
    (1)ADoes it cost the same for every household
    BYou can pay right hereon the Internet
    CJust go ahead
    DWe do for the live Cable TV programs
    EExactlyeven digital boxes
    Liu HuiGordonmay I ask you a question
    GordonHiLiu Hui1
    Liu HuiDo I need to pay for a TV license if I only watch TV online in the UK
    GordonYesindeedYou need to be covered by a TV license if you watch or record programs as they're being shown on TV or live on an online TV service
    Liu HuiIncluding watching TV on computers and mobile phones
    Gordon2It is the law
    Liu HuiI seeHow much is the license fee
    GordonIt costs£14550 for a color TV license and£4900 for a black and white TV license
    Liu HuiThat's a lot of money for a year3
    GordonIt costs the same for all applicants under 75When you reach the age of 75you may apply for a free Over 75 TV License
    Liu HuiI see
    GordonDo you need such a license in China
    Liu Hui4
    GordonOhit sounds similarBut for BBCthe license fee is the main source of incomeThere is no advertising on the BBC channels
    Liu HuiBy the waywhere should I go to pay for my license
    Liu HuiWellsureThank you

    (2)Aeven without international links
    BChinese students and academics
    Cthe crisis on economic growth
    DA strong research system
    Ein part because of this
    Education and academic quality can mean different things to different peopledepending on their perspectiverole and context and
    1quality is notoriously difficult to evaluateThe question of how to do this has been pursued for many years
    Neverthelessthe goal of improving educational quality is agreed by all and stimulated further by the recent worldwide economic downturn and the need to counteract the impact of 2 and prepare for economic recovery
    As the World Bank and UNESCO said 10 years agoThe quality of knowledge generated within higher education institutionsand its availability to the wider economyis becoming increasingly critical to national competitivenessThey also rightly emphasized that3 at the national level opens up the possibility that substantial additional public benefits can be realized through international links
    This is precisely why 4 should contribute to these global benefitsreforming and improving evaluation systems for educational and academic qualityOriginal and good researchespecially in scienceeconomics and social scienceshas a trickledown effect on societyAnd it offers additional benefits 5though international collaboration and exchange of the best evaluation policy and practice can bring substantial advantages to all partners in relation to lessons learned elsewhere

    (1)RespondentBinhai People's Hospital
    AddressNo 7Binhai RoadBinhai City
    The following answer is given to Zhang Hua's claim for personalinjury compensation by the Binhai People's Hospital
    1The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with Zhang HuaZhang Hua had an oral contract to remove the highvoltage meter cabinet with Binhai No2 Construction Installation Company on June 102008He was assigned by Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent
    2Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua for the following reasonsFirstlyaccording to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretationsBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for any injury employees suffered in the contract performanceSecondlyZhang Hua seriously violated the operational procedure in removing the highvoltage meter cabinet and failed to pay due attention thereto
    3The respondent shall not be responsible for compensating the injuries of Zhang HuaAccording to the General Principles of the Civil Lawany person engaged in highly dangerous operations shall be responsible for compensationIn this casethe respondent entered into a contract with Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Companywhereby the source of high danger shifted to Binhai No2 Construction and Installation CompanyBinhai No2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operationand therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company have no connection with the respondent
    ThereforeBinhai People's Hospital is not liable for compensating Zhang HuaWe hereby request the court to reject the plaintiff's action according to law
    Binhai City Intermediate People's Court
    RespondentBinhai People's Court
    DateMay 10th2011
    1According to the plaintiff1 should be responsible for compensating Zhang Hua
    正确答案Binhai People's Hospital
    2Zhang Hua had an oral contract with 2
    正确答案Binhai No2 Construction and Installation Company
    3The respondent stated 3 reasons to reject Zhang Hua's claim
    4Zhang Hua himself 4 bear some responsibilities
    55 was quoted by the respondent
    正确答案General Principles of the Civil Law

    (2)Liu Hui interviews DrSmith about the issue of educational inequality
    Liu HuiThank youDrSmithfor agreeing to be interviewed by our Campus News WeeklyFirstwhat do you mean by educational inequality
    DrSmithEducational inequality is the disparity that certain students experience in their education as compared to other studentsBut the meaning of it varies in different social contexts
    Liu HuiWhy does it exist in modern society
    DrSmithWellresearchers link educational inequality to socioeconomicracial and geographic reasons
    Liu HuiSo it is very likely that educational inequality exists in different forms in different countries
    DrSmithYeahyou are rightFor examplein the United Statesalthough skin color is linked to other forms of inequalityit is evident in education
    Liu HuiEducational inequality exists in ChinatooFor examplethe college entrance rate is much higher in Beijing than in other provincesHow do you think can we someday eradicate the inequality
    DrSmithIt's impossible to answer such a big question in few wordsEducational inequality has become one of the most important political and social issues in every nation nowadaysThere have been numerous attempts at reforms and
    Wellresearchers link educational inequality to 1
    正确答案racialsocioeconomic and geographic reasons
    2According to the passage2
    Ain the United Statesskin color is linked to other forms of inequalitybut not in
    正确答案in the United Statesskin color is linked to the inequality in education
    3Educational inequality exists in 3
    正确答案all the countries
    4What does the worderadicatemean in the passage4
    正确答案get rid of
    5What's the attitude of DrSmith to the future of education equality5

    (1)All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiverThe sender is responsible for successful conveyanceThe sender's personalitybeliefscultural and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the messageSimply putencoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sendingThese symbols are usually words in written or spoken formTo ensure successful communicationthe sender should know as much about his or her audience–the receiver–as possible in order to focus and support the encoding process
    In addition to this awareness of self and encodingthe sender must choose the proper channel for conveying the messageUsing the wrong channel may result in miscommunicationLike the senderreceivers are influenced by internal factorstheir personalitytheir receptivity to the message or their relationship to the senderAdditionallytheir current feelingsmoodor state of mind can affect a messageOnce the message moves through the channelthe receiver then decodes itThe receiver uses his or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret its meaning
    Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the senderIt is feedback that enables the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or notTherefore it is essential to the communication process
    This processthough very commonis fraught with potential breakdown at every turnSpoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpretIn conclusioneffective and successful Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback
    1The sender's gender also influences the message1
    2Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message that will be sent later2
    3These symbols are usually words and sentences in written form3
    4Channel is not crucial for conveying the message4
    5Feedbacks enable the sender to know whether the receiver has received the message successfully or not5

    (2)NEW YORK–The five men facing trial in the Sept11 attacks will plead not guiltyThey would state their criticisms of USforeign policythe lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday
    Scott Fenstermakerthe lawyer for accused terrorist Ali Abd alAziz Alisaid the men would not deny their role in the 2001 attacks butwould explain what happened and why they did it
    Ali and four other men are accused of killing nearly 3000 people in the nation's deadliest terrorist attackThe USJustice Department announced earlier this month that they will face a civilian federal trial just blocks from the World Trade Center site
    Ali is also known as Ammar alBaluchiHe is a nephew of claimed 911 plannerKhalid Sheikh Mohammed
    MohammedAli and the others will explaintheir assessment of American foreign policyFenstermaker said
    Their assessment is negativehe said
    Fenstermaker met with Ali last week at the USprison at Guantanamo Bay in CubaHe has not spoken with the othersBut he said the men have discussed the trial among themselves
    Fenstermaker was first quoted in The New York Times in Sunday's editions
    Critics of Attorney General Eric Holder decided to try the men in a New York City civilian courthouseIt has warned that the trial would provide the defendants with a propaganda platform
    Dean Boyda spokesman for the Department of Justicesaid Sunday that while the men may attempt to use the trial to express their viewswe believe the courts and the federal judge may govern the trialThe course of justice will be led appropriately and with minimal breakas federal courts have done in the past
    1The five men thought that the USforeign policy should be blamed for the 911 attack1
    2Scott Fenstermaker is the lawyer for Ali Abd alAziz Ali and four other men2
    3Nearly 3000 people were killed in the 911 attack3
    4The press didn't care about this civilian federal trial4
    5We can infer from the article that the prisoners also have their freedom to express their own views in the USA5

    (3)James Bush
    35 West 9 Avenue
    M0651 222555
    Nick CBrown
    Hiring Manger
    Saint Louis Mental Health Service
    16 Mary Street
    River DaleIL 566077
    Dear MrBrown
    I wish to apply for the position of Social Worker as advertised on seekcomauPlease find my resume attached
    For almost two years I have worked as Mental Health Case Manager for Truecare and their Housing and Accommodation Support InitiativeDuring the time I have proven my ability to work with an interdisciplinary teamand also developed interpersonal skills and strong professional relationships with clientsincluding individualsfamilies and community groupsIn my work I have acquired a thorough understanding of the Mental Health Act of 2014 in relation to social work
    My duties have included providing psychosocial support to clientsin the form of oneonone counselling as well as group therapydeveloping and overseeing treatment plans for clientsadvising family caregiversand consulting with doctorstherapists and medical professionalsI was awarded with the New Employee Achievement Award for my work on a difficult case in 2015My strong verbal and written communication skills have been well utilized in this role and I have also demonstrated solid organizational skills in my case management
    I have a strong desire to make a positive difference in people's lives and I believe I would be an asset to St Paul's Hospital if given the opportunity
    If you require more information please contact me at the phone numbers aboveI am available for interviews and hope to hear from you soon
    Yours sincerely
    James Bush
    James has almost twoyear experiences of social work1
    2James provides psychosocial support to clientsin the form of group therapy2
    3James does not give advice to family caregivers3
    4James's strong verbal and written communication skills have been well used in this position4
    5James believes he would be a valuable staff to St Paul's Hospital if given the opportunity5

    (4)I've been living in the country for more than 10 yearsIt means quietnessprivacyharmony and peace for me
    Living in the country requires an active lifestyleIt involves activities like doing daily chorespreparing firewood for winter heatingfeeding animals including pets and livestocktending the gardenor securing fencesetcFor methe most attractive activities are fishinghunting and hikingI enjoy seeing what nature has to offer everyday through a simple walk down the little trailor a relaxing drive along the country road with patches of green grass ornamented with wildlife sightings of birdsmoosebearsdeeretc
    Living the country life helps us appreciate some of the simpler thingsthings that make us feel good about ourselves and the worldIt may be just a get together on a Saturday at the local farmers marketor a project or a problem that the community might pull together to help solveI have participated in a few community projectslike dealing with outofcontrol grass firesa roof that collapsed from a large snow fallor even helping a recent widow with fire wood for the winterSometimes I am surprised by how much benefit we receive from helping others and as for this community I can’t say enough
    I really enjoy living the country lifeI know it’s not for everyonebut I know it's for me
    1The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decadeand heshe loves living there1
    2Living in the country is not busy at all2
    3The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day3
    4People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday4
    5According to the authornobody dislikes countryside life5





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