
    开放英语1 试点期末机考模拟试题(5)

    英语知识运 (20 分题1分)
    1 Jane and Paul like good coffee so go and get some good coffee for _____
    A they
    B them
    C their

    2 I don’t want _____ milk in my coffee
    A any
    B some
    C many

    3 David is _____ only accountant in my son’s company
    A the
    B an
    C a

    4 I usually go to the office ________ train
    A with
    B by
    C on

    5 I am not keen_______ sports
    A on
    B with
    C in

    6 You need to reduce your temperature so you ___________ take some medicine
    A need
    B should
    C will

    7 Rose is in the garden She _____ her afternoon tea with her boyfriend right now
    A is having
    B has
    C have

    8 She usually goes to work ________ foot
    A by
    B on
    C through

    9 Polly is very busy She _______ work at about 700 every day
    A finish
    B finishing
    C finishes

    10 He can _____good English
    A speak
    B talk
    C say

    11 _________ people are coming for the party
    A How often
    B How much
    C How many

    12 AI don’t get up late on Sundays
    B _____
    A Neither have I
    B Neither am I
    C Neither do I

    13 John is __________ experienced at training than Mary is
    A more
    B worse
    C much

    14 A The shops in this area are _____
    B Yes I agree They are not modern enough
    A enough oldfashioned
    B modern
    C too oldfashioned

    15 A _______ like to have a coffee
    B Yes please
    A Are you
    B Would you
    C Can you

    16 A How long does it take to go there by train
    B _________________
    A It is 20 pounds
    B It takes 20 hours
    C The training is very fast

    17 A What does she like
    B _________________
    A She likes playing tennis
    B She’s interested in travelling
    C She’s very nice and kind

    16 A Why don’t you go to an estate agent then you’re talking face to face
    B Well __________________
    A I would like
    B That’s a shame
    C I don’t know

    19 A
    B Yes I do My mother and father live in Oxford
    A Do you have any family
    B Where are your father and mother
    C Have you any family

    20 A __________________?
    B Hi My name’s Rose Are you from London
    A Hello I’m Paul What’s your name
    B Hello who are you What’s your name
    C Where are you from

    二阅读理解1 (5分题1分)
    阅读列短文ABC 三选项中选择正确答案点击答题区相应字母符号前圆圈(题包含5道题进入道题需点击答题区方双箭头钮)
    Weather Forecast
    After yesterday’s fine sunny weather in Wales(威尔士) today will feel much more like a November day
    Very strong winds will bring rain to Scotland and England in the morning These winds will die away (减弱) during the afternoon Wales will have a dry day today In the southeast temperatures will be higher than normal (正常) The evening will be cold with fog in many places in the southwest but temperatures will not be low enough for ice to form(形成)
    Tomorrow will be a windy day with rain everywhere until around noon In the afternoon the rain will clear from the southwest bringing fine weather to all parts by the evening There may be some sun in the southeast of England But temperatures will be low and the winds may bring some snow anywhere in the north and west before morning

    1.Yesterday it was sunny in ____ __
    A England
    B Wales
    C Scotland
    2 This morning it will be very windy in __ ____
    A Scotland
    B Ireland
    C Wales
    3.This evening it will be ___ __ in the southwest
    A windy
    B rainy
    C foggy
    4.Tomorrow it will stop raining first in the __ ___
    A southeast
    B northwest
    C southwest
    5.Tomorrow evening there may be some sun in the ___ ___ of England
    A southeast
    B northwest
    C southwest

    三阅读理解2 (5分题1分)
    阅读列短文ABC 三选项中选择正确答案点击答题区相应字母符号前圆圈(题包含5道题进入道题需点击答题区方双箭头钮)
    New York London Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in There are many interesting things to see and to do You can go to different kinds of museums(博物馆) plays(戏剧) and films You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world
    But there are serious(严重) problems in big cities too The cost of living is high and there are too many people in some of big cities Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances to find jobs to study at good schools and to receive good medical care(医疗) But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in Also too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean
    Some people enjoy living in big cities Others do not Before people move to big cities they should think about the problems of living there

    1 There are a lot of interesting things to do in big cities
    A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
    2 People move to live in big cities because they can always find jobs there
    A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
    3 The houses are very expensive in big cities
    A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
    4 Everyone enjoys living in big cities in spite of () the problems
    A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
    5 It’s better to think carefully before you decide to move to big cities
    A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

    四完成句子 (10分题2分)

    1 ___________________________________ (谁负责) advertising
    2 A Could I speak to Xiaoyan please
    B I'm afraid Xiaoyan is not in____________________ (转达?)
    3 A __________________________________________(天感觉样?)
    B I’m feeling much better Thanks
    4 Can I (花园里吸烟)
    5 A __________________________________(长什样?)
    B:He’s very tall with blue eyes and short beard

    五英译汉 (10分题2分)
    1 She is average height and slim
    2 My daughter is a bit shy
    3 The flat is large light and modern
    4 Is your boyfriend talkative
    5 I like reading newspapers in cafés

    选择填空 (题1分20分)
    1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A
    6 B 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 A
    11 C 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 B
    16 B 17 C 18 C 19 A 20 A

    二阅读理解 1(题1分5分)
    1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 A

    三阅读理解2 (题1分5分)
    1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A







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