

    1 记忆力进废退——时抱佛脚

    2 运词频选择记忆词汇效率高——什Barron’s Word List然红宝书词汇量少倍考试中命中率高许原

    3 运艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线安排复试频率高效利时间

    4 分散记忆集中记忆效果——早开始背单词

    5 觉记忆单觉记忆效果许——什课效果书原

    6 常东西易记奇特东西易忘——运荒诞联想法(老俞词频录音中讲种)

    7 通联想熟悉东西熟悉东西联系起记忆事半功倍——寻找规律构词法

    8 刻意记东西永远记住——记忆目标

    9 相信记住定记住:脑记忆潜——信




    二 常见名词介词搭配短语 第5组

    41 consent to sth 意:
    Her parents refused their consent to the marriage
    His consent to your proposal speaks volumes for his good will

    42 contact with sbsth 接触联系: 
    No I have no contact with her
    Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer

    43 contest for sth 争夺竞争: 
    A contest for the top job in the union
    He come second in the contest for deputy leader

    44 contradiction between 矛盾致:  
    There seems to be a contradiction between her word and action
    Deng There is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and a market economy

    45 contribution to 贡献捐献促成:  
    Einstein make a great contribution to science
    She makes a big contribution to modern sculpture

    46 conversation with sb 话:  
    Did you have a conversation with him
    I struck up a conversation with this old woman in the shop

    47 danger to sbsth 危险 : 
    Smoking is a danger to health 吸烟健康害
    He is a danger to society 社会威胁

    48 credit for sth 荣誉赞扬:
    He got all the credit for the discovery 发现全功於

    49 damage to sth 损坏:
    bird and mammal damage to forest 森林鸟兽害

    50contrast towith sth :
    In contrast with their system ours seems very oldfashioned
    制度相 显於守旧

    31 claim for sth 求:
    Claim for delayed delivery 延误交货索赔
    Claim for inferior quality 质量低劣索赔

    32 collision with sbsth 碰撞突: 
    His car had a collision with a truck 车子兴货车相撞
    Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry

    33 comment on about ……评: 
    What's your comment on our operas京剧评价样?
    Many customers have high comment on it

    34 connection between 关系连接:  
    The connection between the two events is remote

    35 complaint of about 报怨控告:  
    I have a complaint of the chest  胸部适
    Accept complaint about damage 接受货损抱怨

    36 compromise betweenon 折中妥协:  
    Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations 
    The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists 

    37 concentration on sth 专心集中精力: 
    Too much concentration on one aspect of a problem is dangerous
    Concentration of emotional energy on an object or idea

    38 concentration of sth 集中聚集:
    Having a high concentration of acid 酸性含高浓度酸
    They strongly recommended concentration of offer

    39 concern aboutforover 担心:
    There was also concern about the adaptation of laws exercise
    There was also concern about the adaptation of laws exercise

    40confidence in ……信相信:
    I have complete confidence in them 完全信心
    He inspired confidence in us 获信心

    21 arrangement for ……安排:
    We hatched all the arrangement for the dance
    We are busy in making arrangement for Christmas

    22 attack on ……进攻评击: 
    Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman 安後严词抨击董事长
    She made a vehement attack on the government's policies 强烈谴责政府政策

    23 attempt at 尝试企图: 
    A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel 热心试图写部说
    My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible

    24 attention to ……注意:  
    A teacher can't give individual attention to each pupil if his class is large
    I hope you will pay attention to this problem 希予关注

    25 attraction for ……吸引力:  
    Do you feel any attraction for this book 感觉书什麽吸引力?
    The television has little attraction for me 电视没什吸引力

    26 balance between ……间衡:  
    This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play
    Get the balance between two political force involve a lot of art

    27 barrier to ……障碍: 
    Intolerance is a barrier to understanding
    28 belief in ……信仰相信:
    Belief in a hereafter 相信死灵魂生活
    Belief in a personal God 信仰神

    29 candidate for 候选选:
    He was nominated as a candidate for office
    The citizens criticized the candidate for not looking presidential

    30 check on 检查阻止:
    Let me check on your order 查查点菜
    Don't forget to check on your work 忘记检查工作

    11 affection fortowards 爱喜欢:
    Yearby year their affection for each other grew stronger
    He felt great affection for his sister 疼妹妹

    12 answer to ……答案: 
    The answer to his problem was staring him in the face
    Do you know the answer to this question 知道道题答案?

    13 anxiety for sth 渴: 
    His anxiety for knowledge is to be praised

    14 apology to sb for sth 道歉:  
    He made an apology to me for hurting my feelings
    At last we convicted him of his errors and made him offer an apology to her

    15 appeal to sb for sth 恳求呼吁:  
    The company is prepared to trade off its upmarket image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers
    该公司拟改变售高档商品形 吸引青少年顾客
    His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court

    16 appeal for 魅力吸引力:  
    Does jazz hold any appeal for you 爵士乐兴趣?
    The radio operator sent (out) an appeal for help to headquarters

    17 appetite for ……欲: 
    Reading travel brochures whets one's appetite for a holiday
    Why don't you go for a walk It'll give you an appetite for your lunch
    麽出散散步 散散步午饭时食欲
    18 application of ……应…… :
    application of microwave energy 微波应
    application of computers in chemistry 计算机化学中应

    19 approach to 类似办法通道:
    Her approach to the job lacks purpose 干项工作缺乏毅力
    She is extremely professional in her approach to her job 工作极精通
    20 argument against 赞成反……理:
    There are strong arguments against these measures

    1absence from 缺席 :
    His long absence from work delayed his promotion
    2 absence of 缺乏  :
    In the absence of my commanding officer I acted on my own initiative
    指挥官场 动见机行事
    In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy
    教师 班片混乱

    3 access to ……入口通路  :
    The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields 农舍唯穿田
    She was forbidden access to the club 家允许俱乐部

    4 acquaintance with 相识解 :
    I have only a nodding acquaintance with Japanese
    The guide has some acquaintance with Italian 导游懂点意利语

    5 action on sth ……作  :
    Evidences of glacial action on the rocks 岩石冰河留痕迹
    6 addition to sth 增加 :
    She is a beautiful addition to the family 家漂亮新成员
    Can we finance the addition to our home 提供费

    7 admission to into 进入入(场学会)  :
    How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace
    Admission to British universities depends on examination results

    8 admission of sth 承认: 
    His admission of guilt surprised everyone
    The write of the letter is ipso facto an admission of guilt

    9 advance in 改进进步:
    An advance in genetic engineering 遗传工程学方面进展
    To advance in years 年纪增长

    10 advantage over 优……利条件:
    Now we have won an advantage over the enemy

    常见动词短语五组 第四组
    make use of 利
    make way 路出方
    may as well 妨

    never mind 紧担心
    pay attention to 注意
    piece together 拼合
    play a part(in) 起作参

    put into effect 实施生效
    put into operation 实施生效
    put into practice 实施实行
    put to use

    see to it that 注意务必保证
    see that 注意务必保证

    set fire to 燃烧点燃
    take……for ……认
    take a chance 险投机
    take(a)delight in ……乐
    take advantage of 利趁……机
    take care 心注意
    take care of 顾料
    take charge 理接
    take effect 生效起作

    be about to do 刚
    be friends with ……友
    bear in mind 记住
    bring into effect 实行生效
    bring into operation 实施生效

    can not help 禁住忍住
    carry into effect 施行生效
    cast light onupon 阐明解
    catch fire 着火烧着
    catch one's breath 喘气松口气屏息
    catch one's eye 引注目
    catch sight of 发现
    come into effect 生效实施
    come into operation 施行实行生效
    come to one's senses 醒悟苏醒
    come true 实现
    could not help 禁住忍住
    cut short 中断断
    do one's best 力努力
    enjoy oneself 快活
    fall in love with 爱
    find fault(with) 找岔

    常见动词短语五组 第三组
    1 keep one's head 保持镇静
    2 keep one's word 守信
    3 keep pace(with) (……)齐步前进
    4 lead the way 引路带
    5 learn by heart 记住背诵
    6 leave alone 扰干预
    7 let alone 更提扰
    8 let go (of) 放松手
    9 lose heart 失勇气丧失信心
    10 lose one's head 慌乱仓皇失措
    11 lose one's temper 发脾气发努
    12 lose sight of 忘记忽略见
    13 make a the difference 影响起作
    14 make friends 交朋友
    15 make fun of 取笑嘲弄
    16 make one's way 前
    17 make sense 讲通言理
    18 make sure 查明务必
    19 make the best of 充分利
    20 make the most of 充分利
    21 make up one's mind 决心定意

    常见动词短语五组 第二组
    gain an advantage over 胜优
    get hold of 获
    get rid of 丢弃摆脱
    get the best of 战胜
    get the better of 战胜占风
    get together 会面装配
    give rise to 引起导致
    give way 路步
    go ahead 开始进行
    go into effect 施行实行生效
    go into operation 生效实施
    go wrong 出错出障

    had better 应该
    would rather 宁愿
    would rather……than 宁愿……愿……
    have an advantage over 胜优
    have in mind 想记算
    have nothing to do with ……毫关系
    have(somethingmuchlittle)to do with ……(没什)关系
    help oneself 取
    keep an eye on 留意
    keep in mind 记住

      take into account 考虑
      take for granted 认……理然
      take one's time 着急着慌
      take pains 努力力苦功
      take part (in) 参加参
      take place 发生进行举行
      take the place of 代取代
      take turns 次轮流
      tahorw light on 阐明解
      think better of 考虑改变……法
      try one's best 力努力
    常见名词介词搭配短语 第14组
    131 sympathy with ……赞:
    We are all in sympathy with your proposals 赞提议
    We are out of sympathy with his opinion 赞观点

    132 taste for ……爱喜爱: 
    I have no taste for fame 喜欢成名
    He has a taste for foreign languages 喜欢外国语

    133 taste in ……审美力: 
    Lacking taste or interest in art

    134 tendency to sth 趋趋势:  
    The former gives rise to the tendency to compromise and the latter to the tendency to underestimate the enemy 前者产生妥协倾者产生轻敌倾

    135 trust in ……信赖信:  
    Believe a woman or an epitaph or any other thing that's false before you trust in critics

    136 wish for 欲愿:
    Warm wish for happy holiday season 衷心祝愿节日幸福愉快

    121 restraint on sbsth 限制约束:
    Tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of power

    122 search for ……搜寻: 
    The company is casting its net wide in its search for a new sales director

    123 service to 服务贡献: 
    We offer a personal service to our customers

    124 similarity between ……相似处:  
    A similarity can be observed between them 间相似处

    125 skill at 技巧熟练:  
    Jane Austen's skill at characterization 简·奥斯汀刻画物技巧

    126 solution to ……解决办法:
    We begin to see the glimmerings of a solution to the problem

    127 sorrow atforover 悲哀悲痛 : 
    He evinced great sorrow for what he had done

    128 stress on ……强调:
    Lay stress on clarity of expression 强调清晰表达重性

    129 supplement to sth 补充增刊:
    The money I got was a useful supplement to my ordinary income

    130 sympathy for ……情:
    He has sympathy for those homeless wretches

    常见名词介词搭配短语 第12组
    111 reference to 提参考:
    We would like to send you a sample with reference to the last shipment

    112 regard for ……注意尊重: 
    She has no regard for my feelings 顾感情

    113 remedy for 补救解决: 
    A favorite but untested remedy for problems or evils

    114 reply to sbsth ……回答:  
    Thank you for your prompt reply to our telegram
    115 reputation for 名声名气:  
    He has a prejudice against all foreigners

    116 request for sth 求:
    This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing

    117 research oninto ……研究调查 : 
    The archaeologist researched into the tombs of many of England's literary great

    118 resistance to ……抵抗阻力:
    The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology

    119 response to ……回答反应:
    She made no response to my letter 没回信

    120 responsibility for 责负责:
    They accepted responsibility for the accident 承认次事负责

    101 preface to ……前言:
    An essay written as a preface to a more detailed work

    102 preparation for 准备: 
    They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections

    103 preference to sth 优先: 
    In considering people for jobs we give preference to those with some experience 求职者优先考虑定验

    104 proposal for sth 建议:  
    I reflected on this proposal for some time

    105 prejudice against ……偏见偏重:  
    He has a prejudice against all foreigners 外国偏见

    106 protection for sb 保护:
    environmental protection for exploration engineering

    107 protest against sth 抗议 : 
    The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side

    108 ratio of sth to sth 率:
    The ratios of 1 to 5 and 20 to 100 are the same

    109 reaction to ……反应:
    A negative reaction to the new advertising campaign

    110 reason for 原理:
    Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me

    81 independence from 独立:
    India gained independence from Britain in 1947
    This money gives me independence from my family

    82 influence on ……影响: 
    Smoking has a great influence on our health 抽烟健康影响
    This had a strong influence on his music 音乐创作影响

    83 inquiry about ……查询: 
    We make inquiry about the goods 商品已提出询盘
    We are glad to note the inquiry about our service items in your letter dated June 8 1992

    84 inquiry into ……调查:  
    They held an official inquiry into this event
    Counselors began an inquiry into industrial needs

    85 interaction with sth 相互作:  
    Having no significant effect on or interaction with living organisms
    It is used to indicate that the interaction with the service is via XML

    86 inteference inwith 干涉阻碍  

    87 introduction to 引言介绍入门 : 
    This course is designed as an introduction to the subject
    Brief introduction to the speaker 演讲者简介

    88 memorial to sth 引进(物):
    The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim
    They're having a memorial to him put up by public subscription

    89invitation to 邀请:
    We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area
    I feel greatly flattered by your invitation to address the meeting

    90 investment in sth 投资:
    It fail to stimulate a surge of investment in industry
    The firm has made a huge investment in new plant

    71 faith in ……信信仰:
    I have implicit faith in your abilities
    I've got a lot of faith in the team I'm sure they won't fail us

    72glance at 扫视: 
    He cast a furtive glance at her 偷偷瞥眼

    He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table

    73 gratitude to sb 感激: 
    Please convey my gratitude to her 请转达谢意
    She showed her gratitude to her friends 朋友表示感谢

    74 guess at sth 猜测:  
    He made a conservative guess at the population of London
    Have a guess at the answer 猜答案

    75 hatred forof 仇恨:  
    All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes
    He had bitter hatred for the wicked old society 痛恨万恶旧社会

    76 hazard to 危险:  
    A place filled with mud or quicksand that is a hazard to cattle
    Wet roads are a hazard to drivers 道路湿滑会司机构成危险

    77 hunger for 渴 : 
    The student has a hunger for learning 学生强烈求知欲
    His hunger for knowledge drove him to the library

    78 impact on upon ……撞击巨影响:
    Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone
    The book has a great impact on readers

    79 improvement onin ……改进提高:
    If word were invented to conceal think newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention
    This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work

    80 increase in sth 增加增长:
    We get an automatic increase in pay every year
    The increase in taxes means that we'll be 30 a month worse off

    61 doubt about 怀疑:
    There's some doubt about his suitability for the job
    He told me the whole story in spades and there's no doubt about it

    62 effect on ……作: 
    Salt has a preservative effect on food 盐食物防腐作
    His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions

    63 fancy for sth 喜爱: 
    She's get a fancy for italian wine 爱喝意利葡萄酒
    I have a fancy for that color 喜欢种图案

    64 emphasis on ……强调注重:  
    Some schools putlayplace great emphasis on language study
    The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset 老师开始强调翻译准确性

    65 encounter with 遭遇遇:  
    His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him
    遇警卫犬 吓坏
    One rainy night the policeman had a chance encounter with a gang of smugglers 雨夜警察正巧碰伙走私犯

    66 enthusiasm aboutfor 热情:  
    Drum up enthusiasm for the work 鼓动项工作劲头
    Can not work up much enthusiasm for that journey

    67 entrance to ……入口入场 : 
    I'll meet you at the entrance to the theatre 剧院门口见面
    They were refused entrance to the club 拒於俱乐部门外

    68 envy of sb 嫉妒:
    He couldn't conceal his envy of meenvy at my success
    The boy's new toy was the envy of his friends

    69 exception to ……例外:
    I must say I take great exception to what you said
    There is always an exception to any rule 规律总例外

    70 exposure to sth 暴露:
    Exposure to public attention 公诸众

    51 decision onagainst 做做……决定:
    A decision on this matter is pending 事作出决定
    The committee reversed its decision on import quota

    52 decrease in sth ……减少: 
    A decrease in signal power as measured between two points
    There has been a steady decrease in population in this city

    53 defence against 防御保卫: 
    Trees are a defence against the wind 树种防风物
    The country put up a strong defence against the enemy 's invasion

    54 delegate to 参加……代表:  
    He was elected as a delegate to the annual conference

    55 demand for ……需求:  
    Demand for hospital services remained high
    A fall in demand for oil tankers has putplaced thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy

    56 departure from 离开:  
    Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet
    The new system is a departure from our usual methods

    57 desire for sth 渴 : 
    It is obvious that they have no desire for peace
    They had little desire for wealthto get rich

    58 differences between差异:
    Differences between employers and workers go deep
    The differences between the pictures are very slight

    59 dispute about 争辩:
    It is ridiculous to dispute about such a thing
    There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate

    60 distinction between 区:
    He drew a quite artificial distinction between men and women readers
    We should make a distinction between right and wrong

    abandon desert forsake leave give up
    abandon :强调永远完全放弃抛弃事物等迫愿
    eg 1 Jackson has abandoned his old car 杰克逊辆旧车扔
    2 She abandoned her husband and children and went off with another man 抛弃丈夫孩子 外男跑

    desert :着重指违背法律责义务信仰誓言行含非难意味
    eg 1 Many soldiers deserted during the battle 次战斗中许士兵开差
    2 Never desert a friend in need 绝抛弃困难朋友
    forsake :侧重断绝感情恋愿抛弃喜欢物指抛弃信仰改掉恶
    eg He was forsaken by his friends 朋友背弃
    leave :普通词指舍弃某事某职业终止某关系涉动机果
    eg I have left my job which made me crazy
    give up :普通语侧重指没希外界压力放弃
    eg The doctors gave my uncle up but he lived

    ability capacity capability genius talent competence faculty gift aptitude
    ability 普通词指先天学种力
    eg 1 The ability to use a language can be acquired by the ct of using the language 运语言力通断练获
    2 His ability is limited 力限
    capacity :侧重指潜力通常指体力指智尤指接受领悟力
    eg 1Their reasoning capacity must be developed
    2 His capacity of accepting knowledge helps him to be the top student in his class

    capability :指胜某项具体工作力指身具尚未发挥潜力常offor连
    eg 1 Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired
    2 The little girl has great capability as a singer and should be trained

    genius 语气强指天赋高度智力
    eg 1 Mozart showed genius even at the age of six when he began to compose minuets
    莫扎特六岁时开始创作步舞曲 展露华
    2 Einstein was a mathematical genius
    talent 着重指某方面具发展倍养突出天赋语意genius弱
    eg 1 He was a man of many talents

    2 There was a lot of talent in this company

    competence 正式词侧重指令满意业务力水达胜某项工作等求
    eg We knew her competence in solving peoblems

    faculty 指特殊智力
    eg An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes

    gift 着重天赋某方面显著领常暗含般规律作解释意味
    eg 1 Her tactfulness is a remarkable gift
    2 This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee

    aptitude 指先天天运力常暗示接受力强迅速掌握种学术训练艺术技巧
    eg That student has an aptitude for mathematics

    able capable competent
    1) able :常词褒义着重指方面常性潜性力时指高超非力
    eg 1 Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk(数孩子会说话前会走路)
    2 The patient was soon able to sit up(病快坐起)

    2)capable :语气弱able指力潜力条件做某事常of连
    eg 1He is a manager capable of leadership(富领导理)2Jim is capable at sports(吉姆擅长运动)

    3)competent :强调具胜某项工作足够技需条件
    eg 1 He did a competent job(工作做相出色)
    2 He is competent to do it(做件事)

    abolish cancel repeal
    1)abolish :正式词指彻底废某种制度规章俗
    eg 1The Americans abolished slavery in 1863(美国1863年废奴隶制度)
    2Do abolish this kind of bad evil(定废种恶劣俗)

    2)cancel :法广泛指取消债务合证书赛旅行计划约会等
    eg 1 He cancelled his order for the goods(取消货物订单)
    2 We were all disappointed to learn that the picnic had been cancelled(知次野餐已取消 感失)

    eg The Labour Party repealed the Act(工废项法令)

    about around round
    egThey sat about [round around] the fire(围火坐)
    注:现代英语中about 种情况已见

    egHe traveled about round around the world(周游全世界)

    3)数字前表示约般about around:
    eg 1It costs about around ten dollars(约花10 美元)
    2There are about around 30 bookstores in the city(座城里约30 家书店)
    eg 1He arrived about round around 5 o’clock(约5点钟)
    2I’ll be back about round around lunch time(午饭前回)
    4)表示某物分群中时round aroundabout
    eg Will you hand round around the papers(请考卷分发)

    above on over
    1)above :般指位置高某物定正方接触物反义词below
    eg 1The aeroplane was flying a few feet above the sea( 飞机正距海面英尺低空飞行)
    2The chorus was seated above the orchestra(合唱队座位高乐队席)
    2)on :指物表面相接触
    eg That book on the desk is an atlas(桌书图册)
    3)over :指物物垂直方暗示悬空含覆盖……意反义词under
    eg:1There is a lamp over the table(桌子正方盏灯)
    2The clouds are right over us(云头顶)

    absorb suck digest incorporate
    1)absorb :普通词词义广泛指吸收光热液体等具体东西指吸收知识等抽象概念东西
    eg 1Dry earth absorbs water quickly(干土吸水快)
    2You should absorb lots of knowledge when you are young(应该年轻时候吸收知识)

    2)suck :作吸收解时absorb换吮吸意
    eg 1He sucked hard for air to keep breathing(拼命吸气维持呼吸)
    2The baby was sucking its mother's breast(婴正吮吸母乳)

    3)digest :侧重消化道改变食物化学结构体吸收
    eg 1Cheese doesn't digest easily(乳酪易消化)
    2I just cannot digest eggs(吃鸡蛋消化)

    4)incorporate :指物物物相融合形成整体
    eg 1The factory incorporates with others(家工厂家合)
    2The shopping centre also incorporates a library and a bank(商业中心包括家银行家图书馆)

    absurd ridiculous
    1)absurd :普通词强调指违背常理荒谬
    eg 1What an absurd suggestion(荒唐建议)
    2It was absurd of you to do such a thing(做样事愚蠢)

    2)ridiculous :强调荒谬令发笑步
    eg 1It is ridiculous to dispute about such things(争样事情笑)
    2It's ridiculous that we should have to queue when we have already got our tickets(已票 居然排队 未免笑)

    abundant plentiful ample
    1)abundant :着重某物极丰富量供应
    eg 1Rainfall is abundant in the region(该区降雨丰沛)
    2Chinais abundant with natural resources(中国然资源丰富)

    2)plentiful :普通词指某物数量称心意剩较少描写抽象物
    eg 1Their family has a plentiful harvest this year( 家年丰收) 2Fruit is plentiful this year(年水果)

    3)ample :指某物仅满足需余
    eg 1The sun was setting fast but there was still ample light(夕阳西天色快暗足够光线)
    2Thirty dollars will be ample for the purpose( 30美元足够)

    accept receive admit take
    1)accept :强调动愿接受者说考虑意接受
    eg 1Please accept me as a friend(请作朋友)
    2The police accepted his story as true(警察话信真)
    3He accepted me as having seen the much of the world(承认见识广)

    2)receive :表示动接受
    eg 1A baby can only receive sense impressions but it can't understand them(婴接受感官方面印象理解)
    2She has received his present but will not accept it(收礼物会接受)

    3)admit :作接受讲时强调准许批准
    eg No one but ticketholders was admitted(持票者方入)

    4)take receive意receive日常法侧重带观意愿收接受
    eg 1John takes second place in the race(约翰获赛跑亚军)
    2She won't take any more of his insults(容忍侮辱)

    accident incident event occurrence happening
    1)accident :强调偶然意外发生幸事情

    eg An awful accident has happened(发生起怕意外事)

    2)incident :指事件附带事件指政治具影响事件事变

    eg The demonstration proceeded without incident(游行示威进行时没出事)

    3)event :指事件尤指历史重事件

    eg The new book was the cultural event of the year(新书出版年文化界事)

    4)occurrence happening 两词指日常生活中发生般事件时指偶然发生事

    eg Newspapers record the chief occurrences of the day(纸报道天发生事)

    I know nothing at all about the recent happenings there(里发生事点知道)

    accompany conduct attend escort


    1)accompany :指指物时侧重关系紧密时发生

    eg 1May we accompany you on your walk(陪起散步)

    2Thunder often accompanies lightning(雷声常伴着闪电)

    2)conduct :物均指引导带领

    eg 1He conducted the members of the audience to their seats(引观众座位)

    2They hired agents to conduct their company(雇请代理理公司)

    3)attend :侧重关系级级学生老师等表恭服侍

    eg 1Success attended her efforts (hard work)(成功着努力(努力工作))

    2The retainers attended their lord(仆服侍老爷)

    4)escort :通常指车陆伴护送目保护出礼节

    eg 1The prisoner was taken under escort to the jail(罪犯押送监狱)

    2Her escort to the party was a tall young man( 陪参加晚会位高子男青年)

    3The king's escort total 50 men(国王警卫队总数达50)

    accordingly consequently hence so therefore(thus)


    1)accordingly :书面词强调根某种原出结果前号分号逗号

    eg He was told to speak briefly accordingly he cut short his remarks (家说话简短 长话短说)

    2)consequently :正式词侧重符合逻辑结果

    eg She was a bright and eager student and consequently did well in school(聪明学学生 学成绩)

    3)hence :较正式词指接东西理然必需东西强调重性

    eg It's handmade and hence expensive (手工做 贵)

    4)so :较便场合口语中

    eg 1The dog was hungry so we fed it(狗饿 喂)

    2I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost( 张图 样会迷路)

    5)therefore :通常指引出推断出必然结thus相互换

    eg They therefore can do nothing good of themselves(什事做成)

    accumulate amass collect gather heap pile


    1)accumulate :指事物量增加侧重连续断点滴聚积

    eg 1Snow accumulated on the ground(积层雪)

    2They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data(已开始积累量资料)

    2)amass :着重量积聚尤指金钱珠宝等价值东西量积聚

    eg They have amassed a fortune in just a few years(年时间里聚集笔财富)

    3)collect :普通词指物侧重指区作选择安排计划零散物集中起

    eg A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident (群众迅速聚集事现场)

    4)gather :普通词指物抽象事物侧重围绕中心集合聚集

    eg 1The crowd is gathering群正聚集)

    2The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium(老师全体学集合礼堂)

    5)heap :指沙石煤草等堆高强调整齐

    eg 1Snow heaped against the fence (雪着篱笆堆积起)

    2Who will heap the stones(谁愿意石头堆起)

    6)pile :着重指较整齐东西堆积起

    eg 1He piled a lot of logs(堆起许木头)

    2Pile the leaves in the corner of the yard(树叶整齐堆院子里)

    accuse charge


    1)accuse :普通词正式非正式场合私法律均指控情节轻重常of连

    eg We accused him of taking bribes (控告受贿)

    2)charge :常accuse换charge指较严重错误罪行法庭提出正式起诉

    eg 1They charged that the police had beaten three students to death (指控警察三名学生殴致死)

    2That man was charged with plotting to use weapons of mass destruction in the United States(指控试图美国规模杀伤性武器)

    acknowledge admit confess recognize concede


    1)acknowledge :通常指公开承认某事真实情况错

    eg He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake(勉强承认做错)

    2)admit :强调外力良心驱判断明确承认含情愿迫意味

    eg She admitted having done wrong(承认做错)

    3)confess :语气较强着重承认意识错误罪行含坦白忏悔意味

    eg 1He confessed where he had hidden the money(供出藏钱方)

    2He confessed himself out of contact with the times(承认时代脱节)

    4)recognize :作承认解时系书面词指合法外交承认指公认

    eg We don't recognized him to be the lawful heir(承认合法继承)

    5)concede :指事实证面前勉强承认

    eg I conceded that I had made a mistake(承认犯错误)

    acquire obtain gain get win earn secure
    1)acquire :强调通断持续努力获某物指日积月累渐渐获书面语词
    We shouldacquire more firsthand information(应取更第手资料)
    I tried to acquire the information I needed(千方百计搞需资料)
    2)obtain :较正式词着重通巨努力求需盼已久东西
    3)Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information(时常便运获取宝贵信息)
    3)gain :侧重指努力意识行动取某种成获某种利益处
    During that time she so gained my aunt's confidence that she was put in charge of the domestic staff(期间姑姑信结果委家仆负责)
    A penny saved is a penny gained(省文文)
    4)get :普通词广泛指方式某物定努力
    I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside(坐公汽车前部利观赏农村风光机会)
    5)win :指通努力斗争赛等获胜利
    This invariably wins them the love and respect of others(种行常常赢爱戴尊敬)
    6)earn :侧重指劳动付出代价功获
    His achievements earned him respect and admiration(成赢尊敬赞美)
    7)secure :强调通努力竞争需付出代价获渴东西
    Can you secure me two good seats for the concert(弄场音乐会两座位?)

    across along over through
    1 across :指……边边强调横动态动词连
    eg A straight line was ruled across the map(条直线横划图)
    2 along :指着条直线水方运动般表动态时静态动词连
    eg The policeman told the crowds to move along(警察群前走)
    3 over :常动态动词连指……面越横越表静态时指彼处
    eg 1Instead of opening the gate we climbed over it(没开门 门顶爬)
          2We moved through fields and over ditches(穿田野 跨沟渠)
    4 through :侧重端穿端
    eg 1Can I get through by this road(条路)
          2He went through the forest the next day(次日穿森林)

    account report
    1 account :普通词report正式侧重亲身历目睹事作书面口头报道叙述
    eg The two accounts of the accident do not agree(关次事件两报道致)
    2 report :正式词指报刊报道强调情况调查审核作出详叙述具定权威性
    eg All reports must be sent in by the end of this week(报告必须星期前交齐)

    act action deed operation performance
    1act :般指具体短暂行强调行完成效果
    eg My first act was to run into the waiting room(第行动跑进客厅)
    2action :普通词着重行动程
    eg The time has come for action(行动时候)
    3deed :较庄重词泛指种行外指某种高尚伟行常译作功绩业绩
    eg Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help(需帮助时 行动胜语言)
    4operation :指连串行动行完成方式
    eg The operation for now is to shoot the killer and rescue the hostage(现需做射中杀犯解救质)
    5performance :指行动方式方法
    eg His performance in the exams was not very good(考)

    adapt adjust conform accommodate suit fit
    1 adapt :指物原情况作某改变适应新环境条件强调改变目重性
    eg She knew how to adapt herself(懂适应环境)
    eg The man adjusted very precisely (调准)
    2 conform :指某模式规相符引申指改变惯等适应新环境
    eg 1There is great pressure on schoolchildren to conform(学生巨压力适应)
          2Her ideas do not conform with mine(观点致)
    3 accommodate :书面词指外部条件标准改变某事求适应着重改变调节利
    eg This chair accommodates its shape to a person's position(椅子形状座者姿势改变)
    4 suit :指适合求满意愉快
    eg 1That song doesn't suit her voice(首歌适合嗓子)
          2These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes(式样加更改 适合喜)
    5 fit :含义广指物适合适应某目途
    eg 1The hat fits perfectly( 顶帽子挺合适)
          2 His great height fitted him to play basketball(身材高 适合篮球)

    addition appendix attachment supplement accessory
    1 addition :仅强调数量增加
        eg They've just had an addition to the family(家里刚刚添口)
    2 appendix :指书末附录
        eg This book has twoappendices(书两附录)

    :appendix意思阑尾说:I have recently had my appendix removed(切阑尾)
    3 attachment :指扩原物途附件
        eg Thevacuum cleaner has four different attachments(吸尘器四附件)
    4 supplement :指书报等更完善额外增加部分
        eg:Asupplement to this dictionary may be published next year(该词典补编许明年出版)
    5 accessory :作附件解时attachment义互换指增加美观附属品
        eg:These are indispensable accessories(缺少附件)

    additional extra supplementary
    1 additional :名词additon派生出形容词指原基础添加
    eg Passengers have to pay additional charges for their extra luggages(旅客超量携带行李额外付费)
    2 extra :指包括身额外加部分
    eg The ship was loaded down with extra cargo(船额外加装货物)
    3 supplementary :名词supplement派生指原追加补究
    eg There is a supplementary water supply in case the main supply fails(万水源断 外供水方)
    address greet salute hail welcome
    1 address :侧重招呼方式指称谓
    eg The President gave an address to the nation over the radio(总统全国发表广播演说)
    2 greet :常指友热诚欢迎
    eg The host greeted us at the gate(门口迎接)
    3 salute :正式词指敬礼亲吻挥帽等动作致意问候尤指某种礼节欢迎某
    eg The officers saluted as the soldiers marched past(士兵分列式通时 军官举手敬礼)
    4 hail :指怀着敬意欢迎某侧重欢快轻松嘈杂指隔较远高声招呼
    eg Millions of people hailed the astronauts(数百万宇航员欢呼)
    5 welcome :指热情官方正式迎接欢迎指般欢迎
    eg He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality(欢迎做客)

    address speech lecture oration report talk

    1 address :正式词指庄严隆重场合作精心准备演讲正式演说
    eg He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech(听众讲起话滔滔绝)
    2 speech :普通词指般发言讲话事先准备席
    eg:His speech was cheered by the audience(演说博听众喝彩)
    3 lecture :侧重带学术性演讲
    eg:1He was asked tolecture in America(邀请美国讲学)
           2 He's lecturing a group of tourists(群观光者作报告)
    4 oration :常指特殊场合辞藻华丽形式庄重旨激发听众感情正式演说
    eg:He asked for no funeral oration(葬礼宣读悼词)
    5 report :般指级级负责委托机关书面口头报告
    eg:1The committee will report at twelve o'clock(委员会12点钟提出报告)
           2She reported the success of a new experiment(报告说次新试验成功)
           3He reported seeing a new star(报告说见颗新星)

    adequate enough sufficient
    1 adequate :指数量足够质量适
    eg:There was adequate rain and snow last winter(年冬天雨雪充足)
    2 enough :普通词口语书面语较侧重分量数量足够指希满足
    eg:Is £100 enough for all your expenses(100英镑够全部花销)
    3 sufficient :正式词侧重数目数量程度达某特定求需
    eg:1We have gained sufficient experience totackle this problem(已足够验处理问题)
           2His income is sufficient for his needs(收入满足需)
    adult grownup mature
    1 adult :般指生理童年期已结束达法定年龄
    eg:He is adult in behavior(行 已成熟)
    2 grownup :口语含义adult基相更侧重脱离童阶段已成childish意思相反
    eg:1He felt grownup puffed up with selfimportance(觉长便起)
           2She has a grownup daughter who lives abroad(已长成女海外生活)
    3 mature :生物时指完全长时指达生命黄金时期暗示青少年成年间界限明显
    eg:1This is a dress shop for mature women(家成年妇女服装店)
           2The newambassador is more mature than his predecessor(新前更成熟)

    advance progress proceed move on go
    1 advance :具体物指科学技术运动等
    eg I signed to him to keep away but he continued to advance(示意离开 继续前走)
          She advanced greatly in her knowledge(学识长进)
    2 progress :指某定目标前进取发展目性明确强调常稳定前进
    eg Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage(量行李行进困难)
          During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progress(年 美国工运动已取巨进展)
    3 proceed :侧重指继续前进
    eg They will proceed to build another laboratory building(着手建造座实验楼)
          The trial is proceeding(审问正进行)
    4 move on :非正式语侧重某停止点某前进表示前进目
    eg We talked about these for a while and then moved on to another house(谈会 前家)
    5 go :常词含义宽泛确切文确定具体意思
    eg Everything went pretty smoothly(切进展相利)

    advice opinion proposal suggestion recommendation view
    1 advice :普通词侧重验学识正确判断提出忠言
    eg Good advice is beyond price(忠告 价宝)
    2 opinion :日常词泛指某事物想法意见
    eg I don't wish todebate my opinions with you(想法辩)
    3 proposal :指正式提出供研究采纳实行建议
    eg They presented concreteproposals for improvement(提出具体改进建议)
    4 suggestion :普通词语气advice婉转客气proposal正式着重改进工作解决困难等提出建议时含提建议定正确仅供参考意味
    eg He made the suggestion that the political prisoners (should) be set free(提议释放政治犯)
    5 recommendation :指历基础提出益建议意见忠告
    eg The government has agreed to implement the recommendation in the report(政府已意实施报告中建议)
    6 view :侧重指重引起公众关注问题持法态度
    eg I take the view that we should put less money into nuclear weapons(认应该核武器少花钱)

    affair business matter concern thing
    1 affair :含义较广侧重指已发生必须做事情事务复数形式指重较复杂事务
    例句:The exhibition will be a big affair
    2 business :通常指较重较难必须承担事情指商事
    例句:A teacher's business is to help children learn
    3 matter :普通词着重指件考虑中需处理事
    例句:This is a matter I know little about
    4 concern :强调团体利害直接重关系事
    例句:The most important concern for our company is to arrange the conference with our foreign investors
    5 thing :作事情解时词义较笼统含糊指具体事
    例句:This is a miraculous thing
    affect influence
    1 affect :作语通常物指物物产生消极影响
    例:The tax increases have affected us all(加税已影响)
    2 influence :侧重思想性格行等方面产生潜移默化影响指然力影响
    例:His parents no longer have any real influence over him(父母已约束力)
    affection love attachment
    1 affection :指爱慕深厚温柔感情侧重感情深沉
    例:When the interviewer asked about your family or school you should speak with loyalty and affection(面试官提家庭学校时说话时显忠诚热爱)
    2 love :affection语气更强表示种难控制激情
    例:My daughter loves folk songs very much(女喜欢民歌)
    编语:原I love you倾注感情深童鞋爱慕说句话定负责哦~w
    3 attachment :通常书面文字中指某某物喜欢指出理智某某物热爱尤指长时间爱
    例:She has a great attachment to her sister(十分恋姐姐)
    afraid fearful awful dreadful frightful terrible horrible terrific appalling
    1 afraid :指胆怯懦敢说做某事
    I am afraid I can't help you(恐怕帮)
    2 fearful :普通词指外界情况变化引起恐惧指心害怕焦虑
    I have ever witnessed a fearful accident(目睹场怕事)
    3 awful :指威严令害怕敬畏定感情色彩
    The weather is awful today(天天气坏透)
    4 dreadful :指非常恐惧毛骨悚然感讨厌退缩
    He told me a dreadful story(讲怕事)
    5 frightful :指陷入短暂惊恐产生毛骨悚然感觉
    It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak but spoke with a frightful emphasis
    6 terrible :侧重指长久惊骇极端恐怖令难忍受
    The little boy is playing the terrible game(男孩正玩恐怖游戏)
    7 horrible :指骇听闻丑恶令毛骨悚然着重厌恶成分害怕
    The decision they made was horrible(做出决定令感恐怖)
    8 terrific :指外表形状力量等怕
    This movie relates that a hero defeats a monster with a terrific figure by himself(部电影讲述位英雄独败外形怕怪兽事)

    9 appalling :指令害怕惊异胆寒
    The Halloween masks are very appalling(万圣节面具真够吓)
    age epoch era period
    1 age :常指具显著特征某杰出物命名历史时代时期
    例:The sage is the instructor of a hundred ages(位哲百代师)
    2 epoch :正式词侧重指某重事件巨变化起点新历史时期
    例:We're at the end of the historical epoch and at the dawn of another(正处历史时代末期 历史时代开端)
    3 era :书面语词指历史纪元年代epochage互换侧重时期延续性整历程
    例:We are living in the information era(生活信息时代)
    4 period :普通词概念广泛时间长短限指历史时期指然界发展阶段
    例:He excels all other composers of his period(胜时代作曲家)
    aggression invasion assault attack
    1aggression :词义宽泛指武装入侵国领土指文化济等方面侵略侧重敌意行动征服企图
    Only the united struggles of the people of the world can check aggression and save peace(全世界民团结斗争制止侵略 挽救)
    Such aids amount to economic aggression(种援助实济侵略)
    编语:amount to意味着计发展成意思童鞋写作文时妨表达意味着吧~
    2invasion :指具体侵入侵犯国领土指抽象事件
    The invasion of tourists brought life to the summer resort(批游客涌入 避暑胜热闹起)
    3assault :指突然猛烈进攻
    They responded with assaults against the enemy's bases(敌阵发起反攻)
    4attack :普通词含义广指事先发警告动方发起武力进攻言等进行抨击
    They knew when to attack and when to retreat(知道什时候进攻什时候撤退)
    agony anguish torment torture grief misery distress sorrow
    1agony :侧重指精神身体痛苦剧烈程度
    例:He lay in agony until the doctor arrived(医生前 直非常痛苦躺里)
            I was in an agony of doubt(疑虑安 十分痛苦)
    2anguish :指精神方面令难忍受极度痛苦身体时指局部暂时痛苦
    例:She cried out for anguish at parting(分手时 痛苦失声哭)
    3torment :强调烦恼痛苦长期性
    例:He has never suffered the torment of rejection(未受遭拒绝痛苦)
    4torture :语气torment强指精神肉体受折磨产生痛苦
    例:She suffered tortures from a toothache(受着牙痛折磨)
    5grief :指某种特殊处境原造成强烈感情苦恼悲痛
    例:Her death was a real grief(世实令痛心)
    6misery :着重痛苦悲状态含幸怜悲哀意味
    例:I'm suffering the miseries of unemployment(正失业痛苦)
    7distress :指思想压力紧张恐惧忧虑等引起精神痛苦指某种灾难带痛苦
    例:Nothing could alleviate his distress(什减轻痛苦)
    8sorrow :语气grief弱指幸损失失等产生悲伤
    例:I must convert sorrow into strength(化悲痛力量)

    agree consent approve comply subscribe
    1 agree :普通词侧重指某事相意见想法
    例:They agreed to reserve four tickets for us(答应留四张票)
    2 consent :指意请求建议满足愿着重意愿感情常to连
    例:Her parents refused their consent to the marriage(父母桩婚姻持反态度)
    3 approve :侧重认正确满意事表示赞批准作物动词时常of连
    例:The firm's directors quickly approved of the new idea(公司董事快赞想法)
    4 omply :指答应某已提出求做某事with连
    例:She was told to pay the fine but refused to comply(通知交纳罚款 拒服)
    5 subscribe :指完全赞成已阐明立场较愿意支持种立场种立场辩护情况
    例:I heartilysubscribe to that sentiment(十分赞观点)
    agreement contract treaty convention understanding accord
    1agreement :普通词含义确定泛指团体国家间取致达成协议协定合契约等口头书面
    例:A signed agreement is not susceptible of change(已签署协议改动)
    2contract :侧重指双方方订立具法律效力正式书面合契约
    例:Once you have reached formal agreement you should enter into a contract with the other party(旦达成正式协议 应该方签订合)
    3treaty :指国家间外交谈判国际法签订正式条约
    例:They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration(通仲裁签订解决边境争端条约)
    4convention :treaty更专门化treaty正式指国家间关事情签订条约
    例:Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country(日已邻国签署项协定)
    5understanding :指具约束力非正式协议
    例:We have reached an understanding with them(达成协议)
    6accord :指国际间非正式协议
    例:The government expected a temporary accord with the Opposition before the end of the year(政府期年底前反达成时协议)
    aim goal purpose end target object
    1aim :义靶子引申侧重较具体明确目标常指短期目标
    例:You aim too low (志太低)
    2goal :指考虑选择需坚持懈努力奋斗达终目标
    例:When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal(终抵达罗马时 感已达目)
    3purpose :普通词指坚决审慎行动达目指心中渴实际目标
    例:He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people(返回祖国 意祖国民服务)
    4end :指心目中怀着某种目强调结果非程较正式词
    例:Do the ends justify the means(目正择手段)
    5target :指射击靶军事攻击目标引申指攻击批评潮笑目标
    例:What's the target readership of this paper (份报纸读者象)
    6object :强调需求决定目标目
    例:Our object is to get at the truth (目弄清事实真相)
    allow let permit leave authorize
    1allow :普通词侧重听默许加阻止正式场合表客气请求
    例:Do they allow smoking in the cinemas允许电影院里抽烟
    2let :常词种非正式场合语气弱指允许力阻止某事暗示漠关心听
    例:His father doesn't let him smoke 父亲允许吸烟
    3permit :正式词数场合allow换语义强指准许某做某事含权威正式意味
    例:Papa would not permit the waste of a single drop of water爸爸允许浪费滴水
    4leave :侧重加干涉
    例:Leave him to his father he'll deal with him父亲收拾吧
    5authorize :语气强指权威性允许认
    例:The government authorized an irrigation project政府批准项灌溉工程
    almost nearly about approximately roughly
    1almost :指程度相差差
    例:In his blind haste he almost ran into the river匆匆忙忙跑河里
    例:The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water球重重身掉水
    2about :常分almostnearly换about表示时间数量约时实际数量少
    例:She died about two years ago约两年前死
    3approximately :书面语指精确度接某标准致误差忽略计
    例:this is just an approximate figure仅概数字
    4roughly :指精略估计常代about
    例:He roughly outlined the plot of the opera粗略概述歌剧情节
    always often usually frequently  regularly
    1always :总永远语气强指切时候没例外
    例:You've always been my close friend 直亲密朋友
    2often :常语气弱always侧重动作发生次数具常性具体时间意味强
    例:I often go swimming in summer 夏天常游泳
    3usually :通常通例指惯性动作频度仅次always较often偶尔间隔
    例:It was usually in the morning that she saw her patients通常午病
    4frequently :时常常often义通较正式强调次数频繁
    例:Brougher clashed frequently with Browder 布鲁尔布劳德常发生突
    5regularly :修饰常规律性动作
    例:We meet regularly to discuss business定期会面讨事务
    amuse entertain interest please
    1amuse :指通注意某趣悦事物消遣着重愉快效果
    例:His jokes amused the crying child 笑话逗笑正哭闹孩子
    2entertain :指通快乐感消遣活动单调中解脱出
    例:A circus show entertains children马戏表演孩子兴高采烈
    3interest :普通词指出原兴奋某事物保持奇心注意力侧重引起兴趣注意
    例:This book interests me 书引起兴趣
    4please :指愿兴趣满足产生强烈满意情绪
    例:It pleases me that he should want to talk with me高兴想谈谈
    announce declare proclaim pronounce advertise broadcast publish
    1announce :指首次宣布家感兴趣满足家奇心事情
    例:They announced that a cold wave would come soon 报告说久寒流
    2declare :侧重正式某事清楚明白宣布
    例:He declared that the meeting has been postponed(宣布会议已延期)
    3proclaim :指官方宣布重事件施政方针语体announce正式
    例:The government has proclaimed a new law(政府已公布项新法令)
    4pronounce :词义announcedeclare接较指法律判决方面宣布
    例:Has judgment been pronounced yet (判决宣布)
    5advertise :指通文字图资料等反复宣传引起公众注意时隐含令快言实意味
    例:It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations(宣扬愿意谈判中步 明智)
    6broadcast :专指利广播电视传播消息发表见解
    例:The radio broadcast the news in detail(线电台详细广播消息)
    7publish :专指通报刊媒介公众公布事情
    例:The only daily newspaper in the city did not publish yesterday because of a strike(昨天市惟日报罢工没出版)
    anger indignation fury wrath
    1anger :普通词通常指受侮辱损害指责顶撞等引起愤怒
    例:She isswift to anger (爱生气)
             He is quivering with anger (气全身发抖)
    2indignation :较正式词指出正义公正事发出愤怒
    例:The news aroused the great indignation (消息激起极愤慨)
    3fury :语气强指极端气愤甚达发疯程度
    例:He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting(勃然怒说切令作呕)
    4wrath :文学词含义anger相语气强含欲加惩罚报复意味
    例:His silence marked his wrath(沉默表明愤怒)
    anger indignation fury wrath
    1anger :普通词通常指受侮辱损害指责顶撞等引起愤怒
    例:She isswift to anger (爱生气)
             He is quivering with anger (气全身发抖)
    2indignation :较正式词指出正义公正事发出愤怒
    例:The news aroused the great indignation (消息激起极愤慨)
    3fury :语气强指极端气愤甚达发疯程度
    例:He flew into a fury and said that the whole thing was disgusting(勃然怒说切令作呕)
    4wrath :文学词含义anger相语气强含欲加惩罚报复意味
    例:His silence marked his wrath(沉默表明愤怒)
    answer reply respond retort
    1answer :常词指书面口头行动请求询问质问等作出回答反应
    例:In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises(回答问题程中点头发出奇怪声)
    2reply :较正式词较少口语侧重考虑较正式答复
    例:The officer replied the guard's salute by a nod(位军官点点头回答卫兵敬礼)
    3respond :正式词指刻口头行动外号召请求刺激等作出回答响应
    例:I struck him a crack and he responded with a kick(啪踢回脚)
    4retort :指意见批评控诉作出迅速力回答反驳
    例:He retorted the invective on her(恶言讽刺击)
    anxiety worry care concern
    1anxiety :指预料中祥事焦虑
    例:There's a lot of anxiety among the staff about possible job losses(工作员忧虑担心失业)
    2worry :侧重未知事态演变忧虑
    例:She is always worrying about little things老事烦恼
    3care :强调出责感顾虑等产生安
    例:The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers(船长船员旅客安全操心)
    4concern :作关心时indifference(冷漠)反义词侧重健康安全等关心暗示困难危险失败等忧虑
    例:Our losses are beginning to concern me(损失担心起)
    anxious eager keen
    1anxious :强调忧虑关注害怕产生急切心情
    例:They are really anxious for peace(确实渴)
    2eager :侧重急成功迫切心情
    例:He was eager after knowledge(渴求知识)
    3keen :强调兴趣强烈欲急做某事
    例:The boy iskeen to go to sea(孩子想航海)
    anything but nothing but all but none but
    1anything but :(not at all by no means never)表示决根
    例:She is anything but a beauty(点漂亮)
    2nothing but :(only)表示……外什没
    例:They did nothing but complain(知道抱怨)
    3all but :(almost nearly)表示差点
    例:She all but fainted when she heard the news(听消息差点晕)
    4none but :(no one except)表示……外谁
    例:None but my mother fully understands my condition(解情况正母亲)
    apparatus instrument device equipment tool implement appliance facilities
    1apparatus :指某种具体许零件构成复杂仪器装置器械指总称
    The astronauts have special breathing apparatus (宇航员特殊呼吸装置)
    2instrument :通常指完成某精确动作测量种型仪器尤指电工仪表测量装置航海航空控制装置
    Thanks for the  accurate instrument which helps the sailors to avoid the submerged reef(亏精密仪器水手避开暗礁)
    3device :指某特殊途解决某特定机械问题设计改装精巧仪器装置
    A computer is a device for processing information (电脑处理信息)
    4equipment :指成套重型设备装备通常作数名词
    We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment (必须探险队提供装备)
    5 tool :般指进行特种工作手工工具指造动力工具作引申
    I have a complete set of carpenter's tools (全套木工工具)
    The king was just the tool of the military government (国王军政府傀儡)(引申)
    6implement :原指史前类工具现指农工具指实现某务需工具器具
    The best implement for digging a garden is a spade(花园里挖土工具铁锹)
    7appliance :侧重指家机器设备尤指家电器
    Dish washer is one of the appliances (洗碗机家电器种)
    8facilities :常复数形式指供设备设施
    Facilities to the human's needs and other delicate cares in the station reflect the thorough care from the Metro(车站种性化设施体贴入微细节反映出政府微关怀)
    apparent obvious evident clear plain distinct definite manifest
    1apparent :强调显易见想便知词动词appear派生时含表面事实未必意味
    例句:The apparent truth was really a lie(表面似实话实际谎言)
    2obvious :语气较强指极明显目睹需说明证
    例句:You shouldn't tell such obvious lies(该说明显谎话)
    3evident :指根事实成显然
    例句:This fact is too evident to require proof(事实明显着证明)
    4clear :普通词侧重清楚明白
    例句:He gave us a very clear explanation(做非常清楚解释)
    5plain :普通词含义clear接通plain着重简单明复杂
    例句:The plain truth is that he doesn't like you(说白喜欢)
    6distinct :较正式词指轮廓清楚定义含义明确会弄错
    例句:There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English(英语口语明显进步)
    7definite :语气肯定着重明白误怀疑
    例句:We demand a definite answer(求明确答案)
    8manifest :语义较强书面词强调目然暗示推清二楚
    例句:It was their manifest failure to modernize the country's industries(国家进行工业现代化明显失败)
    appear emerge show loom
    1appear :强调公开露面见
    例:We expected him but he never appeared(等直没)
    2emerge :侧重缓缓出现程
    例:The submarine at last emerged(艘潜艇终浮出水面)
    3show :语气较强强调露出
    例:The sky began to show red in the early morning(清晨天空呈现出片红色)
    4loom :指朦胧出现雾中浮现出样
    例:Behind the presumptuous General loom the illustrious Marshal Petain(位跋扈军背隐然见名气贝元帅身影)
    appearance look face aspect
    1appearance :普通词着重总体产生印象
    例:She was a young woman of good appearance(位年轻貌美女子)
    2look :普通词复数appearance换较口语化
    例:She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence(利漂亮外表弥补智力足)
    3face :侧重指容貌
    例:Their faces were pinched with grief(面容悲伤憔悴)
    4aspect :书面词突出事物某特定时间点时外貌
    例:He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect(面目狰狞彪形汉)
    ashamed shameful
    1ashamed :指干错事坏事傻事等感羞愧
    例:Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour(丈夫行感害臊)
    2shameful :指行身光彩道德
    例:Better a glorious death than a shameful life(宁光明磊落死决卑鄙耻生)
    appoint designate assign name nominate
    1appoint :通常指选择官方委
    例:He was appointed secretary(命秘书)
    2designate :书面语侧重权者机构选拔命时含强行指定意味
    例:The chairman has designated her as his successor (席已指定作接班)
    3assign :常指群分配分派指派委派务
    例:The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate(尉派两士兵守门)
    4name :普通词着重命结果程
    例:The President named him to be Secretary of State(总统命国务卿)
    5nominate :通常指某公职选择候选提交决定权作决定
    例:I nominate Bill as the club president(提名尔俱乐部席候选)
    argue quarrel debate dispute discuss reason
    1argue :指提出理证方法立场辩护着重说理证企图说服
     例:Columbus argued that the world was round (哥伦布证球圆)
    2quarrel :指两间两团体间友吵吵嚷嚷声争某事尤指吵嘴吵架
    例:I know you've beenquarrelling a good deal lately(知道时常吵嘴)
    3debate :侧重指意见等立双方间正式公开争辩
    例:They debated for over an hour on the merits of the different systems(种体制优点辩时)
    4dispute :侧重分歧进行激烈热烈争争辩带定感情色彩常隐含持已见争休意味
    例:Some husbands and wives are always disputing(夫妇总争吵)
    5discuss :常词指某某问题表明观点法等便统认识解决问题
    例:We're here to discuss Ann's joining the club(次碰头商量安入会事)
    6reason :指理力争说服方求问题作更深入研究
    例:He reasoned that if we start at now we could arrive before noon(争辩着说果现出发 中午前定达)
    arise rise raise lift
    1arise :书面词诗歌喻中具特殊修辞色彩
    例:He formed a picture of his future that arose bright and colorful in his mind(脑海中浮现出幅光明灿烂未景象)
    2rise :普通词指具体抽象事物低高移动
    例:The ground rises steadily(势步步加高)
    3raise :物动词常词指某物低处升高处时作引申
    例:From then on we raised our heads and became our own masters(抬起头家作)
    4lift :语气raise强指体力机械力举起抬起某物
    例:He is strong enough to lift the box(强壮 举起箱子)
    arms wepon armament
    1arms :指士兵具体武器枪炮等
    例:The arms trade should be subject to rigorous controls(军火贸易应该严加限制)
    2weapon :普通词含义广泛手棍棒石头种枪炮甚原子弹等称weapon作引申
    例:Their ultimate weapon was the threat of an allout strike(杀手锏威胁举行罢工)
    3armament :复数形式指军队武器装备书面词
    例:The unit has insufficient armaments with which to do battle(分队缺少作战武器装备)
    army troops forces
    1army :表军队总称navy(海军)air force(空军)列时指陆军
    例:The army were still fighting in spite of heavy casualties(伤亡员众 军队继续战斗)
    2troops :常复数指陆军着重构成军队士兵成员时指骑兵部队
    例:The local people demanded the withdrawal of the foreign country troops(求外国部队撤军)
    3forces :语体较正式复数形式指包括陆海空国家整武装力量指某兵种
    例:The navy is one of the armed forces(海军三军)
    arrest capture catch seize trap
    1arrest :指根法律命令进行逮捕予监禁拘留
    例:Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers(警察权逮捕犯法者)
    2capture :指通武力计谋等战胜抵抗捉住敌动物
    例:We captured the criminal(捕获犯)
    3catch :普通词指捉住跑动隐藏中动物般指活捉
    例:I caught him by the arm(抓住胳膊)
    4seize :侧重指突然力动作迅速抓住捉住
    例:Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily(吉尔突然抓住手 热情握手)
    5trap :指诱捕
    How many rabbits have you trapped in your special trap this week(星期特制捕兽器捉少兔子)
    artificial false synthetic manmade
    1artificial :指模仿天然材料工制造东西侧重真伪
    例:The new dam will form a large artificial lake behind it(新筑水坝会面形成工湖)
    2false :指缺失补代物时指伪装
    例:I think his documents are false(认证件伪造)
            The actor in role of an old man wearsfalse whiskers(扮演老头演员戴着假胡子)
    例:It's the synthetic diamond(造钻石)
    4manmade :指完全工制造含仿造真伪意味
    例:Manmade substances cann’t be found in the nature(造物质然界中找)
    as because for since
    1as :属连词语意较because since弱着重句表示原理附带
    例:As you weren't there I left a message(里 留信)
    2because :属连词语意强着重直接原理引出句全句重心回答why提出问题
    例:I study because I want to learn(学想学知识)
    3for :列连词语气较弱引出句子般放面表示附带说明理推断理
    例:I'm pretty angry with you for not telling me(没告诉 生气)
    4since :语意because弱as强般表示家已知事实
    例:Since it is late I shall go home now(时间晚 现回家)
    ascend climb mount
    1ascend :正式词指手攀直升直相高方
    例:The climbers slowly ascended the mountain(爬山运动员慢慢登座山)
    2climb :普通词含义广泛侧重运手足费力攀登升指抽象事物
    例:The plane climbed steeply(飞机陡直爬升)
    3mount :书面词词义ascend相强调连续断移动攀登涨指骑马时mount
    例:The climbersmounted higher and higher(攀登者越爬越高)
    ask beg demand require request implore claim pray entreat
    1ask :普通词指方提出求请求长晚辈级间
    例:He asked that they should be allowed to leave(请求允许离开)
    2beg :指恳切三请求求常含低三四意味应酬场合
    例:He begged and begged until I said yes(恳求 直意)
    3demand :般指理直气壮提出强烈求坚持方拒绝求
    例:She demanded a room all to herself(强烈求住房间)
    4require :强调根事业需纪律法律等提出求
    例:The border police required the traveler to unlock his luggage(边防警察求旅客开行李)
    5request :正式词指非常正式礼貌请求恳求含担心种种原方答应意味
    例:The teachers were deaf to our requests(老师请求点听进)
    6implore :书面词着重指迫切焦急痛苦恳求哀求常含较强感情色彩
    例:He implored forgiveness for what he had done(乞求宽恕做事)
    7claim :指权宣称权公开提出求
    例:Every citizen may claim the protection of the law(公民求受法律保护)
    8pray :语气庄重指热情诚恳敬祈求现常
    例:Take great care I pray you(倍加心 求)
    9entreat :泛指般恳求哀求含企图说服方热烈请求软化反意见意味
    例:However much you may entreat him you will get little or nothing(恳求少会什东西)
    assert affirm allege maintain testify claim
    1assert :观意味强指认某事事实
    例:He asserted his ideas loudly and clearly (声明确说出想法)
    2affirm :侧重作出断言时表现出坚定动摇态度
    例:They affirmed that the girls did quite a bit of reading(断言女孩子读少书)
    3allege :指真实提供证断言宣称
    例:The newspaper alleged the mayor's corrupt practices(家报纸断言市长舞弊行)
    例:She maintains that the accusation is groundless(坚持该指控毫根)
    5testify :指法庭作证庄严宣称说属实
    例:The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial(指纹专家应邀出庭作证)
    6claim :assert换语气弱侧重指行权利提出求承认
    例:A small terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the bombing in London(撮恐怖分子已声称伦敦爆炸事件干)
    assign distribute divide allocate
    1assign :指某种原进行硬性分配定公
    例:They have assign me a small room(已分配房间)
    2distribute :通常指整体定量分干份分配
    例:During the war all foods were distributed in a planned way(战争中 食品计划分配)
    3divide :普通词侧重某物分成干份分配某物分二时含均分配意
    例:This class is too large we shall have to divide it(班太 分分)
    4allocate :指金钱财产权力领土等分配着重分配例专门途
    例:You must allocate the money carefully(必须谨慎分配钱)
    associate companion comrade colleague fellow partner
    例:Mr Smith together with his associates to run an international business(史密斯先生连生意伙伴起营项国际业务)
    例:A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn(路遥知马力日久见心)
    例:Comrade Wang came after comrade Li on the list(名单王志李志面)
    4colleague :般事正式称呼基专职业关系
    例:He is a colleague of mine(事)
    5fellow :复数形式指块住生活行事
    例:Her fellows share her interest in computers(伴样计算机感兴趣)
    6partner :指事业中处合伙关系指婚姻游戏跳舞中方
    例:Can men of different races live as partners(种族成伙伴起生活)
    assume presume suppose guess postulate
    1assume :指少完全根武断推测合逻辑推理
    例:We can't assume anything in this case(种情况做出假设)
    2presume :侧重验根现实某感觉某事认定事实
    例:You had betterpresume no such thing(样设想)
    3suppose :常词意义较广泛指缺乏确切事实根现象进行推测指证提出合逻辑推理某种假定时仅表示意见
    例:You are onlysupposing this on hearsay you have no proof(根传闻想象已 没证)
    4guess :常词指毫根仅观臆断碰运气猜测
    例:I guess this hall to accommodate 1 000 persons(猜厅容纳1000)
    5postulate :指证实理正确性进行假设
    例:Let’s postulate that she is a cook(假定位厨师)
    at last at length eventually finally in the end lastly
    1at last :指观努力克服种困难终达目
    例:At last she interrupted abruptly what he was saying(粗暴断话)
    2at length :强调历段长时间终完成侧重时间部分
    例:At length the young lady raised her head and looked steadily at his intelligent face(年轻妇女终抬起头 目转睛盯着心领神会脸)
    3eventually :侧重动作行结果
    例:He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home(恨继父 终家中逃走)
    4finally :常at last换事描述finally带感情色彩指系列事情结局
    例:After putting it off three times we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece(推迟三次度假终希腊度假)
    5in the end:at last义in the end仅指表示未预计
    例:In the end we stay at home and look after everything(呆家里着切)
    6lastly :指连续序通常列举事情场合
    例:Lastly I must say I owe all the achievements to the encouragement and help from my colleagues and friends(必须说成应功事朋友鼓励帮助)
    athletics sport game
    1athletics :集合名词常指需体力技术sportsgames特指跳高跑等竞技项目
    例:When I was at school I was always hopeless at athletics(学时候体育十分糟糕)
    2sport :含义athletics广泛指种形式体育运动尤指户外游泳钓鱼划船登山等运动
    例:All over the world men and women boys and girls enjoy sports(全世界男女老少喜爱运动)
    3game :指决定胜负游戏赛通常定规参加者必须遵守蓝球足球等作运动会解
    例:The football game is yours(场足球赛胜)
    atmosphere air gas
    1atmosphere :指围绕星球特围绕球空气气层指环境气氛
    例:There were no windows to admit moist atmosphere to enter(没窗户潮湿空气进入室)
    例:The morning was fine the air nimble brisk(早天气晴朗空气清新凉爽)
    3gas :指气态物尤指供燃烧取暖明气体中部分称作瓦斯
    Fluid includes both gasses and liquids(流体包括气体液体)
    attain reach achieve arrive
    1attain :侧重指抱负雄心激励努力达般敢追求目
    例:He attained the position of minister(部长职位)
    2reach :常词指达某空间时间目标发展程中某点
    例:They reached Paris by plane on March 8(三月八日坐飞机达巴黎)
    3achieve :侧重达目需技巧忍耐努力
    例:They achieved some victories despite these setbacks(受挫折 取胜利)
    4arrive :指出结达成某项协议作出某决定等
    例:Every time the conclusion you arrived at was the same(次出结全样)
    attempt try endeavour strive
    1attempt :较正式词侧重已开始希完成常隐含着定预期结果
    例:He attempted to get in touch with them but without success(试图联系 未成功)
    2try :普通词attempt换强调努力尝试定式表示努力争取动名词表示尝试
    例:If you can't do it the first time try again(第次做成 试)
    3endeavor :正式词指努力认真克服困难做某事
    例:He endeavored after more fame and wealth(力图获更名声更财富)
    例:The swimmer was striving against the current(游泳者正激浪搏斗)
    attitude air manner
    1attitude :普通词指事情法采取行某种明确便明说感情色彩
    例:They maintained an uncertain attitude(持种暧昧态度)
            What's your attitude to[towards] this idea(种意见法)
    例:They were displeased with her haughty airs(讨厌高傲派头)
    3manner :指某某场合言谈举止等
    例:Their manners were still more vivacious than before(举止前更生动)
    attorney lawyer counsel advocate
    1attorney :美国指代理事处理遗嘱检验等法律事务律师时lawyer通泛指辩护律师
    例:He acted as attorney for me(充律师)
    2lawyer :普通词指精通法律规权法律代理顾问身份法庭执行法律委托服务
    例:Vera is studying law because she wants to become a lawyer(维拉正学法律 想律师)
    3counsel :指单独集体事提供咨询出庭处理案件法律顾问律师
    例:The judge asked counsel for the defense to explain(法官求告辩护律师做出解释)
    4advocate :专指罗马法律基法制国家(苏格兰等)特法庭律师指出庭辩护律师
    例:He got the best advocate in town to defend him(请城里律师辩护)
    attract charm enchant fascinate tempt
    1attract :普通词指客观吸引注意力
    例:The pandaattracted many children 熊猫吸引少孩子
    2charm :侧重迷住某高兴
    例:Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favor姿色迷评委偏
    3enchant :着重指力引起迷住者欢乐赞美
    例:The book enchants the readers of five continents书风魔五洲读者
    4fascinate :通常含法拒绝法摆脱意味
    例:Her beauty fascinated every boy美貌男孩子着迷
    5tempt :指吸引力强强调欲唤醒
    例:His friend tempted him to steal朋友怂恿偷东西
    attribute ascribe
    1attribute :指出相信……某某物含较客观性
    例:He attributes his success to working hard(认成功艰苦工作结果)
    2ascribe :指根推猜想……某某物含观臆断成分较重
    例:Darren ascribed his success to luck(达伦成功运气)
    author writer
    1author :泛指名字笔名发表作品强调否写作职业
    例:Do you read many French authors(阅读许法国作家写书)
    2writer :含义广泛般指写作职业
    例:Dickens was a famous English writer(狄更斯英国著名作家)
    avail benefit profit
    1avail :较文雅常见历史说演说讲道中较少日常话语侧重功效效力
    例:All his efforts did not avail(做努力没)
    2benefit :通常指情况(身体智力精神状态等)转改善指实现某目标等带处
    例:The bank suffers while its officers benefit(银行遭受损失 高级职员处)
    3profit :着重物质方面受益常财富知识等方面益
    例:What's the profit of doing that(做件事什处呢)
    award reward
    1award :侧重指官方正式研究裁决功者竞赛优胜者予奖励
    例:They awarded John the first prize(授予约翰等奖)
    2reward :指品德高尚勤劳予奖励指某事付酬金
    例:The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery(警方出笔赏金求提供起抢劫案破案线索)
    aware conscious sensible
    1aware :强调通耳闻目睹感觉信息指敏税观察推断侧重感知of起
    例:He doesn't seem to be aware of the problems(没意识问题)
    2conscious :指心感觉强调深刻心理活动
    例:They wereconscious that he disapproved(意识赞成)
    3sensible :侧重通直觉理性感觉意识某物存
    例:Are you sensible of the dangers of your position(觉察处境中危险)
    baby child infant youngster
    1baby 日常词般指刚出生婴满两岁非常孩子常含钟爱意味
    例:Don't be a baby and cry over that little scratch(孩子气 擦破点皮哭停)
    2child 普通词含义广感情色彩泛指胎婴10岁左右童
    例:Children be careful not to drop your drinks(孩子心点洒饮料)
    3infant 书面词狭义指出生两岁孩广义指7岁孩子法律指未法定年龄
    例:The sole survivor of the crash was an infant(次撞车惟幸存者婴)
    4youngster 泛指年龄童者少年指男孩年长者
    例:Her lively youngsters keep her on the jump(活泼动孩子忙停)
    back uphold support sustain advocate
    1back 通常指点行动事业等强力支持
    例:Many of his friends backed his plan(朋友支持计划)
    2uphold 指积极努力陷入困境者支持指某行动道义信仰支持
    例:We will loyally uphold the principles of the United Nations(忠实维护联合国原)
    3support 含义广泛指道义物质支持某指某项事业支持
    例:Our school issupported by the government(政府赞助校办学费)
    4sustain 侧重指连续断支持
    例:We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long(没足够财力宣传活动长期保持)
    5advocate 指通写文章发表演说等支持拥护暗示提倡某事某事辩护
    例:He advocates reforming the prison system(张改良监狱制度)
    back backward hind behind
    back 作副词形容词时强调修饰物位置动作运动方
    例:He likes sitting in the back of the class(直喜欢坐教室排)
    backward 物指落迟钝
    例:The child is resigned to being backward in his studies(孩子学甘居游)
    hind 指成分前东西面
    例:The animal is able to stand up on itshind limbs(种动物够肢站立)
    behind 指物物相位置场
    例:Behind every successful man there is a woman(成功男背女)
    bad evil ill poor wicked
    bad 含义广泛指合需品质
    例:He speaks bad English(说英语差劲)
    evil 语气bad强强调道德邪恶良含狡猾凶险危害意味
    例:He is an evil man with evil ideas and leads an evil life(满脑子恶念头邪恶 着种罪恶生活)
    例:He is a man of ill fame(名声坏)
    poor 普通词侧重指事物质量数量低标准合求指天气食品时bad通
    例:An actor who mouths his lines is a poor actor(装腔作势背台词演员演员)
    wicked 语气evil强指居心叵测意违反道德标准意作恶
    例:It is wicked to make other people suffer(受罪作恶)
    bag sack handbag purse
    1bag 普通词指般口袋时指手提包
    例:The bag of this style is the most fashionable in this season(季流行款包)
    2sack 应较窄指较袋子麻袋等
    例:Coal used to cost 3 shillings a sack(袋煤值三先令)
    3handbag 指手提包尤指女手提包
    例:Helen found a handbag with a lot of money in it at the railway station(海伦火车站拾手提包 里面装钱)
    4purse 指钱包钱袋美国相bandbag
    例:Her red purse matches her shirt(红手袋裙子相配)
    bake roast toast
    1bake 指烤炉里烘烤火直接接触持续干热缓慢烘烤食物
    例:Bakers bake in huge ovens(面包师烤炉烤面包)
    2roast 般指火烤块肉整牲畜家禽
    例:Put the meat into the oven to roast(肉放炉子里烤)
    3toast 侧重通烘烤烘烤物变成褐色尤指烘面包熏肉等
    例:Shetoasted slices of bread for refreshments(烤片面包茶点)
    bank beach coast shore seaside
    1bank 指定坡度河岸湖岸堤岸
    例:I take a walk along the bank every morning(天早晨岸散步)
    2beach 指倾斜度海湖河水刷沙卵石积存方
    例:On the beach of the lake a curious scene took place(湖边呈现出幅罕见景象)
    3coast 理学名词专指视边界海陆头
    例:The south coast is the warmest part of the country(南海岸国家温暖区)
    4shore 指紧湖泊海洋陆边缘海休养
    例:There are lighthouses all along the eastern shore(着东海岸灯塔)
    5seaside 尤指疗养游览区海边
    例:Let’s go to the seaside at the weekend(海滨度周末吧)
    banquet feast dinner party
    1banquet 指正式盛宴会国宴
    例:Everything you cook for me is a banquet(做道菜桌宴席)
    2feast 指筵席酒席时banquet换前者强调享欢乐气氛
    例:They had a midnight feast in their tent(帐篷里举行次午夜宴会)
    3dinner 普通词含义广义指日餐指宴请客正式餐
    例:I haven't had dinner yet(没吃晚饭呢)
    4party 指般社交聚会引申指宴请宴会
    例:The party was fresh in her memory(次聚会脑海中记忆犹新)
    bare naked bald barren
    1bare 指缺少必遮盖物时指身体部分裸露
    例:The boy likes to walk on the sand with bare feet(男孩喜欢赤足沙滩走)
    2naked 指全身丝挂暴露遗
    例:Naked bathing is not allowed to this beach(海滩禁止裸泳)
    3bald 指头发山坡树草树顶叶
    例:You look just like my boss too except you ' re bald(起老板秃顶)
    4barren 着重缺少肥力生活力草木荒瘠毛
    例:The barren land could produce little food(贫瘠土长庄稼)
    base basis foundation
    1base 侧重指构成支撑某具体物体基础指军事基作喻意义
    例:The countrymaintains military bases on foreign soil(国家国外设军事基)
    2basis 作抽象引申意义
    例:His research formed the basis of his new book(研究成果新书基础)
    3foundation 具体意义时侧重指坚固结实建筑物基础基作喻意义时basis基相
    例:The foundation of democracy is the will of the people to preserve liberty(民基础民维护意志)
    basic essential fundamental radical vital
    1basic 普通词指明确具体基础起点
    例:Drums are basic to African music(鼓非洲音乐基乐器)
    2essential 语气basicfundamental强强调必少暗含某物缺少某部分失质特征意味
    例:Money is not essential to happiness(金钱幸福说非必少)
    3fundamental 书面词basic广泛侧重指作基础根抽象事物
    例:A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required(公医疗组织需根性改革)
    4radical 着重指事物根源
    例:radial differences between the sexes(两性间根差异)
    5vital 正式词侧重指维持生命活力必少生死攸关
    例:Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise(妥善财务账目企业成功说关重)
    battle war campaign struggle warfare fight combat engagement
    1battle 侧重指战争中次较全面时间较长战斗指陆军海军某特定区进行战斗间争斗
    例:The two armies battled all night 两军彻夜战斗
    2war 战争总称般指包括战役规模战争
    例:Their courage brought the people through the war 勇气熬战争
    3campaign 通常指场战争中某区进行连串定目军事行动作引申
    例:Our country is launching a campaign against waste国家正开展反浪费运动
    4struggle 指激烈时间持续长战斗奋力斗争
    例:Three people were hurt in the struggle三搏斗中受伤
    5warfare 侧重指战争状态具体作战方法
    They are waging warfare with drought正干旱作斗争
    6fight 普通词含义广指战斗斗争斗
    例:After a fierce fight the enemy yielded to us场激战敌投降
    7combat 泛指军事行动尤指规模战斗甚格斗
    例:He was awarded a cross for gallantry in combat战斗中表现英勇授予十字勋章
    8engagement 指交战交火
    例:These engagements proved decisive turning points仗构成决定性转折点
    beat strike hit thrash whip
    1beat 普通词含义广泛指连续击游戏竞赛战争中作败解
    例:His heart was still beating(心脏跳)
    2strike 普通词指急速突然次猛击
    例:Strike while the iron is hot(趁热铁)
    3hit 普通词常strike换侧重目标猛击强调力击中
    例:The boxer hits hard with his left(拳击手左手狠狠出击)
    4thrash 侧重指棍子鞭子等痛
    例:He thrashed the boy with a stick(棍子男孩)
    5whip 指鞭子抽
    例:Hewhipped the horse to make it go faster鞭马跑更快
    begin start commence initiate inaugurate
    1begin 常词含义广泛反义词end行动工作等开始
    例:When does the film begin(电影什时候开始)
    2start 许场合begin通start侧重动作起点
    例:The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the start(项新制度刚开始遇困难)
    3commence begin换commence系书面正式词语气庄重特指正式程序定仪式某种正式行动开始
    例:After the election the new government commenced developing the roads(选举新政府开始修建道路)
    4initiate 指创始发起侧重某程第步考虑结束强调起始
    例:He initiated a new program(开始项新程序)
    5inaugurate 指正式隆重开始
    例:Concord inaugurated a new era in airplane travel(协飞机开创空中旅行新纪元)
    before in front of in the front of
    1before 指空间位置时间……前表时间时反义词after指空间位置时反义词behind
    例:The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher(站黑板前面英语老师)
             We got up before sunrise(太阳升起前起床)
    2in front of 指某方外前面中静态动词连通常before通
    例:My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me(视线坐前排妇女帽子遮住 见舞台)
    3in the front of 指某方前面中前部分
    例:In the front of the picture is the figure of a man(张片前面位男士)
    beautiful fair handsome lovely pretty
    beautiful 普通词含义广泛语气强指优美谐种接完美美指时通常形容女孩少描写男子
    We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country(现住农村座美丽新房子里)(囧句子学水说)
    fair 正式词文学中形容女子童侧重外表美
    The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden(王子爱位美丽年轻少女)
    handsome 描写男性英俊潇洒时形容女指五官端正体态秀丽
    He looked tall handsome and healthy(高英俊健壮)
    lovely 普通词描写时指女孩相貌语气beautiful强
    She was delivered of a lovely girl(生爱女孩)
    pretty 普通词语气beautiful弱描写妇女童巧玲珑精美爱物
    They competed for a pretty girl(漂亮女孩竞争)
    become get grow turn go come
    become 普通词作连系动词指状态状态变化
    MrJones became headmaster last year琼斯先生年校长
    get 常指某某物意意获引起变化素结果变成状态
    She is getting old开始衰老
    grow 常指逐渐变成新状态强调渐变程
    Babies grow very quickly婴长快
    turn 侧重指变原截然时含贬义
    When she saw this she turned red 脸红
    go 作连系动词通常形容词连指进入某种状态发生变化指状态
    The woman had gone mad女疯
    come 侧重变化程良情况
    That's what comes of disobeying the instructions指示办事结果
    behavior conduct manner
    behavior 普通词侧重指某特定场合面前行举止
    Her husband felt ashamed at her behavior (丈夫行感害臊)
    conduct 较正式词泛指某行动侧重根社会道德标准责感
    He is famous for his good conduct (良行远闻名)
    manner 指惯行
    Their manners were still more vivacious than before(举止前更生动)
    belief faith confidence conviction credit trust
    belief 普通词指单纯观相信着重种相信否根
    The latest developments confirmed me in my belief classhjdict wordbelief target_blank>belief(新发展坚信信仰)
    faith 语气较强强调完全相信时仅感觉产生相信
    The best gift you can give to your child is faith(肯定孩子礼物 )

    confidence 指某某事充分信心断定会失予信
    The Hong kong market bounces as confidence grew(公众信心增香港股市反弹)
    conviction 指根长期交实践某某事认识解产生信心相信侧重坚定性
    She's a woman of strong convictions(位信念坚定妇女)
    credit 语气弱着重声誉信基础
    Do you place any credit in the government's story(相信政府说法)
    trust 强调相信信完全
    She is my sole trust(惟信赖)
    beneficial advantageous profitable
    1 beneficial 侧重健康身心事业益
    I hope your holiday will bebeneficial to you(希假期会益)
    2 advantageous 指直接导致相优势助达目事
    You’re in a very advantageous position(处非常利位)
    Injections of vitamin C are obviously advantageous(注射维生素C显然利)
    3 profitable 指获实获利事
    That business becameprofitable last year(项生意年变赚钱)
    besides but except except for
    besides 着重指外
    I don't want to go besides I'm too tired(想 说太累)
    but 侧重指包括
    They never meet but they discuss this problem(次见面讨问题)
    except 侧重排外整体里减but换语气较强
    You will be punished I can except no one(受惩罚 放)
    except for 说明基情况部分加肯定引出相反原细节部分修正前面意思含惋惜意味
    His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes(作文写 处语法错误)
    below beneath under underneath
    below 指位置低某物某物方定正方指范围较宽
    I looked down at the hall below(瞧瞧面厅)
    beneath 书面词指紧挨……反义词on
    Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees(树荫凉处休息?)
    under 普通词over相指某物正方含垂直意思
    The village nestles under the hill(村庄紧山脚)
    underneath 书面口语均常beneathunder换更含遮蔽意味
    What have you got underneath your shirt(衬衫里面什)
    bit piece sheet slice fragment scrap
    1bit 侧重指微点点碎片
    The floor is covered in bits of paper(板全碎纸片)
    2piece 普通词指整体分割东西
    I dropped the plate and it fell to pieces(盘子摔粉碎)
    3sheet 侧重指整薄张片
    A sheet of frost covers the windshield(层霜覆盖挡风玻璃)
    4slice 指切薄片食物
    Please cut bread into thin slices(请面包切成薄片)
    5fragment 指破裂完整完整碎片
    They have found several fragments of a Roman vase in the area(区发现罗马瓷瓶碎片)
    6scrap 侧重指废弃零碎物
    She creates sculptures out of scrap materials(利废旧材料进行雕塑创作)
    bet gamble
    bet 指竞赛中赌指双方疑惑事争执赌口语中bet作确信敢说解
    I bet you can't do this puzzle(敢说 解决难题)
    gamble 指投机获某物牟利险含孤注掷意味
    He gambled his savings to start a small store(孤注掷积蓄开家店)
    big large great grand
    big 常词广泛较口语化指体积重量容量等方面时描写抽象物
    It's the big moment in my life(生中重时刻)
    large 普通词含义广指体积面积容量数量程度等方面具体抽象意义均
    The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor(富房子般说穷房子)
    great 普通词指具体东西更常指事物重行品格伟等带定感情色彩
    That great tree takes away all the light(棵树光线全遮住)
    grand 侧重指盛绝气派
    We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the mountain(爬山巅时云海壮观景象)
    bite chew gnaw snap
    1bite 指牙齿钳住切断咬口
    例:She bit the thread in two线咬断
    2chew 指牙磨碎(举原词相干例子~)
    例:She really chewed me out 狠狠责备顿
    3gnaw 指连续断齿咬
    例:Minute after minute her hunger gnawed at her饥饿感觉分钟咬啮着
    4snap 指突然猛咬
    例:The enormous fish snapped the line条鱼咬住线
    blame accuse condemn scold denounce reproach rebuke
    1blame 普通词语气较弱仅般责难咎含语言责骂意
    eg:I blame the man who makes his dirty millions 责备获数百万赃款
    2accuse 语气blame强义罪作指非难谴责义
    eg:We accused him of taking bribes 控告受贿
    3condemn 正式词表示谴责较强司法意味侧重道义原谴责
    eg:We all condemn cruelty to women and children 家致谴责虐妇女童行径
    4scold 普通词指级级长辈辈雇雇员态度粗暴言词激烈数落
    eg:Don't scold the childIt's not his fault 责怪孩子错
    eg:We shoulddenounce a heresy 应该公开指责异端邪说
    6reproach 侧重指粗心私等引起满指责找岔
    eg:His eyes reproach me 眼睛责备
    7rebuke 指级级进行公开强烈严正宽容责备隐含定权威意味
    eg:The teacher rebuked the boy for throwing paper on the floor 老师指责男孩纸丢板
    blaze flame flare glow glare flash glitter twinkle light
    1blaze 指猛烈燃烧发生强烈光
    eg:Dry wood makes a good blaze 干木燃起夺目光焰
    2flame 指条条火舌复数形式指许火舌构成火
    eg:The candle flame flicked and went out 烛火摇曳着熄灭
    3flare 指摇曳火焰
    eg:The match gave a last flare 火柴发出亮光
    4glow 指冶炼铁钢时发出红光
    eg:There was a dull red glow in the night sky above the steelworks 夜晚炼钢厂空闪着暗红色光
    5glare 指眩目光
    eg:The glare of the headlights almost blinded us汽车前灯耀眼光睁开眼
    6flash 指突然发出消失闪光
    eg:Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum博物馆里准闪光灯
    7glitter 指连续发出闪烁定光
    eg:The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations 孩子圣诞树闪闪发光装饰品吸引住
    8twinkle 指星光等闪烁
    eg:The twinkle of distant town lights was very beautiful 远处城镇灯火闪烁煞
    9light 普通词指日月星灯等光
    eg:A dim light came from afar 缕暗淡光线远处射
    block bar hinder obstruct prevent hamper
    1block 语气强烈指效堵住通道物法通
    eg:A snowdrift blocked his path 雪堆阻碍路
    2bar 含义block接指阻塞通道禁止出入暗示障碍物阻止禁止
    eg:The policebarred the exits in an attempt to prevent the terrorist's escape 警察堵住出口防恐怖分子逃跑
    3hinder 语气较轻指阻碍拖延事强调进展速度缓慢
    eg:Heavy snow hindered construction work 雪阻碍建筑工程进展
    4obstruct 正式词语气强指干扰设置障碍方式阻碍交通畅通
    eg:He was charged for obstructing the highway 阻碍交通受控告
    5prevent 含义广泛指采取预防措施设置障碍阻止某某事
    eg:Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds 维生素C预防感
    6hamper 侧重受约束阻碍造成行动困难
    eg:Prejudice sometimes hampers a person from doing the right thing 时候偏见会妨碍正确行事
    bloom blossom flower
    1bloom 指诸牡丹玫瑰梅花菊花等供观赏花花状态
    例:What beautiful blooms美花啊
    2blossom 般指树木开花尤指果树开花
    例:The oriental cherry is in full blossom樱花盛开
    3flower 指开放花朵泛指花卉
    例:I always associate the smell of those flowers with my childhood闻种花香 联想起童年
    blush flush
    1blush 侧重羞愧尴尬突然脸红
    例:I have to blush to admit that thing羞愧承认件事
    2flush 强调愤怒高兴羞愧发烧酗酒等引起脸红
    例:There was a flush in her cheeks满脸通红
    boast brag crow pride
    1boast 普通词指做事长处财富家庭等夸耀常含言实意味
    例:It boasted the largest grain elevator in the world(称世界谷仓)
    2brag 非正式词夸耀吹嘘意味强boast分夸时令讨厌步
    例:Mary bragged that she could run faster than Jack(玛丽夸口说杰克跑快)
    3crow 指声吵嚷吹嘘夸耀做某事做
    例:You should not crow over a defeated enemy(应该击败敌手面前吹擂)
    例:He prides himself upon his skill as a pianist(钢琴技巧感意)
    border bounds boundary frontier limit
    1border 指国国间两区分界处分界线附边缘部分
    例:On foot you could reach the border by daybreak(走路话黎明达边界)
    2bounds 常boundary换指土边界意思boundary明确抽象事物文学作品中
    例:A man’s life is limitedbut service to the people knows no bounds(生命限民服务限)
    3boundary 侧重图正式标定双方遵守边界指较行政单位间界线
    例:The boundaries of that country were changed by a treaty(国家边界根条约更动)
    4frontier 指两国接壤前区属国国境边疆指设防边界
    例:There have been largescale military manoeuvres on the frontier(边境区规模军事演)
    5limit 含义广泛指界限范围分界线外面部分指形形东西
    例:There isn't a limit to everything(件事情没什限制)
    boat ship canoe steamer vessel craft
    1boat 泛指船尤指划桨风帆行进篷船
    A boat is on the water艘船浮水面
    2ship 含义广般指轮船航海船河航运船
    A ship sank at the junction of the two rivers last month月条船两条河交汇点沉
    3canoe 指长轻桨舟独木船
    They slid the canoe down to the water舟滑水中
    4steamer 指蒸汽发动机动力船
    He put her aboard a steamer bind for New York送艘驶纽约汽船
    5vessel 指运货运船
    We had sighted the vessel and were following it已船着
    6craft 船集合名词指单独船
    The harbour was full of pleasure craft港口满游艇
    bold brave courageous daring heroic fearless
    1bold 侧重指面困难危险时勇直前勇进取勇敢精神
    The young man is a bold warrior (年轻英勇武士)
    2brave 含义广泛指天生勇敢畏惧面困难危险侧重胆识果断
    He was very brave about his operation手术毫惧色
    3courageous 正式词侧重指切情况胆量畏惧强调基道德信念深思熟虑产生勇敢
    He was roused to action by courageous words (豪言壮语促奋起行动)
    4daring 强调面意外危险时胆心细头脑冷静褒义贬义均贬义指胆妄
    The daring climbers laugh at danger (勇敢畏登山者危险面前泰然)
    5heroic 正式词指战争重危险时事业忘献身英雄气概
    Many people have heard of the man's heroic deeds  (许已听说英雄事迹)
    6fearless 语气肯定侧重危险时畏惧毫动摇
    The boy seems completely fearless  (男孩似毫畏惧)
    bother disturb trouble annoy irritate vex
    bother 指烦恼引起紧张安感耐烦
    Thank you but please don't bother  (谢谢请费事)
    disturb 较正式词指拢乱静妨碍工作思维正常秩序程度较深烦恼
    His passion for his cause disturbed me  (事业热情焦虑安)
    trouble 指行动带便身心造成痛苦
    What troubles me is that the supply of raw materials is not ensured  (担忧原料供应没保证)
    annoy 强调迫忍受令快讨厌事失静耐心指时拢恼怒
    These flies are annoying me (苍蝇真心烦)
    irritate 语气annoy强指激怒发怒指种短时间反应
    His wordsirritated me话生气
    vex 侧重指断干扰引起烦恼时含激怒意味
    Her continuous chatter vexes me  (喋喋休烦透)
    branch limb bough shoot
    1 branch 普通词泛指树木bough枝枝引申意义
    例:The branch went completely dry this summer(条支流年夏天完全干涸)
    2 limb 指枝枝
    例:She sat on a limb of the tree and looked down(坐根树枝)
    3 bough 指枝粗强壮枝
    例:A breeze sighed in the higher boughs(微风高高树枝叹息着)
    4 shoot 指植物灌木刚长出新枝嫩枝嫩芽
    例:transplant rice shoots (插秧)
    break rest pause interval recess cease stop
    1break 非正式词指突然短时间中止工作活动期间接短暂休息
    例:Let's have a break for lunch(稍微休息会吃午饭吧)
    2rest 指统称休息    
    例:You need enough rest(需充足休息)
    3pause 指短暂中断停止含进行意味
    例:He came to a pause in reading and then went on reading(阅读中停顿 继续念)
    4interval 指出戏幕幕间音乐会串场间演出中预先安排休息泛指事件间段时间
    例:The audience were going out for the interval(幕间休息时观众走出剧场)
    5recess 正式词指业务活动工作中短暂长时间休息
    例:Parliament was hastily recalled from recess(休会议员匆匆召回开会)
    6cease 正式词侧重逐渐结呸某活动状态含永远结束意味
    例:The storm has ceased(暴风雨停)
    7stop 普通词指迅速突然中止某行活动状态
    例:I told him to put a stop to the practice (已告诉搞
    break destroy ruin wreck damage spoil
    1break 普通词指某物破撕破受破坏指形形破坏
    例:If a man breaks the law he can be punished(果犯法受惩罚)
    2destroy 指彻底毁灭性破坏含导致难修复意味
    例:It seems he's destroying himself(似正毁灭)
    3ruin 指外部原受严重破坏毁灭侧重破坏彻底性引申意义
    例:The storm ruined our wheat(暴风雨毁坏麦)
    4wreck 侧重指船车辆房屋等受严重破坏完全毁坏指计划健康受损害
    例:The fire wrecked the hotel(场火饭店烧毁)
    5damage 指生命物体损害造成降低价值破坏功等果
    例:You've damaged my bicycleYou shan't have it again(行车弄坏想)
    6spoil 强调仅会削弱力量精力价值会导致避免毁灭
    例:The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park(阵雨公园里花全浇坏)
    breast bosom chest
    breast 指动物胸部胸部前面指男女乳房
    例:He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast(左胸前佩带着张名牌)
    bosom 文学词breast义特指女性乳房作喻
    例:A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom(心生出阵恶毒嫉妒)
    chest 指胸膛肋骨包围部分
    例:The bear's chest is hairy(熊胸部毛茸茸)
    brief concise compact
    brief 指语言文学简明扼短精悍指时间意义强短暂程
    She had time to give a brief report时间做简短报告
    concise 书面词brief换指语言文学言简意赅余话
    I gave a concise answer about this事简答复
    compact 指方便某物压缩程度指紧凑简洁文体
    It was a compact package捆紧包裹
    bright clever wise brilliant intelligent ingenious smart shrewd
    1bright 口语常词指年轻尤指孩思路敏捷理解力强机灵等
    例:A bright boy learns quickly(聪明孩子学快)
    2clever 强调头脑灵活接受新事物快智谋定暗示全面妥考虑问题
    例:He was too clever(太精明)(例句学哦~~~
    3wise 侧重般聪明伶俐远见智慧明智处理问题
    例:Wise men learn by other men's mistakes(聪明错误中吸取教训)
    4brilliant 指华出众思路敏捷常令赞叹已
    例:Einstein had a brilliant brain(爱斯坦气横头脑)
    5intelligent 正式词指理解新抽象东西处理解决问题时智力超般常
    例:All human beings are much more intelligent than animal(整类动物聪明)
    6ingenious 指思路敏捷暗示创造发明技巧
    例:The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself(聪明男孩组装台收音机)
    7smart 普通词brightclever意思相更强调机灵
    例:He is a smart businessman(精明干生意)
    8shrewd 指精明老练头脑善判断握利机会
    例:His answer to the journalist is a shrewd one(回答记者问题机敏)
    bright brilliant radiant luminous
    bright 常词昏暗相应侧重形容光线强度指切身发光明亮反射光事物
    例:The bright lights arrested the boy's attention(明亮灯光吸引男孩注意)
    brilliant 指非常亮亮引注目含闪耀反光闪烁意)
    例:Outside the sunlight was brilliant(外面阳光灿烂
    radiant 侧重光线射击指太阳星星样发光东西
    例:He is doing research on radiant intensity(研究辐射强度)
    luminous 着重指发出持续稳定亮光指黑暗中发光物
    例:There are luminous knobs on all the doors in my house(家门安夜光手)
    bring carry take fetch get convey transport
    1bring 指某处物带说话者点强调方着重方式
    Bring me the spade we use to dig the garden with(挖园子铁锹)
    2carry 指物品方带方涉方强调方式
    He was carrying a box on his shoulder(肩扛着箱子)
    3take 指说话说话心目中处某某物带离开带离说话者定距离方bring方正相反侧重方着重方式
    She went out of the room taking the flowers with her(带着花走出房间)
    4fetch 指返相go and bring取东西带返回出发处
    Have you fetched the doctor(医生接)
    5get 口语词fetch基义语气便
    Can you get a ticket for me(搞张票)
    6convey 指通中间传递信息某种方式物送目
    The truck conveyed the furniture(辆卡车运送家具)
    7transport 指车辆机械设备货物处运载处
    A helicopter was used to transport the wounded(架直升机运送伤员)
    brittle fragile frail
    brittle 指没弹性伸缩性脆性材料暗示受压扭曲时易碎
    例:The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice(池塘覆盖层易碎冰)
    fragile 指易碎外指身体虚弱动辄病
    例:The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation(位老太太手术身体越越虚弱)
    frail 指体虚弱指某物耐易碎易损
    例:This glass disc looks very fragile(玻璃盘子起容易碎)
    broad wide
    broad 普通词指两边延伸宽度强调两边间面积广阔指四方伸展开
    例:The banana tree has broad leaves(香蕉树叶子宽)
    wide 常词侧重指两边两点间距离着重距离远
    例:There is a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen(关点两位政治家政见分歧)
    bug insect pest worm
    bug 指昆虫尤指吸血臭虫指细菌
    例:The sacks of rice were swarming withbugs(袋袋米里长满虫子)
    insect 含义广泛指蚂蚁黄蜂蝉等等
    例:He was bitten by an insect in the garden(花园里虫子咬口)
    pest 指害昆虫害动物
    例:The flowers were attacked by garden pests(花遭植物寄生虫侵蚀)
    worm 侧重指蚯蚓蚕毛虫等骨虫
    例:The glowworm isn't a worm(萤火虫蠕虫)
    build construct found erect establish set up
    1build 普通词含义广泛指切具体抽象建造建立
    eg:You can trust his word he's been building for more than 20 years(相信话20年直事建筑)
    2construct 较正式词强调根定计划进行规模较结构较复杂求较高技术建造
    eg:They constructed the bridge in a year(花年时间建起座桥)
    3found 侧重基础创办具体抽象事物均
    eg:They founded the company themselves(创办家公司)
    4erect 侧重指高垂直物建造build广泛
    eg:They erected a telephone pole(竖起根电话线杆子)
    5establish 着重稳固建成具体指国家政府学校商店等建立指信仰信名誉法律制度规等建立
    eg:We have established diplomatic relations with many countries(已许国家建立外交关系)
    6set up 作建立时侧重开始指具体抽象建立
    eg:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here(外国公司已里开办工厂)
    building structure

    building 普通词指建筑物涉建筑物风格材料
    例:The building is the symbol of eastern building(座建筑物东方建筑象征)
    structure 侧重建筑物构造形式
    例:The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world(艾菲尔铁塔世界著名建筑物)
    bullet shell
    bullet 含义广泛指种枪子弹
    例:He was killed by a single bullet in the heart(颗子弹射中心脏死)
    shell 指发射会爆炸炮弹
    例:A shell exploded right beside his office(颗炮弹办公室旁边爆炸)
    bump clash collide conflict
    bump 指具体东西力碰撞指碰困难障碍
    eg:The driver bumped the kerb while reversing司机倒车时撞路边石
    clash 指力带金属碰击声敲相互击
    eg:The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish垃圾桶倒垃圾时发出撞击声
    collide 指带毁坏性猛烈相撞指严重直接突
    eg:One hearing his command police has collided out that door immediately听命令警察立撞开扇门
    conflict 词前表具体东西撞击现常指突立
    eg:Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws英国移民法国际法抵触
    burden cargo load
    burden 指沉重令快负担指精神负担时常堪忍受意味
    eg:His invalid father is becoming a burden父亲体弱病 说渐渐成累赘
    cargo 指轮船车辆飞机长距离运载货物
    eg:The transportation bottleneck has blocked the movement of the cargo运输困难阻塞货物流通
    load 普通词含义广泛指畜车船等负载东西指精神负担时burden换感情色彩
    eg:The load on this beam is more than it will bear横梁负荷承受
    business commerce trade bargain
    1business 指包括售货购货换货综合商业活动方式批发零售
    eg:The company has done business with many countries该公司许国家做生意
    2commerce 指规模买卖易货关系
    eg:They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce拟定发展商业计划
    3trade 普通词含义广指某种具体商业指广泛贸易
    eg:Transport has always been the key to developing trade运输直发展贸易关键
    4bargain 指买卖双方通谈判协商商品质量数量价格等项达成协议成生意
    She went skittering away in her bargain shoes into darkness穿着廉价鞋子快步滑瞑瞑夜幕中
    but however still yet nevertheless while whereas
    1but 口语常词语气较强泛指前述情况相反
    eg:The watch was cheap but it goes quite well块表然便宜走
    2however 表转折关系语气稍弱but连接性弱常作插入语
    eg:Later however he made up his mind to go决定
    3still 语气强肯定句疑问句指作出步采取措施表示反情况然改变
    eg:Although she felt ill she still went to work然觉身体舒服然班
    4yet 常否定句语气still稍强指作出努力步达预期结果
    eg:He said he hadn't received a letter from her yet说尚未收信
    5nevertheless 指作出完全步会发生影响
    eg:What you said was true but nevertheless unkind说点客气
    6while 表般whereas换程度弱
    eg:One lost a leg another an arm while a third was killed outright 折腿丢胳膊呢场死
    7whereas 表般while互换
    eg:Some praise him whereas others condemn him赞扬谴责
    buy purchase
    buy 普通日常词指日常意购物指购买
    例:Unable to find the book in this bookstore he bought elsewhere(家书店找书 处买)
    purchase 正式词指宗购货购买重东西感情色彩强调物品购
    例:Farm and sideline products of the peasants are purchased by the state at reasonable prices(农民农副产品国家合理价格收购)
    cabin cottage shed
    cabin 指建造粗糙简陋木屋指旅客船员住船舱现指节假日游游者简便住房
    例:Please book me a cabin on the ship(请船订间舱房)
    cottage 指穷苦住乡间茅屋现指雅致住宅美国指墅
    例:She lived in a cottage by the sea(住海滨墅)
    shed 般指四壁没完全封闭供牲畜储藏东西停放车辆等简易棚屋
    例:He built a bicycle shed(盖间行车棚)
    cable telegram telegraph
    cable 通常指通海底电缆电报指广义电报
    例:Send a cable to our overseas office(海外办事处发电报)
    telegram 常词指通电报系统发出信息尤指具体份份电报
    例:I received two telegrams today(天收两封电报)
    telegraph 侧重指通信方式电报业数名词表想象概念
    例:The news came by telegraph(消息电报传)
    calculate count compute reckon
    calculate 通常指求细致精确复杂计算解决疑难问题然科学生产部门求专门计算场合
    例:I calculated that the trip would take two days(估计段路程走两天时间)
    count 指逐计算出总数
    例:Let's count the people who are present(数点)
    compute 般指已数较简单数字长数学运算
    例:He computed that the project would take seven years to complete(估计项计划花七年完成)
    reckon 通常指较简单数学计算指心算
    例:Our pay is reckoned from the 1st of the month(薪水月第天算起)
    call summon send for
    call 非正式词含义广泛指说话呼形式召唤
    例:The sirens are calling the men to assemble(警报声召令士兵集合)
    summon 正式词指官方正式召集召集者具权力权威性
    例:He was summoned as a witness by the court(法庭传唤作证)
    send for 作召唤解时语气较便暗示委派件工作
    例:Leave this house now or I will send for the police(现离开房子 否警察)
            They sent for him to build the house(派建房子)
    call on see visit drop in
    call on 社交正式语指目礼节性短暂拜访访问者访问者间般社交公务关系
    He often calls on me(常常拜访)
    see 常词含义广泛指接受访指访问
    I will come and see if it is true(解 否真事)
    visit 正式词强调出工作需访问指亲戚朋友间
    They are visiting in that city(正城市参观访问)
    I'm just going to visit my friend Smith(正拜访朋友史密斯)
    drop in 指计划外事先未招呼偶然便访问指参观
    The Smiths dropped in on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York(史密斯家纽约度假时道拜访老朋友)
    cheat deceive trick fool
    cheat 普通词指蒙蔽手段取需物尤指赢利买卖中欺骗
    Don't play cards with him he always cheats(牌老作弊)
    deceive 普通词指虚假外表信真蓄意歪曲事实造成错误印象受骗
    He deceived his friends about his income(收入问题欺骗朋友)
    trick 指阴谋诡计等骗信需物
    A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt(聪明律师应诱罪犯认罪)
    fool 指傻瓜愚弄欺骗
    What's the use of trying to fool me that way(企图欺骗 什)
    chief head leader boss
    chief 广泛词指高统治者指顶头司指级头头
    The mayor displaced the police chief(市长警察局局长撤换)
    head 指机构团体等负责高首长
    Bill was appointed head of the election committee when the government crisis was over(政府危机结束尔命选举委员会席)
    leader 指国家民族政组织等领导领袖强调领导力含够引导指导控制领导者获支持意味
    The leaders often go into the midst of the laboring masses(领导常常深入劳动群众中)
    boss 非正式词作口语指负责指理老板工头
    I asked my boss for a holiday(老板申请度假)
    chief principal main major leading foremost primary
    1chief 指时表类中职位高权力指物时表类中重价值高
    例:He was constituted chief adviser(命首席顾问)
    2principal 时指位优物时指该物重性等方面优物
    例:Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths(酗酒公路死亡事原)
    3main 通常物指定范围某物重性体积力量等超物
    例:This guidebook points out the main facts of early American history(导游手册讲述美洲早期重史实)
    4major 指物问题等相较显更加重突出
    例:The major part of the town was ruined by the earthquake(城镇部分已次震造成片废墟)
    5leading 侧重指具影响力凝聚力导引导作
    例:She is one of the leading writers of her days(时代作家)
    6foremost 侧重指行进发展程中居首位
    例:He is considered the foremost British artist of this century(认世纪英国第流艺术家)
    7primary 通常物时指重性方面占第位
    例:The primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness(汤姆失败根原懒惰)
    cannot help cannot but cannot help but
    cannot help动名词连表示口语法词组中help相avoidprevent种较法
    I cannot help worrying to hear that there is no steamer this week(听周没船消息禁住担忧起)
    cannot but 定式连种较正式法美国英语
    I cannot but hope the candid reader will give some allowance for it(希公正读者少包涵)
    cannot help but 动词定式连cannot butcannot help混系书面语美国英语cannot help but含双重否定反认合惯表达法已
    Due to the present price level we cannot help but adjust our offer(目前价格情况方调整报价)
    car bus truck lorry coach automobile jeep carriage waggon
    1car 指坐汽车轿车
    例:He was admiring my new car(新轿车赞绝口)
    2bus 般指公汽车型客车
    例:When we first lived here there were no buses(初住里时候没公汽车)
    例:A railway truck carries about 10 tons(节货车约载十吨货物)
    4coach 原义指四轮马车现指轿式汽车长途公汽车指火车设卧铺车厢
    例:We usually go by coach(通常坐长途汽车)
    5automobile 汽车总称
    例:Don't park your automobile here(汽车停)
    6jeep 吉普车指种型轻便适合崎岖路面野外车子
    例:Is it a jeep or a car(辆吉普车辆轿车)
    7carriage 指马车两匹两匹马拉四轮马
    例:She rode in a carriage pulled by four white horses(坐辆四匹白马拉四轮马车)
    8waggon 指四轮运货马车牛车指铁路盖货车
    例:The lantern hanging at her waggon had gone out (车挂灯笼已灭)
    care mind
    care 指某事感关切操心忧虑否定句疑问句
    例:He failed in the examination but I don't think he cares very much(考试格太)
    mind 通常否定句疑问句条件句中答复询问肯定句中指某事扰感满表示反
    例:He didn't seem to mind public opinion in the least(公众舆似点)
    carpet blanket rug
    carpet 指铺板楼梯厚实棉毛毯
    例:This room is crying out for a new carpet(房间急需条新毯)
    blanket 指厚实棉毛织品铺床披身保暖毛毯
    例:A blanket keeps us warm because it is woollen and thick(毯子保暖羊毛制成厚)
    rug 指毯旅行毛毯
    例:He bargained with the merchant for an hour before he bought a rug(商讨价价时买块毯)
    cause reason excuse
    cause 指直接导致事情发生原发生事果关系
    例:These causes led to a bad result(原导致良果)
    reason 强调指逻辑推理出结性原直接说明起
    例:I can only guess the reason(猜测原)
    excuse 指辩解希谅解时提出种种理口性理
    例:Her excuse didn't go down well no one believed it(口信服没相信)
    celebrate congratulate
    celebrate 通常指举行盛隆重仪式庆祝纪念意义日子某件事情暗示节日般欢乐场面
    例:When the war ended everyone celebrated(战争结束欢庆)
    congratulate 指祝贺目希幸福走运
    例:He is to be congratulated for his success(会取成受祝贺)
    cease pause stop halt quit
    1cease 指逐渐徐徐中止某种状态存书面词
    The storm has ceased(暴风雨停)
    2pause 指暂时瞬间停顿隐含进行意
    He broke off and paused a moment(说 停会)
    3stop 指动作运行进展等停含突然断然意味
    He told the driver to stop the jeep(司机车停)
    4halt 侧重突然决定性终止停止某活动
    The soldiers halted and rested from their march(士兵停止前进 休息)
    5quit 指终彻底停止某事时暗示遭失败面挫折
    My father has quit smoking(父亲已戒烟)
    center middle heart core midst
    center 指三维空间中心点喻抽象事物中心
    例:At that time people believed the earth was the center of the universe (时相信球宇宙中心)
    middle 般指时间空间程两端间等距部分
    例:It's best to slice into a rich cake from the middle(甜美蛋糕中间切开)
    heart 指事物部重部分表理位置时center换
    例:They had reached the heart of the forest(森林中心带)
    core 指某事物固定中心部分重核心部分喻意义指某物精华
    例:The core of our appeal is freedom of speech(呼吁中心言)
    midst 书面语词指群体深处某活动进程中
    例:There is a thief in our midst(中偷)
    certainly naturally of course surely
    1certainly 强调握深信疑
    例:I will certainly see you into the train(定送火车)
    2naturally 指然然毫造作天生
    例:One will naturally ask why(然问什)
    3of course 指毫疑问然certainlynaturally换
    例:He's denied having an affair with secretary but of course there's no smoke without fire(承认秘书染 风起浪啊)
    no smoke without fire:风起浪
    4surely 表种必然性表示信心轻信强调观判断
    例:It should surely be possible for them to reach an agreement(想必达成协议)
    certainty assurance conviction
    certainty 指客观观丝毫怀疑
    It's a dead certainty that this horse will win the race(匹马赛中获胜必定)
    assurance 侧重力量方法事完全信强调信心
    The young teacher lacked assurance in front of his class(位青年教师学生面前缺少信心)
    conviction 指理性基础清原疑虑握着重证观反应
    She's a woman of strong convictions(位信念坚定妇女)
    chair armchair bench stool
    chair 通常指带背椅子时指背扶手椅子
    He pulled up a chair(拖椅子)
    例:Will you chair the meeting or shall I(持会议)
    armchair 指扶手椅子
    I love curling up in an armchair with a good book(爱扶手椅蜷作团喜欢书)
    bench 指供两更坐长凳石凳置公园划艇中
    He saw a girl sitting on a bench against the railings(见位姑娘坐围栏板凳)
    编注:美式英语中 bench表示场队员换犯规罚场队员出场
    例:The fullback was benched with injuries(卫受伤换场)
    stool 指方圆背扶手坐凳子
    He perched on a tall stool by the bar(坐吧台前高凳子)
    chance opportunity occasion
    chance 侧重指偶然意外机会时指正常机会
    A wise man turns chance into good fortune(聪明机会变成运)
    I have not any chance of telling him the inner story(没机会讲中幕)
    opportunity 侧重指利适合采取行动达某目实现某种愿佳时机机会
    He sought opportunities of doing her little service(寻找机会点力)
    He never missed an opportunity of exposing their opportunism(放机会揭露机会义)
    occasion 指特殊时机良机指时节
    I want to take this occasion to thank you(想机会表示感谢)
    We can't forfeit the occasion(失机会)
    change alter vary convert modify transform turn
    1change 指变化完全改变强调原先情况明显
    Flyovers have changed the face of the city(立交桥改变城市面貌)
    2alter 常指轻微改变强调基保持原物原状情况进行部分改变
    As times alter men's affections change(时境迁)
    3vary 暗示规断断续续变
    Old people don't like to vary their habits(老年喜欢改变惯)
    4convert 指进行全部局部改变适应新功途指信仰态度时强调较激烈改变
    We convert him and we capture his inner mind we reshape him(改造 思想争取 脱胎换骨)
    5modify 强调起限定作变化变更指细变化常含缓降调意味
    The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society(工业革命改变英国社会整体结构)
    6transform 指物形状外观形式性质等方面发生彻底变化失原状成全新东西
    The sofa can transform for use as a bed(沙发改作床)
    7turn 指外形颜色气味性质等方面变化change更通俗
    Severe cold turned our ears pink(严寒冻红耳朵)

    charge price fee fare cost expense
    1charge 指提供服务时索取费指货物价格价钱
    Gasoline can be obtained on a reasonable charge(汽油合理价钱购)
    2price 指商品市场出售价格尤指卖方商品提出单价喻意义指付出代价
    No price is too high for winning their support(获支持 代价均惜)
    3fee 指学求医找律师等付费指会费书费等
    Does your school charge school fees(学校收费?)
    4fare 侧重指旅行时付车船费等费
    A single fare is 170 dollars(单程票价170美元)
    5cost 指生产某东西成泛指商品价格price换
    I promise all costs will be readily returned(保证费会迅速偿)
    6expense 常指实际支付费总数额时指钱花费
    I can't afford the expense of redecorating my house(负担起重新装修房子费)
    channel strait
    channel 指strait长宽海峡
    The English Channel separates England and France(英吉利海峡英法两国分隔开)
    strait 指短窄海峡常复数形式作单数
    The BeringStrait separates Asia and America(白令海峡隔开亚洲美洲)
    例:Now that father's lost his job we're in dire straits(父亲失业陷入极困境)
    chart map graph
    chart 指航海图指图表
    The course of a ship is marked on a chart(轮船航线标航海图)
    map 指标国家城市铁路河流山脉海洋等图
    This is a map in the scale of onemillionth(张例尺1100万图)
    graph 指横坐标间关系曲线表示两量间图表
    He is drawing two graphs(正画两张曲线图)
    cheat deceive trick fool
    cheat 普通词指蒙蔽手段取需物尤指赢利买卖中欺骗
    Don't you consider it wrong to cheat in examinations(认考试作弊错误)
    deceive 普通词指虚假外表信真蓄意歪曲事实造成错误印象受骗
    He deceived his friends about his income(收入问题欺骗朋友)
    trick 指阴谋诡计等骗信需物
    Don't try to trick me(欺骗)
    fool 指傻瓜愚弄欺骗
    He felt that he had been deliberately fooled by that man(时觉意捉弄)
    compel force constrain oblige
    compel 指法律权力力量行动等驱迫
    He wascompelled to join the union as a condition of getting the job (作获该工作先决条件迫加入工会)
    force 指意志权力权威暴力等迫改变法做愿做事
    She forced herself awake(强迫睡)
    constrain 侧重施加约束力约束作影响指环境强加影响迫做某事尤指受良心情感等力量驱做某事
    Cold weather constrained the plant's growth(寒冷天气抑制植物生长)
    oblige 指生理道德需促某做某事指权威机构迫某做某事指特定情况迫作出反应
    Poverty obliged her to live a hard life(贫困迫艰苦生活)
    choice alternative preference option selection election
    1choice 侧重指选择权利特权
    Of the twochoices I prefer the latter(两种选择中 者)
    2alternative 指相互排斥两者间作严格选择指两者中进行选择
    The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting(俘虏外 惟选择奋战死)
    3preference 侧重偏见爱判断等进行选择
    My preference is that we (should) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition(喜欢组挑战 友谊竞赛)
    4option 着重特予选择权利权力选物常常相互排斥
    You will have to pay them you have no option(必须付钱 选择)
    5selection 指作广泛选择着重选择者识力鉴赏力
    We left the selection of the team to the captain(挑选队员工作交队长)
    6election 强调目达目判断力
    The newspapers are discussing the coming election(家报纸现正谈未选举事宜)
    compete contend contest rival
    compete 普通词含义广泛指体育活动等活动中争取优胜相互竞争指利益竞争
    Some 1000 athletes competed in 20 events(约1000名运动员参加20项目赛)
    contend 指战胜击败手进行懈努力强调拼搏指口头进行立情绪严重分歧争
    The firm is too small to contend against large international companies(家公司太 法国际性公司竞争)
    contest 指争夺土阵权力荣誉等展开竞争
    He's contesting the election next week(争取周选)
    rival 指两方方竞争赛中谁想战胜手
    None of us canrival him in strength(谁没劲)
    choose select elect pick prefer opt
    choose 普通词侧重根意愿判断众象中进行选择着重选者优点
    I've chosen them because of the colours(颜色挑选)
    select 书面词具庄严正式感情色彩强调精选
    They selected a diamond engagement ring(挑选枚钻石订婚戒指)
    elect 指定规章法律投票等方式进行认真慎重选择
    Then the congress elected its presidium(然代表会选出席团)
    pick 口语词指角度仔细挑选含意挑选意
    It took her two hours to pick a dress that suited her(花两时挑选件合适衣服)
    prefer 强调偏爱定选择行动
    He preferred to die instead of stealing(宁愿死愿意偷窃)
    opt 指种性间进行选择
    What courses are most students opting for(数学生选什课程?)
    chop cut hack
    chop 指刀斧连续猛力砍某物便砍断切碎
    Ichopped a branch off the tree(树砍根树枝)
    cut 普通词广泛指带刃工具切割砍等行动
    A freshly baked cake doesn't cut easily(刚烤蛋糕容易切)
    hack 指粗暴乱剪乱砍乱劈
    He hacked at the branch until it fell off(着树枝砍 直砍止)
    church cathedral
    church 普通词指顶礼膜拜帝西方举行婚丧等活动场
    There are three churches in this town(座城里三教堂)
    cathedral 指教区教堂教堂总教堂通常装饰精良宏伟肃穆
    Do you know where the Durham Cathedral is (知道达勒姆教堂)
    cigar cigarette tobacco
    cigar 指雪茄烟
    I lit a cigar to calm my nerves(点燃支雪茄烟神静)
    cigarette 指纸烟
    He crushed out the cigarette(烟灭)
    tobacco 指烟草烟叶烟丝
    This shop is licensed to sell tobacco(家商店获准销烟草商品)
    This is amild tobacco(种味淡烟)
    cinema film movie picture
    In recent years the cinema has fallen on lean times(年 电影业遇景气时期)
    film 指电影影片普通词
    The film reminded me of my school life(部电影想起学校生活)
    movie 美国英语中口语词
    This movie really catches the flavour of New York(部影片真正抓住纽约特色)
    picture 原义指银幕电视屏幕图引申指影片
    This picture attracts a large audience(部影片吸引量观众)
    cite quote repeat
    cite 指引典示证明
    The devil can cite Scripture for his own purpose(魔鬼引典辩护)
    Can you cite another case like this one(举出相似例子)
    quote 指加剪裁直接引原文原话
    The author frequently quoted Shakespeare(作者断引莎士亚话)
    Don't quote me on this but I think the company is in serious difficulties(公司重复说认公司面着严重困难)
    repeat 仅强调口头笔头重复话字句必指明出处
    The children repeated the words after her in chorus(孩子齐声朗读单词)
    Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story(祖父健忘讲事时常重复)
    citizen civilian inhabitant resident native
    citizen 指拥某国国籍某区合法身份公民
    例:She is a British citizen but lives in India(位英国公民住印度)
    civilian 指相军官员民百姓
    例:Many civilians were killed in the war(场战争中许民杀死)
    inhabitant 普通词般指常住居民
    例:I lived in a small town of 5000 inhabitants(住5000住户镇)
    resident 指长期居住暂时居住民民时指旅居者
    例:I've been resident in this hotel for five years(已家旅馆住五年)
    native 指土生土长居民
    例:Are you a native or just a visitor(外)
    city town
    city 般指城市重城市
    This city has everything that one could wish for except good weather(座城市里应没天气)
    town 般指规模城镇指城市中市区时泛指城市
    The town is a residential suburb(镇市郊住宅区)
    civilization culture
    civilization 指广义文化标志类发展开化进程强调物质方面文明
    The Romans brought civilization to many of the lands theyconquered(罗马征服许区带文明)
    culture 侧重指精神方面科技文化等体现类智力开发程度
    He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries(研究东方国家文化)
    class lesson lecture course
    class 班级引申指学生起课表示(节)课
    The class is too large we shall have to divide it(班太 拆班)
    lesson 指教材中课次授课单位时间
    Have you learnt your lessons(功课学会)
    lecture 指讲课
    I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture(愿意听讲课)
    course 指段时间教完学完完整课程
    The college course was then cut to three years(学学制时缩短三年)
    class degree grade rank
    class 含义广泛指物优劣划分等级指学校中年级班级
    As actress Jane is not in the same class as Susan(作演员 简苏姗层次)
    degree 指程度范围社会位高低指形容词副词级
    The workers show various degree of skill(工表现出程度技巧)
    grade 指位优劣划分等级指指物
    The milk is sold in grades(牛奶分等级出售)
    rank 指社会中位等级尤指军队中军衔
    The captain was promoted to the rank of major(尉提升少校)
    clean clear sweep dust mop wipe scrub
    clean 动词中常词指某物某处污物等清掉弄干净
    Please clean this table before the dinner(晚饭前请桌子弄干净)
    clear 指清东西
    They cleared the dishes from the table(桌盘碟撤)
    sweep 指扫帚等进行清扫作喻
    My mother sweeps the kitchen every day(妈妈天扫厨房)
    dust 指积落物体表面尘土抹掸掉擦保干净
    She dusts every day(天掸灰)
    mop 侧重指拖擦洗板时指擦干净擦
    The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound(护士轻轻抹伤口血)
    wipe 指布纸等物东西擦净指擦掉某物
    He went on talking occasionally wiping at his face with a towel(继续说着 偶尔毛巾擦脸)
    scrub 指硬刷肥皂水力擦洗某物
    She scrubbed the stain on the floor(板污迹擦掉)
    close shut slam
    close 较正式庄重文体中关闭铁路公路交通渠道close
    This factory is closing soon(家工厂快关闭)
    The door won't close(门关)
    shut 着重关闭动作程方式手段
    He shut the book and put it away(书合起 放边)
    She would shut her eyes tight(眼睛闭严)
    slam 象声词指砰关力关
    In a fury he slammed the windows怒气 砰窗户关)
    He slammed the door shut(砰门关)
    clothes clothing coat dress garment robe gown uniform costume suit
    clothes 普通词指包括衣衣裤子等具体件件衣服
    A piece of clothes is displaying in the shop(件衣服正家商店展览)
    clothing 常词集合名词衣服总称
    Her clothing was minimal(身穿衣服少少)
    coat 指衣外衣衣外套女式装
    He slipped on his coat(匆忙穿外衣)
    dress 指正式场合某特定途穿服装指童装女性穿连衣裙
    She wore a coat with a dress underneath(穿着件衣 里面套着条连衣裙)
    garment 语气庄重正式词复数形式clothes换指身全部穿着单数形式指单件衣服尤指长袍外套等外面衣服
    This shop sellsgarments of all kinds(商店出售种衣服)
    robe 指长袍指浴衣晨衣
    Many Arabs still wear robes(许阿拉伯穿长袍)
    gown 指女穿长服尤指教士法官教授等礼服妇女睡衣等指长袍
    She bought an eveninggown for the party(次聚会买件晚礼服)
    uniform 指某团体组织统做制服军服校服等
    He was in uniform three years(服役三年)
    costume 指流行某区某时代服装指演员戏装
    The actor came on in full costume(男演员身穿全套戏装登场)
    suit 指套服装般件配成套套装
    He changed his overalls for a suit(脱工装裤 换套西服)
    club association institute league union society
    club 表俱乐部会社成员志道合兴趣爱组织起进行社交娱乐体育等活动
    He set up a tennis club(筹建网球俱乐部)
    association 指较正式组织强调兴趣需致性
    The association isare having itstheir annual conference next week(该协会星期举行年度会议)
    institute 指专门目标建立学会研究
    I visited a number of scientific institutes in Asia(访问亚洲许科学协会)
    league 指目利益组成社团盟联合会
    Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence(结成联盟防御)
    union 指工会指学会协会
    The Student Union isare holding election today(学生会天举行选举)
    society association换前者宗旨更严格会员间联系更紧密活动更积极
    The society expanded into a worldwide organization(社团已扩成世界性组织)
    cold cool chilly frosty freezing icy
    1cold 普通词强调缺乏温暖舒服
    I can't stand the cold(冷受)
    2cool 指太热太冷
    It's late summer soon the days will be cooler(夏末 快天气更凉爽)
    3chilly 指哆嗦冷
    I grew chilly when the fire went out(炉火熄灭寒气逼)
    4frosty 指雾气寒冷物体表面凝结成薄冰时严寒结霜温度
    The day dawned cold and frosty(天亮时天气酷寒)
    5freezing 指僵直东西凝固冷
    It is freezing outside and put on your winter coat(外面冷 穿衣吧)
    6icy 指风暴风雪水等冷感刺割
    An icy wind bit our faces(寒风扑面冷彻骨髓)
    collaborate cooperate
    collaborate 指文化领域中文艺科学等方面明确目合作
    Two writers collaborated on the script for the film(两作家合写部电影脚)
    cooperate 指相互支持行动进行合作协作强调通力合作
    We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future(希更加密切合作)
    collapse fall
    collapse 通常指房屋等突然倒塌
    The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train(桥火车重压塌)
    fall 般指失衡等原倒塌作引申
    The enemy strongholds fell one after another(敌方点相继攻破)
    college university institute school academy
    college 指学学院分科学院科目较少高等学校
    Our daughter is going to college in autumn(女秋天学)
    university 指综合学般学院组成泛指学时通常college表示
    The boy scared up enough money to go to university(孩子筹措足够学钱)
    institute 指设立专门学科学院外语学院质学院建筑学院等
    Many universities haveinstitutes of education(许学设教育学院)
    school 指学属学院系
    He went to the school of law for three years(法学院读三年)
    academy 指(高等)专科院校研究专门学术学校
    I visited Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday(昨天访问中国科学院)
    colour dye paint stain
    colour 普通词含义笼统指工着色指天然着色
    The child coloured all the shapes on the page with a crayon(孩子蜡笔页图形涂颜色)
    dye 指染料改变物体颜色染织品头发等
    Black will dye over other colours(黑色数颜色盖住)
    paint 指装饰等目油漆涂料等物涂物体表面
    I painted the door a bright colour(门漆成鲜艳颜色)
    stain 指化学方法物体着色
    Stain the table before you varnish it(先桌子着色 然清漆)
    come arrive reach
    come 普通词含义广泛强调达动作进程侧重否达目喻意义
    After much talk they came to an agreement(次商谈 达成协议)
    Uncle's birthday is coming soon(叔叔生日快)
    arrive 侧重达目达某目标作喻
    He arrivedpunctually at four o'clock(四点钟准时达)
    I believe that a man who has not arrived by forty will never arrive(认40岁前没成永远会什成)
    reach 指达目指达途中中间站强调周折付出努力
    Theyreached Paris by plane on March 8(三月八日坐飞机达巴黎)
    comfort ease leisure relaxation relief rest
    1comfort 通常指摆脱烦痛苦事情求愿满足感舒适
    She is enjoying the comforts of life(正享受着舒适生活条件)
    2ease 指没担心忧虑轻松
    Gloria is a rich woman now and lives a life of ease(格洛丽亚现阔太太着安逸舒适生活)
    3leisure 专指闲暇时间悠闲状态
    He likes leisure and hates work(喜欢安逸 讨厌工作)
    4relaxation 强调消肌肉疲劳思想紧张状态身心松弛休息
    For relaxation he turns to tennis(开始网球作消遣)
    5relief 侧重消痛苦适困难负担常暗含利素已存意味
    A doctor's task is to work for the relief of patient's suffering(医生工作解病痛苦)
    You need enough rest(需充足休息)
    command order direction instruction
    command 较正式词强调权威性全局性强制性
    The general issued a command that all of them should come at six o'clock(军颁布道命令 六点钟)
    order 普通词侧重指具体命令
    He gave orders that the job be done in three days (指示三天完成项工作)
    direction 正式词指口头书面指示命令容定详语气较缓太强调强制性指指导性说明
    He did not give any directions(没作指示)
    instruction 书面词指容违反容推翻命令指包含具体说明指示
    They had received instructions to watch him(收监视命令)
    committee commission
    committee 作普通名词作集体名词指通选举方式成立般委员会
    The committee has[have] decided to dismiss him(委员会已决定辞退)
    commission 指某项务专门成立委员会
    The commission is made up of five people including two women(委员会五组成 中包括两名妇女)
    compatible consistent
    compatible 指两事物仅分歧互相排斥存谐处起
    His ideas were not compatible with mine(想法致)
    consistent 指事物间物体细节间致相矛盾
    His account of what happened was consistent(发生事情叙述前致)
    comfort console ease soothe relieve
    1 comfort 普通词指语言行动痛苦者予鼓励勇气力量减轻痛苦悲伤安慰
    The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble(位老妇常安慰处困境)
    2 console 较正式词侧重缓减轻痛苦悲伤
    We tried to console her when her dog died(狗死 力安慰)
    3 ease 正式词指减轻身心痛苦安忧虑
    The news that her child was safe eased her mind(孩子安消息放心)
    4 soothe 着重安慰减轻悲痛愤怒激动理智静指药物等减轻病痛
    I've managed to soothe him down a bit(想方设法静点)
    5 relieve 指解缓解某病痛担心忧虑等常动态
    We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger(听说脱险 心放)
    common ordinary commonplace general usual popular universal
    common 指物侧重常见稀奇
    This sort of weather is quite common(种天气常见)
    ordinary 物指天发生十分淡奇指特处般
    That is only an ordinary incident(日常事)
    commonplace 强调缺少新意
    He is a commonplace person(夫俗子)
    general 语气强common侧重少例外情况
    The general opinion is in favour of us(舆普遍利)
    usual 指常见常闻常做事举动强调惯常性
    The plane did not fly the usual commercial route(飞机没通常商业航线飞)
    popular 指适应众爱需家公认接受
    Mary is a very popular name for a girl(玛丽常见女孩名字)
    These habits are both universal among mankind and peculiar to individuals(惯全类中普遍 说独特)
    communication traffic transportation
    communication 指邮电线电铁路公路等种交通方式媒介
    Telegraph communication was broken off(电讯中断)
    traffic 指东西情况表示种抽象概念交通流动量
    The newcomer is not used to the heavy traffic in big cities(新者市拥挤交通惯)
    transportation 指客货物处运处指交通运输工具
    The transportation of goods by air costs a lot(航空运输货物花费高)
    company corporation firm
    company 指生产销售产品公司商号指办服务性项目公司
    Our company keeps an account with the American Trading Company(公司美国贸易公司)
    corporation 指拥联办公司指区国家拥分公司公司
    The corporation was founded in 2006(公司成立2006年)
    firm 含义广泛指公司商行商号规模营理员少
    The firm has agreed to give me a two weeks' holiday(公司已意两星期假)
    compare compare to compare with contrast
    compare 侧重较两更东西异优劣强调相类似处
    It's interesting to compare these two cars(较两辆车趣)
    compare to 指两物类似相似处(物)作(物)
    Shakespeare compared the world to a stage(莎士亚世界作舞台)
    compare with 指…………作较便找出差异坏
    How does your new house compare with your old one(新房子旧房子起样)
    contrast 指较两更东西间差异侧重点
    Hecontrasted the two different economic systems in his speech(演讲中两种济制度)
    competition contest match
    competition 指体育运动中项赛角逐指知识技巧等方面竞赛
    There will be a chess competition next week(星期场国际象棋赛)
    contest 指音乐书法演讲等方面进行赛竞争结果评判委员会裁决
    We entered a fishing contest(参加钓鱼赛)
    match 通常指体育运动项目赛隐含势均力敌意味
    We had a friendly match with them(进行场友谊赛)
    compile edit
    compile 通常指根搜集整理资料编辑词典汇编文集
    It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary(编辑部词典需数年艰苦工作)
    edit 普通词含义广泛指校订编辑出版著作指杂志报刊稿件进行编辑编排加工
    He edited a book of poetry carefully(认真编辑诗集)
    complain grumble murmur
    complain 侧重处境满遇公痛苦等诉说埋怨
    She often complains that he is dishonest(常埋怨说诚实)
    grumble 指处境遇满素愤愤诉苦言语
    Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes(犯愚蠢错误 什抱怨)
    murmur 指满某某事背着言语发怨言
    As she denounced the government's policy the crowd murmured their approval(抨击政府政策时 听众叽叽咕咕表示赞)
    complete finish end close conclude terminate accomplish
    complete 侧重指完成预定务某事完善补足缺少部分等
    When will you complete the task(什时候完成务)
    You must hurry up or you cannot finish it in time(必须赶紧 否时完成)
    end 普通词着重事情完成指某种活动达目然结束某种原突然中止
    The strike was ended(罢工已结束)
    close 普通词着重行终止结束强调目
    At eleven the meeting closed(会议11点结束)
    conclude 正式词指某事活动达预期目告终
    The book concluded happily(书结局美满)
    terminate 强调空间时间限度届时必须终止书面语词
    The conference terminated yesterday(会议昨天结束)
    accomplish 正式词强调程完成指努力达定目取定结果
    My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life(祖母已达97岁高龄)
    complex complicated sophisticated intricate
    complex 侧重关系复杂需通仔细研究解掌握运
    He had not a particularly complex mind(头脑十分复杂)
    This is the most complicated case I have ever handled(处理复杂案子)
    sophisticated 侧重指事物发展达高级程度体现出复杂
    This is a very sophisticated machine(台非常精密机器)
    intricate 着重指错综复杂令迷惑理解
    I have a novel with an intricate plot(情节错综复杂说)
    complexity complication
    complexity 着重指极度复杂难辨认关系
    It is difficult to convey the sheer complexity of the situation(难说清楚形势究竟复杂)
    complication 指纷乱复杂令难理解步
    The car ran out of petrol and as a further complication I had no money(汽车没油 更麻烦身没钱)
    compound mixture
    compound 指两种两种物质结合起发生化学变化成复合物化学物
    When two or more elements combine and form a compound a chemical change takes place(两种两种元素结合形成化合物时 发生化学变化)
    mixture 指种东西混合起组成东西未起化学变化
    She is mixing the mixture of flour and water(正搅面粉水混合物)
    component constituent element ingredient
    component 指整体组成部分
    A chemist can separate a medicine into its components(化学家种药物种成分分解出)
    constituent 常component换指某整体少部分成分
    Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water(氢氧水成分)
    element 指整体必少固部分强调复杂整体中基简单元件元素成分等
    Cells are the elements of the human body(细胞体基单位)
    ingredient 普通词含义笼统指混起身没变化物质配料指物质混起发生变化成分
    Imagination and hard work are theingredients of success(想力勤劳成功素)
    compose comprise consist constitute
    例:These twelve men are believed to compose the jury(信陪审团12组成)
    例:A full deck comprises 52 cards(副纸牌52张)
    例:The entire world consists of matter(整世界物质组成)
    例:Twelve months constitute a year(12月年)
    conceal hide screen
    conceal 正式词强调目意识巧妙进行隐藏隐瞒
    During the talk among the comrades nothing should be concealed(志间交谈应该开诚相见)
    hide 普通词指意隐藏指意偶然藏匿
    My younger brother hides behind the door(弟弟躲门)
    screen 指处发现物掩盖起发现
    A floppy hat screened her face(顶边软帽遮住脸)
    concrete specific
    concrete 指通感官听触具体东西反义词abstract
    The more our group talked the moreconcrete our ideas became (组谈越想法越具体)
    specific 侧重指具体细节general(般)vague(模糊)相具体
    We haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting(会议具体日期没定)
    condition terms
    condition 通常指实现许诺协议计划合等订出必须遵守满足作前提条件求
    Conditions are then suitable for the formation of heavier elements (样情况适形成较重元素)
    terms 指谈判订立合等时方双方提出意条件
    What 's your sale terms I 'd like to know your sale terms (贵方销售条件什 想解贵方销售条件)
    condition state status situation circumstance
    condition 般强调产生影响原环境复数形式指笼统情况
    We must better our financial condition(必须改善财政状况)
    state 普通词指物环境外表心灵健康方面状况指某阶段状态形式
    Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid(空气气态液态种流体)
    status 指政治社会济法律位身份暗含位显意味指政治等事态状况
    Age has status in the villages(乡村里年长者受尊敬)
    situation 指明确具体环境情况处境
    The economic situation has changed considerably(济形势已发生相变化)
    circumstance 指周围情况某事发生时情况
    You should act according to circumstances(机应变)
    conference congress assembly meeting rally council session convention gathering
    conference 正式词般指型会议政府工作会议国际学术交流会议国间协商会谈等
    Nearly all the members attended the conference(全体成员出席次会议)
    congress 指国会议会代表会等机构尤指选举产生国家立法机构会机构召开会指专业员代表会
    Congress has approved the new budget(国会已批准项新预算)
    assembly 指通常许参加计划某特殊目召集会议
    He gave his famous speech before a public assembly(次公众集会发表著名演说)
    meeting 普通词词义广泛指般性会议场合
    What has the meeting decided(会者做出什决定)
    rally 指规模群众性政治集会
    Some higher officials attended the celebration rally(高级官员参加庆祝会)
    council 国际指国代表参加政治会议常设政治机构国方词指常设政务领导机构市政委员会等
    The local council is[are] in charge of repairing roads(方议会负责维修道路)
    session 般指议会等召开正式会议
    They will go into secret session(召开秘密会议)
    convention 侧重指某政团体某特殊目召开会议指学术团体年会
    At the recent convention a declaration was adopted(举行会通项宣言)
    gathering 指两聚会集会强调非正式性
    He called on Mr White to speak at the gathering(请怀特先生集会讲话)
    confine imprison jail
    confine 指监禁幽禁指行动受限制行
    They confined the prisoner in a cell(犯监禁监狱里)
    imprison 较正式词指较长时间监禁
    They imprisoned many of those they caught(抓许关入监狱)
    jail (英国gaol)指审判间拘禁罪行较轻罪犯监禁
    Due to a police mix up the robber go free and the victim is jailed(於警察搞混偷逃逸受害者入狱_
    confirm verify
    confirm 侧重事实容置疑陈述证实某事正确真实
    We have confirmed the report(证实报道)
    verify 强调具体事实细节证
    Subsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault(接着发生事件证实判断误)
    confusion disorder disturbance mess chaos
    confusion 指东西搅混起凌乱难辨认指思想混乱致法进行正常思维活动
    His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion(问题回答更加困惑解)
    disorder 正式词含义广泛指事物失原秩序造成混乱指社会中动乱骚乱
    When returning he discovered the room in disorder(回家 发现屋子里乱七八糟)
    disturbance 指社会中政治性动乱骚乱指少数闹事
    There's a violent disturbance in inner city areas(市中心发生激烈骚乱)
    mess 语气强口语中较常非正式词指混乱肮脏尤指思想混乱外表整洁
    You look a mess(外表太邋遢)
    chaos 着重指令力感绝混乱状态突出没组织
    After the failure of electricity supplies the city was in chaos(停电城市片混乱)
    conquer overcome overthrow defeat beat subdue
    conquer 侧重战胜控制书面词
    When will scientists conquer the stars(科学家什时候征服恒星呢)
    overcome 指战胜克服非物质东西困难良惯等语气较弱指斗争竞争中战胜压倒方
    He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty(足够勇气克服困难)
    overthrow 指彻底击败手丧失力量位
    They overthrew their King(推翻国王)
    defeat 普通词指战争赛竞选辩中战胜手侧重胜利暂时性
    Our football team defeated theirs this time(次足球队胜足球队)
    beat 口笔语均defeat换
    At last they beat their enemy(终 败敌)
    subdue 正式词conquer义强调失败臣服状态作喻表克制压抑感情欲等
    The country was subdued by the enemy(国家敌征服)
    consequence result effect outcome
    consequence 指某事件引起必然然良结果强调直接果关系侧重事件发展逻辑关系
    Nobody can tell what the consequences may be(没说出果)
    result 普通词含义广泛侧重某种原产生终结果眼前结果
    The result was quite opposite to what we had expected(结果期完全相反)
    effect 指某种原直接产生结果着重持续稳定影响
    Finishing the work in one day was a very good effort(天完成项工作努力结果)
    outcome 普通词指事物系列发展变化导致终结局某种原直接结果常result通
    This book was the outcome of a tremendous amount of scientific work(书量科学研究工作成果)
    consider think believe count deem reckon regard
    consider 指考虑观察出结
    We'll consider your proposal(考虑建议)
    think 普通词指意见提出法
    I'm not sure but I rather think so(没什握 认)
    believe 通常指根定证思考认属实
    We believe him an excellent student(认优秀学生)
    count 指作出判断出法等
    He counted himself a great writer(认伟作家)
    deem 正式词常法律文学强调作判断思考
    Don't you deem that it is your duty to help(认助责)
    reckon 指事作全面权衡方面意见考虑进出结
    She has always been reckoned as clever(家直认聪明)
    regard 侧重外表表面现象作判断强调观点
    I do not regard the prospects of the company favourably(家公司前景)





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