
    单元测6 试题答案
    ―Could you help me with this crossword puzzleplease
    [答案]BSorry I can’tIt’s too difficult for me

    ―Do you still like playing Majiang now
    [答案]CNot at allI haven’t played it for ages

    ―How often do you go dancing
    [答案]CEvery other day

    ―What do you think of the song
    [答案]AIt sounds sweet

    ―Let’s go to a movie after workOK
    [答案]BNever mind

    I really appreciate_________to help mebut I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself
    [答案]Ayour offering

    Society is now much more_________than ever before

    He’s the best_________I’ve come across this seasona great player

    I prefer_________to_________
    [答案]Cdriving……being driven

    It is necessary_________the book immediately
    [答案]Cfor him to return

    It’s no use_________herelet’s go home

    She_________close contacts with the scientist for many years

    There are many ways_________the problem
    [答案]Ato solve

    These shops_________to the needs of children

    We have fully_________smoke alarms on all staircases

    1Judy doesn’t like to play games that require her to think hard[答案]F
    2Henry is good at darts[答案]T
    3Henry used to play dominos with his parents every day[答案]F

    4Judy enjoys playing cards online[答案]F
    5Judy is an expert at mahjong[答案]F

    In 1933an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt DisneyHe had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney’s cartoon(动画片) film for children

    When Walt Disney heard Nash’s voicehe said Stop That’s our duck

    The duck was the nowfamous Donald Duckwho first appeared in 1934 in the film The Wise Little HenDonald lived in an old houseboat(水住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hatLater that year he became a star after an eightminute Mickey Mouse filmThe cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪)and because he lost his temper(发脾气) very quicklyAnd they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickey’s eight nephews(侄子)Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himselfprobably because he wasn’t a goodygoody like Mickey

    In the 1930s40s and 50s Donald and hid friends MickeyGoofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoonsHe also made educational films about the place of the USA in the worldand safety in the homeThen in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappearedthere were no more new cartoons

    Clarence Nash died in February1985But today’s children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice
    1When was the first Donald Duck film made
    [答案]BIn 1934 

    2Who was Clarence Nash
    [答案]BDonald Duck’s voice

    3Where do today’s children see Donald Duck
    [答案]COn television

    4The underlined word audience in the second paragraph means_________
    [答案]Cthe people who watch a film at a cinema

    5The underlined word goodygoody in the second paragraph means a person who_________
    [答案]Alikes to appear to be faultless in behaviour

    A brand new Mine craft game will be storydriven

    The new series of Mine craft Story Mode will be set in the world of Mine craftbut it will feature an original story that combines new characters with familiar themesIt is driven by player choiceIt will be a separate standalone product

    The decision to make the new game communitydriven is potentially brilliantIt’s interesting that feedback from the community is going to be brought into Mine craft Story ModeIn a wayit echoes what Mine craft isIt is a usergenerated world
    It’s likely that there already have been gamers on Mine craft fan blogsThey have come up with theories as to how the universe was createdThere could be lots of contradictory things thereBut from a marketing standpointit makes all the sense in the world for the community of you guys are going to write this

    Mine craft first came out in 2009 and is probably due for an evolution of some sortStory Mode seems like a natural next stepA dedicated fan base has very high expectationsIt will be satisfied with the story it is developing

    There will be challengeshoweverMine craft does not follow what the game industry is used to working withIt will be a completely different development scenarioIt is a world with no story and starting from the beginningAs long as the Mine craft story is popular and successfulthat might be OK
    1The new series of game will feature a new story with unfamiliar themes[答案]F
    2The new game will be combined with other products[答案]F
    3The new game is communitydriven[答案]T
    4The game fans can create the theories of the universe on the Minecraft blogs[答案]T
    5Minecraft strictly follows the rules of the game industry[答案]F




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