

    Unit1 we’re going to read stories
    三 教材分析 (Teaching Material)
    单元学 be going to do 句型谈发生 算做事情 课堂安排种情境新学期学准备 理学学做客准备做什等等
    二教学目标 (Teaching Aims)
    1通学新句型谈发生算做事情 2合作学中培养学生合作交流力鼓励学生开口 敢发言 3通学培养学生口语发音交际
    三教学重难点 (Important & Difficult Points)
    1理解掌握新单词 story listen to interesting talk about put on play great write about
    2掌握运句型 am is are going to…
    四课时安排 (Periods Arrangement) 三四课时
    五教具 (Teaching Aids) 录音机图片卡片课件等等
    Period 1
    教学目标 (Teaching Aims)
    1 知识目标(Knowledge Aims):
    1) 懂 会读 会说新单词 story listen to interesting talk about put on play great write about
    学运新句型:amisare going to… Are we going to …
    2 力目标(Ability Aims):
    1) 询问回答发生事情
    2) 理解课 A B 部分
    3 情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 学会组合作团结友爱
    二教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties)
    1) 重点:理解掌握生单词 2) 难点:掌握运新句型
    三课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件图片卡片等等
    四 教学程 (Teaching Process)
    Step one Warming up
    1 Greetings T Hi boys and girls Good morning How are you
    2 Free talk T We just had our winter holiday Tell me what did you do S1 I visited my parents S2 I went to Shenzhen …
    T Wow how wonderful Now it is a new term What are you going to do in this term
    Step two Presentation Introduce new words and sentences
    1) T (showing pictures) Boys and girls look That is what Dino is going to do this evening I am going to listen to music (Introduce other new words like this)

    2) T OK Now let’s play a game Do you remember what Dino is going to do this evening Is he going to listen to music Do you like music So are we going to listen to music tonight Yes we are No we aren’t (Write the sentences down on the blackboard)
    Step three The dialogue
    1) Listen to the tape of Part A Listen and find who you can hear Listen and repeat Listen and read Act it out Step three consolidation Give students some scenes to have conversation in groups Such as Have a plan for the weekend with your friends Step four homework 1) Read after the record of Part A five times and try to recite it please
    2) Copy the new words and sentences three times and try to tell your parents about your weekend plan
    五板书设计(Blackboard Design)
    Unit 1 We're going to read stories story
    listen to interesting talk about put on
    play great write about
    六Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    教学目标(Teaching Aims)
    1 知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 懂 会读 会说新单词 story listen to interesting talk about put on play great write about 2) 学运新句型:amisare going to… Are we going to …
    2 力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 熟练运新单词新句型 2) 理解 D 部分短文完成练
    3 情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 1) 重视组合作精神 2) 敢发言勇表达
    二教学重难点(Teaching Focus& Difficulties)
    1) 重点:掌握新单词巩固节课学单词
    2) 难点:正确熟练运单元重点句型进行话
    三课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件图片等等
    四教学程(Teaching Process)
    Step one Warming up and leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Free talking Talk about what you are going to do tomorrow
    Step two Presentation

    1 Play the chain game
    S1 Are we going to watch TV tomorrow
    S2 Yes we are Are we going to play games tomorrow
    S3 No we aren’t Are we…
    2 The text Read and find what it is about Listen and read Read and finish the exercises
    Step three Practice Have a competition between girls and boys
    They should speak out sentences with We are going to… as many as possible
    Step four Homework
    1) Read the Section D three times
    2) Try to make your own graph please just like the one on page
    3) You could choose anyone
    五板书设计(Blackboard Design)
    Unit 1 We are going to read stories
    Are we going to write Yes we are No we aren’t
    六Reflection of teaching

    Period 3
    教学目标(Teaching Aims)
    1 知识目标(Knowledge Aims):
    1) 巩固熟练运单元学新单词新句型
    2) 进步熟练运单元重点句型 Are we going to …
    2 力目标(Ability Aims):
    1) 理解掌握新单词
    2) 理解掌握运新句型进行交流话写作
    3 情感目标 (Emotion Aims)
    1) 重视学分享交流 2) 发扬尊师爱友精神
    二教学重难点(Teaching Focus& Difficulties)
    1 重点:掌握新单词巩固节课学单词
    2 难点:正确熟练运单元重点句型进行话
    三课前准备(Preparation for Class) 学生节课作业课件图片等等
    四教学程(Teaching Process)
    Step one Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Free talk Tell us what your friends parents or others going to do this weekend
    Step two Presentation
    Introduce animals to students Talk about their favorite animals

    Lead students to say I am going to play panda
    Have a competition about which group says more sentences
    Read the book and write down what they discuss in group
    Step three Practice Make word card by them and make sentences in group
    Create some scenes for students to have a conversation For example meet your classmates on street write a letter to your pen pal about your weekend plan
    Step four Homework
    1) Read the whole unit twice please and try to recite the new words in page 2
    2) Write a letter to your friends just like the two letters on page 3 You can talk about anyone you know
    Unit1 We are going to read stories
    We are going to ______ Are we going to ______
    六Reflection of teaching

    课题:Unit2 We’re going to do some research
    第 1 课时


    1理解掌握四会新词:find read collect study and think write
    2掌握运句型:is\am\are going to…
    导 学 流 程(定导学:教材 56 页)

    English Talent Show
    Title Are we going to …
    二 目标导航
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s have fun(P4)
    三 学研 (selfstudy)
    1 Listen to the tape and circle the words if you don’t know and then guess the meaning
    2 Listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions
    Question Are we going to do some research

    四.交流展示(Discussion and show)
    Task1 I can read
    find read collect study and think write
    1 Read after T or LT\Words and spelling
    2 Game Trick game
    Task2 I can show
    Key structure What are we going to… We are going to …
    1 Ask and answer
    2 Let’s practice



    Listen point and read

    六 教反思

    课题:Unit2 We’re going to do some research
    第 2 课时

    1进步学新词find read collect study and think write

    2 询问回答发生事情
    3 学会组合作团结友爱
    导 学 流 程(定导学:教材 57页)
    English Talent Show
    Title Are we going to …
    1 Greetings
    2 Picture talking
    三学研 (selfstudy)
    1Listen to the recording and try to read
    2Listen again and answer the question
    Are we going to study and think
    四交流展示(Discussion and show)
    Task1 I can read
    find read collect study and think write
    1 Game Sharp ears
    2 Words and sentences
    Task2 I can show
    1 Listen and try to repeat it sentence by sentence




    2 Role play
    3 Let’s check
    五 巩固提升
    Finish Part D


    课题:Unit2 We’re going to do some research
    第 3 课时


    1 学生够巩固复前学动词动词短语
    2 学生特定语境正确熟练句型:be going to …
    3 培养学生交流组合作意识
    学生熟练运be going to …商量询问计划算

    导 学 流 程(定导学:教材 58 页)
    English Talent Show
    Title Are we going to …
    1 Greetings
    2 Letters and words
    三 学研 (selfstudy)
    1 Listen to the tape and then answer the question
    What are we going to do today
    2 Listen again and try to repeat
    四交流展示(Discussion and show)
    Task1 I can read
    1 Read after LT
    2 Train game
    Task2 I can show
    1 Let’s practice(P6)
    2 let’s write (P8)
    Write the new words and ready for dictation


    Unit 3 Let’s make a kite
    Period 1
    Teaching aims and demands
    1懂会读会说新单词:cut draw paint glue tie a kite show paper bamboo
    2学运新句型cut the bamboo draw a picture etc
    3first then and then next lastly描述事情
    1 介绍做风筝
    2 理解课AB部分
    Teaching main points and difficulties
    2难点: 描述做风筝
    Teaching tools
    PPT 剪刀刀纸竹子胶水彩笔线
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Greetings
    1 Greet the whole class after they sing the ABC song
    2 Free talk Ask these questions
    What season is it now Is it beautiful in spring Do you love spring Why What can you see in spring What can people usually do in spring (show a picture )
    Help the students answer with a kite fly a kite
    Teach the new words a kite fly a kite
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 T Flying a kite is very interesting But do you know how to make a kite Today let’s learn how to make a kite Now I’ll show you how to make a kite Look at me carefully and follow me
    2 Show a piece of paper and a bamboo teach the words paper and bamboo
    3 Teach the phrases while the teacher is doing the actions then write the phrases on the blackboard cut the bamboo cut the paper draw a picture paint it glue the paper to the bamboo tie a string to the kite
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Ss look at the pictures and make a competition between Group A and Group B Each group talks about how to make a kite according to the pictures one by one The group which says out correctly will get a red star If they can’t say out the other group will get the chance
    2 Help the class talk about how to make a kite with first and then next lastly And Ss read after the teacher
    3 GameRelay game Let’s do a relay to talk about how to make a kite between Group A and Group B
    Step 4 Reading
    Books open And Ss read after the teacher for Part A
    1 Read out Part A and try to recite how to make a kite
    2 Make a kite by themselves
    Blackboard design
    Unit 3 Let’s make a kite
    cut the bamboo
    cut the paper
    paint it
    glue the paper to the bamboo
    tie a string to the kite
    Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    Teaching aims and demands
    1 懂会读会说新单词:cut draw paint glue tie a kite show paper bamboo
    2 学运新句型cut the bamboopaper draw a picture etc
    3 first then and then next lastly描述事情
    1 介绍做风筝
    2 理解课AB部分
    Teaching main points and difficulties
    1 重点:理解掌握新单词
    2 难点: 描述做风筝
    Teaching tools
    PPT 剪刀刀纸竹子胶水彩笔线
    Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Greetings and leadin
    T Hi boys and girls Good morning How are you
    2 Free talk and lead in
    T Do you like plants(plants已学较容易理解)
    TNow I’d like to show you something Here’s a bottle First we put some soil in the bottle Then we plant seeds in the bottle who can help me(请学生帮忙)And thenwe water them who can help me () Nextput the glass in the sun Lastly the seeds grow upLet’s show our plants(出做) it’s so beautiful Today what are we going to make this class Let’s make a kite(板书标题:Let’s make a kite)
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Show some pictures about flying a kite
    2 Questions Do you like flying a kite what do we do to make a kite (show a picture and teach the words bamboo paper glue ) First we teach the phrases while the teacher is doing the actions or showing the pictures then write the phrases on the blackboard cut the bamboo cut the paper draw a picture paint it glue the paper to the bamboo tie a string to the kite
    Step 3 Practices
    1 Ss look at the pictures and make a competition between Group A and Group B Each group talks about how to make a kite according to the pictures one by one The group which says out correctly will get a red star If they can’t say out the other group will get the chance
    2 (堂课已布置孩子做手工品)Ask the students to practice the wordsFirst then and then next lastly and describe how to make it according to the arts made by the students
    Step 4 Reading Part A and B
    1 Make a kite or handwork by themselves and use the words like Firtthen…to describe how to make it
    2 show a picture and tell them if they’re interested in it you can call the number which is on the poster
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 3
    1 知识目标:巩固熟练运单元学新单词新句型
    2 力目标:理解掌握新单词新句型介绍制作风筝步骤
    3 情感目标:重视学生分享交流发扬尊师爱友精神
    二 教学重难点
    1 重点:掌握新单词掌握单元句型
    2 难点:正确熟练运单元重点句型进行话
    三 课前准备
    三 教学程
    Step 1Warming up 1)Greetings
    2)Sing a song
    3)Review the new words
    Step 2Presentation
    1) Let’s learn Part D
    2) 粗读课文解文章意标出新单词
    3) 教师分析课文学生出纸笔文中描述事物画出幅画发挥学生想象
    4) 学生图片简单英语描述组进行展示
    5) 熟读课文
    Step 3:Practice
    1) 请学英语描述制作风筝步骤
    2) 学生熟练单元单词
    3) 练游戏出示
    Step 4 Homework
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Assessment I
    1 复Unit1Unit 3重点词汇句型
    2 考察学生听力
    3 培养学生课堂活动力

    Step 1 Warming up
    Step 2 Exercise and feedback
    C部分…… 果做画笑脸画哭脸
    2) 两组题目求提问回答
    3) 选择学生作答
    4) D部分喜欢…果喜欢画笑脸喜欢画哭脸
    Step 3 Consolidation

    Unit 4 Don’t talk here
    Period 1
    1 词汇:听说读写新单词hereMrstakelibrarythrowwastefloorroadpark
    2 听说读B部分句型Don't talk in the library Don’t eat in class
    3 Don't表示禁止建议
    二 教学重难点(见12)
    三 教学程
    Step 1:Warming up
    Step2 单词教学 创设情境进行单词教学:利光头强熊二话引出here出示音标
    Step 4:利年学What does that sign mean出示种图标请学生抢答
    Step 5 课件出示准图书说话Don't talk in the library
    种方法教授Don't eat in class
    Don’t throw waste paper on the floor
    四 Practice
    五 总结
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    1 继续学B部分句型
    2 掌握A部分角色扮演
    3 Don't表示禁止建议
    Step 1:Warming up:
    1 Greeting
    2 Re view the new words
    Step 2教授A部分
    1 听教师读画出重点句型
    3 读
    4 分角色读
    5 组展示
    Step 3 Let’s Practice
    1 回顾学期学What does that sign mean?
    2 说句子例Don’t play basketball on the road
    3 组展示组说句子
    Step 4 Homework
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 3
    1 学D部分学生学会班级者图书馆制定班规
    2 听说读B部分句型Don't talk in the library Don’t eat in class
    3 组角色扮演C部分
    Don’t talk in the library Don’t play football on the road Don’t pick flowers in the park Don’t draw on the wall
    二 教学重难点(见12)
    三 教学程
    Step 1 Warming up:Greeting
    2 检测B部分句型学新单词
    Step 2 Part D
    1 听录音解课文意
    2 请学生翻译
    3 请学生讲解课文练
    4 BobPaul制定规
    Don’t listen to music late in the evening
    Don’t read in bed till late
    Don’t throw waste paper on the floor
    Don’t sing loudly
    Step 3设置情境请学生班级设计班规组展示
    Step 4 Homework
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Unit 5 When’s your birthday
    Period 1
    情感目标: 完成务程中促进学生合作协调力学生相互解相互沟通增进友情
    听懂会说新单词Children's DaymouthJanuary……December等
    运句型When’s…… It’s on the……谈日期
    掌握日期表达方法X k B 1 c o m
    When is your birthday
    It is on the fifth of March
    Children’s Day is on the first of June
    教学难点:流利序说出12月份名称灵活运句型When’s ……It’s on the……谈日期
    活动1导入 Step1 Warm up
    1 Greetings
    2 sing a song (生日快乐歌)
    活动2讲授 Step2 新授w W w x K b 1c o M
    1)歌曲引出课文标题When's your birthday出示幻灯片
    January February March
    April May June
    July August September
    October November December
    Step2 Presentation
    2 教数字表达运It’s on the …of …(黑板板述)
    3 组合作Ask and answer When your birthday is 运面学日期表达方式
    4 出示月份图片重点讲六童节国庆节
    6It's on the …of …句型表达更重节日
    活动3练Step3 练
    1How many months are there in a year
    2Which is the shortest (短)month新课 标 第 网
    of the year
    3Which month do you like best
    活动4活动Step4 Let's read and learn
    1PartA Group work read Part A and find out the answers to the below questions
    When’s Peter’s birthday What about Lingling
    2 Read again Try to point out the difficulties
    3 Teach in May and International Children’s Day
    4 Listen and read
    5 Practice reading Part A
    活动5练Step5 Consolidation and extension 
    1 Introduce the favorite person's birthday
    2 Make a conclusion about the text’s contents
    3 Homework Recite Part A and the twelve months
    Blackboard design

    Unit 5 When’s your birthday
    Period 2
    a 听说读写:January February March April May June July August September October November December  b 熟练运句型:When's your birthday It's in My birthday is in
    重点 听说读写十二月份
    难点 通合作培养学生综合运语言力 (When's your birthday It' sin My birthday is in )X K b 1C om
    活动1导入Step1 Warm-up
    1 Greetings
    2 Listen a month song
    活动2导入Step2 Presentation
    1 Ask what song it is and teach the month words from January to July Let’s chant for group work
    Janu Janu January
    Feb Feb February
    March March April
    May May June July
    2 Teach the other month words Ask them to point out the same part ber
    3 Game Magic finger when T shows two fingers they should read the word twice Show three fingers
    They should read three times like this
    4 Group work Practice reading the following phrases and then perform in front
    November and December
    1 Play the month song again Ss try to repeat
    2 Practice singing the song in pairs
    活动4讲授Step4 Presentation
    1 Say you’re tired Now Let’s listen to a song to have a rest(birthday song)
    2 Teach the title Unit 5 When’s your birthday
    3 Ask When your birthday is Help them to answer My birthday is in …(Show a month card )
    4 Ask students to report their birthday like them My birthday is in …
    活动5练Step5 Practice
    1 Group work Ask and answer When’s your birthday Let them write down the answers on a
    2 Game Ask answer and choose the right month
    3 Part C Let them find out the other answer way It’s in …
    4 Let’s sing a song ()两老虎歌调唱)
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in February It’s in February
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in February It’s in February
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in March It’s in March
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in March It’s in March
    Step 4 Consolidation and extension
    1 Introduce the favorite person's birthday
    2 Read Part C again and find out It’s on the…of
    3 Homework Recite Part A and the twelve months
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Unit 5 When’s your birthday
    Period 3
    It’s on the ……of …
    理解part A
    通合作培养学生综合运语言力 (When's your birthday It' s on the My birthday is in
    活动1导入Step1 Warm up
    1 Greetings
    2 Revise the ordinal number
    活动2讲授Step2 Presentation
    1 sing a song (两老虎歌调唱)
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in February It’s in February
    When’s your birthday When’s your birthday
    It’s in February It’s in February
    2 Teach It’s on the of …
    3Group work Ask and answer When your birthday is It’s on …
    perform in front
    4 Divide them into two groups and practice
    5 Show some festival’s picture and teach International Children’s Day
    6 Say out more festival and perform using It’s on the …of …
    活动3练Step 3 Practice
    Group work Give them some dates and write them down Then report in front
    活动4讲授Step 4 Let's read and learn
    1 Part A Group work read Part A and find out the answers to the below questions
    When’s Peter’s birthday What about Lingling
    2 Read again Try to point out the difficulties

    3 Teach in May and International Children’s Day
    4 Listen and read
    5 Practice reading Part A X|k | B| 1 c|O |m
    活动5讲授Step 5 Read and answer
    1 Part D First show the three questions and explain the meaning
    When’s Fran’s birthday
    When are Simon and Sandy going to meet
    What are Simon and his friends going to do
    2 Group work Discuss and find out the answers to the question above
    3 Read again and explain the difficulties
    活动6作业Step 6 Consolidation and extension
    1 Introduce the favorite person's birthday
    2 Make a conclusion about the text’s contents
    3 Homework Recite Part A and twelve months
    Blackboard design

    Unit6 I’ll make a beautiful card
    Teaching Aims:
    1 词汇:听懂会说认读关母亲节词汇Mother's Day card restaurant gift rose a box of chocolates
    2 句型:句型I'll do 表达母亲节活动
    3 语篇:理解读懂课文A部分
    1 简单解母亲节历
    2 运课文A部分句型B部分词汇谈母亲节活动
    4 Important points :
    Difficult point :运文中句型词汇谈母亲节活动
    1 Greetings
    2 Free talk
    (1)When is your birthdayMy birthday is in May It’s on the third of May
    (2) Show the calendar and introduce Mother’s Day
    What day is it today What date is the second Sunday in May The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day
    (3)Introduce the origin of Mother’s Day
    1 T Next Sunday is Mother’s Day What will you do for your mother Peter
    S1 I’ll give her a gift on Mother’s Day
    T What gift will you give to your mother
    S1 I’ll buy her a box of chocolates
    T That’s good
    结合话单词卡片实物课件图片学新单词gifta box of chocolates句型I'll do
    Step 2 Learn the new words and expressionsMother’s Day card restaurant rose in the same way
    Step 3 Practice the new words and expressions in different ways
    Step 4 Let’s chant
    A card a gift for my mum
    Chocolates flowers for her too
    Mother mother mother I love you
    Mother mother mother Happy Mother’s Day
    活动Let's listen and say
    1 Books closed Listen and answer the question
    What gifts will the children give to their mothers
    2 Books open Listen and repeat
    3 Work in groups of 4 or 5 to read and practice the dialogues in Part A
    4 Roleplay the dialogues in Part A
    1 Listen and read the dialogues in Part A
    2 Prepare at least a gift for your mother bring to school next English class
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    Part C
    Teaching Contents Parts C and DUnit 6Book5B
    Teaching Aims:
    1 词汇:复关母亲节词汇学fan money lucky stars等新词汇
    2 运学词汇句型谈表演母亲节活动
    3 理解Part D话
    Important points:
    3 Difficult point :理解运Part D话
    Teaching aids:单词卡片学生准备母亲节礼物媒体课件
    2 Revision Have a chain drill
    T Next Sunday is Mother’s Day What will you give to your mother Peter
    S1I’ll give her a box of chocolates(show the object) What about you Li Ming
    S2I’ll give her a beautiful card(show the card) What about you Jack
    S3I’ll give her ……
    活动Practice 1Show a gift box and say
    TLookthis is a gift I’ll give to my mother Please guess what it is in
    S1Is it a beautiful card
    S2Is it a box of chocolates
    S3Are they any flowers
    S4 ……
    T Please open it Lucy
    What’s in it
    Ss Oh it’s a scarf a beautiful scarf
    2Books open Ss read the dialogue in Part C and practice roleplaying it in pairs
    3Pair works Encourage the students to Roleplay similar dialogues using their own gifts eg
    S1 Mum today is Mother’s Day Sit here and have a cup of milk
    S2 Thank you
    S1 Here’s a card It’s for you Happy Mother’s Day
    S2 Wow How nice Thank you
    活动3活动Presentation and read
    1 Show a girl and say This is Jane she’s looking so sad Do you know why Now let me tell you She doesn’t have money to buy a gift for her mother on Mother’s Day What can he do Please help her
    2 Ss talk about their ideas
    3 Teach the new words and expressions fan lucky stars coloured paper
    4 Ss read the dialogue in Part D by themselves T explains some difficult points
    5 Finish the exercises below Then check the answers
    练Do reading exercises
    Today is Mother’s Day I can make a card for Mom I write To my dear Mom on the card I write I love you Wish you’re happy every day on the card I draw a lovely dog on it too Mom and I like dogs very much I give the card to Mom Mom is happy He says Thank you Jack
    ( ) 1 Today is Father’s Day
    ( ) 2 Jack can make a card for Mom
    ( ) 3 Jack and Mom like dogs
    ( ) 4 Jack can’t draw and write
    1 Read the dialogue in Part D
    2 Do you know Father’s Day Surf the Internet to find out how people celebrate Father’s Day
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Unit 7 There's post office near my school
    Period 1
    1 听读辨认字母opost office hotel shop等单词中发音
    2 听懂会说认读新单词post office m hotel bank shopping centre 听说读写单词near street road cinema park
    3 There is …Is there … Yes there is No there isn’t 谈场方位
    听懂会说认读新单词post office m hotel bank shopping center 听说读写单词near street road cinema park

    Step 1 WarmupRevision
    1 Greetings
    2 TPR


    Step 2 Presentation
    1 教师呈现图
    2 教师引导学生谈图已学场名称
    3 教师利图片教单词hotel bank post office shopping centre
    4 教师利图片教单词cafetea house
    5 教师利图片教单词road street
    6 Game watch and speak 口型说单词

    Step 3 Learn the text
    1 Listen and answer

    Who are they What places can you hear
    2 Listen and point
    3 Listen and repeat
    4 Say and listen
    5较字母opost office hotel shop等单词中发音
    (1)教师板书单词shop shopping office post hotel home over clothes movie

    Step 4 Extension

    1 教师提供图语段框架
    2 学生两组续编话
    3 学生台展示师生评价

    旅馆:hotel 银行:bank
    饭店:restaurant 邮局:post office
    咖啡馆:cafe 市场:market
    公园:park 超市:supermarket
    动物园:zoo 商店:shop
    世界窗:Window of the World 图书馆:library
    购物中心:shopping centre 博物馆:museum
    海底世界:Underwater World 电影院:cinema


    Period 2
    1 复巩固已学单词
    2 正确运单元功句型针建筑物方位进行简单问答
    Step 1 WarmupRevision
    1 Greetings
    2 Revision
    Game :Listen and do


    Step 2 Practice
    1 Game 贴贴说说
    教师板书句型:There is …
    2 Game 快速抢答
    教师板书句型:Is there … Yes there is No there isn’t

    Step 3 Let’s read and learn
    1 教师利图片教介词词组in front of next to 较next to near 区
    2 第遍阅读短文
    3 第二遍阅读短文

    4 第三遍阅读短文
    5 听录音读
    6 图填写场名称


    Period 3

    1 复巩固学单词
    2 进步熟练运单元功句型
    Step 1 WarmupRevision
    1 Greetings
    2 Revision
    zoo bank clothes shop library

    hotel post office school park

    tea house shopping centre café cinema



    Step 2 Look and write
    1 教师呈现图
    (1)教师板书提问:Where is your home
    ①Is there a shop near your home
    ②Is there a hotel or a bank near your home
    ③Is there a café or a tea house nearby
    ④Is there a park nearby
    2 教师呈现语段框架
    My home address is
    There is near my home

    There is next to my home
    There is in front of my home
    There is behind my home
    There is
    There is
    There is
    3 学生横线填入合适单词句子

    Step 3 Let’s sing
    1 听歌曲Ten Green Bottles 声唱
    2 学唱歌曲配趣动作
    3 男女学生分组进行歌曲表演赛


    Unit8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel
    Part A
    学情分析 组合作试行阶段相部分学起利完成务组长发挥力增强学生学意识已见雏形
    1How to ask for directions in English
    2 How to show directions in English
    1 Vocabulary turn left right go straight get on get off airport railway station hotel hospital
    2 Speak out the directions clearly
    Period 1
    活动Can you show me the way to Xinhua hotel 
    1 Leading in
    Play a cartoon video and ask Ss to find out what the two characters are doing in this cartoon video
    2 Presentation
    The T presents some pictures about airport railway station hotel hospital and teach the new words to the Ss
    3 Practice
    Ask Ss to read the new words together loudly
    Show Ss signs about places and lead them to imagine the meaning of each plays
    Show Ss two maps about places and guide them to use these signs for giving directions
    Presentation the sentences
    The T presents the pictures about Part A and presents the dialogue to the Ss
    4 Practice the conversation
    Ask the Ss to read the conversation together
    Divide the Ss into groups and read the conversation
    Group work ask the leader of each group to read the conversation with the team members
    Performance choose some groups to come to the front and use the map to perform the conversation
    5 Assessment
    Collect more phrases and sentence patterns about asking and showing directions as possible as they can
    Recite Part A dialogues
    Make up and write down two new dialogues according to the sample dialogues
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Part C
    1.运问路相关指令语找某方:turn left\right go straight get on off2.伴Can you show me the way to问路turn left\right go straight get on\off等词进行回答
    讲授UNIT 8 (CD)
    (T):It's time for classBoys and girls are you ready
    (T):Ok Let’s begin our class
    (T): First do some exercise with me OK
    (T): Stand up please
    [ 学生全体起立播放音乐师生节奏运动 ]
    (T):Well done Sit down please Today I want to introduce a new friend to you who is he Please look here
    (T):He is Lucy Let’s say Hello to her
    (T):Lucy comes from Australia she is living in Nanjing now We know Nanjing is a famous city of the world so do you want to visit there
    (T):OK let’s go together
    四复Part B单词:
    (T)Here is a map of Nanjing What can you see in the picture
    (S1——Son):I can see an airport a hospital a hotel a railway station
    (T):Excellent Now all the places are in my hands let’s review the words read them one by one
    [ 教师正音 ]
    (T):Read the words together
    五学Part C句型:
    (shopping centre引出)——
    (T):OK Wow So many interesting places here A shopping centre a railway station a hotel
    (T):Who wants to go to the Hotel Please put up your hand OK but do you know the way
    (T):I know the way If you want to go there you can ask me the way
    (S1):Excuse me can you show me the way to the Hotel please
    (T):Err Go straight along this street and then turn left at the THIRD crossing the Hotel is on your left
    (S1):Thank you X K b 1C om
    (T):You are welcome Anybody else I can tell you the way
    [ (S2……Sn):Excuse me can you show me the way to the Hotel please ]
    (T):Now ask me together
    (Ss):Excuse me can you show me the way to the Hotel please
    (T):Go straight along this street and then turn left at the THIRD crossing the Hotel is on your left
    (Ss):Thank you
    (T):You are welcome
    (T):Can you find the Hotel now
    (railway station操练)——
    (T):Ok Here is a railway station If you want to go there please ask your partner the way Ask and answer in pairs
    [ 学生位练句型问答 ]
    (T):Now stop here Can you find the way
    (T):OK Now I ask some pairs to make dialogues
    (T):OK Show me the way together Excuse me can you show me the way to the railway station please
    (Ss):Go straight along this road and then turn right at the third crossing the railway station is on your left
    (T):Thank you very much
    [ 学生整体操练 ]
    (T):Well done class
    (T):OK we have visited so many places a hotel and a railway station Now please open your books and turn to page 39…
    (T):Very good Lucy wants to go to the library Now let’s visit the library with her OK
    (T): Can you show me the way to the library Now listen to the text and then find the answer
    [ 播放磁带]
    (T):OK So how to get to the library Can you show me the way to the library please Have you found the answer
    (T):Who can give me your answer
    (S1):She takes Bus No 15 near her home She gets off at City Park Then she goes straight along Park Road she turns right at the second crossing the library is just on the left
    (T): All right Three steps FIRST take Bus No 15 and gets off at City Park THEN go straight along Park Road AT LAST turn right at the second crossing You can find the library on the left
    (T):OK Excuse me can you show me the way to the library please
    [ (Sn……Sn+1):FIRST take Bus No 15 and gets off at City Park THEN go straight along Park Road AT LAST turn right at the second crossing You can find the library on the left ]
    (T):Right Can you show me the way to the library please
    (Ss):FIRST take Bus No 15 and gets off at City Park THEN go straight along Park Road AT LAST turn right at the second crossing You can find the library on the left
    (T):Thank you
    (T):Let’s go on with our journey Can you show me the way to the zoo\the Shopping Center\
    [ (S1……Sn):回答问题 ]
    (T):Very good I think you can understand the whole text right
    (Ss):Yes X k B 1 c o m
    (T):Now listen to the tape again and read follow it
    (T):Now read the text by you
    (T):Very good Please try to retell the text with your partner
    (T):Well done Sit down please Now I’m afraid time’s up So much for this lesson and after class you should retell the exercise on page39
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Part E
    ① 正确听说读写词汇句型:
    turn leftright go straight and get on\off
    ② 听懂会说会读日常交际语句型:
    Go straight and then
    You may take U Bus No 10 进行指路
    2 力目标:
    3 情感目标:
    重点难点 重点:
    Go straight and then
    You may take U Bus No 10
    活动UNIT 8 (EF)
    A 音乐集体唱歌曲
    B 1Free talk 师生交流
    C Revision 复
    2学生复述A部分会话 学生组表演会话容
    D Show the Map of Your City创设情境:
    Mary and Anne are going to take a train to the city They are going to visit your school Tell them the
    way from the railway station to your school
    Have Ss write a letter to tell Mary and Anne the way from the railway station to your school
    T checks their work and asks some Ss to show their letters Make sure if they can use
    Go straight and then
    You may take U Bus No 10 etc to tell the right way
    E Practice and consolidation练巩固
    1 A game Tell the way by looking the map(P40)
    2.Encourage Ss to find many ways to the airport(Have Ss discuss in groups)
    3Share their work together
    1 朗读课指路KEY SENTENCES求学生够复述背诵表演
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    UNIT9 He’s kind to children
    Period 1
    2.句型:Hershel is … He looks… He loves …简单介绍性格特点
    1.重点:听懂会说认读会写新单词kindfriendlysmartactiveseriousHeShe is … He looks… He loves …简单介绍性格特点
    2.难点:A部分let's listen and say综合单元三种句型串成话形式出现教师需学生前面已学形容词进行纳总结设置复单词句型活动
     Step1 WarmupRevision
    Step2 新课呈现
    出示Peter图片请学生根chant中描述Peter外貌性格形容词教师根学生回答出示单词卡片带读单词http w wow xkb1 com
    引导学生观察Peter图片引导学生说出Peter外貌性格特征板书friendly带读板书he is tall he looks friendly he is kind带读单词句子
    Step3 课文学
    第步:listen and underline
    Tlookthis is peter This is peter’s grandpa listen to the tape and try to find what peter’s grandpa looks like please underline the key words when you listen to the dialogue
    第二步:Answer the question学生回答问题教师带全班学复述正确答案
    Q1What Peter’s grandpa looks like
    Q2What does peter’s grandpa do
    Q3How is peter’s grandpa
    Q4what does he love
    第三步:listen and repeat听录音读话提醒学生注意模仿语调读出疑问语气
    Step4 趣味操练
    教师引导学生英语描述班学生外貌性格特征 he is tall he looks friendly he is kind余学生猜 who’s heshe教师描述学生喜爱动画片中物明星伟等学生猜猜谁
    Step5 作业布置
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    1 助图理解Part D完成练
    2 通阅读解阅读方法
    学生助图理解part D 完成练
    warming up 
    1 Geetings
    2 Introduce you family member
    1 Listen and answer What is Ling ling’s uncle
    2 read and answer the questions(略)
    3 read again and finish the blanks(略)
    4 Check
    1 Pair work介绍
    2 汇报
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Unit 10 Where were you yesterday
    Period 1
    1 Able to understand and read the new words yesterday today tomorrow at work at home weekdays sick railway and station in bed in hospital
    2 Able to understand and read the text
    3 Use Where were you I was… to require what people did in past time
    重点:Grasp new words
    难点:Act out the dialogue
    a calendar some picture word cards tape etc
    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing English songs
    Step 2 Presentation and drill
    1 Show a calendar
    T What day is it today How many days are there in a week What are they
    S ……
    T The days from Monday to Friday are Weekdays Saturday and Sunday are weekends Today is …And yesterday was…
    Point to the calendar to help students to understand what new words mean write and teach
    2 Put pictures of places under the days
    T Today is…and I’m at school Yesterday was… and I was at the library sick and in the hospital …Where were you
    S…… Encourage students answer with what they know
    3 Listen to Part A understand the main idea and answer
    Where was Mingming yesterday
    4 Help students to understand sick better give me…
    5 Listen to the tape and repeat
    6 Practice the dialogue
    Step 3 Practice
    GameChain game
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1 Make a small survey
    2 Give assessment
    Blackboard design
    yesterday today weekdays sick
    railway station
    Where were you Mingming
    I was……
    Reflection of teaching

    Period 2
    1 Able to understand Part D and finish the questions
    重点:Understand Part D and finish the questions
    难点:retell the part D
    some pictures of scenery word cards tape etc
    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song
    Step 2 Presentation and drill
    1 Show pictures of scenery or photos pin them on a blank paper)
    T Hello boys and girls I like traveling very much I’ve been to many places for example Shanghai Beijing Guangzhou…They are all beautiful places I took many pictures
    Hand in the photos to the students write the new words and phrases on the Bb
    2 Read part D and answer the questions
    Where was Mr White last week
    Why did he feel happy in Hangzhou
    Did he like the food in Guangzhou
    Why did Mr White love China
    3 Explain cities visited saw weather sunny went said to students
    4 Listen to the tape and repeat
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Talk out Part D
    2 Discuss and finish the form
    Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    3 Finish the questions and then practice with your partner
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1 Retell Part D
    2 Give assessment
    3 Homework Repeat the text
    Blackboard design
    Where were you yesterday
    Where were you on
    I was on
    Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
    Period 3
    1 Grasp the new words sentences grammar in the unit
    2 Able to describe where you went
    3 sing the song
    重点:Grasp and use the words
    难点:Use the knowledge to talk about where you went
    pictures photos word cards tape etc
    Step 1 Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing English song
    3 Dictate the words and phrases in the unit
    Step 2 Presentation and drill
    1 Point to Part E and fill in the blanks
    2 Check their answers
    Step 3 Practice
    1learn the songWhere Were You
    2Change the lyrics little lady at home sir into dear sir at
    school girl And sing the song
    3Sing by boys and girls separately
    Step 4 Consolidation
    GameTravel in the dream
    Teacher plays a piece of piano let students act as sleeping
    Blackboard design
    Where were you
    Reflection of teaching

    Unit11Who was first
    Period 1
    1 熟练运新单词
    2 掌握序数词规律灵活运序数词
    Step1 Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing
    3 Review
    T I count numbers one two three…
    4 Let’s play games
    I’ll divide class into three groups which group can count numbers and get the first
    Step2 Presentation and drill
    1 Teacher shows a picture abut Sports Day
    2 T Look at this picture What were they doing
    Ss They were having sports meeting
    Preset new words onehundred meter race Sports
    3 Read the new words one by one
    4 Show a picture and then ask students Who was first
    Teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard
    Teacher help students answer Amy was first
    Lingling was second Anne was thirst
    5 Teacher presents1stfirst 2ndsecond 3rdthird 4th—fourth 5th—fifth 6th—six 7th—seventh 8th –eighth 9th—ninth 10thtenth
    Ask students to read the words
    Step3 practice
    Teacher prepares some word cards
    Let’s play a game I can say
    Teacher show first I can sayI am first
    T Here are some word cards They are first second third fourth fifth I will take a picture from there If I take first I can say I am first Maybe I take fifth I am last Are you clear
    Step4 Consolidation
    1 Let’s chant
    词尾加th(fourth sixth tenth)
    结尾字母t d d(first second third)
    八t九e (eighth ninth)
    vef (fifth)
    Step 5 Homework
    Copy the new words
    Read the text
    Period 2
    Part B
    1 词汇:听懂会说认读单词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth race
    2 句型: Who was first’ The tiger was first’陈述森林动物赛跑结果
    () 重点
    (二) 难点
    序数词first second third fifth读音
    T Helloboys and girls
    Are you ready for class
    1 T I’ve got four questions for you
    The first question What day is it today Then what day was it yesterday
    Yesterday was very special day for the animals do you know why I will tell you later
    (设计目: 设置悬念激发学生奇心面动物运动会情境创设蓄势)
    2 The second question Do you know any animals What animals do you know
    3 The third question What animals can run very fast
    4 The fourth question Please guess this word It’s got four letters
    (1) The first letter is in tiger bear rabbit What is it Yes it’s r’
    (2) The second letter is in animal lizard kangaroo What is it Yes it’s a
    (3) The third letter is in cow cat crocodile What is it Yes it’s c’
    (4) The fourth letter is in elephant monkey forest What is it Yes it’s e’
    (5) Then how to read this word face → race
    (设计目:face race 旧带新巧妙解决race读音问题)
    5 You see today you are also in a race I’d like to see who will be the winner So come on
    讲授(三)Presentation and practice
    1 T Just now I said that yesterday was a very special for the animals Why Let’s have a look(播放动物运动会开幕式视频)
    2 T Wow how exciting There were Animal Games yesterday
    there was a one hundred meter race Who were in the race Please look
    T Horse tiger rabbit elephant giraffe were in the race
    3(1) T: Who was first Can you guess
    S1 The horse was first
    S2 The tiger was first
    T Now let’s check the answers The tiger was first Which word is first (单词卡带读:f ir st first The tiger was first样方法教second third fourth fifth)
    (2) T Who was second The horse was second
    (3) T Who was third The giraffe was third
    (4) T Who was fourth The elephant was fourth
    (5) T: Who was fifth The rabbit was fifth
    Little reporter 1 T Who’s he
    Ss He’s Li Ping
    T What’s he
    Ss He’s a reporter from CCTV
    T:Do you want to be a reporter Let me show you how to give a report about race
    Yesterday there was a onehundred meter race The tiger was first

    Li Ping CCTV
    2 T Please practice in groups Try to help each other
    3 T Now show time Who will be the first
    (设计目:通记者环节学生仅说出学序数词出完整语篇输出样单词教学融入情境融入语篇接拓展环节 运动会情境中引出long jump high jump swimming 800m等项目运动赛成绩单发组请组派位记者赛结果进行报道)

    Period 3
    Part D
    1Use the new words well
    2Able to understand Part D and finish the exercise
    3Able to use ordinal numbers to describe the orders
    重点:Part D
    难点:Describe the orders well
    Step1 Warming up
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing English song
    3Report the homework of last lesson
    Step2 Presentation and drill
    1 Group activity Finish Part C
    2 Show part D
    T How many squares are there in the picture What’s on the second square
    S There is a school on the second square
    Step3 Practice
    1 Talk about Part D discuss in groups
    2 Finish Part D fill the blanks
    Step4 Consolidation
    GameGuess guess and guess
    Play the game by teams One student describe another one about his her appearance wearing hobby and order of seats and so on others guess who is student
    Give assessment
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Unit12 Where did you go
    Part A
    1 知识技
    (1)认读四新单词(go to the forest go to the museum make notes take pictures ask questions listen to music 面动词式: dodid have had see saw make made take took)两新句型(Where did you go What did you see)做发音准确清晰听懂含义
    (3)够根flash课件听读英语话事X k B 1 c o m
    1学生学五年级学生学英语已三年新 课 标 第 网
    2学生已学go come run be sing read等单词式学生What did …do Did … Where …等句型非常熟悉
    1 课教学重点理解般时态现时态意义区落实be 动词基规规实义动词般时里法熟练会话Where did you go We went to the mountains What did you see We saw birds trees and flowers等
    2 课时难点规动词式识记运
    Step 1 Warm up
    1 Sing a song (How’s the weather)
    2 Greetings(师生问候)w W w x K b 1c o M
    T Are you happy today
    Ss Yes we are happy
    3 Free talk:Talk about the weatherday and the date
    T What day is it today
    S1 It’s Friday
    T What was the weather like yesterday
    S2 It was sunny
    T What was the date yesterday
    S3 It was May 23rd
    4 Brainstorm (幻灯片Let's guess What's the name of the place)
    Step2 Presentation 
    1 播放flash动画引出公Lingling
    T:Look This is Lingling Yesterday was her birthday She went out with her classmates Now let’s watch TV Where did they go Can you ask her
    Ss Where did you go Lingling
    教师播放动画学生观Yuelu Mountain出现时画面停止教师指着单词问
    T:Where did Lingling go
    引导学生理解Yuelu Mountain点击屏幕Yuelu Mountain出现正确读音中文意思教师领读
    2 继续播放视频视频次定格岳麓书院长沙海底世界动物园湖南省博物馆操练Where did you go 教授Changsha Underwater World Yuelu Academy zoo Hunan provincial Museum go to the forest go to the museum make notes take pictures ask questions listen to music
    T What did Lingling see?Can you ask her 新课 标 第 网
    S:I saw …
    设计意图真实情境学生呈现课重点单词学生然接受新知识印象深刻时复动词式句型Did …?巩固旧知识激发学生学新知识奇心
    3 Point and say
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Read after the teacher:教师指着黑板领读句子(幻灯片:Read)
    2 Group Competition(幻灯片Group Competition)
    老师问 Where did you go
    学生集体回答 We went to the Changsha Underwater World(请位老师台问组齐答)
    3 Watch and follow(幻灯片Dialogue)
    A:课件播放课文Part A动画遍学生观回答问题:
    TWhere did Lingling go
    S1She went to the Yuelu Mountain
    TWhere did she have lunch?
    S2She had her lunch at the park
    TWhat did she see
    S3She saw birds trees and flowers
    B:播放课文Part A动画遍学生读
    T Read after the flash together
    Step 4 Consolidation and Extending 
    1 巩固新知综合拓展 会话(幻灯片I am a little traveler)
    2 学生带着旅游片纪念品特产谈旅游见闻
    3 活动结束予奖励
    5 做练(幻灯片Do exercise)
    Read and write(求写出列单词式)
    1 go ____ see ____ have____ do ____ am___
    2 I ____to Beijing yesterday It ____ very great I ___ to the Great Wall I ___many beautiful places
    Step5 Summary
    1 引导学生总结节课学知识幻灯片展示句型词汇(幻灯片Summary)
    2 课作业(幻灯片Homework)
    (1)听A B部分录音声朗读课文

    Period 2
    教学目标:X k B 1 c o m
    复巩固Where did you go Where did you do?等问句答句
    Step1 Warmup
    Free talk
    a Relay race接力活动:排学生读单词排接排进行单词短语认读
    Step 2 Practice
    Ask and answer
    TWhere did you go
    S I went to the Hunan Museum X|k | B| 1 c|O |m
    4.Make a survey
    老师担记者邀请3 学生进行采访填写调查表格
    TWhere did you go Li Ping
    L I went to the Hunan Museum
    TDid you enjoy yourself
    L Yes I did
    Step 3 Let’s read
    老师呈现Amy Jane Anne周末郊游场景导入:
    Where did the girls go last Sunday What did they do last Sunday
    学生读短文找出文中女孩点描述三女孩活动动词 短语动词短语画线
    通课件单词卡片呈现单元重点动词原形式求学生动词 原形相应式配
    Step 4 Homework
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching

    Period 3
    Part EF
    1 知识技
    (1)学生熟练认读点单词单元重点句型Where did you go做发音准确清晰听懂含义
    重点难点 1教学重点:识记点单词
    Step1 Preparation (准备热身)
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing an English song London Bridge
    T Wonderful I like your singing London is beautiful Hunan is beautiful too Today we’re going to see many beautiful places in Hunan
    3 Divide into two teams
    T There are two teams in our class boys team and girls team Please get on your buses and fight for the great medal
    Step2 Presentation and drill 
    1 Challenge One Look and speak
    (1) T Let’s go to Challenge One Look and speak Please look at these pictures and speak out where it is
    (Places Changsha Underwater WorldYuelu Academy Yuelu Mountain Hunan Provincial Museum Zoo)
    (2) T Let’s see more new places
    (Places Window of the World Yueyang Tower McDonald's Restaurant)
    (3) T Let’s play a game Guess guess guess
    If you know where it is stand up and speak out as quickly as you can
    (Places zoo Yuelu Academy Yueyang Tower Changsha Underwater world)
    (4)T Last week I went to Changsha Underwater World Where did you go These lessons we continue to learn Unit 10 Where did you go
    T I went to Changsha Underwater World Where did you go?
    S1 I went to
    S2 I went to
    T Great You passed this challenge
    Step 3 Let’s Write
    Last week there was an English party in Class 3 You enjoyed the party and the items Write about the party
    Step4 Practice 
    Let’s have fun
    Let’s rhyme X|k | B| 1 c|O |m
    I was at the beach one day
    And I saw five big waves begin to play
    The first wave gave a great big swish
    The second wave washed up many fish
    The third wave washed away my boat
    And out to the sea I saw it float
    The fourth wave washed away a shell
    The fifth wave made a little swell
    The five waves played with me all day
    And we had a great big race
    Step 5 Homework
    Blackboard design

    Reflection of teaching





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