

    实战训练 A
    Swimming is very popular __1__ People like swimming in summer __2__ water makes people feel __3__ __4__ you must be careful when you go swimming Don’t go swimming in a wrong place it may not be safe Don’t go swimming alone __5__
    Before you __6__ water you must get __7__ ready Do some warmingup(热身) exercise When you are in water always stay in a place where people can __8__you Don't go swimming in the deep water Maybe you think that you are __9__ at swimming anywhere at any time but don't forget safety is __10__ thing
    ( )1 A in winter B in autumn C in summer D in spring
    ( )2 A so B because C but D and
    ( )3 A cold B cool C warm D hot
    ( )4 A But B And C So D If
    ( )5 A too B either C neither D also
    ( )6 A get into B jump C drink D go for
    ( )7 A you B yourself C your D yourselves
    ( )8 A hear B listen C see D look
    ( )9 A enough good B good enough C ok D all right
    ( )10 A important B the important C more important D the most important


    1—5 CBBAB 6—10 ABCBD

    实战训练 B
    How often do you exercise I’m sorry to say that I exercise than once a week I knowit is not a way of living for a boy I don’t have much time to exerciseI lovesports I used to be () a member of the swimming team and the team in school I every Monday and Thursdayand I played volleyball every day after school But I the teams inSeptember last year because I had to spend much more time on my study Now I have time todo sports or have fun I hardly watch TV or play computer games
    My father says is very important I hope I have time to exercise with him
    题1A less B more C better
    题2A bad B healthy C wrong
    题3A 17 years old B 17yearold C 17yearsold
    题4A So B Although C However
    题5A basketball B Tennis C volleyball
    题6A played football B went swimming C went online
    题7A joined B disliked C left
    题8A little B few C a few
    题9A too B also C either
    题10A play sports B playing sports C played sports

    实战训练 C
    Dear Sigmund Friend
    I am a Grade 9 student I have 21 problem and I do not know how to deal 22 it
    I have a lot of homework every day and I have no choice 23 to do it I often stay up late to complete 24 and then feel tired the next day
    Sometimes I want to 25 to do so much work but usually I just accept it I understand that it is important to do my homework and 26 on time However I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies 27 playing volleyball and pingpong I really feel bad about that I often doubt whether it is worth 28 so hard
    I am 29 a holiday without homework so that I can relax and have some time for my hobbies What should I do Can you offer me some suggestions They will be of great value to me I hope to 30 you soon
    Best wishes
    21 A an B a C the D (填)
    22 A with B for C to D on
    23 A and B so C but D then
    24 A the housework B the exercise C exercises D the exercises
    25 A accept B refuse C take D agree
    26 A hand it on B hand it in C hand in D put it in
    27 A as B such so C such as D as much as
    28 A reading B playing C walking D working
    29 A looking for B looking forward to C looking after D looking up
    30 A hear of B hear about C hear from D hear
    21 B解析烦恼泛指a
    22 A解析考查词组deal with意处置助理
    23 C解析考查词组have no choice but to do sth 毫选择做某事
    24 D解析exercise意练数名词作练止道题复数形式
    25 B 解析accept接受refuse拒绝take带走agree意根半句时接受知前边意思时拒绝
    26 B 解析词组hand in交hand in动词+副词结构代词作宾语放动词副词间
    27 C 解析such as意例
    28 D 解析根文知直做作业学刻苦work hard努力学
    29 B 解析looking for 寻找B looking forward to渴looking after顾looking up查字典句意渴没作业假期
    30 C 解析hear of听说hear about听说hear from收某信hear听见句意希久收回信

    实战训练 D
    One night in November Itzhak Perlman gave a concert in a theatre If you have ever been to a Perlman concert you know that becoming a violinist is not a small 16 for him He had to walk 17 the help of two walking sticks as a result of the disease he caught as a child
    People sat 18 while he made his way to his chair and began his play But this time something went 19 Just as he finished the first few parts of the music one of the wrings(弦) on his violin 20 We thought that he would have to stop the concert But he didn’t 21 he waited a moment closed his eyes and then 22 the conductor (指挥) to begin again The orchestra(弦乐队) began and he played with such strong feeling and purity as they had 23 heard before
    Of course everyone knows that it is 24 for a violinist to play a pleasant work with just three strings I know that and you know that 25 that night Itzhak Perlman didn’t want to accept that
    When he finished there was a terrible 26 in the room And then people rose and 27 from every corner of the theatre
    Perlman was excited He smiled and said You know sometimes it is the artist’s task to 28 how much music you can still make with what you have left
    So suppose our task in this fastchanging world is to make 29 at first we should try out best with all that we have And then 30 it is no longer possible try to play it with what we have left
    16 A achievement B advantage C accident D application
    17 A for B by C to D with
    18 A widely B closely C quietly D noisily
    19 A wrong B well C smoothly D slowly
    20 A fixed B broke C burned D lost
    21 A Instead B Anyway C Indeed D Otherwise
    22 A followed B asked C directed D forced
    23 A often B usually C already D never
    24 A comfortable B possible C uncomfortable D impossible
    25 A so B and C but D or
    26 A fear B silence C thought D thunder
    27 A cheered B left C smiled D whispered
    28 A hand out B carry out C find out D put out
    29 A fun B music C progress D money
    30 A unless B before C until D when
    16 A 根句中He had to walk the help of two walking sticks as a result of the disease he caught as a child知说成名提琴演奏家成A意:成B意:优点C意:事D意:申请选A
    17 D 根横线前walk横线two walking sticks知两根拐棍帮助行走with the help of意:……帮助固定搭配选D
    18 C 根文知身残志坚帕尔曼尊重分析选项中A意:宽广B意:紧密C意:静静D意:吵杂知台准备开始演奏时观众安静坐着 选C
    19 A 根文知次演奏中出点叉子A意:出错B意:利C意:滑D意:慢慢go wrong 意:出岔子出问题选A
    20 B 结合文知根琴弦断A意:修B意:断C意:燃烧D意:丢失选B
    21 A 根前面认会停止演奏没面闭眼睛等会继续开始知里相反代A意:反代B意:总C意:真正D意:否选A
    22 B 根文知请求指挥次指挥开始演奏A意:B意:请求C意:导演D意:强迫选B
    23 D 根语知演奏出前未听具强烈感情纯洁乐曲A意:常B意:通常C意:已D意:选D
    24 D 根语境知正知道三根琴弦演奏出美妙乐曲A意:舒服B意:C意:舒服D意:选D
    25 C 根句中家知道事实句中伊扎克帕尔曼接受情况知间转折关系A表示结果B连接两列关系C表转折D表选择者选C
    26 B 根文分析句意:演奏结束演奏厅里出现怕寂静A意:恐惧B意:寂静C意:想法D意:雷声选B
    27 A 根文分析句意:然站起剧院里角落传欢呼A意:欢呼B意:离开C意:微笑D意:嘀咕选A
    28 C 根文分析知句意:时艺术家务发现遗弃东西创造少音乐A意:分发B意:执行C意:发现D意:扑灭选C
    29 B 根文分析知句意:设想务变幻莫测世界里制
    30 D 根文分析知句意:种情况成时候试着认遗弃东西演奏A意:非B意:……前C意:直D意:……时候选D

    实战训练 E
    阅读面短文掌握意然题ABC者D 四选项中选出佳选项
    Everyone in our school loves 1 We do morning exercises after we 2 We have PE classes 3 a week and we play sports at five every afternoon The most 4 sport is basketball The boys enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it too Another popular sport is football and in every class there 5 a lot of football fans Usually volleyball is played outside when the weather is 6 We have school teams in basketball football and volleyball Our teams often have friendship matches with teams from 7 schools
    Besides ball games some of us like running 8 and throwing Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we 9 a sports meeting
    Sports help to keep us 10 and happy
    1 A art B music C sports D painting
    2 A have dinner B get up C get home D have lunch
    3 A the second B two C second D twice
    4 A popular B boring C tiring D difficult
    5 A is B was C are D were
    6 A windy B rainy C terrible D fine
    7 A other B others C another D the other
    8 A writing B jumping C singing D drawing
    9 A build B take C have D make
    10 A health B healthy C healthier D Unhealthy







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