

     Part I Writing (25 minutes)
      Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words
    Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)
      Section A
      Directions In this section you will hear three news reports At the end of each news report you will hear two or three questions Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre
      Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard
      1 A) Her friend Erika C) Her grandfather
      B) Her little brother D) Her grandmother
      2 A) By taking pictures for passersby C) By selling lemonade and pictures
      B) By working part time at a hospital D) By asking for help on social media
      Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard
      3 A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction
      B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles
      C) Providing clean energy to five million people
      D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel
      4 A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements
      B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways
      C) They are only about half an inch thick
      D) They are made from cheap materials
      Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard
      5 A) Endless fighting in the region C) Inadequate funding for research
      B) The hazards from the desert D) The lack of clues about the species
      6 A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks
      B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance
      C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia
      D) To find evidence of the existence of the lost lions
      7 A) Lions walking C) Some camping facilities
      B) Lions’ tracks D) Traps set by local hunters
    Section B
      Directions:In this section you will hear two long conversations At the end of each conversation you will hear four questions Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre
      Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard
      8 A) Her lucky birthday’ C) Her wedding anniversary
      B) A call from her dad D) A special gift from the man
      9 A) Gave her a big model plane C) Took her on a trip overseas
      B) Bought her a good necklace D) Threw her a surprise party
      10 A) The gift her husband has bought
      B) The trip her husband has planned
      C) What has been troubling her husband
      D) What her husband and the man are up to
      11 A) He will be glad to be a guide for the couple’s holiday trip
      B) He will tell the women the secret if her husband agrees
      C) He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out
      D) He wants to find out about the couple’s holiday plan
      Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard
      12 A) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation
      B) They see the importance of making compromises
      C) They know when to adopt a tough attitude
      D) They take the rival’s attitude into account
      13 A) They know how to adapt C) They know when to make compromises
      B) They know when to stop D) They know how to control their emotion
      14 A) They are patient C) They learn quickly
      B) They are good at expression D) They uphold their principles
      15 A) Make clear one's intentions C) Formulate one's strategy
      B) Clarify items of negotiation D) Get to know the other side
    Section C
      Directions In this section you will hear three passages At the end of each passage you will
      hear three or four questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only
      once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four
      choices marked A) B) C) D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer
      Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre
      Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard
      16 A) When America's earliest space program started
      B) When the International Space Station was built
      C) How many space shuttle missions there will be
      D) How space research benefits people on Earth
      17 A) They accurately calculated the speed of the orbiting shuttles
      B) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space
      C) They tried to meet astronauts' specific requirements
      D) They tried to make best use of the latest technology
      18 A) They are extremely accurate C) They were first made in space
      B) They are expensive to make D) They were invented in the 1970s
      Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard
      19 A) It was when her ancestors came to America
      B) People had plenty of land to cultivate then
      C) It marked the beginning of something new
      D) Everything was natural and genuine then
      20 A) They believed in working for goals C) They had all kinds of entertainment
      B) They enjoyed living a living a life of ease D) They were known to be creative
      21 A) Chatting with her ancestors C) Polishing all the silver work
      B) Furnishing her country house D) Doing needlework by the fire
      Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard
      22 A) Use a map to identify your location C) Sit down and try to calm yourself
      B) Call your family or friends for help D) Try to follow your footprints back
      23 A) You may find a way out without your knowing it
      B) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers
      C) You may get drowned in a sudden flood
      D) You may end up entering a wonderland
      24 A) Look for food C) Start a fire
      B) Wait patiently D) Walk uphill
      25 A) Inform somebody of your plan C) Check the local weather
      B) Prepare enough food and drink D) Find a map and a compass
    Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes )
    Section A
    Directions In this section there is a passage with ten blanks You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage Read the passage through carefully before making your choices Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once
        We all know there exists great void(空白)in the public educational system when it comes to    26  to STEM(ScienceTechnologyEngineering Mathematics)One educator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system Dori taught high school engineering for 11 yearsShe noticed there was a real void in quality stem education at all   27  of the public educational system she saidI started Engineering for kids (EFK)after noticing a real lack of math science and engineering programs to  28  my own kids in
    She decided to start an after school program where children    29   in STEMbased competitionsThe club grew quickly and when it reached 180 members and the kids in the program won several state   30   she decided to devote all her time to cultivating and    31  it The global business EFK was born
    Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home which she then expanded to  32    recreation centers Today the EFK program    33   over 144 branches in 32 states within the United States and in 21 countries Sales have doubled from 5 million in 2014 to 10 million in 2015with 25 new branches planned for 2016 the EFK website states Our nation is not  34   enough engineers Our philosophy is to inspire kids at a young age to understand that engineering is a great   35  

    Section B
      Directions In this section you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived You may choose a paragraph more than once Each paragraph is marked with a letter Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2
    Why aren't you curious about what happened
    A)you suspended ray rice after our video a reporter from tmz challenged national football League commissioner roger goodell the other day why didn't you have the curosity to go to the casino ( 5 ) yourself the implication of the question is that a more curious
    B) the accusation of incuriosity is one that we hear often carying the suggestion that there is something wrong with not wanting to search out the truth have been bothered for a long time about the curious lack of curiosity said a democratic member of the new jersey legislature back in july referring to an insufficiently inquiring attitude on the part of an the george washington bridge traffic scandal the mainstream media the least curious about what happened wrote conservative writer jennifer rubin earlier this year terring to the attack on americans in benghazi Libya
    C) the implication in each case is that curiosity is a good thing and a lack of curiosity is a problem are such accusations simply efforts to score political points for one's party or is here something of particular value about curiosity in and of itself
    D) the journalist lan leslie in his new and enjoyable book curious the desire to know and whyYour fatter depends on it insists that the answer to that last question is yes Leslie argues that curiosity is a muchoverlooked human virtue crucial to our success and that we are losing it
    E)we are suffering he writes from a deficit the wordwas coined by horace walpole in an 1854 letter from a tale of three princes whowere always making
    discoveries by accident of things they were not in search of worries that the rise of the intemet among other social and technological changes has reduced our appetite for aimless adventures no longer have we the inclination to let ourselves wander through tields of knowledges ready to be surprised instead we seek only the information we want
    F) why is this a problem because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship we will see unimaginative govemments and dying corporations make disastrous decisionsWe will lose a vital part of what has made humanity as a whole so successful as a species
    G) leslie presents considerable evidence for the proposition that the society as a whole is growing less curious In the US and Europe for example the rise of the internet has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the reader's borders But not everything is to be blamed on techeologyThe decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by LeslieReading literary fictionhe says make us more curious
    H)Moreoverin order to  be curious you have to be aware of a gap in your knowledge in the first place although leslie perhaps paints a bit broadly in contending that most of us are unaware of how much we don't know he's surely right to point out that the problem is growing Google can give us the powerful illusion that all questions have definite answers
    I)Indeed Google for which leslie expresses admiration is also his frequent whipping body(罪羊) he quotes Google cofounder larry page to the effect that theperfect search engine willunderstand exactly what i mean and give me back exactly what i want elsewhere in the book leslie writesgoogle aims to save you from the thirst of curiosity altogether
    J) Somewhat nostalgically(怀旧) he quotes john maynard keynes's justly famous words of praise to the bookstore one should enter it vaguely almost in a dream and allow what is there freely to attract and influence the eye to walk the rounds of the bookshops dipping curiosity dictates should be an afternoons entertainment if only
    K) Citing the work of psychologists and cognitive( 认知)scientists leslie criticizes the received wisdom that academic success is the result of a combination of intellectual talent and hard work curiosity he argues is the third key factorand a difficult one to preserve if not cultivated it will not survive childhood curiosity is a collaboration between child The surest way to kill it is to leave it alone

    L) School education he wams is often conducted in a way that makes children incurious children of educated and uppermiddleclass parents turn out to be far more curious even at early ages than children of working class and lower class families that lack of curiosity produces arelative lack of knowledge and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compen sate for later on
    M)although leslie's book isn't about politics he doesn't entirely toast cucial moments there are serious consequence be ba i 2 Political leaders like leaders of other organizations should betheTheyare serious conesquenceshe warns in not wanting to know
    N) he presents as an example the failure of the george w bush administration to prepare properly for the aftereffects of the invasion of iraq according to leslie those who ridiculed formerDefense secretary donald rumsfeld for his 2002 remark that we have to be wary of the unknown unknownswere mistaken rumsfeld's idea leslie writes absurd it was smart he adds the tragedy is that he didn't follow his own advice
    o) All of which brings us back to goodell and the christie case and benghazi each critic in those curious i leave it to the reader's political preference to decide which if any charges should remaining determinedly incurious about our own we should be delighted to pursue knowledge for its own sakeeven when what we find out is something we didn't particularly want to
    36 to be curious we need to realize first of all that there are many things we dont know
    37 according to leslie curiosity is essential to one's success
    38 we should feel happy when we pursue knowledge for knowledge's sake
    39 political leaders' lack of curiosity will result in bad consequences
    40 there are often accusations about politicians' and the media's lack of curiosity to find out the truth
    41 the less curious a child is the less knowledge the child may turn out to have
    42 it is widely accepted that academic accomplishment lies in both intelligence and diligence
    43 visiting a bookshop as curiosity leads us can be a good way to entertain ourselves
    44 both the rise of the internet and reduced appetite for literary fiction contribute to peoples declining curiosity
    45 mankind wouldn't be so innovative without curosity
    Section C
    Directions There are 2 passages in this section Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A) B) C) and D) You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre
    Passage one
    Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage
    Aging happens to all of us and is generylly thought of as a natural part of life It would seem silly to call such a thing a diseaseon the other handscientists are increasingly learning that aging and biological age are two different thingsand that the former is a key risk factor for conditions such as heart diseasecancer and many more in that lightaging itself might be seen as something treatable the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin deficiency
    Biophysicist alex zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease he said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to develop treatments
    It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical(制药)industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects he said
    Right now people think of aging as natural and something you can't control he said in academic circles people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions the medical community also takes aging for granted and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range
    But if aging were recognized as a disease he said it would attract funding and change the way we do health care what matters is understanding that aging is curable
    it was always known that the body accumulates damage he added the only way to cure aging is to find ways to repair that damage i think of it as preventive medicine for agerelated conditions
    Leonard hayflick a professor at the university of califomia san francisco said the idea that aging can be cured implies the human lifespan can be increased which some researchers suggest is possible hayflick is not among them
    There 're many people who recover from cancer stroke or heart disease but they continue to age because aging is separate from their disease saideven if those causes of death were eliminated life expectancy would still not go much beyond 92 years
    46 what do people generally believe about aging
    a) it should cause no alarm whatsoever
    b)they just cannot do anything about it
    c) it should be regarded as a kind of disease
    d)they can delay it with advances in science
    47 how do many scientists view aging now
    a) it might be prevented and treated
    c) results from a vitamin deficiency
    b)it can be as risky as heart disease
    d)it is an irreversible biological proces
    48 what does alex zhavoronkov think ofdescribing aging as a discase
    a) it will prompt people to take aging more seriously
    b) it will greatly help reduce the side effects of aging
    c) it will free pharmacists from the conventional beliefs about aging
    d)it will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging
    49 what do we learn about the medical community
    a) they differ from the academic circles in their view on aging
    c)they can contribute to people's health only to a limited extent
    d) they have ways to intervene in people's aging process
    50 what does professor leonard hayflick believe
    a)the human lifespan cannot be prolonged
    b)aging is hardly separable from disease
    c) few people live up to the age of 92
    d) heart disease is the major cause of aging
    Passage two
    Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage
    Female applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences were nearly half as likely to receive excellent letters of recor ompared with their male counterparts christopher intagliata report
    As in many other fields gender bias is widespread in the sciences men score higher starting salaries have more mentoring (指导) and have better odds of being hired studies nigher starting also perceived as more competent than women in stem(science technology engingand Mathematics) fields and new research reveals that men are more likely to receive excellent letters of 
    recommendation too
    Say you know this is the best student I've ever had says kuheli dutt a social scientist and diversity officer at columbia university's lamont campus 
    compare those excellent letters with a merely good letter 'the candidate was productive or intelligent or a solid scientist or something that's clearlysolid praise 'but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional ot one of a kind
    Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1200 letters of recommendation for postdoctor at positions in geosciencethey were all edited for gender and other idetifying informationso dutt and her team could assign them a scoer without knowing the gender of the student they found that and women th udes letters of recommendation from all over the world and written by yeshe findings are in the ioumal nature geoscience
    Dutt says they were not able to evaluate the actual scientific qualificati
    f the apsing the data in the files but she says the results still suggest women in geoscience are at apotential disadvantage from the very beginning of their careers starting with those less than outstanding letters of recommendation
    3we re not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone conscious
    Its of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias
    be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level which may lead to some recommendations for the letter writers themselves
    51 what do we learn about applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences
    a) there are many more men applying than women
    b)chancers for women ti get the positin are scare
    c) more males than females are likely to get outstanding letters of recommendation
    d) male applicants have more interest in these positions than their female counterparts
    52 what do studies about men and women in scientific research show
    a women engaged in postdoctoral work are quickly catching up
    b) fewer women are applying for postdoctoral positions due to gender bias
    c) men are believed to be better able to excel in stem disciplines
    d)women who are keenly interested in stem fields are often exceptional
    53What do the studies find about the recommendation letters for women applicants
    a)they are hardly ever supported by concrete examples
    b)they contain nothing that distinguishes the applicants
    c) they provide objective information without exaggerat
    d)they are often filled with praise for exceptional applicants
    54What did dutt and her colleagues do with the more than 1 200 letters of recommendation
    a)they asked unbiased scholars to evaluate them dit them
    b)they  invited women professionais to edit them
    c)them assigned them randomly to reviewers
    d) they deleted all information about gende
    55 what does dutt aim to do with her study
    a) raise recommendation writers' awareness of gender bias in their letters
    b)open up fresh avenues for women postdoctors to join in research work
    c) alert women researchers to all types of gender bias in the stem disciplines
    d) start a public discussion on how to raise womens status in academic circles
     Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)
      Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2
    Part I Writing 
      As we widely know that the relationship between parents and children plays a significant role in the domestic relationship which not only serves as crucial bridge to build trust and connection between two generations but also exerts a profound and subtle influence toward to children’s personal growth
      In order to strengthen the relationship it is imperative to cultivate the respect between generations which not only includes the respect to parents from children but also the other way around Furthermore it is sensible for the parents to spend more time on the company with their children enhancing the affection between each other Finally it is wise for the parents to set an example rather than make demands enabling the children to follow and achieve spiritual development
      To sum up the sound relationship between two generations requires the integration of numerous measures derived from the joint effort of parents children and schools
    Part II Listening Comprehension
    1B) Her little brother
    2C) By selling lemonade and pictures
    3C) Providing clean energy to five million people
    4B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways
    5A) Endless fighting in the region
    6D) To find evidence of the existence of the lost lions
    7B) Lions’ tracks
    8D) A special gift from the man
    9D) Threw her a surprise party
    10B) The trip her husband has planned
    11C) He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out
    12A) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation
    13B) They know when to stop
    14C) They learn quickly
    15D) Get to know the other side
    16D) How space research benefits people on Earth
    17B) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space
    18A) They are extremely accurate 
    19C) It marked the beginning of something new
    20A) They believed in working for goals
    21D) Doing needlework by the fire
    22C) Sit down and try to calm yourself
    23B) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers
    24D) Walk uphill
    25A) Inform somebody of your plan
    Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension 
    26 G)exposure
    27 L)levels
    28 F)enroll
    29 O)participated
    30 C)championships
    31 E) developing
    32 M)local
    33 N)operates
    34 I)feeding
    35 B)career
    36 H)to be curious we need to realize first of all that there are many things we don' t know
    37 D) according to leslie curiosity is essential to one s success
    38 O)we should feel happy when we pursue knowledge for knowledge s sake
    39 M)political leaders' lack of curiosity will result in bad consequences
    40 B) there are often accusations aboutpoliticians and the media s lack of curiosity to find out the truth
    41 L)the less curious a child is the less knowledge the child may turn out to have
    42 k) it is widely accepted that academic accomplishment lies in both intelligence and diligence
    43 J) a bookshop as curiosity eads us can be a good way to entertain ourselves
    44 G)both the rise of the internet and reduced appetite for literary fiction contribute to people' s declining curiosity
    45 F)mankind wouldn' t be so innovative without curiosity
    46 what do velieve about aging
    b)they just cannot do anything about It
    47 how do many scientists view aging now
    a) might be prevented and treated
    48 what does alex zhavoronkov think of describing aging as a disease
    d)it will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging
    49 what do we learn about the medical community
    c)they can contribute to people's health only to a limited extend 
    50 what does professor leonard hayflick believe
    a)the human lifespan cannot be prolonged
    51 what do we learn about applicants postdoctoral positions in geosciences
    c)more males than females are likely to get outstanding letters of recommen dafion
    52 what do studies about men and women in scientific research show
    C)Men are believed to be better able to excel in stem disciplines
    53 what do the studies find about the recommendation letters for women appli cants
    b) they contain nothing that distin guishes the application
    54 what did dutt and her colleagues do with the more than 1 200 letters of recommendation
    d) they deleted all information about gender
    55 what does dutt aim to do with her study
    d) start a public discussion on how to raise women's status in academic circles
    Part Ⅳ Translation
      Mountain Tai 2700 m above sea level and 400 square kilometers which is located in the western part of China It enjoys not only the magnificent sight but the high reputation for its historical culture Mountain Tai is a place of worship for pilgrims for 3000 thousand years
      According to the record it was visited by 72 emperors in total Many writers obtain inspiration and compose poems and compositions by visiting Mountain Tai Besides artists also draw paintings here Consequently there are a lot of cultural relics and historic sites Nowadays Mountain Tai has become one of the most wellknown tourist attractions in China




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