the individual tv viewer invariably senses that he or she is no more than an anonymous statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience (XX年第7题)
      分析: 该句复合句that he or she is no more than句中作sense宾语
      译文: 电视观众作体说总觉众观众中名姓值提分子罢
      2 no morethan表示………………样意
      (l)no more+名词+than+名词
      例句: im afraid youve got the wrong person i am no more a scientist than a mathematician
      译文: 想恐怕搞错什科学家什数学家
      试较: she is not more a doctor than a technician (less a doctor than a technician)
      译文: 说医生说技师
      例句: the heart is no more intelligent than the stomach for they are both controlled by the brain (1994年第4题)
      分析: 该句复合句句for引导原状语句组成
      译文: 心脏胃样智力言受脑控制
      例句: mrmcwhorters academic specialty is language history and change and he sees the gradual disappearance ofwhom for example to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case endings of old english (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句列句to be naturalno more regrettable than the loss ofsee宾语补足语
      译文: 麦荷特先生研究学术领域语言历史演化诸whom类词汇逐步消失做正常认古英语尾格消失样值惋惜
      (九)not soas not so muchas
      1 not soas般较级结构表示劣等较
      例句: while it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition it is not so easy as in dealing with adults (XX年第48题)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分it is not so easy as in dealing with adults该句中it形式语真正语定式结构to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition介词短语in our contact with them句中作状语
      译文: 交中容易忽视行性格产生影响成年交程中种情况容易发生
      2 not so muchas表示说……说……意
      例句: the chief reason for the population growth isnt so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates as a result of improvement in medical care(1997年第6题)
      分析: 该句简单句介词短语as a result of improvement in medical care作状语表示原
      译文: 口增长原说出生率升说医疗保健改善引起死亡率降
      例句: it wasnt so much that i disliked her as that i just wasnt interested in the whole business (XX年第9题)
      分析: 该句复合句包含not so much thatas that引导步状语句that i disliked herthat i just wasnt interested in列结构
      译文: 说喜欢说整事件感兴趣
      1 the+较级the+较级表示越……越……意
      例句: the better informed they are about the way the state works the better their reporting will be (选XX年part c)
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 越解国家运行方式越作出报道
      例句: in fact the more new things we try—the more we step outside our comfort zone—the more inherently creative we become both in the workplace and in our personal lives (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 句中第破折号前面容作进步解释第二破折号容表示前面样实践结果
      译文: 事实尝试新事物越越走出舒适区职场生活中具更创造力
      例句: the weather is turning ever colder and colder and people have to make a fire in their homes in advance
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 天气变越越冷纷纷提前家里生起火
      3prefer+动名词+to+动名词prefer to+动词原形+rather than+动词原形
      例句: the old man himself prefers to write the letter rather than dictate others
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 老宁愿亲写信愿口授
      4 ior结尾形容词接to构成较级接than词接than较级代:
    junior to(younger than)senior to(older than)inferior to(worse than) superior to(better than)prior(before)preferable(……更取)
      例句: beethoven is my favorite musician and i consider him as superior to other musicians in the world
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 贝芬喜欢音乐家认世界音乐家优秀
      例句: the oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 氧原子重量氢原子16倍
      例句: engaged in the part time job he earned three times as much as his roommate
      分析: 该句简单句中分词engaged in句中作状语表示原
      译文: 事兼职工作挣舍友挣三倍
      (二)表倍数词+ that(the+名词)+of
      例句: the cotton output in hami area is 3 times that of the grape
      译文: 哈密区棉花产量葡萄产量三倍
      例句: smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents (1999年第2题)
      分析: 该句复合句that it kills结果状语句
      译文: 吸烟健康危害严重年吸烟造成死亡数机动车事死亡数七倍
      例句: when the united states entered just such a glowing period after the end of the second world war it had a market eight times larger than any competitor giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句after the end of the second world war句中作状语形容词短语eight times larger than any competitor修饰market分词giving its industries句中作结果状语说明it had a marketany competitor结果
      译文: 第二次世界战结束美国恰进入样段辉煌时期时拥市场竞争手八倍美国工业达伦济规模
      (四)倍数动词doubletriple quadruple分表示增加二三倍
      例句: the handling capacity of the qingdao harbor has tripled in two years
      译文: 青岛港吞吐量两年间翻两番
      1 表示增减意义动词(increaserisegrowgo updecreasefalldroplower reduce)+to+times表示增加……倍减少……倍
      例句: as a result californias growth rate dropped during the 1970s to 185 percent—little more than two thirds the 1960s growth figure and considerably below that of other western states (选1998年text 4)
      分析: 该句简单句破折号容形容词短语little more than two thirdsand前面容作进步补充说明
      译文: 结果20世纪70年代加利福尼亚州口增长率降185数字60年代增长率23略高明显低西部州
      2 表示增加减少动词+by+times表示增加减少……倍
      例句: and since 1991 productivity has increased by about 2 a year which is more than twice the 1978—1987 average (选1998年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句which is more than twice修饰about 2 a year
      译文: 1991年生产率年约增长2率1978年1987年均增长指数两倍
      3 表增减意义动词+数字表增减意义动词+by a factor of+数字(增加时译作增加n1倍减少时译作减少(n1)n倍)
      例句: the grain output in our country has increased four times
      译文: 国粮食产量增加3倍
      例句: the coal output has been lowered by a factor of 5
      译文: 煤产量减少45
      1 again +as+形容词副词原级+as表示……两倍意
      例句: the car factory is again as large as the electronic infrastructure factory
      译文: 汽车厂电子基础设施厂两倍
      2half again+as+形容词副词原级+as表示增加半意
      例句: this liberation bridge is half again as long as the victoria
      译文: 解放桥维利亚桥15倍
      例句: when school was over jack and me went home together
      分析: me应改i处语位置
      例句: each cigarette which a person smokes does some harm and eventually he may get a serious disease from its effect (1996年第14题)
      分析: 该句复合句中which a person smokes修饰each cigarette定语句he指代前面a person
      译文: 吸支烟身体害终吸烟患种严重疾病
      1 代外切生物事物(代单词词组句子)
      例句: the ideal listener stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoys it almost as much as the composer at the moment he composes (XX年第19题)
      分析: 该句复合句中he composes省略关系代词whichthat定语句修饰the moment almost as much as the composer作状语修饰enjoys
      译文: 理想听众音乐奏响时置身中超然外作曲家创作音乐时样享受音乐
      例句: you have saved my life and i will never forget it
      分析: it指you have saved my life
      译文: 挽救生命决会忘记件事
      2 表示时间距离天气等然现象
      例句: it is time now to tell the americans they are on the wrong track
      译文: 现时候告诉美国走错路
      例句: she didnt come back until it was 1200
      译文: 直12点回
      例句: it is about 50 miles to school
      译文: 学校概50英里
      3 作形式语(真正语动名词定式语句)
      例句: but its interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress free happiness enhancing parenthood arent in some smallsubconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句中it形式语真正语to wonder if the images arent contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experiencewe see every week of stress free happiness enhancing parenthood定语句修饰the images介词短语in some smallsubconscious way作状语表示方式
      译文: 想知道周毫压力提升幸福感父母形象否某种细微潜意识方式加剧现行生活体验满呢意思
      例句: in fact it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the canadian constitution can do a competent job on political stories
      分析: 该句复合句it形式语定语句who do not have a clear graspconstitution修饰journalistscan do宾语句how谓语部分
      译文: 事实难想象加宪法基点缺乏清晰解新闻记者胜政治新闻报道工作
      4 作形式宾语
      例句: the financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句简单句中it作形式宾语真正宾语to be between jobs or to leave a bad onemore acceptable作宾语补足语
      译文: 金融危机已等工作机会者辞糟糕工作种行更容易接受
      例句: there are over 100 night schools in the city making it possible for a professional to be reeducated no matter what he does (1998年第7题)
      分析: 该句简单句no matter what he does句中作状语表示步分词短语making作over 100 night schools补足语
      译文: 城市100夜校专业员事什工作接受教育
      5 引出强调句(强调谓语外成分)
      强调句型: it iswas+强调部分+that(whowhomwhich)+部分强调部分常语(句)宾语(句)状语(句)强调状语时whenwherethat翻译成汉语时强调部分常正等表示强调含义判断强调句标准掉it iswasthat(whowhomwhich)果余部分完整句子说明原句强调句否it作形式语句子
      例句: it was during the same time that the communications revolution speeded up beginning with transport the railway and leading on through the telegraph the telephone radio and motion pictures into the 20th century world of the motor car and the airplane (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句分词短语beginning with作语the communications revolution补足语该强调句强调状语during the same time
      译文: 时通讯革命加速发展交通运输铁路开始发展电报电话线电电影20世纪汽车飞机
      例句: perhaps it is humankinds long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating (选1998年text 1)
      分析: 该句简单句句子干humankinds long sufferingmakesso fascinating中短语at the mercy of意听……摆布完全受……支配
      译文: 许正类长期听旱涝灾摆布洪水听类调遣种理想令痴迷
      例句: all the off shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read affectionate letters from their families (1998年第35题)
      分析: 该句复合句出现as引导时间状语句
      译文: 海洋石油勘探队员读情深意浓家书时情绪高涨
      例句: he does not qualify as a teacher of english as his pronunciation is terrible but hers is quite good
      分析: 该句列句第部分复合句出现as引导原状语句
      译文: 糟糕发音够资格英文老师发音非常
      例句: who do you like best his or her friends
      译文: 喜欢朋友
      a book of mine
      no fault of hers
      that pen of his
      例句: in march 1998 a friend of williamss got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for additions and wrote to inform the casino of williamss gambling problems (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句简单句gotwrote两列谓语动词
      译文: 1998年3月威廉姆斯朋友强行送入家戒赌治疗中心写信通知赌场关威廉姆斯赌博问题
      例句: according to one belief if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent so one had better wait instead of searching for it (XX年第3题)
      分析: 该句复合句中had better+ do意做某事
      译文: 种观点真理想众皆知真理应该显易见等探寻
      例句: prof white my respected tutor frequently reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my english (1999年第35题)
      分析: 该句简单句avail oneself of意利(机会等)
      译文: 敬爱导师怀特教授常提醒抓住机会提高英语水
      例句: the house belongs to myself(作介词宾语)
      you yourself did wrong to him(作位语)
      相互代词each otherone another两种通常前者表示两者间相互关系者表示两者事物间相互关系
      例句: language culture and personality may be considered independently of each other in thoughtbut they are inseparable in fact (1996年第31题)
      分析: 该句but引导列句
      译文: 意识形态中语言文化性认相互独立事实分割
      例句: in europe as elsewhere multi media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television radio newspapers magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another (XX年第47题)
      分析: 该句复合句句子干multi media groups have been increasingly successful groups定语句which bring together修饰groups中television radio newspapers magazines and publishing houses作bring宾语bringtogether 定语句that work in relation to one another修饰前面名词
      译文: 欧洲方样传媒集团扩张越越成功集团相关电视 广播报纸杂志出版社组合起
      注意: 相互代词格形式each othersone anothers接数名词数名词复数形式接单数数名词
      例句: in the past most foresters have been men but today the number of women pursuing this field is climbing
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 林业工半男事行业妇女数增加
      例句: we are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages (XX年第62题)
      分析: 该句复合句句we are obliged to thembecause引导状语句定语句who spoke them修饰the peoplesas引导句子做插入语补充说明 some of these languages have since vanished原
      译文: 感激(两位先驱)语言中已复存语言民族消亡化丧失族语言
      例句: the number of registered participants in this years marathon was half that of last years (1996年第7题)
      分析: 该句简单句句语单数名词number面指代代词单数that谓语单数
      译文: 年登记参加马拉松赛跑数年半
      例句: his function is analogous to that of a judge who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision (XX年第47题)
      分析: 该句复合句句his function is analogous to that of a judge定语句who must accept修饰a judge介词短语in as obvious a matter as possible作状语说明reveal方式定语句which led him to his decision修饰the course of reasoning
      译文: 职责法官相似必须承担样责: 明方式展示作出决定推理程
      例句: these bunches of flowers are more beautiful than those we bought yesterday
      译文: 束花昨天买花漂亮
      例句: such is what you want me to do
      such are the meanings of authentic love
      注意: such作定语时副词so区前面副词节中已提
      例句: vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon hydrogen oxygen and sometimes nitrogen (选1996年cloze test)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 样元素构成——通常碳氢氧时氮种维生素相似
      例句: whats the difference between love and fondness or what is the nature of luck and coincidence (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句or连接两简单句(特殊疑问句)
      译文: 爱情喜欢什区幸运巧合质什
      1 both两者all三者三者接名词复数形式谓语动词复数句中作语宾语定语位语
      例句: similar elements in the prehistoric remains from both areas suggest that indians and their neighbors had maintained distant but real connections even before 1500 bc
      分析: 该句复合句suggest句谓语动词that indians and their neighbors宾语句
      译文: 两区史前遗迹中类似成分表明: 印度邻居甚公元前15XX年前维持着遥远真实联系
      例句: in the early industrialized countries of europe the process of industrialization—with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so (XX年第74题)
      分析: 该句列复合句whereas连接两列分句中前分句句部分the process of industrialization was spread over nearly a century介词短语with语补足语定语句that followed修饰changes
      译文: 早先实现工业化欧洲国家中工业化进程社会结构深远影响变革延续世纪现发展中国家十年左右时间历样程
      2 all作代词时谓语动词单数复数
      例句: all the information we have collected in relation to that case adds up to very little
      分析: 该句复合句中干部分all the informationadds up to very littlewe have collected in relation to that case 修饰the information定语句
      译文: 搜集件事关信息没意义
      例句: all but he and i are going to attend the meeting
      译文: 外开会
      3 bothalleverynot连时表示部分否定
      例句 but not all parts of the brain are equally involved the limbic system(theemotional brain) is especially active while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句分号while连接列句分号相连词andnot all表示部分否定
      译文: 脑部分参活动控制情绪脑部位异常活跃然控制智力推理力前额皮质相静
      例句: not everyone sees that process in perspective (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 正确程
      (二)either neither any each none every some
      1 eitherneither反义词表示两者中()作名词形容词
      either (neither) of the+复数名词+动词单数
      either (neither)+单数名词+动词单数
      eitherneither of these stories (eitherneither story) he told us is as attractive and instructive as that one
      例句: neither kind of sleep is at all well understood but rem (rapid eye movements) sleep is assumed to serve some restorative function of the brain
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 两种睡眠没完全解认快速眼动睡眠脑恢复功
      2 either指两者中仅限两者each两者eitherboth互换both强调整体
      例句: the relationship between latin american music and black music in the united states is evident in the unaccented beats that are common to eitherboth
      分析: 该句复合句定语句that are common to eitherboth修饰beats
      译文: 拉丁美洲音乐美国黑音乐关系明显表现两种音乐存着重音 节拍点
      例句: we also expect each place to be appropriate to its use
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 希方恰分
      3 anynone反义词表示三者三者中()谓语动词 单复数参例句
      例句: although professor greens lectures usually run over the fifty minute period none of his students ever object(s)as they find his lectures both informative and interesting
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 然格林教授课通常超规定50分钟学生表示反发现格林课富知识性趣
      例句: if any man here does not agree with me he should put forward his own plan of improving the living conditions of these people
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 果座赞成观点应该提出改善生活条件方案
      4 anysome区any否定句条件句疑问句some肯定句表示期方肯定答复问句形式方提出求邀请
      例句: he has failed me so many times that i no longer place any reliance on what he promises (1997年第23题)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 次辜负期相信作出承诺
      例句: the idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分the idea is one of those hypothesesthat some groups of people may be more intelligent than othersidea位语句that dare not speak its namehypotheses定语句
      译文: 认某群体智商高群体敢说出假想
      5 every作形容词everyone指every one指物指
      例句: without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of practically every business operation in the whole country (1998年第32题)
      分析: 该句简单句句隐含现情况相反虚拟语气without telephone相 if there were no telephone
      译文: 果没电话全国商业运作正常进行
      例句: there is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees on what constitutes a benefit to an individual
      分析: 该句复合句that everyone agrees on作assumption位语句what constitutes a benefit to an individual作介词on宾语
      译文: 科学家医务员普遍持种正确假设:什构成利益问题意见致
      (三)onethe otheranother
      1 两者中one表示the other表示定数目中another表示
      例句: however when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock their behavior became markedly different (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句句部分their behavior became markedly different when引 导时间状语句中插入so that引导目状语句句中what the other作observe宾语
      译文: 两猴子放隔开相邻两房间中猴子方岩石交换什物品行发生巨变化
      例句: we had a party last month and it was a lot of fun so lets have another one this month
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 月举行场晚会意思月举行场类似晚会吧
      2 表示三者三者加说明
      oneanotherand the other
      onea secondand the third
      例句: i have three sisters one is a nurse another (a second) is a teacher and the other (and the third) is a doctor
      注: 表示四者四者加说明表达方式:oneanothera thirdand the fourth (the other)
      3 one作代词时前形容词thethisthatwhichanysomeeachevery等修饰one of the+复数名词+单数动词
      例句: that means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句means宾语句省略连接代词thatwhat is in the sea作介词 of宾语so引导分句中the one代前面名词difference分词短语recorded by作置定语修饰the one
      译文: 意味着更高例海洋物种正捕捞现真正差异根渔获量变化记录更糟糕
      例句: one of the responsibilities of the coast guard is to make sure that all ships dutifully follow traffic rules in busy harbors (XX年第13题)
      分析: 该句复合句句that all shipsharbors作make sure宾语
      译文: 海岸警卫队责确保船繁忙港口严格遵守航运规
      注意: thatone代表句子前面部分中名词避免重复: one指代数名词 确定指代复数形式onesthat指代数数名词确定指代复数形式those
      例句: no bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his own labor
      分析: 该句简单句中that代前面bread分词短语earned by his own labor作定语修饰that
      译文: 什面包劳动挣面包香
      例句: julia tried to find a good book on physics but the bookstore she went to yesterday did not have one
      分析: 该句列句中第二分句复合句she went to yesterday修饰the bookstore定语句
      译文: 朱丽亚想找物理学方面书昨天家书店没
      4 another接单数名词表示意思(one more)外(some other)(a different)
      例句: her mother will be back in another moment and we have to wait for her
      分析: 句and连接列句
      译文: 妈妈会回等等吧
      例句: we will visit the history museum another day
      译文: 改天参观历史博物馆
      例句: he is planning another tour abroad yet his passport will expire at the end of this month (1998年第34题)
      分析: 该句yet连接列句
      译文: 正计划国外旅游护月底期
      5 other通常接复数名词any otherevery other no othersome otherthe otherone other名词单数形式
      例句: as far as i am concerned his politics are rather conservative compared with other politicians (1997年第19题)
      分析: 该句简单句中as far as i am concerned插入语other politicians相other politicians politics分词短语compared with other politicians句中作状语表示时间条件相whenif his politics are compared with other politicians
      译文: 政治家政治观点相观点更加保守
      例句: no other book has had a greater influence on my life
      译文: 书生影响没书
      例句: wilson found there was only one other guest besides himself
      译文: 威尔逊发现外客
      注意: other数目连时位置:
      基数词+ other+复数名词
      the other+基数词+复数名词the+基数词+other+复数名词
      (四)fewa few littlea little
      fewa few修饰数名词littlea little修饰数名词a fewa little具肯定含义fewlittle具否定含义the fewthe little表示肯定含义
      例句: a few premiers are suspicious of any federal provincial deal making(选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 省督联邦政府联合省进行谈判做法心存怀疑
      例句: the roles expected of old people in such a setting give too few psychological satisfactions for normal happiness (XX年第7题)
      分析: 该句简单句中分词短语expected of old people句中作定语修饰the roles
      译文: 情况老年角色期法心理满足法享受正常幸福生活
      例句: living in the central australian desert has its problems of which obtaining water is not the least
      分析: 该句复合句of which obtaining water is非限制性定语句修饰 problemsthe leastthe little高级表示肯定意义
      译文: 居住澳利亚沙漠中心身问题中获取水严峻问题
      例句: they may teach very well and more than earn their salaries but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment (XX年第50题)
      分析: 该句列复合句定语句which involve moral judgment修饰problemsbut前两列句
      译文: 教仅仅挣薪水数少没需进行道德判断关问题讲行独立思考
      例句:its hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because reese and angelina make it look so glamorous:most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut (选XX年text 4)
      分析:该句复合句句中it形式语真正语to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children原状语句中it代表前面提to want children号容前面容解释
      例句: most newspapers while devoting the major part of their space to recent events usually manage to find room on the inside pages for articles on some interesting topics (XX年第17题)
      分析: 该句复合句中句most newspapers usually manage to find room on the inside pagestopics句while完整形式应while they are devoting the major part of their space to recent events
      译文: 数报纸版面报道期发生事件通常会页留出空间刊登趣闻
      例句: most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly
      分析: 该句复合句that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant句中充表语句定语句whose brain israpidly修饰the infant
      译文: 原母亲脑已做快速学语言准备婴发出信号敏感
      1 单独时most前冠词
      例句: some of the people stayed behind but most went
      分析: mostmost people动词复数
      2 most带限制性定语句时前加the
      例句: the most this hall can seat is 1000
      分析: 复合句this hall can seat定语句修饰the mostseat动词意……提供座位
      译文: 厅容纳千
      3 most of the+复数名词表示数……most of+形容词性物代词+单数名词表示部分……
      例句: mrpollard has visited most of the countries in europe
      译文: 波勒德先生已访问欧洲数国家
      例句: most of her book deals with problems in political economy
      译文: 书部分述政治济方面问题
      例句: moreover most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable and this need not always mean increasing productivity switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much (选1998年text 2)
      分析: 该句列复合句and前分句中that companies make定语句修饰the changes分句中this指代前面句子容号容作解释
      译文: 外公司改革目部分盈利种需求定总够提高生产率: 转入新市场改善产品质量获样效果
      4 most作副词时构成形容词副词高级通俗英语中mostvery修饰形容词副词mostmostly区者作部分讲(for the most part)
      例句: the eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all indians but seems to be indifferent to the welfare of his animals (XX年第14题)
      分析: 该句简单句isseems to两列谓语
      译文: 爱斯基摩印第安中信体贴然动物福利漠关心
      例句: what mrjelly said is mostly(for the most part) correct
      译文: 杰勒先生说话部分正确
      5 most+名词表示泛指most of the+名词表示特指
      例句: most chinese like fast food(泛指)
      most of the people in this district are fond of cctv5(特指)
      连接代词包括who whom whose what which that中what外连接代词作关系代词区连接代词引导语句宾语句表语句位语句等名词性句关系代词引导定语句
      例句: that the sun and not the earth is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the middle ages
      分析: 该句复合句that the sun and not the earth is the center of our planetary system句中充语
      译文: 太阳行星系中心(球)概念中世纪难明白
      例句: it may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experiencebut this effect is not a part of its original motive (XX年第46题)
      分析: 该句转折连词but连接列句中第分句中it作形式语真正语that the measure of the worthof any social institutionworth置定语in enlarging and improving experienceits effect置定语
      译文: 许说衡量种社会制度价值丰富提升验方面影响种影响初动机部分
      例句: he adds humbly that perhaps he wassuperior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention and in observing them carefully (XX年第49题)
      分析: 该句复合句that引导宾语句结构he was superior to 中包含which引导定语句in noticing thingsin observing them carefully列结构
      译文: 谦说许注意容易忽略事物加仔细观察方面优常
      例句: i apologize if i had offended you but i assure you it was unintentional (1998年第3题)
      分析: 该句列复合句中短语assure sb that意某保证某事
      译文: 果犯道歉保证意
      例句:one of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise however is that gilbert is comparatively little known (选XX年text 1)
      分析:该句复合句中why the appointment came as such a surprise定语句修饰reasonshowever作插入语介词短语as such a surprise作状语修饰came句干部分one of the reasons is that gilbert is comparatively little known
      译文: 然该命显突然原吉尔伯特较知
      例句: the notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past (选XX年text3)
      分析: 该句复合句that people have failed tochanges表语句which have happened in the ocean作changes定语because引导原状语句
      译文: 概念说没注意发生海洋里巨变化回顾短段时间
      例句:allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share—that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts—and reveal its erroneous nature (XX年第46题)
      分析:该句复合句干部分allens contribution was to take an assumption and reveal its erroneous nature中we all share定语句修饰assumptionthat because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts位语句assumption位语关系
      例句: but the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the new media (XX年第48题)
      分析: 该句复合句中干结构the idearests on an understanding that the journalist mustan ordinary citizenthe idea位语句
      译文: 新闻记者应该普通公民更加透彻解法律种法基新闻媒体业已确立规约特殊责理解
      (五)whatever who(m)ever whichever
      例句: now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made作flesh out(充实具体化)宾语句中developinto意思发展成变成前半部分now that引导步状语句
      译文: 然已题拓展成初步题整合笔记容丰富拟定提纲
      例句: donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in thegreat gameof espionage—spying as aprofession (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句whatever tools came to作using宾语破折号容espionage解释说明
      译文: 诺万认职业间谍活动伟事业中利工具
      in deficit (赤字逆差)
      approach to (……方法)
      in the wake of (紧紧着……)
      from scratch (零开始)
      例句: china also signed a long term trade agreement with the eec in 1978 while trade with the usa has increased rapidly in the wake of the normalization of diplomatic relations at the beginning of 1979
      分析: 该句列句
      译文: 1978年中国欧洲济体签署长期贸易协议着1979年初美国外交关系正常化中国美国贸易迅速增长
      move along (着)
      bustle about (匆忙)
      buoy up (升)
      rein in (抑制)
      pass down (流传)
      例句: the decline was partly caused by indias reining in of its budget deficit and the short term effects of the implementation of strong emergency stabilization measures
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 衰退部分原印度抑制预算赤字推行强力紧急稳定措施短期效果
      例句: yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage either the y chromosome inherited through men in a fathers line or mitochondrial dna which is passed down only from mothers (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句句子干most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage eitheror引导列短语作a single lineage位语which is passed down only from mothers修饰mitochondrial dna非限制性定语句
      译文: 然许血统检测仅仅考虑单血统遗传父亲家庭里y染色体仅母亲里遗传线粒体dna
      amenable to (……负责)
      conducive to (……益)
      awkward for (……便……合适)
      例句: korea traditionally has made things awkward for foreigners in terms of its financial systems its real estate laws and so forth
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 韩国传统直金融体制动产法等方面外国感极方便
      betweenbeyond but
      byconsidering(考虑) concerning(关)
      despite() downduring
      except for from
      in insideinto
      including likenear
      of offon
      opposite outsideover
      past regarding(关)since
      through tillthroughout
      to toward(s)under
      例句: studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions (选XX年text 1)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分studieshave shown that分词causing作状语表示伴逻辑语sex hormones
      译文: 动物研究已表明性激素荷尔蒙某种方式会影响压力反应结果造 成等条件妇女处压力会男产生更诱发性化学物质
      例句: of course the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like us weekly and people present is hugely unrealistic especially when the parents are single mothers like bullock (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句that celebrity magazines like us weekly and people present定语句修饰image of parenthood介词短语like us weekly and people作置定语修饰celebrity magazines
      译文: 然周刊物等名杂志中呈现出父母形象非常切实际尤母亲布洛克样单亲妈妈时更
      according toahead ofalong with
      apart fromas foras to
      because ofdue toexcept for
      in view ofirrespective of()out of
      previous toprior tothanks to
      together withup toby means of
      by way offor the sake ofin the event of
      in front ofinstead ofon the point of
      on account ofowing towith a view to()
      with regard toas well asin addition to
      other thanapart from
      例句: he must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately (选XX年cloze test)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 必须储存量粮食马全部消耗掉
      例句: corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public (1999年第37题)
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 公司工会公司员工工会成员广公众带极利益
      例句: chinas powerful ministry of foreign economic relations and trade will be monitoring trade signals from the new clinton administration
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 强中国外济关系贸易部密切注视克林顿新政府贸易动
      例句: at times more care goes into the composition of newspaper and magazine advertisements than into the writing of features and editorials
      分析: 该句复合句than面省略more care goes
      译文: 时报纸杂志广告创作特写社写作更费心
      (二)表语(系动词be look remain)
      例句: many of the actors and actresses are on location now
      译文: 许男女演员现正拍外景
      例句: in speaking the choice of words is of the utmost importance
      译文: 说话时选词重
      例句: in the long run however this hurry to shed full time staff may be as harmful to industry as it is to the workforce (XX年第15题)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 长远草率解雇全职员工利职工害产业
      例句: the findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radically higher productivity and as a resultradically higher standards of living (选XX年text 3)
      分析: 该句复合句句子干the findings of a research institution have shown thatthat workersof livinghave shown
    宾语workers宾语句语谓语部分can be trainedradically higher standards of livingradically higher productivityachieve列宾语
      译文: 家研究机构研究结果致表明国家工岗位接受培训获极高生产率极提高生活水
      例句: but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us (XX年第47题)
      分析: 句子干we have drawn near the point介词短语of admitting that作point置定语that句作admit宾语句regardless of作步状语中draw near意接intrinsic right意天生(固)权利economic advantage意济利益济优势
      译文: 少已承认样种观点: 鸟类否济利益生存固权利
      例句: a really powerful speaker can work up the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement
      分析: 该句简单句介词短语to the fever of excitement作宾语the feelings补足语
      译文: 真正感召力演讲者激起听众激情
      例句: observations were made of the children at the beginning and at the end of pre school and first grade (1996年第4题)
      分析: 该句简单句句动形式people made observations of the children短语make observations of意观察记录某某事
      译文: 观察报告开头关童问题结尾关学龄前童学年级学生问题
      1 表示较长段时间年季节月周等
      in XX
      in five months
      in the second year
      2 表示……较方
      in the city
      in the classroom
      3 表示干时间仅时态
      in three days (三天)
      4 表示…………
      speak in chinese (汉语说)
      write in red (红墨水写)
      5 表示衣着特征
      be in red (穿着红衣服)
      be in ones sixties (某60岁时候)
      6 ……方面
      in ethics
      in spelling
      7 表示具体环境情况等
      to go out in the wind
      8 表方()
      in all directions
      1 (表时间年龄等)
      at day break at the age of eight
      2 (表点位置场合)
      at the railway station
      at the opening ceremony
      at 89 jitai road
      3 (表示速度价格率等)
      at the full speed
      at a lower price
      at the rate of 125 miles an hour
      4 (表示目标方等)
      rush at
      aim at
      5 指离某事物距离
      a bus at fifty meters
      6 表活动情况状态
      at war
      1 某(物)
      by the lake
      sit by me
      2 迟……止
      by next week
      3 (某事物)根
      by ones watch
      4 ……通
      by the rear door
      by the nearest road
      5 (动式)……受…………
      be seen to by the nurse
      6 表运输取道方式
      by airlandbus
      1 ……日期(表示具体某天某天午)
      on monday
      on the first of october
      2 ……(物体接触)
      on the desk
      3 述关
      on friendship
      a lecture on cet 4
      4 ……(表示前紧接时间关系)
      on hearing the bad news
      5 通……方式
      on the radio
      broadcast on the tv
      6 正……处……状态
      on strike
      on business出差
      smile on sb (……赞许)
      marching on beijing (北京出发)
      1 ……方……高(below相反)
      a slogan above the blackboard
      above the horizon
      2 超……
      above the average temperature
      above two tons
      3 ……力
      above ones responsibility
      1 ……面(表示物体垂直方under相反)
      be hanging over the desk
      2 超
      over two meters tall
      have advantages over
      3 全面遍
      all over the country
      4 ……期间(表示时间流逝)
      over lunch
      5 关
      a quarrel over money
      6 跨越越
      a plane flying over my school
      7 ……面
      over the river
      over the sea
      8 控制支配着
      to reign over the island
      to win the victory over the enemy
      1 ……方(表垂直方物体接触接触over相反)
      under the tree
      under her arm
      2 (数量金额年龄等)低少……未满……
      under 35 years of age
      under 60
      3 ……影响……控制(理营)
      under all weather conditions
      under the leadership of communist party
      4 ……中
      under control
      under discussion
      5 遭受(重担苦难等)
      under tyranny
      under an operation
      6 (责义务等)范围受……约束
      under a vow
      be placed under restraint
      7 根(协议法律制度)
      under the law
      under the trade agreement
      (八) for
      1 ……目开
      for edinburgh
      for you
      2 求
      for fame
      for ones living
      for a walk
      3 ……适
      for boys
      for sale
      for nothing
      4 赞成利
      for or against the plan
      for the health
      be punished for drunken driving
      dance for joy
      6 代代表
      to act for a person
      b stands for born
      7 ……期间持续
      for weeks
      for three miles
      8 作……代价……交换
      to pay 10 for the picture
      to give blow for blow挨手(牙牙)
      9 关
      for my part
      be hard up for money
      be cool for a summer day to draw him for1000
      例句: in the early 1900s in north america german born american anthropologist franz boas developed a new theory of culture known as historical particularism (选XX年part b)
      分析: 该句简单句中known as historical particularism分词作置定语相 which was known as
      译文: 20世纪早期北美德裔美国类学家弗朗茨·博厄斯阐述种新文化理称作历史特殊
      例句: besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to massachusetts churches in the decade after 1629 there were political leaders like john winthrop an educated gentleman lawyer and official of the crown before he journeyed to boston (选XX年text 4)
      分析: 该句复合句句子干there were political leaders like john winthropbesides the ninetyafter 1629作状语表示伴情况who came to1629修饰ministers定语句an educated gentlemanlawyerand official of the crownjohn winthrop位语before引导时间状语句
      译文: 1629年十年中马萨诸塞教堂90余位学问牧师外约翰·温斯罗普样政治领袖波士顿前名受教育绅士律师英国皇室官员
      例句: a large fish was slowly swimming through the water its tail swinging back and forth like the pendulum of a clock
      分析: 该句简单句中its tail swinging独立格结构句中作状语表示伴
      译文: 条鱼水中缓缓游动尾巴钟摆样回晃动
      例句: thus the anthropological concept of culture like the concept of set in mathematics is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding (XX年第65题)
      分析: 该句复合句干部分the anthropological concept of culture is an abstract concept定语句which makes possibleunderstanding修饰an abstract concept
      译文: 类学关文化概念数学中集合概念样量具体研究认识成抽象概念
      (二)despitein spite of
      例句: despitein spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or adapted for language learning purposes there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills
      分析: 该句简单句despitein spite of句中作状语表示步written or adaptedpurposes 作material置定语
      译文: 种专门语言学撰写改编阅读材料阅读技巧方面没系统综合课程
      例句: despitein spite of much research there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that are not fully understood (1996年第16题)
      分析: 该句复合句定语句that are not fully understood修饰elements介词短语in the life cycle of the insect句中作状语
      译文: 做量研究昆虫生活周期中某元素未完全理解
      (三)exceptexcept for
      两者表示外果排物述物属类时两者通果排物述物属类时except for
      例句: hudson said he would not kill a living thing except for the motive of hunger (1997年第37题)
      分析: 该句复合句
      译文: 哈德逊说非饿极否会杀生
      例句: he saw little evidence of a strategy except for willingness to listen to protectionist appeals from the automobile
      分析: 该句简单句介词短语from the automobile句中作定语修饰appeals
      译文: 认项策略愿意倾听汽车行业贸易保护义者申诉证支持
      (四)due to owing to because of
      表示……意due to+名词构成介词短语作表语定语状语owing to+名词构成介词短语作表语状语果作状语放句首时般owing to引出介词短语because of+名词构成介词短语通常作状语语名词事实时because of短语作表语
      例句: during an earthquake the great part of damage and loss of life has been due to owing to collapse of buildings and effect of rockslides floods diseases and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes rather than from the quakes themselves
      分析: 该句简单句rather than省略resultingresulting from earthquakes作other phenomena置定语
      译文: 震中量损失员伤亡震引发房屋倒塌滑坡洪水疾病现象造成震身造成
      例句: when the work is done a climate of accident free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum (选1999年cloze test)
      分析: 该句复合句中where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum定语句修饰a climate分词lost作time置定语
      译文: 述工作圆满完成时事运作环境便建立起里员伤害损失时间控制低水
      例句: because of its intimacy radio is usually more than just a mediumit is company (XX年第20题)
      分析: 该句列句分号相转折连词but
      译文: 生活关系密切收音机通常仅仅种传媒工具伙伴
      例句: the social security retirement program is made up of two trust funds the larger of which could go penniless by next year (1997年第1题)
      分析: 该句复合句the larger of which非限制性定语句修饰two trust funds
      译文: 社会退休保障计划两笔信托基金组成中较笔明年会分文剩
      例句: the school authorities did not announce the decision till yesterday afternoon(until yesterday afternoon the school authorities did not announce the decision )
      分析: 该句简单句
      译文: 校方直昨天午公布该决定
      (六)ofabout on
      三者译关法区of 般表示提某某事涉详情about表示某某事涉详情on表示详情about涉事情更详细较正式文件尤演说学术文中
      例句: the logic of scientific development is such that separate groups of men working on the same problem in far scattered laboratories are likely to arrive at the same answer at the same time (1998年第16题)
      分析: 该句复合句thatat the same time结果状语句working on the same problem in far scattered laboratories作men置定语
      译文: 科学发展富逻辑性极分散实验室里研究课题时间出相答案
      例句: on the other it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news (XX年第47题)
      分析: 该句复合句句it links these concepts to everyday realitieswhich定语句修饰a manneras状语句表示时间
      译文: 方面学科概念结合日常生活中新闻记者天报道评新闻时做法相
      例句: just as on smoking voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure (选XX年text 2)
      分析: 该句复合句中句voices now come from many quarters现分词insisting作语voices补足语接两宾语句until时间状语句
      译文: 吸烟问题样四面八方传声音坚持认关全球变暖科学说法全面确定前气中排放废气没什
      描述时:in表示衣着with表示携带某物生理特征某种品质of表示性格特征年龄:be in greena man of wisdom(a lady of virtue) a girl of 18a child with a big head
      例句: the mayor is a woman with great integrity and therefore deserves our political and financial support (XX年第35题)
      分析: 该句简单句isdeserves两列谓语动词介词短语with great integrity修饰a woman
      译文: 位市长非常正直女性值政治济予帮助
      注意: withof表示属性特征时of通常接抽象名词with常接具体名词
      we live in the same building
      come inplease
      the soldiers sat around the table
      he looked around but to his surprise he saw his father coming to this way
      例句: yet much had happened between (选XX年use of english)
      分析: 该句简单句between品词意(……时间)间
      译文: (段时间)间发生事
      例句: as ill be away for at least a year id appreciate hearing from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along (XX年第1题)
      分析: 该句复合句句中谓语动词appreciate接动名词hearingtelling作宾语介词along宾语称品词句how everyone is getting along作tell 间接宾语
      译文: 少年时间里果时常信告诉生活情况胜感激




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