U4T1 Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm?学案

    课题 Unit4 Our World
    Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm
    Section A
    编:** 审核:** 审批:**
    温馨寄语 No one can call back yesterday(昨日会重现)
    学法指导1 预Unit 4 Topic1 Section A语言点难点做出标记
    2 学学案完成学案练题
    3结合学目标找出1a中关形容词较级短语________ ________
    形容词分三等级:_____ ______ _______
    a _____________________________例:long _______ ________strong ______ ______
    b______________________________例:nice_______ _______fine_______ ________
    c______________________________例:hot_______ _______big________ ________
    d______________________________例:happy_______ _______healthy______ _______
    二学生交流: 1.交流1a划出点
    2 讨形容词较级高级变化规律法
    goodbetterbest manymoremost
     muchmoremost  badworseworst
      farfarther furtherfarthest furthest
    1 This pencil is___ than that one
    A longest B long C longer D as long
    2 These children are ____ this year than t last year
    A tall B tallest C very taller D much taller
    3 Which is___ Li Lei or Wu Tong
    A strong B strongest C stronger D the strongest
    4 Which language is____ English French or Japanese 
    A easy  B  easier C the easiest o D much  easy
    5 Which month is____ June July or August
    A hot B hotter C hottest D the hottest
    1 Lesson 5 is _____(easy) than Lesson 6
    2 She is _____(short) than her mother
    3 This mountain is _____ _____(high) in the world
    4 Lilei is _____ ______(young) of four

    布置作业节单词短语默1 2 背1a

    课题 Section B
    编:许晨阳 审核:房建莉 审批:赵国群
    温馨寄语Activity is the only road to knowedge Ceorge Bernard shaw British dramalist  行动通知识唯道路
    学目标 1掌握课单词短语2学理解1a话熟背
    学法指导1 Listen read and say 1a 2 Mark the language points in 1a3 Read and understand 2a
    1 根音标记单词
    2 听1a回答问题:
    (1)Which does Michael like betterplants or animals?
    (2)Does Jane like cats
    3 读1a划出点
    更趣____________________ 漂亮___________________
    某欢乐___________________ 众周知_____________________
    …食_____________________ …重___________________
    …享___________________ 花___________________
    二学生交流: 1.交流1a划出点
    2 两组完成2话
    1) 组讨解决学引导中疑难问题
    2) 听录音分角色表演完成听力部分
    3) 复形容词原级较级高级变化形式 进步掌握数双音节音节形容词前加moremost表示较……法:
    原级 较级 高级
    useful — more useful — most useful
    friendly — more friendly — most friendly
    interesting — more interesting — most interesting

    1This room is (big) than that one
    2 That Tshirt looks very (nice)
    3 Tom is (tall) of the three boys
    4Lesson One is (easy)than Lesson Twobut Lesson Two is (interesting)
    5 This question is (difficult) than that one
    6 Roses are (beautiful) of all the flowers
    7Which do you like (well) plants or animals

    ( ) 1 These books are than those ones
    A useful B most useful C more useful D usefuler
    ( )2Which is the dog or the cow
    A stronger B the stronger C strong D strongest
    ( )3Yao Ming is one of in the world
    A best player B the best player
    C best players D the best players
    ( )4Which kind of animal do you like the fox the frog or the snake
    Agood B well Cbetter D best
    布置作业节单词短语默1 2 背1a

    课题 Section C
    编:许晨阳 审核:房建莉 审批:赵国群
    温馨寄语Goals determine what you are going to be目标决定成什样
    2 继续学掌握形容词较级高级变化规律
    学法指导1 Read and understand 1a 独立完成1a2 Finish 1b ( work alone )
    1 根音标记单词
    2 读1a完成1c
    3 读1a做1 b
    3 划出点识记
    覆盖球表面6____________________ …覆盖________________
    成千万_______________________ 控制气候_____________________
    变越越_______________________ 保护热带雨林_________________
    灭绝消失_______________ …中起作___________________
    组成______________________ 球______________________
    1.交流1a点 2 交流1c答案
    ( ) 1 There are __________ of students in the school They are very polite
    A three thousand B three thousands
    C thousands D three thousand of
    ( ) 2 Which season do you like ________ spring summer fall or winter
    A good B well C better D best
    ( )3 She is _______ than any other girl in her class
    A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest
    ( ) 4 Of all the stars the sun is _________ to us
    A nearer B the nearest C near D farther
    ( ) 5 Every drop of water is very important _________ us
    A in B to C of D with
    ( ) 6 The words aren’t ___________ so our teacher can’t see them ________
    A clear clear B clearly clearly
    C clearly clear D clear clearly
    1 We need money ___________ (buy) some books
    2 There _______ (be) less cars next year
    3 She can draw ________ (well) than before
    4 Tigers are _________________ (dangerous) animals of all
    5 It’s difficult for us _________________ (learn) a foreign language
    6 Jim is _______ (tall) of all
    7 Your father should ________ (drop) smoking and drinking
    (2) 根汉语提示完成句子
    1 热带雨林覆盖球表面6
    Rainforests _________ 6 of the ___________ ____________
    2 水生物重
    Water _______ important to _______ _____________ things
    3 事实1班58学生组成
    __________ _____________ 58 students _________ ____________ Class 1
    4 认猴子世界聪明动物
    I think monkeys are ________ ___________ animals in the world
    5 农村城市更安静
    The countryside is _________ than the city
    布置作业节单词短语默1 2 背1a

    课题 Section D
    编:许晨阳 审核:房建莉 审批:赵国群
    温馨寄语Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
    2 学理解文章容继续学掌握形容词较级高级变化规律法
    3 谈然界中濒危险动物增强学生保护动物意识
    4 通合作探究熟练掌握运列句型
    学法指导1 Read and understand 1 2 Review the usage of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives 3 Review some useful expressions
    学容: 学:
    1 根音标记单词2 理解1a做1b3 找出点
    越越少居住____________________ 处危险中______________________
    现存古虎种________________ 狼 ___________________
    4 预测:根汉语完成列句子空词:
    1Pandas (…食)bamboo
    2Pandas are becoming (越越少) in number
    3Whales are (重动物) in the world
    4Chinese tigers live in (中国南部)
    5 Chinese tigers are the oldest type of tigers (世界现存)
    6 They are (处危险中) now
    二学生交流 1.交流1a1b点 2 交流1b答案 3 四组交流3作文
    1 But now they have less and less land to live on
    (1)less little较级属规变化
    (2)英语中动词定式做置定语修饰前面名词代词时 间构成逻辑动宾关系live write样物动词加相应介词
    :I need a pen to write ________需支笔写字
    A for B with C to D in
    She wants a house to live _____ 需房子居住
    2 The plants in the countryside are more beautiful than those in the city句中those代前面提plants英语中种法句子更加简洁
    ( ) 1 Twenty boys and twentyfour girls _______ our class
    A make of B make from C make up D make in
    ( ) 2 Our country is becoming __________
    A better and good B stronger and stronger
    C bigger and bigger D well and well
    ( ) 3 My house is _________ beautiful than yours
    A much many B much more C even much D more much
    ( ) 4 Which city is ________ Beijing Tianjing or Chongqing
    Shanghai I think
    A more exciting B most exciting C exciting D the most exciting
    ( ) 5 After ______ him I ran away at once
    A see B seeing C saw D seen
    ( ) 6 It’s necessary _________ us to study English well
    A for B of C to D with
    ( )7 I think the milk in the cup is ________ than that in the glass
    A little B much C less D few
    ( ) 8 The cities have __________ fresh air and ________ noise than the countryside
    A less more B fewer much
    C less fewer D fewer more
    布置作业节单词短语默1 2 背1a

    课题 Review Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm

    编:许晨阳 审核:房建莉 审批:赵国群
    温馨寄语I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past 缅怀历史致力未梦想
    学目标1 复话题单词短语句型
    2 复话题语法掌握形容词较级高级变化规律法
    3 学生保护森林水资源野生动物意识
    重点难点1 单词短语重点句型
    学法指导1 识记基础知识 2 分类检测总结反思
    1 复单词
    2 复短语
    更趣____________________ 漂亮___________________
    某欢乐___________________ 众周知_____________________
    …食_____________________ …重___________________
    …享___________________ 花___________________
    覆盖球表面6____________________ …覆盖________________
    成千万_______________________ 控制气候_____________________
    变越越_______________________ 保护热带雨林_________________
    实际_______________ 组成形成___________________
    节约滴水______________________ 球______________________
    越越少居住____________________ 处危险中______________________
    现存古虎种________________ …必___________________
    1 形容词较级常较级+than结构中
    2 形容词高级常高级+ofin+范围结构中
    3 数双音节音节形容词前加moremost表示较……
    4 常规变化形容词较级高级
    goodbetterbest manymoremost
     muchmoremost  badworseworst
      farfarther furtherfarthest furthes
    四堂检测: t
    Ⅰ 单项选择(10分)
    Ⅰ 单项选择(10分)
    ( )1 It’s difficult to solve the problem Do you have any good ideas to _______ with us
    A agree B share C come D live
    ( )2 —You are standing too near to the TV Can you move a bit _______
    —OK Mom Is it all right here
    A faster B slower C farther D nearer
    ( )3 The rivers in the countryside are cleaner than _______ in the city
    A this B that C these D those
    ( )4 Your classroom is so dirty Everyone should keep it _______
    A dry B open C quiet D clean
    ( )5 There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago
    A thousand of B thousands of
    C three thousand of D three thousands of
    ( )6 Of the two boys Tom is _______
    A tall B the taller C tallest D the tallest
    ( )7 Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world but they _______ the smallest sea animals
    A feed in B live in C feed on D fed on
    ( )8 —Zhou Fang can you finish your homework better with _______ time
    —I think I can
    A few B fewer C little D less
    ( )9 As we know water is very important _______ us
    A of B to C on D with
    ( )10 —What do you think of this film
    —Wonderful No film is _______
    A good B well C better D best

    Ⅰ 词汇(10分)
    1 People can enjoy n_______ in the countryside The air is fresher and the sky is bluer there
    2 She c_______ the table with a cloth yesterday
    3 Many animals are in danger We must do something to p_______ them
    4 Thousands of rivers go into the s_______ at last
    5 Thousands of old trees were in the f_______ ten years ago but now there are few
    6 These plants float on the _______ (表面) of the water
    7 My grandparents keep a lot of _______ (绵羊) in the countryside
    8 The fox usually _______ (……食) meat
    9 The teacher had no _______ (控制) over the children
    10 The rivers in the countryside are much _______ (清澈) than those in the cities





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