
    advocate proponent n 倡导者辩护者
    aesthetically artistically ad 审美美学
    accumulate collect v 聚集
    adhere stick v 黏附胶着
    adjunct addition n 附加物
    aided helped v 帮助
    alert wary a 机敏
    alter change v 改变调整
    alternative option n 代代物
    altogether completely ad 完全
    ancillary secondary a 附属辅助
    accessible available a
    accordingly for that reason ad
    accordingly consequently ad
    account explain v 解释说明
    account for explain v 解释说明
    account for explain v 解释说明
    accumulate collect v 积累积聚
    accumulate collect v 聚集
    adhere stick v 黏附胶着
    adjunct addition n 附加物
    administered managed v 理
    adorn decorate v 装饰
    adversely negatively ad 利害
    annihilate conquer v 消灭征服
    antagonist enemy n 手敌
    antecedent predecessor n 先辈
    anticipate look forward to v 期盼

    apace with as fast as 快速
    appealing attractive a 吸引
    apply used for v 应适
    appreciated recognized v 赏识
    appreciation recognition n 鉴赏鉴
    aptly appropriately ad 适
    arduous difficult a 艰巨艰苦
    article object n 物品物体
    ascend climb v 攀升升高
    assemble gather v 装配组合
    assemble bring together v 装配组合
    assortment variety n 形形色色式样
    assumption belief n 确信想法
    attachment preference for n 恋偏
    attained achieved v 达
    attained reached v 达
    attendant accompanying n 服务员
    attire clothing n 衣着盛装
    attribute credit v 认鉴定
    attribute characteristics n 特征
    avail make use v
    avid eager a 渴热心
    barren infertile a 贫瘠毛
    besides in addition to prep 外
    bias prejudice n 偏见嗜
    bias prejudice n 偏见嗜
    bind tie v 捆绑结合
    boosted raised v 提高推进
    bound limit n 范围界限
    bound held v 限制
    break departure from n 决裂破裂

    brief look glance n 瞥视浏览
    bring about cause v 导致引起
    brittle easily broken a 易碎
    calculate determine v 计算确定
    came to the forefront became impotant
    carried on continued v 继续
    carry support v 支撑支持
    cease stop v 停止结束
    celebratory full of praise n 颂扬
    celestial astronomical a 天空天
    chance unplanned a 偶然碰巧
    characteristics qualities n 性质特性
    chronicle describe v 记述
    classify categorize v 分类
    clear unobstructed a 畅通阻
    clue information n 线索信息
    clue information n 线索信息
    cluster group v 成群
    coarse rough a 粗糙
    coarse crude a 粗糙
    coin create v 创造杜撰
    coincide with happen at the same time ad 时
    come of age establish itself v 达法定年龄确立身位
    comparably similarly ad 相
    component parts n 部分
    compose focus on v 创作创造
    comprise consist of v 包含包括
    concealed covered a 隐藏着
    concentrate cluster v 集中积聚
    conclusive definitive a
    concomitant with in conjunction with ad 协

    concrete specific a 具体特定
    configuration arrangement n 结构形状
    confine limit v 限制局限
    confine restrict v 限制
    confirm uphold v 证实确认
    conflicting opposing a 突抵触
    conjectural based on guessing a 猜测推测
    consequence result n 结果
    conserve store v 保存保护
    conserve retain v 保存保护
    considerable large a 重
    considerable substantial a 重
    considerable much a 重
    considerable great a 相
    consistent constant a 持续
    consorted associated v 结交
    conspicuous noticeable a 显著
    constituent component n 成分素
    constitute make up v 构成组成
    consumed eaten v 吃掉
    consumption eat n 消费消耗
    contemporary existing a 代现
    contemporary written at that time n 时代
    convergence gathering n 聚集
    convert change v 转换
    converted changed v 转变
    correspondingly similarly ad 相应应
    count weigh v 价值分量
    counteract negate v 抵消反作
    counterpart version n 复应物
    crisscross move back and forth v 穿梭交错

    critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n 鉴赏家评家
    crucial important a 重
    cumbersome burdensome a 麻烦笨重
    dampen moisten v 潮湿
    daring bold a 勇敢胆
    deft skilled a 熟练灵巧
    deliberate careful a 审慎仔细
    demand require v 求需求
    demise death n 死亡
    demonstrate show v 表明证实
    dense thick a 稠密浓厚
    depress lower v 压低沮丧
    derive obtain v
    derived from based on v 基
    detectable measurable a 察觉易发现
    detectable apparent a 察觉易发现
    detecting finding v 探测
    devastated ruined a 毁坏破坏
    developing evolving a 发展演化
    devote to dedicate v 致力献身
    devote to specializing in v 致力献身
    dictate determine v 指示决定
    dictate determine v 确定决定
    diffuse travel v 扩散传播
    disaster catastrophe n 灾难
    discard get rid of v 丢弃抛弃
    dispute argument n 争争执
    disseminate spreadimpart v 散布传播
    distinct separate a 清晰
    distinct separate a 清晰
    distinct different a 独特
    divergence difference n 差异变化
    diverse dissimilar a 种样样
    diverse varied a
    diverse different a
    dividing line boundary n 边界分界线
    do sth Repeatedly iterate v 重复反复
    domain field n 领域范围
    domain region n 领域范围
    dominate be prevalent in v 支配控制
    dramatic striking a 戏剧性显著
    drastic radical a 激烈猛烈
    drastically severely ad 激烈
    draw attract v 吸引
    draw attract v 吸引
    draw instruct v 引导
    durability endurance n 久耐久
    durable longlasting a 持久耐
    dwelling house n 住处寓
    eager enthusiastic a 热心
    easily moved portable a 轻便携带
    easily moved portable a 轻便携带
    effect influence v 影响效果
    efficiency effectiveness n 效力
    elaborately done in great detail ad 详精心
    elevate promote v 提高提升
    elicit bring out v 引出
    embraced welcomed v 欢迎
    emerge appear v 浮现出现
    emit give off v 发出
    emitting producing v 生产发行
    emphasize stress v 强调

    employ use v 雇佣应
    enable allow v 够
    enable help v 够
    enactment performance n 演出表演
    encompass include v 包含
    end goal n 末端目
    engaged hired v 雇佣
    ensures guarantees v 保证
    entire whole a 全部
    entity object n 实体存
    entomb trap v 埋葬设陷阱
    era period of time n 时期
    eradicate eliminate v 消
    erroneous ideas misconception n 误解错误观念
    erroneously identified as mistake v 误误认
    essence basic nature n 基
    essential fundamental a 基
    establish create v 设立创作
    estimated judged v 鉴定
    evidence indicate n 迹象预示
    exalted superior a 高贵崇高
    excavate dig v 挖掘开凿
    excavating digging v 挖掘
    execute create v 造成制成履行执行
    exercise utilize v 行利
    exert cause v 引起产生
    exorbitant expensive a 昂贵
    expendable unprofitable a 没
    expose subject to v 暴露暴露
    expose uncover v 暴露暴露
    extend stretch v **扩展

    extend increase v **扩展
    extol praise v 赞美
    extolled praised v 赞美
    extract remove v 提取取
    extract remove v 提取取
    extract remove v 根移
    extraordinary supreme a 非极度
    fabricate make v 制作装配
    fabricating constructing v 制作构建
    faction side n 派系
    fashion create v 造成引起
    fatal deadly a 致命
    favor prefer v 喜爱
    favored perferred n 喜爱
    feed put v 供供应
    feel detect v 察觉感觉
    finding scientific discovery
    fixture commonplace object n 固定设备附属装置
    flamed burned a 燃烧
    flattering complimentary a 称赞奉承
    flourished thrived n 茂盛
    forage feed v 搜索寻找食物
    formidable difficult a 艰难
    forwardlooking progressive a 前远见
    frame pose v 构造提出
    freeing releasing n 解释放
    functional usable a 合
    fundamental basic a 基础基
    gambit calculated risk n 策略谋略
    gap open n 缺口缝隙
    give way to turn into v 位变成

    glowing shining a 光亮
    good name reputation n 名声名誉
    graphic vivid a 生动
    grumbled complained v 抱怨
    hard firm a 坚硬牢固
    hard to deal with stubborn a 执拗固执
    heart center n 中心
    hemisphere side n 半球半边
    henceforth from that time on ad
    herald announce v 预示预报
    hinged on depended on v
    hinterland region n 方区域
    ideal perfect a 完美
    identical exactly alike a 样
    imitate copy v 模仿伪造
    immunity protection n 保护
    immutable unchangeable a 变
    impediment obstacle n 妨碍阻碍
    imperceptibly subtly ad 觉察极缓慢
    implement tool n 工具器械
    implication significance n 含义意义
    imposing demanding a 紧迫紧急
    in place of instead of ad 代 
    in reality actually n 实际事实
    inaccessible unreachable a 难接难达
    inception beginning n 起初
    incinerate burn up v 烧毁
    incised carved a 雕刻
    inclination preference n 倾偏
    incorporate combine v 结合合
    influx arrival n 流入达

    ingenuity resourcefulness n 机灵
    inhibit hinder v 阻止阻碍
    initiate start v 开始引发
    initiate cause v 开始引发
    innovation new idea n 创新革新
    innovative new a 创新
    insignificant unimportant a 重
    instance case n 实例例证
    integral essential a 整体缺少
    integral fundamental a 基
    intense extreme a 强烈剧烈
    intensive concentrated a 加强集中
    intent goal n 目
    intent purpose n 目
    interchangeable equivalent a 相等互换
    intervals periods n 周期
    intervention influence n 干涉影响
    intricate complex a 复杂
    intriguing attractive a 迷 
    invade move into v 侵入
    inviting attractive a 吸引诱
    justify prove v 辩护证实
    key important
    laborious difficult a 费力
    lie be located v 位
    load weight n 重担
    locale place n 场
    lured attracted v 吸引引诱
    magnify intensify v 放强化
    maintain preserve v 维持坚持

    maintain preserve v 维持坚持
    maintain keep v 维持坚持
    mandated required v 求
    margin edge n 边边缘
    marked pronounce a 明显显著
    marked noticeable a 显著
    means method n 方法 
    merely only ad 仅仅
    meteoric rapid a 迅速
    meticulously careflly ad 心
    minuscule tiny a 微
    minute tiny a 微细微
    modifying changing v 修改变化
    monopolize dominate v 独占占优势
    moreover furthermore ad 外
    moreover in addition ad 外
    motif design n 图案花纹
    mundane ordinary a 世俗普通
    myriad many a 许数
    nascent immature a 新生初生
    nevertheless however ad 然然
    norm standard n 标准
    noted observed v 注意
    noticed announced v 宣告通告
    notwithstanding despite prep
    noxious harmful a 害毒
    obtain get v 获取
    obtain acquire v 获取
    obtain acquire v 获
    obvious apparent a 明显显易见
    optimal best a 佳

    ornate elaborate a 华丽
    outbreak beginning n 爆发开始
    outline summarizing v 总结概括
    outstanding excellent a 杰出显著
    over great distances faraway a 遥远处
    overtaken surpassed v 赶超越
    peak maximum a 高高峰
    peculiar strange a 奇特
    penetrate go through v 穿透透
    people in the play actor n 演员剧中物
    periphery outer edge n 外围
    persist continue v 持续
    personal magnetism charisma n 魅力
    pertinent relevant a 关
    phenomena event n 现象事件
    pick up follow v 寻找寻路
    picture imagine n 图片
    pit hole n 坑洼
    plunge drop nv 投入陷入
    ponderous heavy a 笨重
    pore hole n 毛孔细孔
    position job n 职位职务
    potential possible a 潜
    precarious uncertain a 稳定
    precise accurate a 精确
    prefer favor v 偏喜欢
    preside manage v 负责统辖
    presumably probably ad 概
    prevailed dominated v 成功统治
    prevailing most frequent a 盛行流行
    prevailing dominant a 占优势

    prevent avoid v 制止阻止
    primarily chiefly ad
    primary fundamental a 基初步
    prior to preceding a 先居前
    prized valued a 贵重
    probe explore v 探察
    produce butter n 产物产品
    prolific productive a 产
    prolific fruitful a 产
    prominent distinguished a 显著卓越
    prominent famous a 著名
    proponent supporter n 支持者
    prototype model n 原型范例
    protrude project v 突出伸出
    pry off locate v 查找
    puncture pierce v 刺穿刺破
    pursue chase v 追赶
    raise rear v 饲养养育
    random unpredictable a 知
    rather instead ad 相反相反
    readily easily ad 容易
    realization awareness n 认识意识
    reap accept v 收获接受
    rear raise v 培养饲养
    reckless irresponsible a 负责
    recorded documented a 已纪录
    recruit enlist v 征募补充
    refreshing unusual a **清爽
    regardless of no matter what a
    relate connect v 相关关联
    reliance dependence n

    remarkable significant a 异常非
    representative typical a 典型
    resemble be similar to v 相似类似
    resolve find a solution for v 解决
    resort to using v 采
    revered respected v 尊敬
    revise change v 修正改造
    robust strong a 强健坚强
    roll back reduce v 压低减少
    rotate alternate v 轮流更迭
    rotate turn v 轮流更迭
    rotting decaying v 腐烂
    roughly approximately ad 概略约
    rudimentary undeveloped a 原始简单
    rupture burst v 破裂裂开
    rushing rapid a 急流
    sanitation health n 卫生健康状态
    saturate soak v 浸透饱
    saying two opposite things paradox n 悖隽语
    scale measure nv 刻度测量
    scarce rare a 稀
    scarcely barely ad 稀缺珍贵
    scope extent n 范围
    scorched burned v 烧焦
    score musical compositions n 乐谱
    scurrying rushing v 急赶
    secure acquire v 获取
    secure safe ad 安全
    sedentary inactive a 移栖
    sentiment opinion n 意见观点
    serve as function as v 充担

    set establish v 确定安置
    settle decide v 决定解决
    settled stabled a 固定
    severe poverty indigence n 贫困赤贫
    shield protect v 保护避开
    significant meaningful a 重意义
    site location n 点场
    skepticism doubt n 怀疑义怀疑态度
    sketch draw v 速写素描
    skilled expert a 熟练擅长
    skyrocket increase rapidly v 猛涨突增
    sleep briefly nap n 睡盹
    smooth operation effective functioning
    snap break v 折断拉断
    sole only a 唯独
    sole only a 单独
    solemn serious a 严肃庄重
    sort out separate v 挑选出
    source of energy fuel n 源燃料
    spanning covering v 包含
    spark bring about v 激发发动
    speculate hypothesize v 推测假设
    staggering overwhelming a 压倒压倒势
    standard customary a 标准
    standing not flowing a 停滞流动
    staple popular edition n 宗物品流行东西
    staple basic element n 成分
    stimulate encourage v 激发促进
    story level n 楼层层
    strain stress v 拉紧重压
    strength basis n 实力基础

    stress emphasize v 强调
    striking noticeable a 显著
    stringent strict a 严格严厉
    subjugated conquered v 征服
    subsequent later a
    subsidize finance v 资助赞助
    subsidy finance n 补助金补贴
    succinct concise a 简洁简练 
    sufficient adequate a 足够充足
    suitably appropriately ad 适宜
    sumptuous luxurious a 豪华奢侈
    sums amounts n
    supplant replace v 取代代
    supplement extension n 补充补遗
    supplement add to v 补充增加
    support hold v 支持支撑
    supposedly seemingly ad 想象表面
    supremacy dominance n 高支配位
    supreme most outstanding a 极度
    surge increase sharply v 急剧增加
    surging accelerating a 高涨跃进
    suspend hang v 挂悬挂
    sustain support v 支撑
    symmetrical proportionally balanced a 称匀称
    tangled twisted together a 混乱
    telling challenging a 效力
    tempting attractive a 诱
    thanks to because of n 亏
    thereby by that means
    think highly admire v 钦佩羡慕
    tolerate endure v 忍受忍耐

    trace imprint n 痕迹遗迹
    trend tendency n 趋势趋
    typify characterize v 代表表现
    ultimately eventually ad
    undergoing experiencing v 历 
    undergone experienced v 历 
    undergone experienced v 历
    underscore emphasize v 强调
    underwater craft submarine n 潜水艇
    undoubtedly certainly ad 确
    unique particular a 独特
    unique singular a 非
    unprecedented never seen before a 空前
    unravel discover v 解开阐明
    unrestricted unlimited a 限制
    unsubstantiated unverified a 未证实未核实
    urged encouraged v 催促鼓励
    usher beginning v 引导开始
    various different a
    vary differ v 变化改变
    vast large a 巨广阔
    vast great a 量
    venture endeavor n 险险行动
    very closely intimately ad 亲密密切
    vestige evidence n 遗迹残余
    virtually completely n 实质
    want to much greedy a 贪婪贪心
    whether if conj 否
    wider more extensive a 宽广
    witness observe v 目睹目击
    yield provide v 产生产生效果




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    常用的万能作文评语大全  全文语言生动准确,情节精彩曲折,仿佛将读者带进了开心乐园,令人眉开眼笑。  全文通俗易懂,趣味性强。  全文眉目清晰,生动紧凑,趣味性强。  注意观察具体事物,并展开...

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