
    A wants to have a party and asks B to suggest some guests B names John who has just lost his job and is feeling low B then mentions Jolia who has just moved to the city (B can add more) A admits to being forgetful and thanks B
    A What’s wrong with you
    B I hate to break the news to you but I’ve just lose my job
    A Oh I’m so sorry
    B Sales have fallen off and I’ve been fired
    A I see you’re beside yourself but don’t throw in the towel
    B Yeah Let’s face it People say after a storm comes a calm
    A That’s right Christmas is coming Let’s have a party
    B That’s good I need to relax
    A I send out the invitations to the Christmas party
    B Have you invited Julia who has just moved to the city
    A Julia Oh my gosh I forgot to invite Julia I’m getting forgetful
    B Well everyone forgets something sometimes It’s not too late yet I’ll make a phone call Don’t worry
    A OK

    C Hello John It’s Julia here
    B Hello Julia How’s everything
    C Fine thanks And you
    B Oh not too bad I’m phoning because I want to invite you to our Christmas party
    C With pleasure Thank you I’ll certainly come But who else have you invited Do I know all of them
    B Don’t worry You know them
    A Hello Julia I’m Sam I invited some of our colleagues Jack Anderson and Mary
    C I’m glad to hear that What time do you want me to come
    A Is six o’clock all right
    C That’s fine I think I can make it By the way what do you want me to bring
    B Aha nothing Just bring yourself
    A worries about hisher term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating (such as asking B to write a term paper for himher downloading articles from the Internet preparing a cheatsheet)
    B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating and finally A promises to study hard
    A Only our first day back at school and I feel I’ve learned a great deal
    B Only our first day back at school and I’m already feel like I’m up to my ears in homework
    C You’re going to must do some serious studying hard if you want to keep your grades up
    B Tell me what to do
    A Yeah She already have two reports two book reports and a composition
    B And an oral report
    C We could study together
    A Maybe some of my organized study habits would rub off on you
    B Better yet maybe you could do my homework for me
    C Forget it That would be cheating
    B All right all right I have yet to write a term paper Can you tell me where to look for information
    A Ok no problem
    B You’d better give me the exact pages where I can find what I want
    C You could borrow ideas from those references but if you quote without giving the sources you’re plagiarizing
    A Yeah You can not copy
    B New week’s quiz is killing me If you don’t help me I’ll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test
    A Oh I will do my best to help you
    C Oh No If you’re caught the professor will definitely give you an F You’ll probably have to do the year again
    A Yeah You’re just going to have to study hard
    B All right I’ll take your advice The library is going to be my new home and in the dorm I’ll be working like a slave
    A a computer major needs help in landing a job because the IT industry has been shrinking owing to the economic recession A has asked hisher friends and relatives for job information but in vain B suggests some ways to find a possible job such as going to job fairs reading newspaper want ads and searching the Internet etc
    C What’s wrong with you
    A I hate to break the news to you but I’ve lose my job
    C Oh I’m so sorry
    A Sales have fallen off and I’ve been fired
    C I see you’re beside yourself but don’t throw in the towel
    B Yeah Let’s face it People say after a storm comes a calm
    A Could you give me some tips about how to get a good job
    C Did you go to the job market
    A Yeah I did But they didn’t seem to be interested in women I thought about taking them to court for sexual discrimination
    C I’m afraid it won’t be much help
    B Yeah The newspaper want ads might be worth taking a look at
    A I’ve been checking the want ads every day for a week but I can’t find anything interesting that I’m qualified for And the few that I have seen are very lowpaying
    C Then try the Internet You might as well search the Internet for useful job sites
    B Yes You can use a search engine to find a job site related to your field
    A Good thinking Thanks I think I’ll look for something in electronic engineering
    B Hey I just saw a job opening at a company called ETech It could be just the sort of thing you’re looking for
    A Great I’ll try my luck there
    C Yeah but as far as I remember the deadline is this afternoon
    A This afternoon Oh no I’d better get online quickly and see if I can fire off my email resume
    B Wait have you updated your resume
    C You’d better include your work experience from the last job
    A Don’t worry It’s all set Thanks B&C
    B&C Any time A




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