

    关键词 电感测微仪单片机数字信号发生器相敏检波串口通信


    Inductance micrometer is a kind of relative high resolution reliable operation long service life measuring instrument has a relatively long history used in microdisplacement measurement Domestic production of inductance micrometer to drift work reliability is not high highprecision range of small issues and so on This design is based on the Central Plains Instrument DFG5type peak inductor micrometer its inductance measurement circuit has been improved The inductance micrometer’s Sinewave generating circuit amplifier bandpass filter circuit phasesensitive det ection circuit data acquisition circuit was redesigned base on theoretical analysis and experiment Mainly work in the circuit fabrication and commissioning the rational distribution and wiring from the circuit the selection and installation of electronic components circuit debugging and so do and through software for data processing the measurement accuracy may be further improved Through a series of test experiments the performance of the sensor which must be evaluated Experiments show that inductance micrometer relatively stable performance simplifying the manufacturing process enhanced data communication processing capability to meet the digital transformation purposes

    Key words Inductance micrometerMicroprogrammed Control Unit
    Digital signal generatorPhase sensitive detector Serial communication

    第章 绪
    11 国际精密加工测量技术概况
    12 电感测微仪现状分析
    电感测微仪具高分辨率长寿命线性稳定性较结构简单输出功率 阻抗较抗干扰力强价格便宜安装简单工作环境求高精密加工领域非常广泛应
    13 基微机测量仪表设计务
    () 精度求
    (二) 想求
    (三) 济性求
    14 毕业设计容
    1) 电感传感器测量电路设计制作调试
    2) 数处理利软件灵活性采集数中机误差系统误差进行处理
    3) 传感器性分析评价

    第二章 电感测微仪测量电路设计改进
    21 电感传感器工作原理
    211 电感传感器实现方式特点
    中 N—线圈匝数
    中 ——段导磁体长度

    气隙型 截面型


    212 螺型电感传感器结构工作原理分析
    2121 差动式结构工作原理

    图 差动式传感器结构



    图 差动式线圈磁场强度位移


    1 差动式单线圈式灵敏度提高倍
    2 提高灵敏度应线圈铁芯尺寸值 量方面尺趋1时图 知传感器非线性误差会增加
    3 选铁芯导磁率产材料提高灵敏度
    4 成正测量成正测量成正实际 磁场强度分布均匀性输入量输出量间关系非线性

    图1 电感测量头结构

    等效电路示中R c拜师铜线圈阻reRh 分表示电感线圈涡流损耗C电容反映线圈容抗激励电源工作频率需考虑该问题两电感线圈阻抗:ZR+j
    电感线圈等效电路 变压器电桥

    22 电路总体设计
    电感传感器测量电路包括正弦波生成电路变压器电桥交流放电路滤波器AD采样电路工0计算机部分图 示

    23 正弦波发生电路设计
    231 DDS构成
    AD9850AD公司生产高时钟125 MHz采先进CMOS技术直接频率合成器编程DDS系统高性模数变换器(DAC)高速较器3部分构成实现全数字编程控制频率合成 图示

    图 AD9850部结构
    AD9850含编程DDS 系统高速较器实现全数字编程控制频率合成编程DDS系统核心相位累加器加法器N位相位寄存器组成N 般24~32外部参考时钟相位寄存器便步长M递加相位寄存器输出相位控制字相加输入正弦查询表址正弦查询表包含正弦波周期数字幅度信息址应正弦波中0°~360°范围相位点查询表输入址相位信息映射成正弦波幅度信号然驱动DAC 输出模拟量
    相位寄存器2N M 外部参考时钟返回初始状态次相应正弦查询表循环回初始位置整DDS系统输出正弦波输出正弦波频率fout M*fc 2N次方(fc 外部参考时钟频率)AD9850 采32 位相位累加器信号截断成14 位输入正弦查询表查询表输出截断成10 位输入DAC DAC 输出两互补电流DAC 满量程输出电流通外接电阻RSET调节典型值39DAC 输出低通滤波接AD9850 部高速较器直接输出方波125MHz 时钟32 位频率控制字AD9850 输出频率分辨率达0 0291Hz
    D985040 位控制字32 位频率控制(低32位)5 位相位控制1 位电源休眠( Powerdown) 控制2位选择工作方式40 位控制字通行串行方式输入AD9850 行装入方式中通8 位总线D0 —D7数输入寄存器W CL K 升装入8位数指针指输入寄存器重复5 次FQ UD 升40位数输入寄存器装入频率 相位数寄存器(更新DDS 输出频率相位) 时址指针复位第输入寄存器
    AD9850复位(RESET) 信号高电效脉宽度5参考时钟周期AD9850参考时钟频率般远高单片机时钟频率(厮单片机89C5112M晶振) AD9850复位(RESET)端单片机复位端直接相连

    24 控增益放模块
    放模块LF356组成前置放模块 VCA810组成控增益放模块组成
    VCA810直流耦合宽带连续变电压控制增益放器提供差分输入单端输出转换改变高阻抗增益控制输入超 40DB增益+40 dB范围成dB V线性变化电源电压±5V情况调整VCA810增益控制电压0V输入 40DB增益2V输入+40 dB增益控制曲线前图 示通单片机带12置DA实现步进增益控制


    图 VCA810压控放电路
    25 相敏检波
    相敏检波电路具鉴调制信号相位选频力检波电路 相敏检波电路够鉴调制信号相位辨测量变化方时相敏检波电路具选频力提高测控系统抗干扰力电路结构相敏检波电路特点需解调信号外输入参考信号参考限号鉴输入信号相位频率相敏检波电路滤波器配合条幅波原成原信号波形起解调作调制解调程(波形转换)程

    1 频率特征:调制信号 参考信号必须完全相
    2 幅度特征:Ur>>Ux实际应中少10倍频率距离越远包络特性越方便滤波器设计
    3 相位条件:者反点严格尊谁相敏检波器工作性会定影响

    26 MSP430F169核心控制系统
    五种低功耗模式组成优化延长电池寿命利便携式测量应MSP430x15x16x161x 系列微型控制器配置二固定16 位定时器 8路快速12 位AD 转换器 双路12 位DA 转换器两通连续步非步通信接口(USART) I2C DMA 48 IO 引脚

    1定时器B7 (仅MSP430x16x161x):定时器B7带七种捕获较记数器16 位定时器记数器 定时器B7 支持倍数捕获较 PWM 输出 间隔定时 定时器B7 强中断力中断记数器溢出时捕获较记数器引发
    2.较器A:较器A 模块作支持精精密斜率模数转换电池电压监控 外模拟信号监视
    3 ADC12: ADC12 模块支持快速12 位模数转换 模块12位SAR生核心 采样选择控制 参考发电器16 字节转换控制缓 转换控制缓允许CPU 干预16 独立ADC 采样转换存放
    4 DAC12: DAC12 模块12 位 R 阶数模转换模块 电压输出 DAC12 8 12 位方式DMA控制器起 DAC12 模块存 起编组步操作次设计中直接引MSP430F169单片机中模块DA 转换功
    5DMA控制器:DMA控制器允许数CPU 干预存储址移动例 DMA控制器ADC12转换存储数RAMDMA控制器增加外围模块流量DMA控制器通允许CPU没数移动外围器件时保持睡眠方式唤醒减少系统功耗
    6晶振系统时钟:时钟系统器件MSP430x15x MSP430x16x(x)32768 赫兹晶体控制振荡器部数控晶振基时钟模块 (数控晶振) 高频率晶体控制振荡器组成基时钟模块设计符合低成低功耗求部数控晶振提供快速开稳定6微秒时钟源基时钟模块提供时钟信号:
    辅助时钟(ACLK) 32768 赫兹晶振高频率晶振
    时钟(MCLK) 系统时钟CPU
    子时钟(SMCLK) 子系统时钟通外围模块
    8数字式IO:六8位IO 口P1 P6IO 位独立编程序
    进行输入输出 中断状态组合中断输入功P1 P2口八位端口执行端口控制记数器读写通指令执行
    9门狗定时器:门狗定时器(WDT) 模块作软件问题发生控制系统重启果选择间隔时间 引起系统重启果门狗作作时间定时器 选择间隔时间引起中断
    11 CPU:MSP430 CPU 16 位RISC应程序高度透明结构程序流动指令外操作记数器操作七寻址模式时执行操作数四寻址模式目操作数CPU 集成16 位记数器减少指令执行时间记数器间操作执行时间CPU 时钟周期四记数器 R0 R3程序计数器 堆栈指针 状态寄存器恒定发电器记数器通寄存器外围器件连接CPU 数址控制总线 指令处理
    指令组:指令组包括51 条指令三种格式七寻址方式 条指令字字节数间操作
    工作方式: MSP430 活动模式五种软件选择低功率运行方式中断事件触发器件服务请求恢复五低功率方式中低功率方式中断程序返回六种操作方式软件设置:
    低功率方式0 (LPM0): CPU 工作 ACLK SMCLK 保留 MCLK工作
    低功率方式1 (LPM1): CPU工作ACLK SMCLK 保留 MCLK工作数控晶振 直流发生器工作果数控晶振 没活动方式
    低功率方式2 (LPM2): CPU 工作 MCLK SMCLK 工作数控晶振 直流发生器保留ACLK 保留活动
    低功率方式3 (LPM3):CPU 工作MCLK SMCLK 工作数控晶振 直流发生器工作ACLK 保留
    低功率方式4 (LPM4): CPU 工作ACLK 工作MCLK SMCLK 工作数控晶振 直流发生器工作晶振停止

    27 滤波器设计
    271 滤波器原理

    272 滤波器电路结构选择
    1. SallenKey电路:

    图14 SallenKey Topology

    2. MFB电路:

    MFB(Multiple Feedback端负反馈电路)电路称限增益路反馈电路者Rauch电路电路布局图15示

    图15 MFB Topology

    图16 前馈双二次型

    273 滤波器设计结果
    根需求需设计设计通频带1K 15K低通滤波器分解调模块 DDS信号模块
    1 调制模块低通滤波器


    2 DDS 模块通滤波器

    28 AD采样数传输

    第三章 电路抗干扰性设计
    第四章 数处理
    第五章 电感测微仪测试评定
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    [12] 洪丽 提高电感测微仪测量电路精度关键技术[J] 制造业动化 2009 8 4547
    [13] 谭志伟 马俊龙 提高电感测微仪精度软件方法[J] 新乡学院学报 (然科学版) 2008 2 023
    [14] 徐振高 杨曙年 智电感测微仪研制[J] 宇航计测技术 1991 6 002
    [15] 张守愚 俞朴 智化高精度电感测微仪[J] 传感技术学报 1988 1 007
    [17] Texas Instruments MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide2009
    [18] Texas InstrumentsMSP430F15x MSP430F16x MSP430F161x MIXED SIGNAL MICROCONTROLLER2009
    [19] Texas InstrumentsMsp430x1xx Family User’s Guide 2006
    [20] Texas Instruments Datasheet for LF155LF156LF256LF257LF355LF356LF357b JFET Input Operational Amplifiers2003
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    [23] Analog Devices Datasheet for CMOS 125 MHz Complete DDS Synthesizer AD98502004
    [24] Texas Instruments Datasheet for High Gain Adjust Range Wideband VARIABLE GAIN AMPLIFIER VCA8102003
    [25] Texas Instruments DEMVCASO1A Demonstration Fixture User’s Guide2005
    Europaisches Patentamt
    European Patent Office Office européen des brevets

    Publication number 0 371 020 B1


    Date of publication of patent specification 010993 Int CI³ G01R 2726
    Application number 889038345 Date of filing 050588 International application number

    International publication number
    WO 8911105 (161189 8927)


    Date of publication of application
    060690 Bulletin 9023

    Publication of the grant of the patent
    010993 Bulletin 9335

    Designated Contracting States DE FR GB IT

    References cited
    GBA 2 059 604
    GBA 2 062 254
    USA 4 477 772
    Proprietor ROBERT BOSCH GMBH Postfach 30 02 20
    D70442 Stuttgart(DE)

    Inventor FISCHER Werner Bergstrasse 14
    D7257 Ditzingen 5(DE)

    Note Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted Notice of opposition
    Q shall be filed in a written reasoned statement It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee fJd has been paid (Art 99(1) European patent convention)
    Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services
    I3 1 0 3 6 3 3 1\


    The present invention relates to circuits for evaluating a variable inductance and in particular the variable inductance of an inductive displace ment transducer Circuits associated with such transducers are disclosed in for example DEA29 24 093 and DEA31 19 162
    The transducer disclosed in the DEA29 24
    093 comprises an oscillator supplying a fixed in ductance and a variable inductance having a com mon connection point and signal processing means connected to the common connection point to provide an output signal representative to the value of the variable inductance
    The signal processing means comprises am plifiers which can be adjusted to compensate the offset and to determine frequency of the oscillator
    In existing circuits a number of problems arise For example low pass output filters are required which introduce unwanted phase shifts In addition there are often stability problems
    The present invention seeks to overcome or reduce at least one of the above problems
    According to the present invention there are provided inductance evaluating circuits as set out in independent claims 1 and 2
    The above circuits have a number of advan tages They provide an output signal with a low residual ripple so that a low frequency filter is not required There are no problems with stability the circuits are not sensitive to phase shifts and there are only a few component subassemblies which affect the accuracy of the circuits
    When used in connection with an inductive displacement transducer high resolution measure ment may be achieved The displacement may be converted by the transducer into an inductance ratio LLo which is proportional to displacement and is then converted by the signalprocessing circuit into an electric output signal which may take any desired form eg an analogue signal a binary value or a markspace ratio
    In a preferred embodiment the signalprocess ing means comprises an amplification control cir cuit comprising means for rectifying the signal from the common connection point and means for in tegrating the output of the rectifying means The rectifying means may comprise a switch which is switchable by a synchronising output derived from the oscillator to receive an input signal directly or via inverting means The amplification control cir cuit may further comprise a delay element between the rectifying means and the integrating means and the output of the integrating means may be supplied to a sampleandhold circuit the operation of which is controlled by a synchronising output derived from the oscillator or from timing signal
    means which also control the first os cillator
    Such a control circuit provides both the output signal Uact ºf the WhoIe circuit and a control signal V for ensuring that changes in the value of induc tance L are quickly and accurately followed and that any errors are quickly corrected
    In a preferred embodiment between the com mon connection point and the amplification control circuit there is connected a circuit for adjusting the signal of the common connection point to a refer ence dc voltage level The adjusting circuit is preferably constituted by a differential amplifier cir cuit This has the advantage of compensating any offset voltages present
    A voltage divider may be connected between the first oscillator and the input of the differential amplifier circuit This has the advantage of detect ing any breaks in a cable or a shortcircuiting to ground of the common connection point
    A preferred embodiment of the present inven
    tion will now be described by way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings of which
    Fig1 is a circuit diagram of a prior art arrange ment
    Fig2 is a circuit diagram of an arrangement in accordance with the present invention and

    Fig3 is a signal diagram indicating the signals occurring at various locations within the circuit of Fig2
    Referring now to Fig1 there is shown a prior art circuit comprising an oscillator 10 a halfwave control device 11 which supplies a synchronising input to a halfwave rectifier 13 and an output drive stage 14 The common connecting point of a fixed inductance Lo and a variable inductance L is con nected to an inverting amplifier 12 the output of which is supplied to the halfwave rectifier 13 to
    40 produce an output URW which represents the value
    of the variable inductance
    Referring now to Fig2 there is shown an ar rangement in accordance with the present invention comprising an oscillator stage 20 which comprises
    45 a sinewave oscillator 10 and a synchronising out put stage The output of the oscillator is shown at A1 in Fig3 This signal is supplied directly to a first impedance transformer B1 and then to a terminal RWO connected to a first end of fixed inductance Lo and indirectly to a second impedance trans former B2 and thence to a terminal RW2 con nected to a first end of the variable impedance L The impedance transformers B1 and B2 supply the sinusoidal oscillations to the inductances with low resistance and without retroactive effect The os cillator output A1 is also supplied to the synch ronisation stage which comprises a comparator K and a deadtime member T The sync signal is

    delayed by the deadtime member T to com pensate the phase shift of signals RWO and RW2 relative to signal RW1 The synchronising output signals of this stage are shown at A4 in Fig3
    The connection between the oscillator output A1 and the impedance transformer B2 is via a controllable inverting amplifier B3 which forms part of a multiplier circuit 50 The output of am plifier B3 is shown at A2 in Fig3
    When the ratio of the amplitude of the signal at terminal RW2 to the amplitude of the signal at RWO is exactly equal to LL there is balance and the signal amplitude at terminal RW1 becomes zero This corresponds to the signals shown in the centre column of Fig3
    If however

    U R W O
    U RW 2

    a corresponding amplitude appears at RW1 (see left or right columns of Fig3) By means of a differential input amplifier 30 connected to terminal RW1 the average value of this oscillation is ad justed so that the average value at measuring point A3 corresponds to the internal reference voltage UR Amplifier 30 comprises an adder circuit 32 a plus input of which receives the signal from termi nal RW1 and a minus input of which receives an output signal from a delay member VZ2 the input of which is also connected to receive the signal RW1 The output of adder 32 is supplied via an inverting amplifier BE to measuring point A3
    The AC signal at measuring point A3 is recti fied with reference to UR by an analogue inverter B4 and an analogue switch S The signal Sync from point A4 serves for synchronisation and changes over at each zerocrossing point The out put of switch S is indicated at AS in Fig3
    The rectified signal at AS is then filtered by delay element VZ1 and integrated at I with refer ence to the reference voltage UR
    The deviation from UR of the average value of the signal at A6 is proportional to the difference of the actual amplitude at RW2 relative to the stabi lized amplitude at RW2 by means of the integra tion of this deviation there is obtained a tracking control value This is quantised in time by a sampleandhold circuit S & H which is controlled by a monostable trigger M connected to the sync signal The control voltage V thus obtained see line A7 in Fig3 controls the amplification of the controllable amplifier B3 via a converter 51 within multiplier 50 The output signal of the cirCU t Uact also obtained from converter 51
    Finally to detect a break in a cable or short circuiting to ground of the signal at RW1 there is provided a voltage divider X which is connected to the output of oscillator 10 to provide a divided down sinewave which is added in adder circuit 31 to the RW1signal
    Various modifications may be made to the above described arrangement For example the implementation of the converter 51 and the am plifier B3 is dependent upon the desired form of the output signal Ua«t and upon the required accu racy As described an analogue signal is produced by an analogue multiplier The multiplier may com prise an operational transconductance amplifier Al ternatively a 10Bit word output could be obtained from an AD converter 51 and an amplifier B3 with a digitally determined amplification factor The out put signal could also be in the form of a signal with a variable markspace ratio Where desired a tim ing input may be provided to the converter 51 from the output monostable trigger M as shown in a broken line in Fig2 Figure 2 shows a preferred embodiment of the present invention and various integers can be omitted if desired for example the differential amplifier 30 the voltage divider X the delay element VZ1 andor the sample and hold circuit S & H andor the monostable trigger M of the amplification controller 40 and the converter 51
    If desired the control amplifier B3 could be alternatively connected in the path from oscillator 10 to the fixed inductance Lo
    Instead of the synchronising output being de rived from the oscillator 10 it may be derived from a common timing signal generating means which also controls oscillator 10 In a further modification the controllable amplifier B3 is replaced by an amplitudecontrollable second oscillator which is also connected to the common timing signal gen
    40 erating means


    1 An inductanceevaluating circuit comprising a
    45 first sinewave oscillator (10) supplying a fixed inductance (L ) and a variable inductance (L) having a common connection point (RW1) and signalprocessing means (30 40) connected to the common connection point (RW1) to pro vide an output signal (Uact) representative of the value of the variable inductance (L) the oscillator signal being supplied by respective paths (B1 B2) to the ends of the inductances (L L) remote from the common connection point (RW1) one of said paths (B2) incorporat ing a controllable signalgenerating device wherein the controllable signalgenerating de vice is a controllable amplifier (B3) charac

    tensed in that an output (A7) of said signal processing means (30 40) is connected to the controllable amplifier (B3) and delivers a con trol voltage (V) to control the amplification of the controllable amplifier (B3)

    An inductanceevaluating circuit comprising a first sinewave oscillator (10) supplying a fixed inductance (L ) and a variable inductance (L) having a common connection point (RW1) and signalprocessing means (30 40) connected to the common connection point (RW1) to pro vide an output signal (Uact) representative of the value of the variable inductance (L) the oscillator signal being supplied by respective paths (B1 B2) to the ends of the inductances remote from the common connection point (RW1) one of said paths (B2) incorporating a controllable signalgenerating device charac terised in that an output (A7) of said signal processing means (30 40) is connected to the controllable signalgenerating device wherein the controllable signalgenerating device is an amplitudecontrollable second oscillator con nected to timing signal generating means which also control said first oscillator (10)

    A circuit according to claim 1 or claim 2 wherein the signalprocessing means (30 40) comprises an amplification control circuit (40) comprising means (B4 S) for rectifying the signal from the common connection point (RW1) and means (I) for integrating the output of the rectifying means (B4 S)

    4 A circuit according to claim 3 wherein the rectifying means (B4 S) comprises a switch
    (S) which is switchable by a synchronising output (A4) derived from the first oscillator (10) to receive an input directly or via inverting means (B4)

    A circuit according to claim 3 or 4 wherein the amplification control circuit (40) further com prises a delay element (VZ1) between the rec tifying means (B4 S) and the integrating means (I) and wherein the output of the in tegrating means (I) is supplied to a sample andhold circuit (S + H) the operation of which is controlled by a synchronising output (A4) derived from the first oscillator (10) or from timing signal generating means which also control the first oscillator (10)

    A circuit according to any of claim 3 to 5 wherein between the common connection point (RW1) and the amplification control circuit (40) there is connected a circuit (30) for adjusting
    the signal of the common connection point so that the average value corresponds to a inter nal reference dc voltage level (URL

    7 A circuit according to claim 6 wherein the circuit (30) is a differential amplifier circuit and a voltage divider (X) is connected between the output of the first oscillator (10) and the input of the differential amplifier circuit

    8 A circuit according to any preceding claim wherein the output (A7) of the signalprocess ing means (30 40) is connected to a multiplier circuit (50) comprising a converter (51) which supplies output signals (Uact ) to an output terminal of the inductanceevaluating circuit and to the control input of the controllable signalgenerating device (B3)

    9 An inductanceevaluating circuit according to any preceding claim wherein the inductances (L L ) are part of an inductive displacement transducer


    1 Induktivitatsauswerteschaltung wit einem er sten Sinuswellenoszillator (10) der wit einer festen Induktivitat (Lo) und einer variablen In duktivitat (L) verbunden ist die einen gemein samen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) aufweisen wit signalverarbeitenden Mitteln (30 40) die wit dem gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) verbunden sind und em Ausgangssignal (Uact) lefern das abhangig ist vow Wert der variablen Induktivitat (L) wobei das Oszillator signal dber entsprechende Pfade (B1 B2) zu den Enden der Induktivitaten (Lo L) gelangt die vow gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt
    40 (RW1) abgewandt sind und einer dieser Pfade (B2) eine regelbare signalerzeugende QueIIe umfa8t wobei diese regelbare signalerzeugen de QueIIe em regelbarer Verstarker (B3) ist dadurch gekennzeichnet dat em Ausgang (A7)
    45 der signalverarbeitenden Mittel (30 40) wit dem regelbaren Verstarker (B3) verbunden ist und eine Regelspannung erzeugt zur Rege lung zur Verstarkung des Regelverstarkers (B3)

    2 Induktivitatsauswerteschaltung wit einem er sten Sinuswellenoszillator (10) der wit einer festen Induktivitat (Lo) und einer variablen In duktivitat (L) verbunden ist die einen gemein samen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) aufweisen wit signalverarbeitenden Mitteln (30 40) die wit dem gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) verbunden sind und em Ausgangssignal

    (Uact) lefern das abhangig ist vow Wert der variablen Induktivitat (L) wobei das Oszillator signal dber entsprechende Pfade (B1 B2) zu den Enden der Induktivitaten (Lo L) gelangt die vow gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) abgewandt sind und einer dieser Pfade (B2) eine regelbare signalerzeugende QueIIe umfa8t dadurch gekennzeichnet dat em Aus gang (A7) der signalverarbeitenden Mittel (30
    40) wit der regelbaren signalerzeugenden QueIIe verbunden ist wobei die regelbare si gnalerzeugende QueIIe em amplitudengeregel ter zweiter Oszillator ist der wit zeitsignaler zeugenden Mitteln verbunden ist die auch den ersten Osziilator (10) regeln

    Auswerteschaltung nach Anspruch 1 oder 2 bei der die signalverarbeitenden Mittel (30 40) einen verstarkungsregelnden Schaltkreis (40) aufweisen der Mittel (B4 S) umfa8t um das Signal vow gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) gleichzurichten und Mittel (I) zum Inte grieren des Ausgangssignales der gleichrich tenden Mittel (B4 S)

    4 Auswerteschaltung nach Anspruch 3 bei der die gleichrichtenden Mittel (B4 S) einen SchaI ter (S) umfassen der umschaltbar ist durch einen Synchronisationsausgang (A4) der vow ersten Oszillator (10) angesteuert wird um eine direkte Verbindung oder eine dber invertieren de Mittel (B4) zu erhalten

    Auswerteschaltung nach Anspruch 3 oder 4 bei der der verstarkungsregelnde Schaltkreis
    (40) weiterhin em Verzogerungselement (VZ1) um fa8t das zwischen den gleichrichtenden Mitteln (B4 S) und dem In tegrationsmittel (I) liegt wobei der Ausgang der Integrationsmittel
    (I) an einen sampleandholdcircuit (S + H) gelegt wird dessen Funktion gesteuert wird uber einen Synchronisationsausgang (A4) der vow ersten Oszillator (10) oder von den zeitsi gnalerzeugenden Mitteln die auch den ersten Oszillator (10) regeln angesteuert wird

    Auswerteschaltung nach einem der Ansprdche
    3 bis 5 bei der zwischen dem gemeinsamen Verbindungspunkt (RW1) und dem verstar kungsregelnden Schaltkreis (40) em Schaltkreis
    (30) angeschlossen ist zur Einstellung des Si gnales des gemeinsamen Verbindungspunktes derart dat der Mittelwert einer internen Refe renzgleichspannung (URL entspricht

    7 Auswerteschaltung nach Anspruch 6 bei der der Schaltkreis (30) em Differenzverstarker ist und em Spannungsteiler (X) zwischen den
    des Sinuswellenoszillators (10) und den Eingang des Differenzverstarkers geschal tet ist

    s 8 Auswerteschaltung nach einem der vorherge henden Ansprdche bei der der Ausgang (A7) der signalverarbeitenden Mittel (30 40) an eine Multiplizierschaltung (50) gelegt ist die einen Wandler (51) umfa8t der Ausgangssignale (Uact +) an einen Ausgangsanschlu8 des In duktivitatsauswerteschaltkreises und an den Regeleingang der regelbaren signalerzeugen den QueIIe (B3) liefert

    is 9 Auswerteschaltung nach einem der vorherge henden Ansprdche bei der die Induktivitaten (L Lo) TeiI eines induktiven Lagegebers sind


    1 Circuit d'évaIuation d'inductance comprenant un premier oscillateur d'onde sinusoTdale (10) alimentant une inductance fixe (Lo) et une in ductance variable (L) comportant un point de branchement commun (RW1) et des moyens de traitement de signaux (30 40) branchés au point de branchement commun (RW1) pour fournir un signal de sortlé (Uact) représentatif de la valeur de I'inductance variable (L) Ie signal de I'osciIIateur étant appliqué par des chemins respectifs (B1 B2) aux extrémités des inductances (Lo L) opposées au point de bran chement commun (RW1) I'un de ces chemins (B2) incorporant un dispositif de génération de signaux commandable dans lequel Ie dispositif de génération de signaux commandable est un amplificateur commandable (B3) circuit carac térisé en ce qu'une sortie (A7) des moyens de traitement de signaux (30 40) est branchée a
    do I'ampIificateur commandable (B3) et fournit une tension de commande (V) destinée a com mander I'ampIification de I'ampIificateur com mandable (B3)

    45 2 Circuit d'évaIuation d'inductance comprenant un premier oscillateur d'onde sinusoTdale (10) alimentant une inductance fixe (Lo) et une in ductance variable (L) comportant un point de branchement commun (RW1) et des moyens de traitement de signaux (30 40) branchés au point de branchement commun (RW1) pour fournir un signal de sortlé (Uact) représentatif de la valeur de I'inductance variable (L) Ie signal de I'osciIIateur étant appliqué par des chemins respectifs (B1 B2) aux extrémités des inductances opposées au point de branche ment commun (RW1) I'un de ces chemins (B2) incorporant un dispositif de génération de

    signaux commandable circuit caractérisé en ce qu'une sortie (A7) des moyens de traite ment de signaux (30 40) est branchée au dispositif de génération de signaux comman dable dans lequel Ie dispositif de génération de signaux commandable est un second oscil lateur commandable en amplitude et branché aux moyens de génération de signaux de synchronisation commandant également Ie premier oscillateur (10)

    Circuit selon I'une quelconque des revendica tions 1 et 2 caractérisé en ce que les moyens de traitement de signaux (30 40) comprennent un circuit de commande d'ampIification (40) comprenant des moyens (B4 S) de redresse ment du signal provenant du point de branche ment commun (RW1) et des moyens (I) d'inté gration du signal de sortie des moyens de redressement (B4 S)

    4 Circuit selon la revendication 3 caractérisé en ce que les moyens de redressement (B4 S) comprennent un commutateur (S) commutable par une sortie de synchronisation (A4) prove nant du premier oscillateur (10) de manure a recevoir un signal d'entrée soit directement soit par I'intermédiaire de moyens inverseurs (B4)

    Circuit selon I'une quelconque des revendica tions 3 et 4 caractérisé en ce que Ie circuit de commande d'ampIification (40) comprend en outre un élément de retard (VZ1) entre les moyens de redressement (B4 S) et les moyens d'intégration (I) et en ce que Ie signal de sortie des moyens d'intégration (I) est ap pliqué a un circuit d'échantiIIonnage et de maintien (S + H) dont Ie fonctionnement est commandé par une sortie de synchronisation (A4) provenant du premier oscillateur (10) ou des moyens de génération de signaux de synchronisation commandant également Ie premier oscillateur (10)

    Circuit selon I'une quelconque des revendica tions 3 a 5 caractérisé en ce qu'entre Ie point de branchement commun (RW1) et Ie circuit de commande d'ampIification (40) on branche un circuit (30) de réglage du signal du point de branchement commun de fagon que la Valeur moyenne corresponde a un niveau de tension continue de référence interne (URL

    7 Circuit selon la revendication 6 caractérisé en ce que Ie circuit (30) est un circuit d'ampIifica teur différentiel et en ce qu'un diviseur de tension (X) est branché entre la sortie de I'os
    (10) et I'entrée du circuit d'ampIifica teur différentiel

    Circuit selon I'une quelconque des revendica tions précédentes caractérisé en ce que la sortie (A7) des moyens de traitement de si gnaux (3040) est branchée a un circuit multi plicateur (50) comprenant un convertisseur (51) fournissant des signaux de sortlé (Uact› ) a une borne de sortie du circuit d'évaIuation d'in ductance et a I'entrée de commande du dispo sitif de génération de signaux commandable (B3)

    Circuit d'évaIuation d'inductance selon I'une quelconque des revendications précédentes caractérisé en ce que les inductances (L Lo) font partie d'un transducteur a déplacement inductif



    A 6 — — — — — —


    欧洲专利局 专利号:0371020
    国际出版号:WO 8911105 (161189 8927)
    发明涉电路评估变电感特变电感电感位移换器样换器相关电路已公开例DEA29 24 093 and DEA31 19 162 专利DEA29 24 093传感器专利公开容包括振荡器提供固定具连接点信号处理装置连接公连接点提供输出信号代表值变电感电感变电感
    现参图2中示出根发明接线敷设组成包括振荡器级(20) 正弦波振荡器(10)步输出级振荡器输出显示图3中A1信号直接提供第阻抗变换器B1然固定电感第端罗间接第二阻抗变压器B2里终端RW2 con连接第端连接终端RWO变阻抗L供应阻抗变压器B1B2正弦振荡电感低电阻没追溯效力晶体振荡器A1输出提供步阶段包括较器KT步信号延迟死区时间构件T死区时间部件补偿信号相移RWORW2相信号RW1阶段中步输出信号A4图3中示
    RWO信号振幅终端RW2信号振幅L L正等衡端子RW1信号振幅变零应图3中心列中示信号

    进行种修改作出述安排例转换器51放器 B3实施取决需形式输出信号Ua达求精度描述模拟信号模拟法器数跨导运算放器外10位字输出数字确定放系数A D转换器51放器B3出信号信号形式变量标记空间需方时序输入提供转换器51输出单稳态触发器中号图2中虚线示图2示出发明优选实施例种整数果需话省略例差动放器30电压频X延迟元件VZ1样品保持电路S&H单稳态触发器M放控制器40转换器51
    电感测量电路包括:第级正选拨发生电路固定电感L变电感L公连接端口RW1信号处理方式连接公连接端RW1提供呼出信号Uact 代表电感量变化L供振荡器信号通路径(B1B2)端部远离公连接点(RW1)电感(LL)中述路径(B2)中控信号产生装置特征述控制信号产生装置控制放器(B3)供振荡器信号通路径(B1B2)端部远离公连接点(RW1)电感(LL)中路径(B2)中装控信号产生装置特征述控信号发生装置控制放器(B3

    根权利求34电路特征述放控制电路(40)包括延迟元件(VZ1)间整流装置(B4S)积分装置(Ⅰ)特征述输出装置整体(Ⅰ)提供采样保持电路(S+ H)第振荡器(10)定时信号步输出(A4)该操作产生装置控制述第振荡器





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