

    第卷(选择题 90分)

    Ⅰ 听力(20题题15分满分30分)

    6.Where is the man from
    A Japan B Beijing C London
    7 What are they going to do
    A Go shopping B Go swimming C Go skating
    8 Does the boy’s father smoke
    A No he doesn’t B Yes he does C I don’t know
    9 Tom was born in _______________
    A June B July C January
    10 Tom is _____________
    A American B a Frenchman C English
    11 What does Michael think of his holiday
    A Just soso B Boring C Wonderful
    12 How will the weather be tomorrow afternoon
    A Sunny B Rainy C Nice and warm
    13 What song is Tom going to listen to at the concert
    A My Heart Will Go On B Yesterday Once More C Take Me To Your Heart
    14 Where is Celin Dion going to give the concert
    A At the theater B In the gym C At the music hall
    15 What time will the concert start
    A At 630 pm B At 730 pm C At 700 pm
    16 How many people are having lunch at the table
    A One B Two C Three
    17 There is some rice __________ on the table for lunch
    A bread B meat C meat and bread
    18 Gray doesn’t eat rice _______________
    A in the morning B in the middle of the day C in the evening
    19 After lunch Gray and his mother work _____________
    A in the factory B at the school C on the farm
    20 Does Gray have any rice for supper
    A Yes he does B No he doesn’t C Yes he is
    II 语言知识运
    A 单项选择 ABC三选项中选出填入空白处佳答案(题1分15分)
    21 —Tom has changed a lot
    Yeah He ____________ short and thin But he is tall and heavy now
    A was used to B got used to be C used to be
    22 _________ of the students in our school ___________ been to Beijing
    A Two fifths have B Two fifths has C Two fifth have
    23 I can’t stand ____________ here The noise makes me feel terrible
    A live B to live C living
    24 ________ the teacher I passed the English exam
    A Thank for B Thanks to C Thanking to
    25 Could you tell me __________ the population of China _________
    About 13 billion
    A how many are B what is C what are
    26 Where is Kate She _______ to her hometown
    A has gone B has been C went
    27 Could you tell me ____________
    A what did he say B what he say C what he said
    28 I’m sorry for being late again
    Be here on time next time _________ you’ll lose the job
    A and B while C or
    29 Where is your pet dog
    It was ________ It ___________ last week
    A dead dead B dying died C dead died
    30 I won’t go to his party _________ he invites me
    A if B unless C because
    31. Tom and Jack I didn’t believe they could do the work
    _______ but they really did it well
    A So did I B Neither did I C So I did
    32 You have never been to Beijing __________ you
    A do B haven’t C have
    33 How about playing computer games with me
    No let’s do _____________
    A something useful B anything useful C useful anything
    34 Planting trees is a good way to ________ the wind _________ blowing the earth away
    A prevent from B prefer to C play against
    35 He gave most of his money to the people in Yushu __________ he is very poor
    A but B although C because
    B.完形填空 题三选项中选出填入空白处佳答案(题15分)
    People make a lot of rubbish Just think about all of the things we throw away each day When most of us throw 36 away it goes to a landfill At the landfill the rubbish is put into the 37 We can’t keep putting all of our rubbish into the ground because we make too much rubbish We will 38 out of room to put it all What can we do There are 39 things that we can do to make less rubbish We can 40 the amount of rubbish that we make We can reuse things We can 41 things instead of throwing them away If we all do these things there will be less rubbish going to landfill
    It is 42 to reduce the amount of rubbish that you make 43 using a water bottle Don’t buy bottles of water that you throw away Use 44 shopping bags at the store Try to write on 45 sides of a piece of paper instead of only the front side All of these things will reduce the amount of rubbish that we make
    36 A something B anything C nothing
    37 A bank B land C field
    38 A run B take C make
    39 A two B three C four
    40 A reuse B stop C reduce
    41 A recycle B clean C repair
    42 A easy B difficult C useful
    43 A Keep B Enjoy C Start
    44 A plastic B cloth C nice
    45 A every B all C both
    Ⅲ阅读理解 (15 题题2分30分)
    Do you want to live a happier less stressful life Try laughing for no reason at all That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world—and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy
    The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai India in 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria Young children laugh about 300 times a day Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day says Dr Kataria Everyone is naturally good at laughing We want people to feel happy with their lives There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1300 all over the world
    Many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health According to a 5year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California with laughing there is less stress in the body Laughter improve our health against illness by about 40
    Then what happens at s Laughter Club I went to my nearest club in South London to find it
    out I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class To be honest – I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers and I was worried about looking stupid Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say ho ho ho ha ha ha while looking at each other To my surprise it works After ten minutes everybody in the room was really laughing – and some people just couldn’t stop At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt
    Our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake(假) laughter and real laughter so they have the same healthy effects So if you re under stress then start laughing You might be very pleased with the results
    46 The underline word stressful means _ _____ in Chinese
    A 紧张 B 忧伤 C 惆怅
    47 In which country was the first Laughter Club started
    A In America B In Austria C In India
    48 How did the writer feel at beginning of the class
    A Pleased B Nervous C Excited
    49 Which of the following is TRUE according to the message
    A Many doctors think laughing is the best way to keep healthy
    B Adults laugh more often than children in a day
    C Fake laughter and real laughter are both good for health
    50 The best title if the passage is _______
    A Laughter Clubs B Real Laughter C Laughing is good for health

    51 New York Museum is closed on _________________
    A Sunday B Friday C Saturday
    52 Tommy is an 8yearold boy He wants to visit The City Flower Show with his parents How mush will they pay
    A 75 yuan B 100 yuan C 125 yuan
    53 If you want to know something more about the English Summer Camp you’d better ________
    A write to CEECCIEE B call at(010)66062607
    C send an email to University of Toronto
    54 ______________ will give performances in POP Music Week in Chaoyan Park
    A Bands B Singers C Both bands and singers
    55 Phillip twenty years old is not allowed to ______________
    Life is impossible without money and there are plenty of poor people who die every day because they don’t have enough money to buy food or pay for medical Because of this there are hundreds of charity organizations (慈善机构)
    All of us at some time in our lives should give some money to help people who need it So you could donate(捐赠)money to countries in trouble like in 2003 when SARS hit Asia and medical research became very important to save the lives of people it is unusual to find a person who doesn’t care in the slightest about the trouble and the bad luck other people have If you were ever in trouble wouldn’t you want other people to help you as well
    Most of us dream about having more money than we have But there are many poor people who have nothing Many of the world’s richest people started their life very poor These rich people are often philanthropists (慈善家) who give money to charity(慈善)and say nothing about it in public Shouldn’t we all do this How much would you donate next time the world needs you help
    56If there is no money at all It is _____to stay alive
    A possible B easy C not easy
    57 From this passage we can know there are_____ charities
    A plenty of B not many C few
    58 Medical research is ______ for the prevention of SARS
    A necessary B impossible C unnecessary
    59 _____ are often philanthropists
    A Poor people B People who have once been poor
    CPeople who don’t care about money
    60 Which one of the following is NOT tru
    A We should give some money to people who need it
    B Many people dream about having more money than they have
    C Philanthropists who give money to charity often say much in public
    Ⅳ词汇运 (20分)
    A 根汉语提示短语正确形式完成列句子(题2分)
    61Great changes have __________________________(发生)in my hometown
    62 ________________________ China many things have changed(着…发展)
    63_________________________________New York is a beautiful place(实际)
    64They have wasted much time ___________________________(三年)
    65Sweet food_____________________________ Children’s teeth(…害)
    B 综合填空 方框中词适形式填空 短文意思完整正确词限次(题1分)
    get big level true go cause affect happen increase warm
    You may have heard that the greenhouse effect is a bad thing But the 66 is life could exist on the earth without it Our planet would be cold without it However a(n) 67 in the greenhouse effect would make the earth too hot Many scientists think that this is 68 now There is an increase in carbon dioxide This is 69 an increase in the greenhouse effect The earth is warming up
    Temperatures around the earth have steadily 70 up over the past200years The past twenty tears have the 71 increase on the earth and human beings
    It is a lot warmer this year It is being said all over the United States Why Scientists say it is because of global warming Global warming means that our earth is 72 warmer A warmer earth may 73 the rainfall It causes the 74 of the oceans to rise The things that people do make our earth much 75 In some places warmer weather is not bad but in other places it is a problem
    V 口语应(15分) 列横线填入适话语话完整(题3分)
    A You look pale What’s wrong
    B My chest hurt and I feel it is difficult for me to breathe
    A 76 I think you’d better see a doctor
    B Yes I have been to the doctor’s 77__________________________________
    A 78
    B I have been like this since this morning
    A What makes your chest hurt
    B I think maybe the terrible gas the chemical factory near my home produces every day
    A 79
    B I don’t want to stay at home because I am afraid I’ll miss today’s lessons
    A Take care of yourself Don’t worry 80
    B Really You can help me with my lessons You are so kind Thank you
    Ⅵ 务型阅读(题2分10分)
    Since 1970 people have celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd In the 1970s federal legislation(联邦立法) was needed to create national policy to first protect the environment and then to clean up the rubbish people have already made
    The purpose of Earth Day is the same to protect the natural environment for the health use and enjoyment of people animals and plants The problems have changed however practices have improved the environment Global warming (or climate change) and clean energy have become the main problems instead of clean air and water
    Earth Day has surpassed its USA roots and is now a worldwide celebration It is said that over 200 million people will take part in this celebration this year Education is still a big point because it influences legislation Developing countries realize that they shouldn’t develop with a lack of concern(关注)for the environment as the developed countries did before they knew better
    Now many countries advise people to live a lowcarbon lifestyle Earth Day 2010 tries to pay more attention to the earth
    About Earth Day
    The first
    Earth Day
    Date It started on April 22nd 1970
    Purpose 81 ___________________________________________
    Main problems 82 ______________________________________
    Earth Day
    Date 83 _______________________________________________
    Main problems 84 ______________________________________
    求:1 语句通条理清楚




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