四年级下册英语试题-Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip

    Unit6 单元测试卷
    ( ) 1 A dog B duck C dolphin
    ( ) 2 A zoo B book C school
    ( ) 3 A farm B tiger C giraffe
    ( ) 4 A bear B camel C cow
    ( ) 5 A sheep B pig C goat

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )
    ( ) 1 A I’d like to take a trip
    B I’d like some bread
    ( ) 2 A They’re goats and tigers
    B They are tigers and bears
    ( ) 3 A We want to go to the theme park
    B I want to go the farm
    ( ) 4 A They have long legs
    B They have long necks
    ( ) 5 A The camel is so big
    B The giraffe is so tall
    ( ) 1 A They’re pigs B It’s a pig C I like pigs
    ( ) 2 A I’d like some bread B We want to go to the zoo
    C No thanks
    ( ) 3 A Yes they are B No it’s a sheep
    C No they aren’t
    ( ) 4 A It’s a sheep B They are sheep
    C It’s a duck
    ( ) 5 A Yes they are B No thanks
    C They are big
    ( ) 1 A go B do C to
    ( ) 2 A door B duck C dog
    ( ) 3 A cat B car C cow
    ( ) 4 A horse B house C hospital
    ( ) 5 A girl B goat C giraffe
    1 They have long __________ (leg)
    2 They __________ (be) my good __________ (friend)
    3 Are __________ (this) camels
    4 The giraffe __________ (have) a long neck
    5 I’d like some __________ (rice) and four __________ (sausage)
    6 There are many __________ (sheep) on the farm
    ( ) 1 They ________ long necks
    A has B have C with
    ( ) 2 What are these
    A They are sheep B It’s a sheep C It’s a goat
    ( ) 3 Are they cows
    A Yes it is B No they are horses C No it isn’t
    ( ) 4 I like ________ and ________
    A seal dolphin B seal dolphins
    C seals dolphins
    ( ) 5 Here ________ the tigers
    A it B is C are
    1 What’s this in English
    It’s a __________
    2 What are these
    They are __________
    3 Are they dogs
    No they are __________
    4 Can you see the __________
    Yes I can
    5 Look The __________ is so big
    1 at the look animals () (连词成句)
    Look __________ the __________
    2 They are pigs (改般疑问句)
    __________ __________ pigs
    3 What’s this (改复数形式)
    What __________ __________
    4 Are they goats (作否定回答)
    No __________ __________
    5 I want to go to the farm (画线部分提问)
    Teacher Hello everyone School is (1) in four days Would you like to (2)
    Students Certainly (3) shall we go
    Teacher (4)
    Student 1 I want (5) go to Beijing Zoo
    Student 2 Me (6)
    Teacher (7) animals do you like
    Student 1 I like (8) and tigers
    Student 2 I like giraffes They are (9)
    Teacher (10) you like camels
    Student 1 Yes they are (11)
    Teacher OK (12) go
    Students Hooray
    ( ) (1) A in B out C after
    ( ) (2) A swimming B take trip C take a trip
    ( ) (3) A What B How C Where
    ( ) (4) A OK B Hello C Any ideas
    ( ) (5) A to B too C two
    ( ) (6) A to B too C two
    ( ) (7) A Who B Where C What
    ( ) (8) A monkey B monkeies C monkeys
    ( ) (9) A tall B trip C farm
    ( ) (10) A Do B Are C Shall
    ( ) (11) A big B wrong C zoo
    ( ) (12) A Let B Let we C Let’s
    Animals are our good friends My friends and I all like animals very much There are many books about animals We like reading stories (事) about animals very much There are many films (电影) about animalstoo Animals are very clever And they are all very kind to people We should (应该) be good to animals
    () 判断错写√错写×
    (1) Animals are our good friends ( )
    (2) My friends and I all like playing with animals ( )
    (3) We all like animals very much ( )
    (二) 根短文容选择正确答案
    ( ) (4) There are many books about ________
    A cartoons (卡通) B animals C lessons
    ( ) (5) There are many ________ about animals too
    A films B newspapers (报纸) C CDs
    ( ) (6) We should ________ animals
    A be good at B be good to B be good in


    1 duck 2 school 3 tiger 4 bear 5 goat

    monkey cat panda pig giraffe

    1 I’d like to take a trip
    2 They are tigers and bears
    3 I want to go to the farm
    4 They have long necks
    5 The camel is so big

    1 What’s this in English
    2 Where shall we go
    3 Is it a goat
    4 What are those
    5 Are these bears


    3 2 5 1 4




    1 legs 2 are friends 3 these 4 has 5 rice sausage 6 sheep


    1 cat 2 pandas 3 monkeys 4 ducks 5 tiger

    1 at animals 2 Are they 3 are these
    4 they aren’t 5 Where do you want to go

    (1)~(5)BCCCA (6)~(10)BCCAA (11)~(12)AC

    (1)~(3) √×√




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