五年级下册英语试题Module 1达标检测卷(含答案及听力材料)外研版(三起)

    时间:40分钟 满分:100分


    听力部分 (30分)
    ( ) 1 A life B light C love
    ( ) 2 A write B right C ride
    ( ) 3 A home B hope C house
    ( ) 4 A five B fire C fireman
    ( ) 5 A telephone B tell C television

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )
    ( ) 1 A Yes they did B Yes I did C Yes she did
    ( ) 2 A I was in Beijing B Yes I was C I’m at home
    ( ) 3 A I can jump high B We lived in a small house
    C There are buses and cars
    ( ) 4 A I buy a book B Yes I did C I played football there
    ( ) 5 A No there weren’t B Yes there are C No there aren’t
    四听短文判断正(T)误(F) (10分)
    ( ) 1 Qiqi is watching a television programme
    ( ) 2 People lived in a big house twenty years ago
    ( ) 3 An old woman is talking about her life
    ( ) 4 There were some buses and cars then
    ( ) 5 Twenty years ago people had enough food
    ( ) 1 A car B bus C house
    ( ) 2 A egg B apple C write
    ( ) 3 A cook B read C night
    ( ) 4 A big B small C live
    ( ) 5 A worked B get C washed
    1 Mum I’m __________ (come)
    2 We __________ (live) in a small house many years ago
    3 She didn’t __________ (has) a telephone last year
    4 Life __________ (be) very different now
    5 My grandma is __________ (talk) about her life
    ( ) 1 There weren’t __________ buses
    A some B any C one
    ( ) 2 We hope she is __________
    A good B well C nice
    ( ) 3 They worked __________ the fields
    A in B at C on
    ( ) 4 She can read I can read __________
    A to B too C also
    ( ) 5 She __________ football yesterday
    A playing B played C plays
    ( ) 6 It’s a programme __________ monkeys
    A for B in C about
    ( ) 7 Lingling is still in Beijing __________ her mother
    A and B with C for
    ( ) 8 Now there __________ lots of buses
    A was B are C is
    ( ) 9 Six years ago she couldn’t walk __________ run
    A and B or C but
    ( ) 10 Many years ago we __________ have enough food
    A are B did C didn’t
    1 life very years different in was many China ago ( )
    2 we of got lots food have ( )
    3 for you thank to talking us ( )
    4 I a television watched about programme night last China ( )
    5 or she television a didn’t radio a have ( )
    1 There is one beautiful bird in the tree (改复数形式)
    There ___________ some beautiful ___________ in the tree
    2 Thank you for talking to us (改义句)
    ___________ for talking to us
    3 We have got much food (改义句)
    We have got ___________ ___________ ___________ food
    4 I watch TV with my family every day (yesterday改写句子)
    I ___________ TV with my family ___________
    5 They lived in a small house (画线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ they ___________
    十选择合适答语补全话 (5分)
    ( ) 1 I miss you
    ( ) 2 Where were you three days ago
    ( ) 3 Come and watch Jim
    ( ) 4 What did they do yesterday
    ( ) 5 Thank you for helping us
    A I’m coming
    B I miss you too
    C I was at school
    D You’re welcome
    E They watched a television programme
    Hello My name is Li Ming I am a Chinese boy I am ten years old There are four people in my family They are my parents my sister and me Look This is a photo of my family This is my mother Her hair was short but now her hair is long She was young then Who’s that little boy Ha ha That’s me I was three then I was naughty and short But now I am very tall This is my little sister Lingling She was short and cute I love my family
    ( ) 1 Li Ming is from China
    ( ) 2 There are four people in Li Ming’s family
    ( ) 3 Li Ming’s mother was old then
    ( ) 4 His mother’s hair is short now
    ( ) 5 Lingling was cute and tall
    There are two pictures about my city One is now and the other one is before(前)
    Look There was a small park but now there is a big and beautiful park And there is a lake There wasn’t a lake before In my city there were some old houses and small trees But now there are some new and high buildings(建筑物) The trees are very tall and the flowers are very beautiful There are some supermarkets and cars now I love my city Do you want to visit it
    1 There are ___________ ___________ about my city
    2 You ___________ see a lake in my city before
    3 The ___________ are very tall and the ___________ are very beautiful
    4 You can see some ___________ ___________ ___________ buildings now
    5 In my city there ___________ ___________ supermarkets and cars now

    1 Her life was different many years ago
    2 Amy could write Chinese five years ago
    3 I hope you are well  
    4 We can cook on the fire
    5 Now she has a television
    二1 He can write in English
    2 There weren't any buses in China many years ago
    3 My father worked in the fields  
    4 Mr Black has a radio
    5 Now we have lots of nice food
    三1 Did you watch TV yesterday
    2 Where were you three days ago
    3 How was life different many years ago
    4 What did you do there
    5 Were there any trees near the house
    四 I'm Qiqi I'm watching a television programme about China An old woman is talking about her life Twenty years ago there weren't any buses or cars People lived in a small house Now life is very different We have enough food We must work hard
    1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C
    二2 3 4 1 5
    三1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A
    四1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F
    五1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 B
    六1 coming
    2 lived 点拨:many years ago许年前句子般时
    3 have 
    4 is
    5 talking 点拨:be动词+动词­ing形式构成现进行时
    七1 B 点拨:some肯定句中 any否定句疑问句中
    2 B
    3 A 点拨:in the fields田里
    4 B 点拨:too表示时放句末 also表示时放句子中间
    5 B 点拨:yesterday昨天句子般时
    6 C 
    7 B 点拨:with……起
    8 B 点拨:there is+数名词单数数名词 there are+数名词复数
    9 B 点拨: or否定句中 and表列承关系 but 表示转折关系
    10 C
    八1 Life was very different in China many years ago
    2 We have got lots of food  
    3 Thank you for talking to us
    4 I watched a television programme about China last night
    5 She didn't have a television or a radio
    九1 are birds 2 Thanks 3 a lot of
    4 watched yesterday 5 Where did live
    十1 B 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 D
    十1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F
    十二1 two pictures 2 couldn't 3 trees flowers
    4 new and high 5 are some
    My grandpa was born in Shandong many years ago He and his family lived in a small house They wore old clothes They didn't have enough food My grandpa was a farmer He worked in the fields Now my grandpa is seventy­six years old We have a television and some telephones We have a car too




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