
    第I卷 (选择题95分)
    第部分:听力(两节 满分30分)
    1.What did the man eat just now
    A.An apple B.Some chicken C.Some peaches
    2.How is the new house different from the old one
    A.It has more rooms B.It has larger rooms C.It has a small garden
    3.What’s the relationship between the speakers
    A.Classmates B.Colleagues C.Teacher and student
    4.When does the conversation probably take place
    A.In the morning B.At noon C.In the evening
    5.Why did the man call the woman
    A.To return her hat
    B.To thank her for the great party
    C.To ask her if he left something in her house
    第二节 (15题题15分满分225分)
    6.Where is the man going
    A.A hotel B.A park C.A museum
    7.Why does the woman suggest Park Street
    A.There is heavy traffic on Madison Street
    B.It is the fastest way
    C.She knows the route better
    8.Which way do the speakers finally go
    A.Madison Street B.Park Street C.50th Street
    9.Where does the conversation take place
    A.In a waiting room B.In the doctor’s office C.Over the phone
    10.What’s wrong with the man
    A.He has a stomachache B.He has a toothache C.He has a headache
    11.When can the man see the doctor
    A.Right now B.This afternoon C.Tomorrow
    12.What’s the relationship between the speakers
    A.Coworkers B.Friends C.Coach and player
    13.Which sport does the woman do for exercise
    A.Running B.Basketball C.Swimming
    14.How often does the woman play volleyball
    A.Twice a week B.Three times a week C.Every day
    15.Who is Bobby
    A.A friend B.A dog C.A neighbor
    16.What happened to Bobby
    A.He went missing B.He left with Jim C.He lost his sight
    17.How does the woman feel
    A.Angry B.Worried C.Regretful
    18.What do we know about the woman
    A.She is a nurse B.Her husband is dead C.She lives with her children now
    19.When does the woman usually get up
    A.At 5:00 B.At 6:30 C.At 7:00
    20.What does the woman like doing
    A.Reading newspapers in the park
    B.Doing something indoors
    C.Looking in the shop windows
    第节 (16题题25分满分40分)
    Urban Transportation in Canada
    Public transportation & Transit passes
    All cities and most major towns in Canada have a public transportation system with one or more modes of transportation (bussubwaytrainetc) The bus is the most common form of urban transportation in Canada To use public transportationyou must buy a ticket or a transit pass Transit passes allow you unlimited use of public transportation for a specific period (one month or more) They are usually cheaper than buying many tickets if you plan to use public transportation often
    Transportation for people with disabilities
    Public transportation often has features to assist people with disabilities In many cities and townsthere are also transportation services available specifically for people with limited mobilitysuch as specially equipped buses You can find out about these services in the same way you would learn more about other public transportation options
    Manners on public transportation
    When taking public transportation such as a bus or trainit is important to understand the unspoken rules of conduct in the shared space Here are a few things to note:
    ◆Be polite and respectful to others around you For example maintain an appropriate noise level when talking or making a phone call
    ◆If you are carrying a backpack or a large shoulder bag in a crowded public transit vehiclekeep it close to youpreferably at your feet to avoid hitting people with it as you walk by
    ◆Avoid pushing or touching others in order to make more room for yourself Sometimes public transit can become very crowdedbut it is important to keep calm and give others appropriate personal space
    ◆Have your proof of payment accessible in case you are asked to show it
    21.What is the advantage of using transit passes over buying tickets
    A.Safer trips       B.Longer service hours
    C.More use of transport D.Lower costs
    22.How does the transportation system help people with disabilities
    A.By offering fewer transportation options
    B.By running special transport services
    C.By limiting their mobility on city buses
    D.By providing free rides in towns and cities
    23.What is considered impolite on public transportation
    A.Lowering your speaking voice
    B.Placing backpacks at your feet
    C.Having your proof of payment at hand
    D.Staying close to other passengers
    Many people believe eating healthily is expensive — and more costly than buying junk foods But our new research published in the BMC Public Health shows this isn't the truth
    Most of the Australian family food budget (预算) is being spent on junk foods and drinks that are high in fat sugar and salt
    Less than 7 of Australians eat healthily The Australian adults get at least 35 of their energy from junk foods and drinks As a result twothirds of adults (63) and onequarter of children are overweight
    We used the Australian Health Survey 20112013 and the suggestions of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to model healthy diets for a family of two adults and two children every two weeks We collected food prices in supermarkets and stores in high and lowsocioeconomic (社会济位低) areas in Brisbane and compared the diet prices with family incomes
    In both areas a family of two adults and two children spend about 18 more on present diets than would be required to buy healthy diets About 58 of the food budget for present diets is spent on junk foods including takeaway foods (14) and sugary drinks (4) In the lowsocioeconomic area a family of two adults and two children spend 64020 every two weeks on their present diets but could buy a healthy diet for 56093 every two weeks In the highsocioeconomic area these numbers are 66192 and 58001
    Supermarket food prices were about 3 higher in the highsocioeconomic location Takeaway foods were also relatively more expensive but sugary drinks were priced similarly in both areas
    Present diets cost more than healthy diets so causes other than price must be helping to drive preferences for unhealthy choices
    24 What did the researchers find
    A Australians have a preference for sweet foods
    B Most Australian kids have fat problems
    C Most Australians eat unhealthily
    D Half Australians live on junk foods
    25 How did the researchers get the result
    A By doing the study online B By making a comparison
    C By carrying out interviews D By asking personal questions
    26 What can we learn from Paragraph 5
    A A healthy diet is actually cheaper
    B Australian foods are healthier
    C Health foods are becoming more expensive
    D People choose junk foods for their low prices
    27 What might a following paragraph be about
    A Why people choose junk foods B How we can eat healthily
    C The harm of junk foods D The advantages of a healthy diet
    Most people around the world are righthanded This also seems to be true in history In 1799 scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1500 BC to the 1950s Most of the people shown in these works are righthanded so the scientists guessed that righthandedness has always been common through history Today only about 10 to 15 of the world’s population is lefthanded
    Why are there more righthanded people than lefthanded ones Scientists now know that a person’s two hands each have their own jobs For most people the hand is used to find things or hold things The right hand is used to work with things This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain The right side of the brain which makes a person’s hands and eyes work together controls the left hand The leftside of the brain which controls the right hand is the centre for thinking and doing problems These findings show that more artists should be lefthanded and studies have found that lefthandedness is twice as common among artists as among people in other jobs
    No one really knows what makes a person become righthanded instead of lefthanded Scientists have found that almost 40 of the people become lefthanded because their main brain is damaged when they are born However this doesn’t happen to everyone so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become lefthanded One idea is that people usually get righthanded from their parents If a person does not receive the gene(基) for righthandedness he she may become either righthanded or lefthanded according to the chance and the people they work or live with
    Though righthandedness is more common than lefthandedness people no longer think lefthanded people are strange or unusual A long time ago lefthanded children were made to use their right hands like other children but today they don
    ’t have to
    28 After studying works of art made at different times in history the scientists found _______
    A the art began from 1500 BC
    B the works of art ended in the 1950s
    C most people shown in the works of art are lefthanded
    D most people shown in the works of art are righthanded
    29 How many people in the world are lefthanded now
    A More than a half. B Less than one sixth.
    C About 40%. D The passage doesn't tell us.
    30 What is the hand for most people used to do
    A It’s the centre for thinking and doing problems
    B It’s used to work with things
    C It’s used to make a person’s eyes work together
    D It’s used to find or hold things
    31 According to the passage which of the following is NOT true
    A Lefthandedness is cleverer than righthandedness
    B No one really knows what makes a person become righthanded
    C Today children are not made to use their right hands only
    D Scientists think there must be some reason why people become lefthanded
    32 The best title for this passage is _______
    A Scientists’ New Inventions B Lefthanded People
    C Different Brains Different Hands D Which Hand
    A black hole is created when a large star burns out Like our sun stars are unbelievably hot furnaces (熔炉) that burn their own matter as fuel When most of the fuel is used up the star begins to die
    The death of a star is not a quiet event First there is a huge explosion As its outer layer is exploded off into space the dying star shines as brightly as a billion suns
    After the explosion gravity pulls in what’s left of the star As the outside of the star sinks toward the center the star gets smaller and smallerThe material the star is made of becomes tightly packed together A star is so dense(密集) that a teaspoon of matter from it weighs billion of pounds
    The more the star shrinks (缩) the stronger the gravity inside it becomes Soon the star is very tiny and the gravity pulling it in is unbelievably strong In fact the gravity is so strong that it even pulls light into the star Since all the light is pulled in none can go out The star becomes black when there is no light Then a black hole is born
    That’s what we know about black holes What we don’t know is this What happens inside a black hole after the star has been forced into a tiny ball Does it keep getting smaller and smaller forever Such a possibility is hard to imagine
    But if the black hole doesn’t keep shrinking what happens to it Some scientists think black holes are like doorways to another world They say that as the star disappears from our universe it goes into another universe In other words a black hole in our universe could turn into a white hole in a different universe As the black hole swallows light the white hole shines brightly—somewhere else But where A different place perhaps or a different time — many years in the past or future
    Could you travel through a black hole Right now no Nothing we know of could go into a black hole without being crushed(压碎) So far the time being black hole must remain a mystery
    Black holes are a mystery—but that hasn’t stopped scientists from dreaming about them One scientist suggested that in the future we might make use of the power of black holes They would supply all of Earth’s energy needs with plenty to spare Another scientist wondered if a black hole could some day be used to swallow earthly waste—a sort of huge waste disposal(处理) in the sky
    33 What happens when the star begins to die
    A there is no fuel left in it B its outer layer goes into space first
    C it doesn’t give off light any longer D a huge explosion will happen
    34 Which of the following doesn’t help produce a black hole
    A.The gravity inside the star is very strong
    B.The light can’t go out of the star
    C.The dying star shines very brightly
    D.The star becomes smaller and smaller
    35The black hole ______
    A.can pull in everything we know of in the world
    B.goes into another universe and becomes a white hole
    C.continues becoming smaller and smaller all the time
    D.will appear at another place at a different time
    36 What’s the best title for this passage
    A.A New Scientific Discovery Black Holes
    B.How Do Black Holes Come Into Being
    C.Travel Through A Black Hole
    D.What Are Black Holes
    第二节 七选五(5题题2分满分10分)
    根短文容短文七选项中选出填入空白处佳选项选项中两项余选项( 注意:E涂AB F涂AC G涂AD )
    How You Can Create Luck in Everyday Life
    Having a positive way allows you to create your own luck in everyday life Here are some tips
    Be Grateful For What You Have
    Some people are already lucky and they just don’t know it 37 You no doubt have some wonderful friends family a roof over your head and food on the table By recognizing these things regularly you can immediately feel more lucky
    ____38 Knowing different people can make you get access to skills opportunities connections and more You never know what wonderful chances each individual could bring to you or how they might enrich your life until you get to know them
    Be Generous
    If you ever want other people to give you opportunities you have to consider what sort of atmosphere you are putting out into the world 39 Be generous with your time and attention and you’ll be surprised how many lucky opportunities people may offer you
    Try Something New
    Luck doesn’t just happen upon us 40 Trying something new is a great way of getting more opportunities Learning a new skill visiting a new place or trying a new hobby are all great ways of expanding your opportunities and your state of mind
    Take Action
    You’ll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall onto your lap Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge with a positive state of mind 41
    A You cannot expect to receive if you never give
    B It comes to us when we’re open
    C Instead of focusing on what’s lacking look at how lucky you already are
    D Sometimes peoples would be prepared to help us out
    E You will find you can create more luck in everyday life
    F Be grateful for the good that came from your past
    G The more people you connect with the luckier you will be
    第三部分 英语语言运(两节满分30分)
    第节 完形填空(15题题1分满分15分)
    Most people agree that a pet adds joy to a person’s life Scientists are now finding that having a pet may keep its owner 42 And good health may add years to a person’s life
    Scientists have been looking at the link between pets and health for years In 1990a study was done with people aged 65 and older It 43 that pet owners went to the doctor less than people without pets Do pets make people 44 ?Are people able to handle their everyday lives better Alan Beckwho is a researchersays that 45 the answer to the questions is yesthen having pets may be a good idea
    Can pets also help people live longer Rebecca Johnson did a study to 46 Johnson teaches nurses how to care for old people Her study shows that having pets may cause people to 47 more slowly
    The human body makes many chemicals Some of the chemicals make people feel 48 Others make people feel bad In Johnson’s studylevels of the good chemicals 49 when people were around pets while levels of the bad chemicals went down The good 50 seemed to slow the aging of cells If this is 51 maybe people should spend more time with their 52 Then people might feel better and 53 longer
    You might be allergic(敏) to pets Or you may not want to 54 a pet Never fear A robotic or computer pet may be just the thing for you
    Scientists are testing computer pets like the robotic dog AIBO They want to see if 55 pets can help people the way real dogs do
    Will a robotic pet 56 the real pet sitting with you on the sofa Something tells us that it will probably become a reality
    42.A healthy B.excited C.mad D.hurried
    43.A warned B.showed C.reminded D.advised
    44.A busier B.funnier C.happier D.angrier
    45.A though B.until C.if D.unless
    46.A find out B.put out C.turn out D.set out
    47.A age B.move C.walk D.grow
    48.A bored B.surprised C.sleepy D.good
    49.A changed B.varied C.fell D.rose
    50.A sides B.chemicals C.studies D.dogs
    51.A important B.unusual C.true D.impossible
    52.A children B.pets C.friends D.neighbors
    53.A live B.wander C.stay D.travel
    54.A head for B.search for C.cheer for D.care for
    55.A family B.computer C.baby D.toy
    56.A destroy B.replace C.improve D.accompany

    第二节 语法填空(10题题15分满分15分)
    The national college entrance examination in Russia Unified State Exam will include Chinese as 57______elective foreign language starting from 2019 Chinese will become the fifth elective test item for the Unified State Exam 58________(follow) English German French and Spanish
    The number of Chinese learners in Russia 59________(grow) quickly in the past ten years according to a survey 60_________(make) by a linguistic research center in Russia
    Approaches to learning Chinese change from person to person 61________ more and more people choosing university courses in Russia
    The three hourlong Chinese test will quiz students on 62__________(they) listening reading and writing abilities and a fourth section will examine students on grammar vocabulary and Chinese 63__________(character) Some parts in the exam are even a little bit difficult for native Chinese speakers
    According to the Office of Chinese Language Council International(Hanban) as of 2017 some 100 million people excluding native speakers use Chinese 64 __________(global)
    The United Nations (UN) in 2010 suggested a Chinese Language Day 65_________ falls on April 20 each year 66_________ (celebrate) cultural diversity(样性)as well as to promote the equal use of all official languages
    第四部分 写作(两节 满分40分)
    第节 单词拼写(5题 题1分 满分5分)
    67 U_________ his brother he has a good sense of humor
    68 I was__________(漫步)in the street when an accident happened
    69 They were the last two to go a___________ the ship
    70 After some heated a_________ in classa decision was finally made
    71 Time ___________(允许)I will go to see a movie after supper
    第二节 汉译英( 5题题2分 满分10分)
    72 时候妇女瞧起
    73 发现困火中
    74 吃水果健康益处
    75 新房子房子三倍
    76 众周知中国发展中国家
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Jack烦恼 1数学语文学英语较难学压力
    建议 ……(少二条)
    注意:1 词数:100左右开头已出计入总词数
    2 逐字翻译点适发挥

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

    英 语 参 考 答 案
    15 CBBAC 610 AACCA 1115 BBCAB 1620 ACBBC
    第节 2123 DBD 2427 CBAA 2832 DBDAD 3336 DCAD
    第二节 七选五:3741 CGABE
    第三节 第三部分 英语知识运
    第四节 第节 完形答案
    第五节 4246 ABCCA 4751 ADDBC 5256 BADBB

    语篇解读 文介绍养宠物体健康处
    42 A 科学家发现养宠物会宠物健康healthy健康句话知答案
    43 B 研究显示……show显示
    44 C宠物更快乐?
    45 C果问题答案养宠物意
    46 A Rebecca Johnson做研究查明问题find out查明
    47 A 研究显示养宠物会变老更慢age老化
    48 D 化学物质感觉文Others make people feel bad知答案
    49 D 宠物起时化学物质会增加rise增加文while levels of the bad’ chemicals went down知while前关系选D项
    50 B化学物质减缓老化程
    51 C 果真实许应该花更时间宠物起
    52 B 参考题解析
    53 A然会感觉更活更长第三段第句知答案
    54 D 者想顾宠物care for顾
    55 B想否电脑宠物真实狗样帮助文computer pets知答案
    56.B 机器宠物代坐沙发边真实宠物?replace代
    第三部分 英语知识运
    第二节 语法填空:
    57 an 58 following 59 has grown 60 made 61 with 62 their
    63 characters 64 globally 65 thatwhich 66 to celebrate
    第四部分 写作(两节 满分35分)
    第节 单词拼写(4题 题1分 满分4分)
    67 Unlike 68 wandering 69 aboard 70 argument 71 permitting
    第二节 汉译英( 3 题题2分 满分6分)
    72 At that time women were looked down uponon
    73 He found himself trapped in the fire
    74 Eating more fruit(s) will be of great benefit to our health Eating more fruit(s) is very beneficial to our health
    75 Our new house is three times as big as this one Our new house is three times the size of this one The size of our new house is three times that of this one Our new house is twice bigger than this one
    76 As we all know China is a developing country It is wellknown that China is a developing country What is known to us all is that China is a developing country
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Jack
    I’m sorry to hear about your problems You mention that you do well in Maths and Chinese but find English difficult to learn Besides you are under great pressure because your parents don’t understand you and insist that you should be the top student As a result you often have arguments so that you lose interest in study
    As to the problems mentioned above I have some suggestions for you First of all instead of arguing with your parents you should try to communicate with your parents about your troubles and show respect for them After all they are the ones who care about you most Besides you can turn to teachers for advice and make a plan on how to improve English Most importantly you need to cheer up and make up your mind to learn English well
    I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you
    Text 1
    W:Two peaches are missingThat’s strange
    M:Don’t worry about thatI ate them when you were cooking in the kitchen
    Text 2
    W:Tell me about your new house
    M:Wellfirst of allit’s much biggerIt has the same number of roomsbut each room is largerWe also have a large garden
    Text 3
    W:Mr Blackcould I have a meeting with a student here
    M:Sorrynot hereMiss HopkinsWe need a quiet environment to prepare for tomorrow’s lecture
    Text 4
    M:Would you like some more coffee
    W:Nothank youI’ve had enough
    M:How were your eggs
    W:Ohthey were delicious My first meal of the day was perfectI’m ready to face the day now
    Text 5
    M:HiMarciethis is David calling
    W:Ohhi there How are you
    M:I’m fineThat was a great party last nightListendid I leave a black hat at your place
    W:I haven’t seen a black hat anywhereI’m happy to take a look aroundthough
    Text 6
    W:Where do you want to go
    M:I’m going to the Plaza Hotel
    W:Do you want to go up Madison Street
    M:Is that the fastest way?I’m in a hurry
    W:The traffic is very heavy on Madison Street now
    M:What other way can you go
    W:I can take Park Street
    M:All right
    W:There’s a traffic jam up ahead
    M:In that caseturn left at the next traffic light
    W:OKI’ll go west on 50th Street
    M:ThanksI don’t want to be late
    Text 7
    W:HelloDr Baker’s office
    M:Hellothis is Tom KellerI’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor as soon as possible
    W:Is it an emergency
    M:WellI’ve been suffering a lot from very bad stomach pain for two days nowAt firstI thought it would go away quicklyBut now I don’t think I can wait for another day
    W:You are one of Dr Baker’s regular patientsaren’t you
    M:YesI am
    W:In that casethe doctor might be able to fit you in between appointmentsWhy don’t you come in this afternoon
    M:Thank you very much
    W:You are welcome
    Text 8
    M:HiJaneLong time no see You look just as attractive as beforeHow can you keep such a good figure?You must have joined a health club
    W:Wellthank youI make sure to get plenty of exercise every day
    M:Sodo you go running in the morning
    W:NoI don’tI don’t like runningespecially in the morning
    M:Then what kind of sports do you do for exercise
    W:SwimmingI go swimming three times a weekI manage to swim two miles each time
    M:Wowno wonder you have such a fantastic figure
    W:I also play volleyball
    M:Really?How often do you play volleyball
    W:Usually twice a week
    M:That’s great
    Text 9
    M:CrystalCrystalHeywhat’s wrong with youCrystal
    W:I lost Bobby yesterday
    M:You mean your pet dog
    W:Bobby just isn’t a common dogHe is my best friendHe understands me
    M:Of courseYou must feel terrible
    W:YeahI don’t want to do anything nowI can’t do anything without Bobby at my side
    M:Poor BobbySowhen did you last see him
    W:Yesterday afternoonI took him out for a walk after schoolI saw Jim on a street corner and talked to him for a whileWhen I stopped talking to himI couldn’t find Bobby
    M:Did you ask the neighbors about him
    W:YesI didand I looked everywhere for himI just couldn’t find himIt’s all my faultWhy did I let him out of my sight when I was talking to Jim
    M:Don’t blame yourself too muchIt was just an accident
    W:I knowbut I still regret it
    Text 10
    M:Good evening and welcome to Real LifeTonightwe have Janice Weston here in the studio with usShe is going to tell us about her schedule in the nursing homeWelcomeMrs Weston
    W:ThanksI usually get up at 6:30When my husband was alivewe had to be up by five o’clockHe was a longdistance train driveryou seeBefore breakfastI have a cup of tea and listen to music on the radioThenbetween seven and eightI get dressed and eat breakfastI always watch television while I eat breakfast for the news and the weatherAnd then I usually have a nap until lunchWe have a big lunch here at Twybury
    ’sAfter lunchI like being taken out in my wheelchairI hate staying indoorsI like looking in the shop windows or sitting in a park and watching the world go byI usually fall asleep at about threeand we have our tea at around fiveIn the eveningwe play cardsand then I’m in bed by eightI am getting oldyou knowI’m nearly eightythree





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    最新2018-2019高一历史下学期期中试卷带答案 考试时间:90分钟 试卷分值:100分 一、单项选择题:在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的(本大题25小题,每...

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    整理2018-2019学年高一政治下学期期中试卷含答案一套 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息; 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上; 卷I(选择题60分) 一.单...

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    2018-2019学年高一政治下学期期中试卷有答案 一、选择题:本小题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。 1.2018年10月19日,...

    1064    0


    2018-2019高一英语4月联考试卷带答案 总分:150 时量:120 考试时间2019年4月2日 由醴陵市一中?浏阳市一中?株洲市二中?株洲市八中?株洲市四中?攸县一中 ...

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    2018-2019高二历史下学期期中试卷带答案 答题时间:90分钟,满分:100分 (命题人:卫树鹏) 第I卷(选择题60分) 一、单选题(每小题2分,30个小题共60分) 1....

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    2018-2019高一下学期英语期中试卷有答案 (考试时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分) 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共90分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 听...

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    精选2018-2019高一英语下学期期中试卷有答案 考试时间:120分钟 试卷分值:150分 第I卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7....

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    2018-2019学年高一政治下学期期中试卷有答案 总分100分,考试时间90分钟 一、判断题。(判断下列说法是否正确,正确的在答题卡填涂A,错误的填涂B。本大题共10题,每小题1...

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    2018-2019学年高一语文下学期期中试卷有答案 试卷共8页,卷面满分150分,考试用时150分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、班级、考号...

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    2018-2019学年高一语文下学期期中试卷含答案 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写在答题卡上。 2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效...

    1277    0


    2018-2019学年高一语文下学期期中试卷附答案 本试卷满分150分,考试时间150分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,务必将自己的姓名、座号、考试号填写在规定的位置上。 2.答选择题时...

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    2019高一化学下学期期中试卷带答案 (时间: 90分钟,满分:100分) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 S:32 Cl:35....

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    2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试卷有答案 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5...

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    2018-2019高二英语下学期期中试卷有答案 第I卷 选择题(共85分) 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话每段...

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    整理2018-2019学年高一语文6月月考试卷带答案一套 高一年级语文试题 说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分,考生作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。 ...

    1308    0




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