

    力选练 A
    When you wave (挥手) to a friend you are using sign language When you smile at someone you mean to be 1 When you put one finger (手指) in front of your 2 you mean Be quiet
    Yet people in different countries may use different sign languages
    Once an Englishman was in Italy He could speak 3 Italian One day while he was walking in the street he felt 4 and went into a restaurant (餐馆) When the waiter came the Englishman 5 his mouth put his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips (嘴唇) In this way he 6 to say Bring me something to eat But the waiter brought him a lot of things to 7 First tea then coffee then milk but no food The Englishman was 8 that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry He was 9 to leave the restaurant when another man came in and put his hands on his stomach (肚子) And this sign was 10 enough for the waiter In a few minutes the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat At last the Englishman had his meal in the same way
    1 A nice B friendly C fine D well
    2 A eye B hand C mouth D arm
    3 A a little B few C a few D a little
    4 A hungry B tired C sad D worried
    5 A washed B opened C closed D touched
    6 A dared B meant C had D decided
    7 A eat B drink C carry D play
    8 A happy B glad C sorry D afraid
    9 A quick B slow C ready D quiet
    10 A good B bad C bright D wrong
    参考答案1715 BCDAB 610 BBCCA

    力选练 B
    Four students are talking about the future after class
    In 2050 our life will be much than it is now The sky is bluer and water is clearer We can the fresh air every day Humans and animals the world peacefully says Zhang Tao full of hope
    Wang Yan thinks that it is not a to travel to the moon for a holiday We eat healthy food every day At that time everyone will enjoy a life
    Li Yuanyuan believes that people will have more free time because robots (机器) will be very popular and will do many things people And we will build new on other planets (星球) Maybe we can chat with each other in our new homes
    Zhao Kai thinks that no animals will die out because of cloning (克隆) There will no pollution (污染) The whole world will be one big As time we’ll live a much easier and better life
    Their teacher Mr Chen tells them to work hard for their dreams and future Nothing is impossible says Mr Chen
    题1 A.better B.longer C.safer D.faster
    题2 A.look B.taste C.breathe D.see
    题3 A.fight B.share C.live D.love
    题4 A.dream B.way C.feeling D.fun
    题5 A.shorter B.faster C.longer D.fatter
    题6 A.full B.think C.hear D.for
    题7 A.families B.homes C.schools D.hospitals
    题8 A.is B.are C.be D.have
    题9 A.family B.earth C.ball D.house
    题10 A.past B.pasts C.pass D.passes

    力选练 C
    My father was a selftaught mandolin(里陀林琴) player He was one of the best players in our town He could not (41) _______ music but if he heart a tune(曲子) a few times he could play it When he was young he was a (42) _______ of a small country music band They played at local dances and the radio station
    At home Dad often got out his mandolin and played for the family We three children sang along (43) _______ played the mandolin like my father He could (44) _______ your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin He seemed to shine when he was playing You could see his (45) _______ in his ability to play so well for his family
    But Dad had to find another (46) _______ in a factory later because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to (47) _______ the family Unluckily he had an (48) _______ one day and lost one finger He couldn’t play as (49) _______ as before From then on every time we asked him to play he would make up reasons to (50) _______ down our request However we missed his performance so much (51) _______ he agreed and said Okay but remember I can’t hold down on the strings(琴弦)the way I (52)_______ to
    When he played the old mandolin it carried us back to a (53) _______ happy time in our lives Dad was that kind of man (54) _______ was what he was doing all his life If he could give (55) _______ to others he would especially his family He was always there sacrificing (牺牲) his time to see that his family had enough in their life
    41 A express B raise C read D lead
    42 A dancer B member C driver D friend
    43 A Nobody B Somebody C Anybody D Everybody
    44 A shut B touch C cover D hurt
    45 A doubt B truth C pride D worry
    46 A job B wallet C game D hobby
    47 A start B work C value D support
    48 A action B accident C argument D exam
    49 A deep B fast C well D loud
    50 A turn B break C close D lay
    51 A Nearly B Exactly C Certainly D Finally
    52 A regretted B used C kept D pointed
    53 A careful B forgetful C cheerful D helpful
    54 A Giving B Receiving C Changing D Taking
    55 A production B pleasure C purpose D patience
    41 C 根文知父亲位学成曼陀林琴手推断父亲识乐谱答案选Cread music意识乐谱
    42 B 根该段句知父亲常舞会电台演出根a small country music band乡村乐队推断父亲应该中员选B
    43 A根He seemed to shine when he was playing演奏时候容光焕发推断出三孩子着唱没父亲样选A
    44 B 根your heart 知父亲演奏碰触心灵选B意碰触
    45 C 根句知父亲演奏时候容光焕发根play so well for his family推知父亲够家演奏感豪
    46 A 根文中the money he made 挣钱推知家工厂找份工作
    47 D根文知父亲家工厂找份工作推知乐队挣钱够养家选D意供养
    48 B根文中lost one finger失根手指头推知发生事选B
    49 C 联系文知父亲失根手指头推断演奏前样
    50 A 根make up reasons编理推断想拒绝家求选Aturn down拒绝
    51 D根文agreed 意推断答案选D意
    52 B 根句记住现法控制住琴弦说然前答案选Bused to常常
    53 C 文it carried us back to回忆起文happy time in our lives知答案选C意愉快快乐
    54 A 根文If he could give…to other he could 果
    55 B 根文知父亲家开心手指已断会演奏推知父亲果快乐带尤家定会做选B意快乐

    力选练 D
    Here’s what two students said about Hilltop Language School When Mei Shan was a young girl 1 she ever wanted to do was travel And she 2 that the best way was to become a flight attendant She’s done this work for two years now She can travel all over the world 3 she thinks it’s a really interesting job She 4 that to speak English well was the most important 5 Before she became a flight attendant she 6 English at the Hilltop Language School for five years It was because she could speak English 7 she got the job
    David Feng wants to be a tour guide He wants to travel especially to 8 countries 9 He knows that he 10 his English so he’s started 11 at the Hilltop Language School The school has 12 helped him learn English He’s been a student 13 now and he loves it Maybe when he 14 he’ll think about becoming an English teacher 15 a tour guide
    1 A All what B All which C Everything which D What
    2 A hoped B decided C thinks D wished
    3 A so B because C and D that
    4 A invent B created C found out D discover
    5 A thought B plan C requirement D need
    6 A learns B has studied C had learnt D was studying
    7 A then B that C which D so
    8 A speaking English B Englishspoken C spoken English D Englishspeaking
    9 A However B But C Therefore D And
    10 A has to speak B should improve C can improve D loves
    11 A to live B working C to have lessons D taking care of kids
    12 A real B perhaps C not D really
    13 A since a year B for a year C a year ago D for long time
    14 A leave the school B is leaving school C graduates D will graduate
    15 A instead of B not C rather D instead
    参考答案1—5 DBACC 6—10 CBDAB 11—15 CDBCA





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