
    Lesson 1 I am a cat

    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    (1) 听懂会说节课单词做发音准确清晰
    (2) 熟练运交际语桌进行话
    (3) 够进行图问答综合说话
    (4) 够根媒体课件油印材料听读英语短语
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    pig 猪
    fox 狐狸
    cat 猫
    dog 狗
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Hello Eve
    Hello Tom
    Hi Pig
    Hi Fox
    Hello I’m a cat
    Hello I’m a dog
    Step 4 Draw and learn 
    Hi I’m a cat
    Hello I’m a dog
    Step 5 Let’s sing

    Step 6 Let’s make
    Draw these animals on a piece of paper with a colored pen cat dog pig fox After the painting drill and play When the teacher speaks English words the student lifts up the pictures he draws in his hand to see who has the fastest response
    Step 7 Let’s practice
    Let the students perform roleplay and put the cards on their chests and say Hi I'm a cat Hello I'm a dog Then four students are called to the podium The two boys play the role of Mr Dog and Mr Pig respectively Two female classmates play Miss Cat and Miss Fox
    Step 8 Look and find
    Sort pictures and words to master words and their use
    Step 9 Read and write
    Follow the recording and spell it
    See who remembers fast and accurate
    Step 10 Homework
    Practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 2 Are you Mr Dog

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级册英语第二课承接第课容求学生够理解掌握句型 Are you…够听懂会说熟练掌握核心句型般疑问句法通物话激发学生学兴趣
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 通情景话帮助学生理解掌握句型 Are you…
    2 通捉迷藏游戏进步巩固单元核心句型
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    句型: Are you… Yes I am No I’m not
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    duck 鸭子
    bird 鸟
    chick 鸡
    hen 母鸡
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Good morning
    Good morning
    I’m Qiqi Are you Lulu
    Yes I am
    I’m Qiqi Are you Mr Dog
    No I’m miss Fox
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    Hi are you Mr Dog
    Yes I am Are you Miss Cat
    No I’m Miss Fox
    Step 5 Let’s chant
    Good morning
    Good morning
    I am Roy
    I am a boy
    Good morning
    Good morning
    I am Pear
    I am a girl
    Step 6 Let’s act
    Let students perform roleplay and use sentence patterns:Are you… Yes I am No I’m not
    :Hi are you Mr Duck
    Yes I am Are you Miss Bird
    No I’m Miss Chick
    Step 7 Write and match
    Step 8 Listen and number
    Listen to the recording and sort it and imitate the tone of the voice in the recording to see who is more like imitation
    Step 9 Read and write
    Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 3 Nice to meet you

    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    1会听会认课重点单词my name is too
    2掌握课重点句型:Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    会听会认课重点单词 my name is too
    掌握课重点句型:Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    cow 奶牛
    sheep 绵羊
    rabbit 兔子
    horse 马
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Good morning Mr Dog
    Good morning Miss Cat
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    Hi my name is Qiqi
    Himy name is Eve
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    Hi my name is Pig
    Hello my name is Cat
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    Step 5 Let’s sing

    Step 6 Draw and do
    Draw these animals on the paper with colored pens cow sheep rabbit horse After the painting drill and play When the teacher speaks English words the student lifts up the pictures he draws in his hand to see who has the fastest response
    Step 7 A game
    Guessing game One classmate took a card another classmate blindfolded what the animal was and the other classmates were right or wrong
    Step 8 Listen and match
    Listen to the recording and match it and imitate the tone of the voice in the recording to see who is more like imitation
    Step 9 Read and write
    Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 4 What's your name

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级册英语第四课求学生掌握课关词汇句型通扮演录音学生听懂会说your  please初步听认知道HhNn七字母序培养学生运英语力通游戏学生娱乐中学够熟练询问姓名根问句说出答语
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 听说读 monkey bear bird hen panda
    2 掌握 What’s your name My name is……句型
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    听说读 monkey bear bird hen panda
    掌握 What is your name My name is……句型
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    monkey 猴子
    bird 鸟
    bear 熊
    panda 熊猫
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    I’m Dongdong What’s your name please
    My name is Eve
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    Good morning
    Good morning
    Sit down please
    I’m Miss Li What’s your name
    My name is Qiqi
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    What’s your name
    My name is Qiqi
    Step 5 Let’s sing

    Step 6 Make and practice
    Fold a piece of paper to stand on the table write a name and ask two students to perform roleplaying
    Step 7 A game
    Do alphabet games Listen to instructions students raise letters cards
    Divide the students into two teams and do the Pick Apple contest The teacher hung out two apple trees on the blackboard and it was covered with apple Each apple had a letter The teacher said the letter and the student quickly found the apple and picked it off The first score is high
    Step 8 Listen and choose
    Listen to the recording and choose it and imitate the tone of the voice in the recording to see who is more like imitation
    Step 9 Read and write
    Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 5 How old are you

    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单词 eye nose how old nine eight happy birthday
    2 熟练掌握问答年龄句型How old are you I'm nineeight日常生活中进行运
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    够听说认读单词 eye nose old nine eight happy birthday…
    熟练掌握问答年龄句型How old are you I'm nineeight日常生活中进行运
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    ear 耳朵
    eye 眼睛
    nose 鼻子
    mouth 嘴
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Hello are you Miss Cat
    Yes I am
    How old are you Are you five
    No I’m one
    Hi Miss Li
    Hello what’s your name
    My name is Lulu
    How old are you
    I’m nine
    Are you nine too
    NoI’m ten
    Step 4 Let’s learn
    How old are you
    I’m nine 
    Step 5 Let’s practise
    Allow students to train in groups and pick several groups to show Students or teachers correct their sentences or pronunciation
    How old are you
    I’m nine
    Step 6 Let’s make and learn
    Use paper to fold out the shape of the puppies and draw on the ears nose and mouth of the eyes master their English and read and write
    Step 7 Listen and do
    A student issues a command like touch your ear and another student makes an action according to the instruction other students see if it is done correctly
    Step 8 Listen and choose
    Listen to the recording and choose it Master word pronunciation and usage and imitate the tone of the voice in the recording to see who is more like imitation
    Step 9 Read and write
    Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 7 Is it a bird

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级英语册第七课课开始学英语语音拼音闭音节单词开始学课重点句型Is it……求学生学会般疑问句法够根问句写出答语课话围绕着题句展开前面知识综合运学生力提升锻炼
    ◆ 教学目标

    (5) 认识单词:bird bee fish frog fat等等
    (6) 听懂会日常交际语运学句型进行话:Is it a… No it isn’t
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    认识单词:bird bee fish frog fat等等
    听懂会日常交际语运学句型进行话:Is it a… No it isn’t
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    frog 青蛙
    bat 蝙蝠
    bee 蜜蜂
    bear 熊
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Hello Miss Fox Is it a bird
    No it isn’t It’s a bee
    Is it a fish
    No it isn’t It’s a frog
    Look Is it a duck
    Yes it is
    The duck is fat
    Look Is it a hen
    No it’s a bird
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    Is it a fish
    Yes it is No it isn’t
    Step 5 A game
    The teacher holds a card with animal words The classmates make corresponding actions according to the words Other students ask questions in English
    Is it a bird
    Yes it is
    Step 6 Let’s read
    Step 7 Let’s sing and act

    Step 8 Look and write
    Connect parts of the same animal body and write English words learn to spell and dictate
    Step 9 Listen and number
    Sort words and words to master words Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 8 What's this

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级册英语第八课节课学 What’s this What’s that句型通学学生学会划线部分提问区时通课文重点句子学进 步提高学生听说读写综合语言力通录音模仿熟练掌握课词汇句型学生学知识表达交流
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说读写单词 book desk chair blackboard panda hippo elephant monkey
    2 熟练掌握句型 What's this that It's a…
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    够听说读写单词 book desk chair blackboard panda hippo elephant monkey
    熟练掌握句型 What's this that It's a…
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    egg 鸡蛋
    bun 圆面包
    rat 老鼠
    map 图
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Hello Eve What this
    It’s an egg a red egg
    Is it a bun
    No it’s a hot dog
    What’s that
    It’s a rat
    What’s that
    It’s a cat
    Step 4 Let’s learn
    What’s thisthat
    It’s a bun
    Step 5 Let’s chant
    What is this Mr Hare
    It is a bear
    What is that Mr Hare
    It is a chair
    The bear is on the chair
    Step 6 Let’s read
    Read these words below And learn the usage and reading of vowels and consonants Read and write words based on pictures
    Step 7 Listen and tick
    Listen to the recording and select the correct option Then imitate the tone of the voice in the recording and see who is more excellent
    Step 8 Let’s make and learn
    Learn words and find the right parts speak English words based on pictures to develop students' recognition and response skills
    arm head hand foot leg body
    Step 9 Listen and do
    Group cooperation Do corresponding actions according to the instructions Other students see if it is correct Learn to spell and use words Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Touch your body
    Clap your hands
    Touch your leg
    Touch your arm
    Nod your head
    Stamp your foot
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 9 What colour is the cap

    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    (7) 够听说读写hat cap bag my表示颜色单词
    (8) 正确What colour is the cap 问句答语
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    够听说读写hat cap bag my表示颜色单词
    正确What colour is the cap 问句答语
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    cap 帽子
    hat 帽子
    box 盒子
    bag 书包
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    What’s this
    It’s my bag
    What’s in it A cap
    No a hat
    What colour is it
    Look It’s blue and red
    What’s this
    It’s a box
    What’s in it A hat
    No a cap
    What colour is the cap
    It’s black and white
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    What colour is it
    It’s white
    Step 5 Let’s chant
    Hello hello Miss White
    What colour is your kite
    It’s white It’s white
    Hello hello Mr Ted
    What colour is your bed
    It’s red It’s red
    Step 6 Let’s read
    Pig milk cat hen red
    Learn the above words learn the usage and pronunciation of vowel and consonants
    Step 7 Let’s try
    What colour is red and blue
    Look at different colors will become Learn the expression of color
    Yellow 黄色
    Green 绿色
    Orange 橙色
    Purple 紫色
    Gray 灰色

    Step 8 Let’s colour
    Colour the hat red
    Colour the bag blue
    Colour the panda and the cap black and white
    Step 9 Listen and choose
    Listen to the recording and match it Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 10 How are you

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级英语册第十课求学生够掌握课词汇句型学会运日常交际语How are you相应回答根问句写出答语求会读会说家庭成员单词通录音游戏模仿加强学生单词句型记忆
    ◆ 教学目标

    (9) 够听说读写家庭成员单词
    (10) 正确How are you问句答语
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    正确How are you问句答语
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    mum 妈妈
    dad 爸爸
    jam 果酱
    zip 拉链
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    Hi Mrs Bird How are you
    I’m fine
    Hello Mr Pig How are you
    I’m OK
    Good morning Mum How are you
    I’m OK How nice you are
    Good morning Dad How are you
    I’m fine Thank you and you
    I’m fine too
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    How are you Mum
    I’m fine Thank you and you
    I’m fine too
    Step 5 Let’s sing

    Step 6 Let’s read
    Fox box jam yes zip
    Step 7 A game
    Hi Li Dong How are you
    Fine thank you
    Good morning Zhao Fan How are you
    I’m fine Thank you
    Step 8 Look and write
    1 This is my m_____
    2 This is my d_____
    3 It’s a red b_____
    4 It’s a w_____ c_____
    5 It’s a b____ b____
    Step 9 Listen and choose
    Listen to the recording and choose it Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 11 How do you do

    ◆ 教材分析

    课三年级英语册第十课求学生够掌握课词汇句型This is Mrs Li and this is Lili How do you do How do you do 会简单问候语初次见面招呼
    ◆ 教学目标

    (11) 够听说读写课词汇
    (12) 正确How do you do问句答语熟练认识招呼
    (2)学生两两交流组合作交流中培养孩子合作意识合作精神够相互配 合完成段通流畅说话训练
    ◆ 教学重难点

    正确How do you do问句答语熟练认识招呼
    ◆ 课前准备

    Tape recorder Multimedia
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greeting and Introduction
    Begin by greeting the class with a smile
    T Good afternoon students
    S Good afternoon teacher
    Step 2 New words
    apple 苹果
    banana 香蕉
    pear 梨
    orange 桔子
    Step 3 Let’s talk
    This is Mrs Bird
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    A banana for you
    Thank you
    Hello Mr Pig
    Hello Mrs Hen
    This is my baby duck This is Mr Pig
    How do you do
    How do you do An apple for you
    Thank you
    Step 4 Let’s learn 
    How do you do
    How do you do
    An apple for you
    Thank you
    Step 5 A game
    What’s in the bag
    Is it an orange
    Yes An orange for you
    Thank you
    Step 6 Let’s read
    Cup duck van wet chick shop
    Learn pronunciation and usage of vowels and consonants
    Step 7 Let’s act
    Jim this is Ann
    Ann this is Jim
    How do you do Jim
    How do you do Ann
    Step 8 Look and write
    Spell the words according to the pictures Spell and dictate these words Look who remembers fast and accurate
    Step 9 Listen and match
    Listen to the recording and choose it Follow the recording and spell it See who remembers fast and accurate And let the students try to write a simple conversation according to the content of this section and then read it to the students The student or teacher corrects the instructions
    Step 10 Homework
    Recite the dialogue well and practice the words
    ◆ 教学反思





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    Lesson 1I can help you◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1. 确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌握的单词:again, me, put, bad, Engl...

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    外研版小学英语三年级上册教学计划一、学情分析  三年级共有四个班,每个班约43位学生。学生并不是第一次接触英语,一二年级他们学习喜爱的攀登英语,但也只是听说,常规的建立、表演展示。没有落实到读...

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      Unit 1 HelloPart A 教案教学目标:  语言知识目标  1. 学习字母Aa 和 Bb。  2. 学习单词apple和banana。  3. 初步运用hello(hi...

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    三年级英语(下册)教案第一课时Unit 1 I can help you. Teaching topic: Let’s talk.Teaching material analysis...

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    Lesson 1I can help you同步练习◆ 找出对应的答语( ) 1. Thank you. A. It’s a frog.( ...

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    主备教师授课教师班级五年级备课时间第一单元教材简析 本单元的教材是根据教育部制定的《国家英语课程标准》编写而成的,供小学五年级的学生使用,教材的特点是:1.强调语言运用;2.注重能力培养...

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    Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? ◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会本课中的四会及三会单词和短语。2、学习并掌握形容词性物主代词的用法,学习用Whose提问东西是谁的,并做...

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    科普版英语五年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-29Lesson 1May I speak to Mary?◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌...

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    科普版英语四年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-29Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? ◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会本课中的四会及三会单词和短语。2、学习并掌握形容词性物...

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    Unit 1 I’m not feeling well◆ 教材分析通过图片导入引出本课内容,让孩子们掌握What’s the matter? 以及Could you…..等实用句型的用法。◆ ...

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    科普版英语六年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-29Unit 1 I’m not feeling well◆ 教材分析通过图片导入引出本课内容,让孩子们掌握What’s the matter? ...

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    总课时 :1 Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary? 教学内容:Let's ...

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