

    To Mr Kingswick Course Coordinate
    From Barnsby Campbel
    Date 19 November 1995
    Subject Lesson Plan for 28 November Lecture
    I intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture I plan to cover the following parts
    1 Inside Address
    This is omitted in a memo As internal communication the reason is obvious
    2 Greeting
    It is more polite to put Mr Mrs or Ms before and the office after the name of the recipient You may sometimes address the readers as a group
    3 Subject
    This is a phrase to tell reader what the memo is about Sometimes only he phrase is given without the word Subject before it
    4 Body
    These should be short less than 10 lines and concentrate on only one paragraph one idea each Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs it is advisable to begin each with a heading in capital letters to tell what the paragraph is about Another practice is number the paragraphs for easy reference later on
    5 Carbon copy
    This is written as cc for short As in a letter it lists the persons who are also receiving the memo
    6 Signature
    Only the initial is need The office and name in print of the write are omitted In more casual memos there is no signature at all
    Any thoughts on my notes Anything to add Let me know at tea break
    cc Mr PL Duke Training Office
    Internal Memorandum
    To Anne Bell
    From Graham Davis
    Date 23 March 1992
    Subject Office Furniture
    __________________________________________________________________________ We need some comfortable chains for visitors to go in the manager's office
    Can you arrange it
    We need 10 chains in either beige or dark brown The maximum you can spend is 5001
    Interoffice Memo
    To Richard Burley
    Dept Market research
    Subject Profits and Southmoor Branch
    Date May 10 1998
    I have finished studying the Southmoor Branch sales figures for the 1st quarter and see they are about 255000 under projections That is third straight quarter thatSouthmoor has fallen short Will you prepare a new analysis of the Southmoor market potential I know you did one ___and a good one too___three years ago before Southmoor opened But maybe some factors have changed and we need to look into them
    Ben Tebbins is working up a report from the sales and promotion angle He'll finish about June 15 If you could be ready then we will get together and see if we can solve the Southmoor problem TBac
    CC Ben Tebbins
    To Mr Fevrier
    Mr Reter Schulz called from Vienna wanted you to call him today before 4 pm or any time tomorrow on 014569924
    Message taken by JBK
    Miss Liu
    I've got an urgent meeting today Please contact the applicants to postponee the interviews till further notice
    To Mr Slater
    I am sorry to tell that I won't be able to go to the office today due to a sudden dizziness So I have to ask for a day's sick leave
    To Mr Richardson
    Please send a letter to Naves Limon in CR
    Find out
    Are they satisfied with the order
    Can we provide any after sales advice
    Encourage repeat order
    (三) 商务便函分类范例
    1. 交流意见
    From Chief Executive
    To Production Director
    Subject Production for machinery for Machine shop x
    As you know the company is contemplating opening a new machine shop in the near future Our operations have been expanding so rapidly that such a development now appears inevitableThere are a number of questions which we need to be thinking about and I would be grateful to hear you opinion on the idea
    1As to the choice of new machinery I would like to know whether you think we should buy or hire new equipment
    2 Then I would like to hear your proposals on which machinery we should consider acquiring
    3 Closely connected with the purchase or hire of machinery is the matter of maintenance We also need to be discussed How many new staff will be required for example
    4 At the same time I would appreciate it if you could provide me with estimates of the probable working life of the equipment which you propose
    Could you please let me have your preliminary thoughts on the questions in time for our meeting next week
    To All members of staff Northern Branch
    From KLJ
    Date 5 December 1994
    The board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch I need to know for my report
    1 What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this If you are doing working that was formerly done by other staff please justify this
    2 What software you use Please name the programs
    3 How many hours per day you spend actually using it
    4 How your PC has not come up to your expectations
    5 What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC that others may want to share
    Please Fax this information directly to me by 5 pm on Wednesday 7 December If you have any questions please contact my assistant Jane Simmonds who will visit you on Tuesday 6 December Thank you for your help
    To All Branches
    From Sales Manager
    Date 28 November 1996
    Tour 5210______New Carrier
    1 We have found a new carrier for Tour 5210 This id DTL Aviation company
    2All clients who still want to take this holiday must reconfirm their bookings as soon as possible
    2 They must also check in at Gatwick Airport by 0825 on the day of departure
    3 Please write to all agencies and them this
    From Office of the GMDate Feb 1
    To Heads of factories Subject Trip by GM
    Below are details of the factories that the general Manager will visit In each one the GM would like to speak to all members of the Production Dept please inform each factory and them to cancel all other appointment
    March 8 Kuala Lumpur
    March 9 Singapore
    March 10 Singapore
    March 11 Jakarta
    (4) 建议
    To Project Planning DeptFrom General Manager
    Date Jan 5Subject Aqua Warm BV
    I have looked though our records of the work that we did at Perfecta Ltd The heating system was checked three times before it was turned on We are absolutely sure that explosion is not our responsibility
    I suggest therefore that Perfecta writes to Aqua Warm to claim compensation
    Please write to Perfecta (address 61 Bath Road Worester England WR 5 3AB) and explain our position
    (5) 报告
    To All Directors
    From Lynn Adam Administrative Secretary
    Date May 25 1999
    Subject Machine Dictation
    At the request of some of the division direction we have made a survey of machine transcripts to see what could be done to improve both the quality of transcripts and the speed with which the work is completed these are their suggestions
    1 Both dictators and transcribers should be familiar with the dictating and transcribing
    Equipment A manual is available for every machine it explains how to use the equipment
    2 It would be helpful if all dictators would
    a Mark the indicator slips with special instruction and correction Mark the slips too to show the length of the letter or report
    b Spell any proper names as well as technical or unfamiliar words
    c Control their voice so that the dictation is neither too loud nor too soft Be sure to enunciate clearly
    d Supply as mach information as possible__ number of copies type of massage and identity of dictator It would also help if salutations and subject lines when used were dictated
    e Indicate when you would like the dictation complete the work dictation is rush
    3 Machine transcribers will complete transcription by the day following the receiving of the tape unless the dictation is marked rushthen every will be made to complete the work when it is wanted
    Please let me know if you have further suggestions I should also like to know if these suggestions result in better transcripts
    You are the Manager of a small printing company A new employee Mark McCabe is joining your company on 10 th May
    * Write a short memo to your office administrator
    *Saying who is starting work and when
    *Telling him what Mark McCabe's desk should be put
    *Suggesting where Mark McCabe's job will be
    *Write 3040 words on your Answer Sheet
    To Office Administrator
    From Manager
    Subject New Employee
    A new employee Mark McCabe will join us on 10th May He will take charge of the Sales section Would you please arrange his desk in the room of Sales section
    Your company has received a lot of criticism of its telephone service You looked into the most common complains and made the following notes
    The Services Director has asked you to write a memo to call staff on recommended telephone procedure
    * Write the memo in about 100120 words explaining how staff should use the phone Use the
    information in your notes above
    * Write on your Answer Sheet
    To All Staff
    Subject Recommended for all staff to know we should use phones because we have received so many complaints from our customersThe following are some recommended telephone procedure
    1 Do not leave the phone to ting too long before answering
    2 Answering calls politely instead of just saying'hello'
    3 Let colleague know the transfer and how long the call will be when transferring calls
    4 Take down messages including date time caller's name and number
    You work for a company which produces laser printers You are visiting another company Soft cell to buy some computer software for your department They have expressed an interest in your company's printer and you would like to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with you
    *Write a short note to Mr Jim Asana the sales manager
    *Ask for his permission to take these items
    *Explain why you want them
    *Mention the time and date when you want to collect them
    Write 3040 words on your answer sheet
    To Mr Jim Asano
    May I have you permission to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with me when visiting Softcell who have expressed an interest in our printers I will come to collect them at 8 am Thursday morning





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