
    1 ______________________________ No sorry I didn't know the rule about punching in Are you late this morning Wendy Didn't you punch out this morning Wendy Didn't you punch in this morning Wendy 参考答案Didn't you punch in this morning Wendy
    2 I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments __________________ I should imagine so No problem That's a good idea 参考答案I should imagine so
    3Leave the reference books behind __________ you won't be able to think independently or and so 参考答案or
    4I am ________________your early coming  looking forward to  looking forward  look forward to 参考答案looking forward to
    5He will write to me as soon as he ________ home will have returned returns will return 参考答案 returns
    7A number of boys ____________absent some time during the term have been has been will 参考答案have been
    8This is the man ___ last night whom I saw him whom I saw who I saw him 参考答案whom I saw
    10_______________________________ We have three major divisions Operations Sales and Marketing Finance and Administration How many departments do we have Which division are you in Which department shows the best 参考答案How many departments do we have
    11The key_________ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company to in of 参考答案to
    12 I wish you success in your career _________________ Go ahead It doesn't matter The same to you 参考答案The same to you
    13 I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow __________________ See you later Have a pleasant trip  Let's go out for a drink 参考答案Have a pleasant trip
    14 Who should be responsible for the accident The boss not the workers They just carried out the order_______ as are told as told as they told 参考答案as told
    18A bus driver _______________ the safety of his passengers is responsible in is responsible for is responsible to 参考答案is responsible for
    19The programme gives students the ___________to learn more about global warming success ambition opportunity 参考答案opportunity
    20My friend invited me __________ the art club and I accepted it with pleasure join to join joining 参考答案to join
    21This is the man ___ last night 参考答案whom I saw

    9二听力理解 听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) task4_testmp3 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Wendy punched in this morning {T F}
    2 They need to punch out after work {T F}
    3 They need to work overtime {T F} 
    4 They can wear casual clothes when going out on a sales call {T F}
    5 They can use office phones for personal matters {T F}
    参考答案子问题 1F 子问题 2T 子问题 3T 子问题 4F 子问题 5F
    15二听力理解 听话录音根话容完成方
    (题10分) TASK3_TESTMP3 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 The two speakers are _________ {A B C} A teacher and student B colleagues C classmates
    2 There are divisions in the company _________ {A B C} A 3 B 4 C 10
    3 Customer Service is a part of division _________ {A B C} A Operations B Sales and Marketing C Finance and Administration 
    4 The Sales and Marketing includes departments _________ {A B C} A 2 B 3 C 4
    5 The director of the Sales and Marketing is now _________ {A B C} A in an online meeting B on holiday C on a business trip
    参考答案子问题 1B 子问题 2A 子问题 3B 子问题 4C 子问题 5C
    6二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE IN HOOGLE ENGINEERING I'm Michael Bush Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and I'd like to tell you a little about the company and its organization Hoogle Engineering was set up in 1960 It was divided into several departments at that time such as the sales department marketing department and production department Lots of managers were employed to manage it all Fortunately things are different now Sixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the business The market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwide not just locally But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spoke to each other We had a tall structure Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given Then you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every day Then you moved up to the middle management who were doing the tasks of getting new business and then you had the senior management team and then you had the board who decided the business strategy So there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a product Each team has members that can manufacture different products The actual teams now are selfmanaging so we don't even have team leaders You've got the teams and then you've got two people only two people who are what you think of as management This is generally called flat structure 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 Hoogle Engineering was set up in __________ B the twentieth century
    2 There are many different __________of management in a tall structure B levels
    3 People in a flat structure usually work in __________ C teams 
    4 All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that __________ B the author thinks the two structures have the same functions
    5 The best title for the passage is __________ A Organization Structure in Hoogle Engineering
    17二完型填空(空10分) 操作提示通中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Joachim's vision is based on an idea called pleaching (编织) where tree branches are grown so that they naturally weave together Since the growth patterns of trees are 回答 by wind and sunlight it may be possible to control the way a tree developsThese Fabricated Tree House Habitats would use trees grown into shapes as housing One of the 回答 of these designs is that trees would not have to be cut down for lumberA 100 percent treehouse would take years to create Joachim said.回答 the climate a house could take anywhere from 5 to 30 years to grow Fortunately there's a way to speed up the process Joachim suggests including ecological materials such as sod (草皮) grasses and living branches in the housing designs This material would be able to move as the house grows Joachim said.A home would become an actual ecosystem a community of plants animals and bacteria working together The trees would also give off water vapor that would assist in 回答 the homes Solar panels and wind would help provide energy The tree homes might even have soil pockets where plants could grow from the structure itself Work has already begun on Joachim's first design—a house made from 50 percent recycled and 50 percent living things Joachim is confident about the 回答 of his work as he uses natural products without destroying natureThe environment and its study are very important We need to respect nature don't take it for granted he said.
    参考答案子问题 1affected 子问题 2advantages 子问题 3Depending on 子问题 4cooling 子问题 5importance
    20二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) MANAGING ONESELF We live in an age full of opportunities If you are smart enough and have got ambition and keep pushing forward you can rise to the top of your chosen profession no matter where you started out But with opportunity comes responsibility Companies today aren't managing their employees' careers Professional workers must be their own chief executive officers (CEO) It's up to you to strive for your place to keep yourself engaged and productive during a working life that may last around 50 years To do those things well you'll need to have a deep understanding of yourself not only what your strengths and weaknesses are but also how you learn how you work with others what your values are and where you can make the greatest contribution because only when you operate from strength can you achieve true excellence History's great achievers Napoléon da Vinci and Mozart have always managed themselves But they are so unusual both in their talents and in their accomplishments as to be considered rare exceptions Now most of us even those of us with modest talents will have to learn to manage ourselves We will have to learn to develop ourselves We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution And we will have to stay mentally alert and engaged during a 50year working life which means knowing how and when to change the work we do 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Companies today are responsible for employee's career { F}
    2 It is the CEO who decides your place {F}
    3 You need to understand your company well so that you can do things well {F}
    4 Understanding yourself means knowing well about your strengths weaknesses your values how you learn how you do with others and so on {T}
    5 Ordinary people cannot manage themselves well { F}
    参考答案子问题 1F 子问题 2F 子问题 3F 子问题 4T 子问题 5F
    21二翻译 面句子选择正确翻译(题10分) 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 If you are smart enough and have got ambition and keep pushing forward you can rise to the top of your chosen profession C 果聪明进心勇直前选职业领域中出类拔萃
    2 It's up to you to strive for your place to keep yourself engaged and productive during a working life that may last around 50 years B 约50年职业生涯中否积极进勤奋工作取成效取决
    3 They are so unusual both in their talents and their accomplishments as to be considered rare exceptions A 正智成非样例子少少
    4 We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution C 应该放做出贡献位置
    5 Some are still nervous about losing their jobs despite the low wages A 工资高担心失份工作

    国开04019理英语3务2参考答案 说明果课程
    1I'm more than happy to go out this weekend _________________ We've got so much work to do at that time Don't worry Forget it Don't say so 参考答案Forget it
    2________________ She gave two weeks What did she get How much time did she give What did she do 参考答案How much time did she give
    3 I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John's birthday party _____ didn't I didn't you hadn't you 参考答案didn't you
    4The light is too _______ for me to read I can not stand any more dim ripe  soup 参考答案dim
    5If you need further information please _______ our office constant construct contact 参考答案contact
    7 Sorry I made a mistake again _________ Practise more and you’ll succeed Never mind Certainly not Don't mention it 参考答案Never mind
    8 –__________ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday – Peter's Whose What Which 参考答案Whose
    9The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of 10000 worm tube criminal 参考答案criminal 
    10Could I help you with your heavy box You are so tired _____________ I can manage it No thanks Yes please All right 参考答案No thanks
    11It's ___________ to point to or talk about strangers in public not polite polite good 参考答案not polite
    12Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents children are allowed are children allowed will children allow 参考答案are children allowed
    14How did you find your visit to Qingdao Joanna _____________ Oh wonderful indeed I went there alone A guide showed me the way 参考答案Oh wonderful indeed
    15__________ important it is for kids to imagine freely What How What an 参考答案How
    16I took it for _______ that you wouldn't come here again grand tame granted 参考答案granted
    18He gave up his study in college in _______ bundle despair ash 参考答案despair

    6二听力理解 听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) TASK4_TESTMP3 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 What is the possible relationship between the two speakers {A B C} A A couple B Colleagues C Teacher and student
    2 What is the opinion of the female speaker about high salaries {A B C} A She thinks high salaries can get a lot of talents B She thinks high salaries are the key factor in motivating the staff C She thinks high salaries stop people from moving on
    3 Who controls overtime work {A B C} A The employers B The workers C The companies
    4 FAIR in fair wages means __________ {A B C} A general B competitive C high
    5 The topic of the dialog is about __________ {A B C} A how to control overtime B how to pay wages C how to motivate the employees
     参考答案子问题 1B 子问题 2C 子问题 3B 子问题 4A 子问题 5C
    13二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) WAR FOR TALENT GOES ON IN JOB MARKET The war for talent reads like headlines from many years ago but it has never gone away says Eleanor Nickerson director of UK operations for Top Employers Many companies they have researched are short of talents Though the companies may receive many applications they cannot find the people they want Top Employers' research shows that offering good career chances is the key to attracting and keeping the talent Smart employees know their own value and will want to know what their employers can offer them after 5 or 10 years' career development So keeping staff is the biggest challenge employers face in the long run Yet not every employee feels that they can better their career chances Some are still nervous about losing their jobs despite a recent fall in unemployment says the Trades Union Congress (TUC) TUC points out that some fourfifths of new jobs created have been in part of the economy where average pay rates are less than £8 an hour since the recession began Many of these jobs are on temporary or zerohours contracts A report from the Office for National Statistics published in February showed that real wages have been falling consistently since 2010 It's the longest period since at least 1964 We're still in the hardest living standards squeeze for over a century and those who are already working have had years of realterms pay cuts says TUC spokesperson Liz Chinchen Understanding the pressures that staff face is a good starting point for any employer If employers want to show concern for their staff they should be paying them well and understand that zerohours contracts bring insecurity and extreme money worries 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 According to research by Top Employers many corporations have enough talents for their development { F}
    2 The data shows the key to attracting talents is to offer high salary { F}
    3 The biggest challenge for employers to is keeping staff in the long run {T }
    4 Not all employees believe that they can get a better offer {T }
    5 The wages have been rising consistently since 2010 { F}
    17二完型填空(空10分) 操作提示通
    中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 When it comes to selecting candidates through interview more often than not the decision is made with the first five munutes of a meeting Yet employers like to {suggest convince advise} themselves that they are being exceptionally thorough in their selection processes In today's marketplace the {worth credit quality} of staff is fundamental to the company's success and as a result recruiters use all means at their disposal to secure the best in the field One method in particular that has risen in popularity is testing either psychometric testing(心理测试) which attempts to define psychological characteristics or aptitude testing The idea is that those testing provide an organization with an extra way of establishing a candidate's suitability for a role The employment of psychometric or ability testing as one {component member share} of the recruitment process may have some merits but in reality there is simply no real {extent measure amount} The answer to this problem is experience in interview techniques and a strong definition of the elements of each position to be filled The instinctive decision that many employers make based on a CV and the first five minutes of a meeting are perhaps no less valid than any other tool employed in the {business topic point} of recruitment
    参考答案子问题 1convince 子问题 2quality 子问题 3component 子问题 4measure 子问题 5business
    19二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Human Resources Management (HRM) is the process of managing people and their relationships in an organization These two processes are important in the success and growth of a business In managing people staffing is the most important component of HRM It needs to make guidelines and procedures for hiring and placement Staffing also involves the management of employees on matters like monitoring of holidays absences health and safety disciplinary action and dismissal Another important element of HRM in managing people is keeping the employees in the company The training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is very important Good HRM policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay levels for the different positions in an organization It is important for the staff to know the career path pay training and other opportunities that are available to them Performance management is another important component of HRM The reason for this is that many employers use it to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases The secondary role of HRM is the management of the relationships among people in an organization This includes staff within departments as well as across the whole organization The relationship between staff and management is an important factor in the success of an organization It decides how fast an organization will realize their goals The focus of HRM is the people within an organization Regular planning monitoring and evaluation are important for the success of HRM Successful management ensures that all employees know their role career development and also feel part of an organization 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 ____________is are important in the success of a business B The process of managing people and their relationships
    2 The most important component of HRM is____________A staffing
    3 According to the passage it is important for the employees to know the career path pay training and other opportunities through____________ B policies
    4 We can use____________ to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases C performance management
    5 ____________ is NOT mentioned in the text about the success of HRM C Training

    20二翻译 面句子选择正确翻译(题10分) 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 Though they have a lot of applicants they can't find the people they want B然应聘者找合适2 Practising more is the key to leaning a language A 学语言关键练
    3 Some are still nervous about losing their jobs despite the low wages A 工资高担心失份工作
    4 The teacher pointed out the grammar mistakes in the writing C 老师指出作文里语法错误
    5 How will the evaluation of these investments be carried out B 投资进行评估呢

    国开04019理英语3务3参考答案 说明果课程
    1 In what form will you take the investment ____________ Yes we will We'll contribute a site and the required premises We'll give investment 参考答案We'll contribute a site and the required premises
    2 Is it possible for you to expand business there _____________ I like it I'd love to Yes I think so 参考答案Yes I think so
    3They recommended that the amusement park________ was extended will be extended be extended 参考答案be extended
    4John as well as Mike __________ just been back from an important meeting have has had 参考答案has
    5A budget is an estimation of the _______ and _______ over a specified future period of time cost expense revenue expenses revenue interest 参考答案revenue expenses
    7 Are you going on holiday for a long time _____________ It was a long time Two weeks ago No Only a couple of days 参考答案 No Only a couple of days
    8Rent electricity and insurance are all examples of the company's ________ overhead turnover assets 参考答案overhead
    9You can go out __________ you promise to be back before 12 o'clock so far as as far as as long as 参考答案as long as
    15 Is it more advisable to upgrade our present facilities than taking the risk of opening a new park ____________ Thank you I'm glad to hear that I don't think so 参考答案I don't think so
    16Purchasing the new production line will be a __________ deal for the company profitable forceful tremendous 参考答案profitable
    18They are trying to __________ the waste discharged by the factory for profit expose exhaust exploit 参考答案exploit
    19The manager urged his staff not to __________the splendid opportunity slide miss escape 参考答案miss
    11 I wonder if I could use your computer tonight _________ Sure go ahead It doesn't matter Who cares 参考答案Sure go ahead
    12Let's discuss these problems at the meeting ________ do we shall we will you 参考答案shall we
    13If the building project __________ by the end of this month is delayed the construction company will be fined to be completed is completed being completed 参考答案to be completed

    20二完型填空(空10分) 操作提示通中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it and to go to their offices factories or schools every day by train or by bus even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and {arrive get to go} home later in the evening One benefit of living outside London is that houses are cheaper Even a small flat in London {without with near} a garden costs quite a lot to rent With the same money one can get a little house in the {city place country} with a garden of his own Then in the country one can be free {out of from without} the noise and hurry of the town Although one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or bused one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings one can enjoy the fresh clean air of the country If one likes gardening one can spend one's spare time digging planting watering and doing a lot of other jobs which are needed in the garden Then when the flowers and vegetables come up one has the reward of a person who has shared the secrets of {working nature gardening}
    参考答案子问题 1arrive 子问题 2without 子问题 3country 子问题 4from 子问题 5nature

    6二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) SAVE MONEY BY UNDERSTANDING WHY YOU SPEND IT To save money you simply need to spend less than you earn It is easy to say but why is it so difficult to do To answer this question you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time EASY ACCESS TO CREDIT For most people this is the biggest reason for overspending People can easily get a credit card simply by filling out a short form in a bank or jumping on their website They can borrow money from banks to go shopping even buy cars or houses When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase you will feel you are spending free money or you aren't spending money at all Try using cash to get your spending under control MISUSING CREDIT CARDS A credit card is an interest free shortterm loan When used as planned this can be a powerful financial tool The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month If you make a 200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you can't afford to repay the full amount this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you That is no way of saving money GIVING IN TO TEMPTATION We all need to enjoy life but don't waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they aren't in your budget When you know that you can't afford an activity don't give in Instead invite your friends over for a home dinner party game night or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together but without breaking your budget SPENDING TO FEEL GOOD Everyone enjoys getting something new buying yourself something feels good There is absolutely nothing wrong with this as long as you don't go overboard You'll feel good about your purchase whether you make it with cash or by credit card but you'll feel even better when you don't have to spend the next two years trying to pay it off with 20 interest 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month {T }
    2 Using a credit card to pay is spending free money { F} 
    3 It's easy to get a credit card but hard to make ends meet {T }
     4 If you suffer from a deficit this month you simply have to pay it off by the originalamount in the future { F}
    5 Spending to feel good means keeping your spending within the budget {T }
    10二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) SAVE MONEY BY UNDERSTANDING WHY YOU SPEND IT To save money you simply need to spend less than you earn It is easy to say but why is it so difficult to do To answer this question you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time EASY ACCESS TO CREDIT For most people this is the biggest reason for overspending People can easily get a credit card simply by filling out a short form in a bank or jumping on their website They can borrow money from banks to go shopping even buy cars or houses When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase you will feel you are spending free money or you aren't spending money at all Try using cash to get your spending under control MISUSING CREDIT CARDS A credit card is an interest free shortterm loan When used as planned this can be a powerful financial tool The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month If you make a 200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you can't afford to repay the full amount this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you That is no way of saving money GIVING IN TO TEMPTATION We all need to enjoy life but don't waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they aren't in your budget When you know that you can't afford an activity don't give in Instead invite your friends over for a home dinner party game night or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together but without breaking your budget SPENDING TO FEEL GOOD Everyone enjoys getting something new buying yourself something feels good There is absolutely nothing wrong with this as long as you don't go overboard You'll feel good about your purchase whether you make it with cash or by credit card but you'll feel even better when you don't have to spend the next two years trying to pay it off with 20 interest 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 For most people easy access to credit is the biggest reason for overspending {T F} 2 You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month {T F} 3 Using a credit card to pay is spending free money {T F} 4 Getting credit cards from various banks and using the overdraft to the limit can help you spend to feel good {T F} 5 Always pay attention to your budget while spending {T F} 参考答案子问题 1T 子问题 2T 子问题 3F 子问题 4F 子问题 5T

    14二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) THREE STEPS TO A GOOD MARKETING BUDGET Without good budget management you are likely to overspend on marketing accidentally Here are three steps that help to make a good marketing budget STEP 1 ORGANIZE FINANCIAL INFORMATION The first step is to be clear of your current financial situation You need to know how much money your company makes monthly and the changes that might arise in the future Although income flows change throughout the year you must organize the information based on reliable revenue the minimum amount of money your company makes each month A realistic budget plan will always focus on the income that exceeds the expenses not the total revenue that comes in When you have determined the amount of disposable income available for the company you should determine where the money will go STEP 2 DETERMINE WHERE YOU WANT TO SPEND MARKETING FUNDS After you know the total amount available to spend on marketing the next step is how you plan to spend that money Three main factors decide how you spend marketing funds the budget amount your past experiences and where you can reach the right audience You will start organizing how to spend the funds based on the amount Besides you need to consider the strategies that have worked in the past Also you need to consider which marketing channels will allow you to reach the right audience STEP 3 ASSESS DATA AND MAKE APPROPRIATE CHANGES The final step in building a good marketing budget is the analysis of the plan and any changes that may improve revenue Ultimately marketing is designed to bring in extra revenue If the activity does not bring in any additional revenue over its cost then it is better to change strategy and try something else Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy Evaluation begins with comparing past performance to the performance after marketing the product or services However a good budget alone is not enough You have to take action and remain committed to following through your plan By keeping the budget in mind when you make decisions you will have the opportunity to work out different strategies to find the best solutions for your business goals and prevent overspending on marketing 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 What should the budget plan be based on B The company's reliable income
    2 What does disposable income mean in Passage 3 C Net income
    3 You have to be clear of when organizing financial information A the income and expenses
    4 The three main factors that decide how you spend marketing funds are { B the budget amount your past experiences and where you can reach the right audience
    5 Keeping the budget in mind when making marketing decisions will avoid C using more than you earn

    17二翻译 面句子选择正确翻译(题10分) 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 The cost of the new project will go over budget A 新项目支出超预算
    2 How will the evaluation of these investments be carried out B 投资进行评估呢
    3 A credit card is an interest free shortterm loan A 信卡短期息贷款
    4 Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy C 数评估制定效市场营销策略重环
    5 We should discourage people from using their cars in the city centers C 应该劝阻市中心开车

    国开04019理英语3务4参考答案 说明果课程
    1 I've started my own software company ________________ Could you tell me who is the owner No kidding Congratulations If I had the money I'd start one 参考答案No kidding Congratulations
    2 It's getting dark I'm afraid I must be off now OK _________ Take it easy Go slowly See you 参考答案See you
    3I ______ to know how often the bus runs during rush hour occur happen take place 参考答案happen
    4Raising pigs_____ my job at that time was were has been 参考答案was
    5Many factors both at home and abroad _____ the bankruptcy of the multinational corporation based on put on contributed to 参考答案contributed to
    7 I'm dog tired I can't walk any further Tommy ______ Jenny You can do it No problem Come on No hurry 参考答案Come on
    8 Would you like some more beer _________please Just a little No more I've had enough 参考答案Just a little
    9Can you tell me how ______ to the railway station please getting to get got 参考答案to get
    11 How did you miss your train ____________________ Well I was caught in the traffic jam What's your proposal Never mind 参考答案Well I was caught in the traffic jam
    12Bring me a glass of beer _____ shall I don't you will you 参考答案will you
    14I bought a new car last month but I ______ my old car yet did not sell have not sold had not sold 参考答案have not sold
    15I didn't finish my homework Neither ______ did he didn't he he did 参考答案did he
    16 When do we have to pay the bill ____ December 30 By In During 参考答案By
    18We ____ the last bus and didn't have any money for taxi so we had to walk home lost missed caught 参考答案missed
    20In Beijing the best season in a year is probably__________autumn late later latter 参考答案late

    13二听力理解 听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) TASK3_TESTMP3 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 How many people were fined for breaking traffic rules C Three
    2 Who got the biggest fine B Mike's friend
    3 Helen was fined for A speeding
    4 How long did Mike's friend have his driving license suspended B Three months
    5 Crackdown mean C restricting undesirable actions

    6二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) BEIJING'S ROADS FOR THE FUTURE The road system in Beijing's central business district (CBD) is being redesigned to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency Plans for 45 roads within the CBD have been approved measuring 415 kilometers in total In addition to public buses free or low price shuttle buses from residence areas to subway stations will also be provided for commuters This is just over four times the number of roads opened in 2007 and will add another 155 km to the existing road network Besides roads an underground traffic system has also been operating which includes four new subway lines beneath the CBD The underground connection system is made up of two levels The first underground floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities while the second underground floor is planned for parking The city has also invested 140 million yuan to set up a traffic inquiry system through which the public can check traffic conditions online and see the most convenient routes on their GPS system In the future the CBD will be fully covered by an intelligent traffic control system 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 The road system in Beijing's central business district (CBD) is being designed again {T }
    2 Commuters can only take public buses from residence areas to subway stations { F}
    3 The redesigned road will be 155 kilometers long { F}
    4 The underground traffic system has four new subway lines beneath the CBD {T }
    5 Both levels of the underground connection system are planned for parking F}
    参考答案子问题 1T 子问题 2F 子问题 3F 子问题 4T 子问题 5F
    19二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) ROAD CLOSURE PROCEDURES IN SYDNEY To minimize traffic jams in the city center and on major roads out of Sydney the City's highway department will not agree to road closures scheduled for weekdays or Saturdays On minor roads outside the city center weekdays and Saturdays may be considered You must apply for approval to do roadwork and other roadrelated activities tree cutting and use of very large construction machinery ladders etc Please note that approval is needed if you plan to block the road or footpath Applications to have a road closed to traffic must be completed and sent to the Department's Traffic Calming Committee at least a month before the scheduled date Roads can be closed partially or fully depending on your requirements Partial road closures are only allowed in light traffic areas where there will be at least 1 lane for traffic with extra traffic control measures to make sure 2way traffic can continue to run for the duration of the work Any change of traffic flow will require the proposal to be treated as a full road closure For further information about a partial road closure please refer to Contacts If you are organizing a parade march or other type of streetbased event approval is also required and we recommend you choose one of our 4 preferred routes Choosing an existing route reduces the amount of planning you will need to do 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Closures scheduled for Sundays on minor roads outside the city center may be considered { F}
    2 You need to get approval if you plan to block the road or footpath {T }
    3 Roads can only be closed partially { F}
    4 If you choose an existing route for a parade the amount of planning will be reduced {T }
    5 Road closure applications can be sent to the Department's Traffic Calming Committee one week before the scheduled date { F}
    17二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) ROAD CLOSURE PROCEDURES IN SYDNEY To minimize traffic jams in the city center and on major roads out of Sydney the City's highway department will not agree to road closures scheduled for weekdays or Saturdays On minor roads outside the city center weekdays and Saturdays may be considered You must apply for approval to do roadwork and other roadrelated activities tree cutting and use of very large construction machinery ladders etc Please note that approval is needed if you plan to block the road or footpath Applications to have a road closed to traffic must be completed and sent to the Department's Traffic Calming Committee at least a month before the scheduled date Roads can be closed partially or fully depending on your requirements Partial road closures are only allowed in light traffic areas where there will be at least 1 lane for traffic with extra traffic control measures to make sure 2way traffic can continue to run for the duration of the work Any change of traffic flow will require the proposal to be treated as a full road closure For further information about a partial road closure please refer to Contacts If you are organizing a parade march or other type of streetbased event approval is also required and we recommend you choose one of our 4 preferred routes Choosing an existing route reduces the amount of planning you will need to do 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 As a rule Sydney's highway department will agree to road closures in the city centre scheduled for C Sundays
    2 If you want a road closed to traffic you must complete your applications and send them to the relevant committee at least__________ before the scheduled date B 30 days
    3 Partial of full road closures are decided by A the requirements from applicants
    4 Which is NOT the condition for partial road closures according to the passage B On work days
    5 Which is the best title of this passage {A B C} A Road Closure Procedures in Sydney
    22二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) BEIJING'S ROADS FOR THE FUTURE The road system in Beijing's central business district (CBD) is being redesigned to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency Plans for 45 roads within the CBD have been approved measuring 415 kilometers in total In addition to public buses free or low price shuttle buses from residence areas to subway stations will also be provided for commuters This is just over four times the number of roads opened in 2007 and will add another 155 km to the existing road network Besides roads an underground traffic system has also been operating which includes four new subway lines beneath the CBD The underground connection system is made up of two levels The first underground floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities while the second underground floor is planned for parking The city has also invested 140 million yuan to set up a traffic inquiry system through which the public can check traffic conditions online and see the most convenient routes on their GPS system In the future the CBD will be fully covered by an intelligent traffic control system 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 The road system in Beijing's downtown area is being to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency B designed again
    2 An underground system including new subway lines beneath the CBD has been operating C 4
    3 The underground connection system consists of _____ level(s) B two
    4 CBD stands for _____ A Central Business District
    5 Beijing has set up _______ for people to check traffic conditions C a traffic inquiry system

    10二翻译 面句子选择正确翻译(题10分) 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1We should discourage people from using their cars in the city centers C 应该劝阻市中心开车
    2Car owners may probably be against it at first but people who use public transportation will be in favor of it B 车开始会反公交通工具会支持
    3You must apply for approval to do roadwork and other roadrelated activities B 必须申请获批进行道路施工道路关活动
    4The first underground floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities while the second underground floor is planned for parking A 层行通道商业设施二层计划作停车场
    5 The area of grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live A 长草区域应该害虫生存空间

    21二完型填空(空10分) 操作提示通
    中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 It's very interesting to study names of different countries Chinese names are different from foreign names Once an English lady came to {look at watch visit} me When I was introduced to her she said Glad to meet you Miss Ping Then she gave me her name card with three words on it Betty J Black So I said Thank you Miss Betty We looked at each other and laughed heartily Later I found that the English people {put brought took} their family names last and the given names first while their middles are not used very much I explained to her that the Chinese family name {came comes put} first the given name last so she {would could should} never call me Miss Ping She asked if we Chinese had a middle name I told her we didn't But people may often find three words on a Chinese name card In this case the family name still comes first the other words after it {is was are} a twoword given name It is quite usual in China My sister is Li Xiaofang She has two words in her given name instead of just one like mine
    参考答案子问题 1visit 子问题 2put 子问题 3came 子问题 4would 子问题 5is

    国开04019理英语3务5参考答案 说明果课程
    1 What vegetables are in season now Radish and carrot_____ I know I see I think 参考答案I think
    2 Jack won't like the film you know ___________________ I don't care what Jack thinks So why So what So how 参考答案So what
    3_____ is known to all too much fat causes heart problems It As Just as 参考答案As
    4The machine _____this morning for no reason broke off broke out broke up 参考答案broke out
    5All things ______ the planned flight will have to be cancelled be considered considered considering 参考答案considered
    7 If you invite a Muslim to dinner what are you advised not to order for him _____________ chicken pork mutton 参考答案pork
    8 Do you mind if I smoke here __________________ No thanks Yes please Yes better not 参考答案Yes better not
    9This is the book ______I have learned a lot to which by whom from which 参考答案from which
    10I don't think anyone can accuse him ____________ not being honest of with about 参考答案of
    11We have spent all of our spare time ______ our spare money on the project as soon as as long as as well as 参考答案as well as
    13What do you think about Japanese food ____________________ Overall the diet there is a healthy one low fat Public environment has been greatly improved I didn't have much time to prepare food so I ate out a lot 参考答案Overall the diet there is a healthy one low fat
    14I'm used to____________up early now get getting to get 参考答案getting
    15 Does she speak French or German She doesn't _____ either neither none 参考答案either
    16I ________ a book when the telephone______ was reading…rang read…rang was reading…was ringing 参考答案was reading…rang
    17A vegetarian diet consists of the following EXCEPT ___________ meat vegetable fruit 参考答案meat

    6二听力理解 听话录音根话容完成方(题10分) TASK4_TESTMP3 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 The problem with Koukou Old Yogurt is that it contains _ C industrial gelatin
    2 We can infer from the dialog that lead is _A a heavy metal
    3 According to Michael food safety problems can't be prevented because C the industrial standards are too low
    4 Melinda's solution to the food safety problem is A punishing the companies concerned severely
    5 In the dialog _send a clear message_ to means to B warn

    12二听力理解 听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) TASK3_TESTMP3 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Helen is worried about food safety {T }
    2 So far the contaminated baby milk hasn't caused any deaths yet { F}
    3 Food incidents occur not as often nowadays as before { F}
    4 Food safety is an old problem {T }
    5 Public confidence in the milk industry will be back soon { F}
    18二听力理解 听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) TASK4_TESTMP3 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Michael is still drinking Koukou Old Yogurt these days { F}
    2 Industrial gelatin has reportedly been added into Koukou Old Yogurt {T }
    3 There are heavy metals in the yogurt under discussion {T }
    4 Food safety issues seem to be somewhat outstanding nowadays {T }
    5 At present people eat very little processed food { F}
    20二完型填空(空10分) 操作提示通中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Fruit is good for people Many people eat some {fruit pears apples} every day Mr Black and Mrs Black like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs Black goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot She can buy all {kind pieces kinds} of fruit there like apples pears oranges and bananas In different time of the year the {prices price value} of each kind of fruit is not the {good bad same} sometimes high something low Mrs Black likes to buy cheap fruit But Mr Black likes bananas only She buys bananas for him every week She only buys cheap {fruit goods products} for herself
    参考答案子问题 1fruit 子问题 2kinds 子问题 3price 子问题 4same 子问题 5fruit

    24二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分) THE INTERNATIONAL FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITIES NETWORK (INFOSAN) With the rapid globalization of food production and trade international issues related to food safety are likely to increase Food safety authorities all over the world have realized that food safety problems should be carried out at both national and international levels There is a pressing need for exchanging routine information on food safety issues and sharing experiences and information quickly when a food safety related event takes place INFOSAN is a joint program between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) This global network includes 181 Member States Each has a designated INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point which manages communication between national food safety authorities The network aims to Promote the rapid exchange of information during food safety related events Share information on important food safety related issues of global interest Promote partnership and cooperation between countries Help countries strengthen their capacity to manage food safety risks As part of its routine activities the INFOSAN Secretariat publishes reports in six languages and provides members with summaries and guidance on relevant food safety issues INFOSAN helps exchange food safety information and experience among its members It is also a useful resource for other public health organizations which recognize INFOSAN as an organization through which findings of investigations and strategies for improving food safety may be shared INFOSAN monitors possible international food safety related events in close cooperation with the WHO Alert and Response Operations program INFOSAN can work with other international organizations to provide assistance to the countries or regions with emerging food safety events of possible international concern 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 It is probable that there will be more and more safety related issues worldwide {T
    2 Food safety authorities in each country believe that food safety problems should be solved within their country { F}
    3 The major duty of the INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point in each FAO member state is to manage communication between national food safety authorities {T
    4 Public health organizations can get findings of investigations and strategies for food safety improvement from INFOSAN {T
    } 5 INFOSAN monitors possible international events concerning food safety independently { F}

    19二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) FOOD SAFETY A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food Pest control experts say poisons should never be used where they may enter food They say the first line of defense against pests is to clean the places where the food is handled or stored Floors food preparation surfaces and tools can be disinfected with chemicals like chlorine iodine or bromine Food containers should be stored about half a meter off the ground and about half a meter away from any walls Storage areas should be kept dry and clean Containers for raw materials such as rice wheat etc should be kept closed and clean Any foodstuff split during delivery or handling should be cleared up both inside and outside the building Pests enter a building from the outside so pay attention to outer walls Small stones can be used to cover the ground and block the growth of plants and the grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live Check that doors and windows are completely closed Also any hole that might allow pests to enter a building should be filled Rats can enter through a hole the size of a coin A mouse can pass through a hole half that size Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be taken by employees This will aid the efforts and also help prepare for any inspections In most countries there is a food and drug administration bureau or some agency with a similar name which enforces rules nationwide responsible for rules about the use of pesticides etc However businesses where food is stored prepared or sold must also follow state and local health laws Most of these governmental departments or bureaus have their websites with information about food safety policies and other issues People can easily access the information 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 According to pest control experts why should poisons never be used in food companies A Because they may enter food
    2 What is the first line of defense against pests B To clean the places where food is handled or stored
    3 How can floors food preparation surfaces and tools be disinfected C With chemicals
    4 Why should attention be paid to outer wallsA To prevent pests from entering a building from outside
    5 What dose the passage mainly talk about C How to control rats and insects without harming the food

    21二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) FOOD SAFETY A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food Pest control experts say poisons should never be used where they may enter food They say the first line of defense against pests is to clean the places where the food is handled or stored Floors food preparation surfaces and tools can be disinfected with chemicals like chlorine iodine or bromine Food containers should be stored about half a meter off the ground and about half a meter away from any walls Storage areas should be kept dry and clean Containers for raw materials such as rice wheat etc should be kept closed and clean Any foodstuff split during delivery or handling should be cleared up both inside and outside the building Pests enter a building from the outside so pay attention to outer walls Small stones can be used to cover the ground and block the growth of plants and the grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live Check that doors and windows are completely closed Also any hole that might allow pests to enter a building should be filled Rats can enter through a hole the size of a coin A mouse can pass through a hole half that size Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be taken by employees This will aid the efforts and also help prepare for any inspections In most countries there is a food and drug administration bureau or some agency with a similar name which enforces rules nationwide responsible for rules about the use of pesticides etc However businesses where food is stored prepared or sold must also follow state and local health laws Most of these governmental departments or bureaus have their websites with information about food safety policies and other issues People can easily access the information 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 Where according to Pest control experts should poisons never be used A Where food may be contaminated
    2 From the text we know that like chlorine iodine or bromine are all B chemicals
    3 Outer walls are built A to prevent pests from entering a building from outside
    4 Why is it necessary for supervisors to make a list of pest control measures e for any inspection
    5 The responsibilities of a food and drug administration bureau is A to set up rules about the use of pesticides and enforces them all over the country

    22二阅读理解 阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分) THE INTERNATIONAL FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITIES NETWORK (INFOSAN) With the rapid globalization of food production and trade international issues related to food safety are likely to increase Food safety authorities all over the world have realized that food safety problems should be carried out at both national and international levels There is a pressing need for exchanging routine information on food safety issues and sharing experiences and information quickly when a food safety related event takes place INFOSAN is a joint program between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) This global network includes 181 Member States Each has a designated INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point which manages communication between national food safety authorities The network aims to Promote the rapid exchange of information during food safety related events Share information on important food safety related issues of global interest Promote partnership and cooperation between countries Help countries strengthen their capacity to manage food safety risks As part of its routine activities the INFOSAN Secretariat publishes reports in six languages and provides members with summaries and guidance on relevant food safety issues INFOSAN helps exchange food safety information and experience among its members It is also a useful resource for other public health organizations which recognize INFOSAN as an organization through which findings of investigations and strategies for improving food safety may be shared INFOSAN monitors possible international food safety related events in close cooperation with the WHO Alert and Response Operations program INFOSAN can work with other international organizations to provide assistance to the countries or regions with emerging food safety events of possible international concern 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 The need for regular exchange of information on food safety issues is __________ when a food safety related event emerges B urgent
    2 It is __________ that international issues related to food safety will increase C probable
    3 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) carries out the food safety problem A with WHO
    4 INFOSAN is responsible for the following EXCEPT C promoting trade between countries
    5__________ has a designated INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point for communication between national food safety authorities {A B C} A Every member state of INFOSAN

    23二翻译 面句子选择正确翻译(题10分) 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 Not only does the offending company suffer losses but the whole milk market suffers a sharp drop in sales C 仅违规公司遭受损失整奶制品市场销售额幅降
    2 But at the moment the industrial standards are too low to stop these problems from occurring B 目前行业标准太低 法阻止问题发生
    3 A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food B 常困扰食品公司问题 控制老鼠昆虫时会食物造成破坏
    4 The area of grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live A 长草区域应该害虫生存空间
    5 Community service is a way for a person to give back to a community in which they live B 社区服务回报居住社区种方式

    1Good morning Volunteering Matters how can I help you ___________________ Good morning I'd like to find out how I could pay online Good morning I'd like to find out how I could make an appointment Good morning I'd like to find out how I could become a volunteer标准答案Good morning I'd like to find out how I could become a volunteer
    2Anything else ________________ We provide education relating to depression and anxiety First we provide education relating to depression and anxiety Moreover we provide education relating to depression and anxiety标准答案Moreover we provide education relating to depression and anxiety
    3Communities are part of everyday life and have positive ________ on its members affects effects efforts标准答案effects
    4Community service is important to me because it provides me with eyeopening experiences while ______ many people benefit benefitting benefits标准答案benefitting
    5Involvement in community activities ______ an integral and inescapable part of senior managers' jobs are seen as has been seen as has seen as标准答案 has been seen as
    7_______________ Generally speaking we are concerned with all aspects of promoting good health What health care programs are there in the community What are health care programs there in the community What health care programs there are in the community 标准答案What health care programs are there in the community
    8 ___________ To sum up it is a continual process from a newborn baby to the end of one's life How do you feel about Community Health Service What does Community Health Service mean exactly What do you think of Community Health Service 标准答案What does Community Health Service mean exactly
    9It takes small steps to create big change and this is __________ servicelearning hopes to achieve what that which标准答案what
    10One of the main benefits of community service is that it ______ a person's character sets builds makes标准答案builds
    11Community Services Program aims for all members of the community to ______ to basic financial and material resources information advice and referral have a chance have an opportunity have access标准答案have access
    13 ___________________ Once or twice a week How soon will you arrange for me to visit someone at home How often will you arrange for me to visit someone at home How long will you arrange for me to visit someone at home 标准答案How often will you arrange for me to visit someone at home
    14Business people exercise their leadership in the community service area ______ the commercial world as well as but so标准答案as well as
    15Community service is a great way to help people in their time of need It is great to see the happiness that results ______ it of in from标准答案from
    16Knowing ______ increases employee loyalty to the company and their leader what their CEO was volunteering time for community service that their CEO was volunteering time for community service that was their CEO volunteering time for community service标准答案that their CEO was volunteering time for community service
    19The online What's on for Women provides information ______ upcoming and ongoing events about for with标准答案about

    18二听力理解听话录音根话容完成方(题10分) TASK4_TESTMP3操作提示通题拉框选择
    正确答案 1 What are health care programs mainly about {Alcoholism depression and anxiety Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on Communication All aspects of promoting good health Chronic sickness The family From a newborn baby all the way up to the end of one's life Information}2 What is the first part of community service health {Alcoholism depression and anxiety Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on Communication All aspects of promoting good health Chronic sickness The family From a newborn baby all the way up to the end of one's life Information}3 How can people help themselves avoid illness {Alcoholism depression and anxiety Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on Communication All aspects of promoting good health Chronic sickness The family From a newborn baby all the way up to the end of one's life Information}4 What areas are of growing concern {Alcoholism depression and anxiety Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on Communication All aspects of promoting good health Chronic sickness The family From a newborn baby all the way up to the end of one's life Information}5 Who typically provides bedside care {Alcoholism depression and anxiety Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on Communication All aspects of promoting good health Chronic sickness The family From a newborn baby all the way up to the end of one's life Information}
    标准答案子问题 1All aspects of promoting good health 子问题 2Communication 子问题 3Through diet healthy living cutting out smoking and so on 子问题 4Alcoholism depression and anxiety 子问题 5The family

    6二完型填空(空10分)操作提示通中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Have you heard about Grandparents Week This important community event began {as with in} a one day celebration in 2012 to commemorate National Grandparents Day In 2014 the ACT Government expanded the program to a whole week to fully {capturing capture captures} the true worth of grandparents in all their various forms Grandparents Week is an annual event to honor and recognize the valuable contribution grandparents make and the valuable role they play in their families and the wider ACT community This year's festival includes an exciting range of events programs and activities for young and old {plus add including} those in between Sing some old time tunes or shake a move on the dance floor Join a fun game of bowls or table tennis Play your hand at cards Attend a Senior Club Open Day Partake in delicious morning teas {Whoever However Whatever} your vintage there's something for everyone during Grandparents Week Does your community group have a great event or activity {out mind in mind of mind} for seniors Would you like to include it as part of the Grandparents Week 2016 program
    标准答案子问题 1as 子问题 2capture 子问题 3plus 子问题 4Whatever 子问题 5in mind
    20二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容选词填空(题10分)COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is a service or activity which is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or public organizations While volunteers may provide community service not everyone taking part in a community service program is a volunteer because not everyone is doing it through their own choice Sometimes people are asked to do it by their government as part of a citizenship requirement instead of military service the courts and other criminal justice punishments their school to meet the requirements of a class or to meet the requirements of graduation or in the case of parents required to provide a certain number of hours of service in order for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team There are also people providing community service but they receive some form of payment in return for their work YOUTH COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service performed by young people also known as youth service is intended to strengthen young peoples' senses of civic engagement and community and to help them achieve their educational developmental and social goals HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Many educational institutions in the United States require students to perform community service hours to graduate from high school In some high schools in Washington State for example students must complete 60 hours of community service to receive a diploma CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION Contribution of service is a condition of enrollment in some programs Most commonly parents may be required to serve for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team COLLEGES Though technically not a requirement many colleges make community service an unofficial requirement for acceptance However some colleges prefer work experience over community service and some require that their students also participate in community service in order to graduate 操作提示通
    中拉选项框选择恰词语补全句子1 I {community service educational institutions volunteer in sense of the benefit of are asked to strengthen citizenship requirement} our community because a great impact can be made on others' lives through simple actions2 {community service educational institutions volunteer in sense of the benefit of are asked to strengthen citizenship requirement} programs or activities are seen as opportunities for experiential learning3 Sometimes the government asks its people to serve their communities to meet the {community service educational institutions volunteer in sense of the benefit of are asked to strengthen citizenship requirement}4 Community service can be defined as a service that is performed for {community service educational institutions volunteer in sense of the benefit of are asked to strengthen citizenship requirement} the public5 Community service is a commitment A person must want to do it with good intentions and not because they {community service educational institutions volunteer in sense of the benefit of are asked to strengthen citizenship requirement} do so
    标准答案子问题 1volunteer in 子问题 2community service 子问题 3citizenship requirement 子问题 4the benefit of 子问题 5are asked to

    12二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分)COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is a service or activity which is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or public organizations While volunteers may provide community service not everyone taking part in a community service program is a volunteer because not everyone is doing it through their own choice Sometimes people are asked to do it by their government as part of a citizenship requirement instead of military service the courts and other criminal justice punishments their school to meet the requirements of a class or to meet the requirements of graduation or in the case of parents required to provide a certain number of hours of service in order for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team There are also people providing community service but they receive some form of payment in return for their work YOUTH COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service performed by young people also known as youth service is intended to strengthen young peoples' senses of civic engagement and community and to help them achieve their educational developmental and social goals HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Many educational institutions in the United States require students to perform community service hours to graduate from high school In some high schools in Washington State for example students must complete 60 hours of community service to receive a diploma CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION Contribution of service is a condition of enrollment in some programs Most commonly parents may be required to serve for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team COLLEGES Though technically not a requirement many colleges make community service an unofficial requirement for acceptance However some colleges prefer work experience over community service and some require that their students also participate in community service in order to graduate 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 The organizer is the beneficiary of community service { F}
    2 Some people who take part in community services are not volunteers {T }
    3 Most of the youth who volunteer in community service are motivated by personal purposes {F}
    4 In some high schools students must complete certain hours of community service to receive a diploma {T }
    5 Every university considers community service is the most important experience for students among other practices like internship{ F}
    21二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分)DOORKNOCKING Doorknocking is the most effective way of making facetoface community contact but it has become a lost art With the recent focus on customer privacy doorknocking seems like an intrusion into other people's lives But those who try it for the first time are usually surprised by the pleasant reception they receive Here are some suggestions that will help you promote your services facetoface BEFORE YOU GO OUT ◆ BEGIN WITH A DOOR HANGER Try leaving a door hanger two days before you go doorknocking It should briefly describe the project and say that someone will be around in person ◆ WEAR AN OFFICIAL NAME TAG Doorknockers should wear name tags with the logo of their organization The best name tags will also include a color photo and the name of the caller ◆ HAVE PEOPLE KNOCK THEIR OWN BLOCKS The easiest way to do doorknocking is to try your local area first Being a neighbor creates an immediate connection with the person answering the door after that everything else is easy ◆ FIND A GOOD EXCUSE TO DOORKNOCK A short survey about local concerns or a current project is a good excuse Figure out responses for various situations What if the person who answers the door cannot speak English What if a child answers the door WHEN YOU GO OUT ◆ WHEN TO GO AND WHAT TO DO FIRST The best times to knock are usually Saturdays On other days after dinner is ideal When someone answers the door smile and introduce yourself say you are a volunteer and if it helps state where you live Give the name of your organization and briefly the reason for the visit ◆ STATE WHAT ACTION THE OTHER PERSON SHOULD TAKE AND THE BENEFITS Tell the person what they need to do and how their actions will benefit themselves and others If a person hesitates emphasize benefits you've already mentioned and then if necessary add further benefits If a person agrees follow up immediately If possible get a donation a signature or a promise ◆ RECORD CONTACT INFORMATION ON THE SPOT Record names addresses email addresses phone numbers and responses to questions on the spot You won't remember them later 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 Why does the author say that doorknocking has become a lost art B People focus on privacy increasingly so doorknocking seems like an intrusion into other people's lives
    2 Which step should be firstly taken when you try doorknocking C Leave a door hanger
    3 What does the underlined phrase on the spot mean A without delay
    4 Which time is not appropriate for door knocking B Monday morning
    5 Who will receive pleasant reception when they try doorknocking C A neighbor who does good preparation and has significant project to introduce

    1 Community service is a way for a person to give back to a community in which they live B 社区服务回报居住社区种方式
    2 Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back C 没社区服务会知道做慈善回馈意义
    3 People of all age groups with a maximum number of youth are involved in the process of community service A 年龄段投身社区服务事业中中年轻
    4 Let's go to Citibank instead of the other guy down the street because they are good corporate citizens B 花旗银行吧街银行优秀公民企业
    5 It was the late 1970s that American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue C 1970年代晚期美国制造业工厂意识质量控制重问题

    1I suggest you offer affected customers a discount on their next store purchase explain the situation and apologize to themRight of course___________________ I'll get on it right away I got it now I understand perfectly标准答案I'll get on it right away
    2 I'd like to take a look first at those structural support beams that were going to be put in place on the second floor____________ here's your jacket and helmet and you'd better put on these boots as well – it's our site policy Good You're welcome Certainly标准答案Certainly
    3Proper controls that should ________________ developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place has been have been be标准答案have been
    4Then the situation _____________ worse by human error because of the lack of proper training was was made has became标准答案was made
    5The products of this company are always _________ to standard they have very strict quality control process close down up标准答案up
    7 How is everything going ________________ we've been quite busy this month and there's been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection You can just look As you can see Please just look around标准答案As you can see
    8What's the latest situation with all these customer complaints we've been receiving ___________the quality of the material has not always been up to standard I believe I'm afraid I think标准答案I'm afraid
    9I'm going to have a ________ with Mark about this issue tomorrow speech sentence word标准答案word
    10Let's go ______ the reports on the latest work over with to标准答案over
    11Not only ________ many cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designed they also became very unreliable after 4050 thousand miles was are were标准答案were
    13Unluckily some Quality Management System failures _____________ headlines do make does make do not make标准答案do make
    14Apple almost lost its dominance in the smartphone market ________ it became clear that it was difficult to make a call using the much expected iPhone 4 when that where标准答案when
    18Our new school building is __________ construction under in having标准答案under
    21________________ about it now Every time a customer has complained we've followed our store policy and offered them an exchange or a full refund What's the plan What's be doing What's being done标准答案What's being done
    22A Chinese company is going to _______ over the wellknown Japanese company TOSHIBA Corporation get take turn标准答案take

    15二听力理解点击听话录音根话容判断正误(题10分) TASK4_TESTMP3操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 Mike is met by an engineer at the construction site { F}
    2 The construction site doesn't look very busy { F}
    3 Mike doesn't inspect the whole construction site {T }
    4 It is not the first time the construction site being inspected {T }
    5 Fraser knows clearly how the quality is controlled at the construction site {T }
    19二听力理解听话录音根话容找出COLUMN A中方应产品质量问题(题10分) TASK3_TESTMP3操作提示通拉框选择正确答案 COLUMN ACOLUMN B1 Customers{Trying to understand and solve the problem Talking to the supplier Making complaints to the store Offering customers an exchange or a full refund Reporting the quality problem to the manager}2 The store{Trying to understand and solve the problem Talking to the supplier Making complaints to the store Offering customers an exchange or a full refund Reporting the quality problem to the manager}3 The purchasing department{Trying to understand and solve the problem Talking to the supplier Making complaints to the store Offering customers an exchange or a full refund Reporting the quality problem to the manager}4 The manager{Trying to understand and solve the problem Talking to the supplier Making complaints to the store Offering customers an exchange or a full refund Reporting the quality problem to the manager}5 Frank{Trying to understand and solve the problem Talking to the supplier Making complaints to the store Offering customers an exchange or a full refund Reporting the quality problem to the manager}
    标准答案子问题 1Making complaints to the store 子问题 2Offering customers an exchange or a full refund 子问题 3Talking to the supplier 子问题 4Trying to understand and solve the problem 子问题 5Reporting the quality problem to the manager
    (题10分) TASK3_TESTMP3操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案 1 What is the product they are talking about {A B C} A Skirts B Shirts C Materials2 What is the problem with the product {A B C} A Quality B Color C Quantity3 Who first finds out the problem {A B C} A The supplier B The customer C The store4 Who first receives the customer's complaints {A B C} A The supplier B The manager C The store5 What is the source of the problem {A B C} A The purchasing department B The store C The supplier
    标准答案子问题 1B 子问题 2A 子问题 3B 子问题 4C 子问题 5C
    中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management (TQM) is a {comprehend comprehensive comprehension} and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services {with through in} ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback TQM requirements may be defined separately for a particular organization {or and as} may be in adherence to established standards such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 series TQM can be applied to any type of organization it originated in the manufacturing sector and has since been adapted for use in almost every type of organization imaginable {among besides including} schools highway maintenance hotel management and churches As a current focus of ebusiness TQM is based on quality management {from to at} the customer's point of view
    标准答案子问题 1comprehensive 子问题 2through 子问题 3or 子问题 4including 子问题 5from
    17二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分)NOTABLE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FAILURES A Quality Management System (QMS) should clearly understand customer requirements and to provide good design qualified production in an effective and efficient way When the Quality Management System fails to fulfill its function and customer requirements are not met customers might be upset management and employees both might be unhappy but its negative influence is not so widespread Unluckily some Quality Management System failures do make headlines Here are three cases of famous quality management failures 3 MILE ISLAND The worst nuclear disaster in US history broke out at the 3 Mile Island reactor facility in eastern Pennsylvania in March 1979 Proper controls that should have been developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place Then the situation was made worse by human error because of the lack of proper training The only new nuclear power stations built since that day were the ones already under construction FORD PINTO The Ford Pinto is the most wellknown and the worst disaster in the whole US automobile industry in the 1970s Apparently the entire US auto industry decided to spend the 1970s resting on their laurels after building great cars that sold well during the sixties Not only were many cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designed they also became very unreliable after 4050 thousand miles The Pinto tops the list of QMS failures because of its dangerous design faults and the questionable ethical decisions made by top management IPHONE 4 Apple almost lost its dominance in the smartphone market when it became clear that it was difficult to make a call using the much expected iPhone 4 Calls were dropped suddenly and frequently causing wide spread dissatisfaction among loyal customers who had upgraded to the new model early on Independent tests showed that touching the left side of the case at a certain spot interrupted the signal and dropped the call – not a great feature for a handheld device mainly used to make calls Meanwhile Apple continued to deny or minimize the problem As the problem continued to make news headlines Apple eventually agreed to a voluntary recall to correct the problem All of the above famous quality management failures could probably have been prevented if the principles of a fully functioning quality management system had been in place 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 A company should provide well designed products {T }
    2 A company should place company's interest at the first place { F}
    3 A company should reduce the amount of waste {T }
    4 A company should satisfy all employees' requirements { F}
    5 A company should produce qualified products {T
    16二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分)NOTABLE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FAILURES A Quality Management System (QMS) should clearly understand customer requirements and to provide good design qualified production in an effective and efficient way When the Quality Management System fails to fulfill its function and customer requirements are not met customers might be upset management and employees both might be unhappy but its negative influence is not so widespread Unluckily some Quality Management System failures do make headlines Here are three cases of famous quality management failures 3 MILE ISLAND The worst nuclear disaster in US history broke out at the 3 Mile Island reactor facility in eastern Pennsylvania in March 1979 Proper controls that should have been developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place Then the situation was made worse by human error because of the lack of proper training The only new nuclear power stations built since that day were the ones already under construction FORD PINTO The Ford Pinto is the most wellknown and the worst disaster in the whole US automobile industry in the 1970s Apparently the entire US auto industry decided to spend the 1970s resting on their laurels after building great cars that sold well during the sixties Not only were many cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designed they also became very unreliable after 4050 thousand miles The Pinto tops the list of QMS failures because of its dangerous design faults and the questionable ethical decisions made by top management IPHONE 4 Apple almost lost its dominance in the smartphone market when it became clear that it was difficult to make a call using the much expected iPhone 4 Calls were dropped suddenly and frequently causing wide spread dissatisfaction among loyal customers who had upgraded to the new model early on Independent tests showed that touching the left side of the case at a certain spot interrupted the signal and dropped the call – not a great feature for a handheld device mainly used to make calls Meanwhile Apple continued to deny or minimize the problem As the problem continued to make news headlines Apple eventually agreed to a voluntary recall to correct the problem All of the above famous quality management failures could probably have been prevented if the principles of a fully functioning quality management system had been in place 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 provide well designed products {T }
    2 place company's interest at the first place { F}
    3 understand customer needs {T
    4 satisfy all employees' requirements { F}
    5 produce qualified products {T }
    6二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容选择答案(题10分)THE HISTORY OF QUALITY CONTROL Quality control is a series of activities that ensure and improve the quality of products and service The term 'quality control' came into common use in the 1950s because of W Edward Deming His 'Fourteen Points' have become the bible for quality control specialists When the postwar world returned to regular manufacturing Deming said that inspecting product quality after they were made was unacceptable Instead he proposed a process known as 'statistical quality control' It would use closely monitored performance measures to control quality while a product was being made The goal of statistical quality control was to gather data that would allow for the constant improvement of manufacturing processes This would in turn improve quality control Another important principle of Deming's beliefs was that upper management should be responsible for quality failures He strongly believed that it was possible for the workers to work hard to produce the highest quality products if they were given the right tools and working environment In Deming's own words 'the basic cause of sickness in American industry and the resulting unemployment is a failure of top management to manage' He believed that strong leadership led to a motivated work force If strong leadership is the term for managers in a quality environment then empowerment is the key concept for workers in Deming's system Improved education and training are key factors in reaching employees and making them believe that their increased participation in the work process is an essential part of improving quality Involvement participation and teamwork are seen as absolute 'must haves' if a quality workplace is to be created The Japanese were the first to use Deming's Fourteen Points and made great success As an example one Japanese factory doubled production in just one year and was expecting to gain an additional 25 percent improvement the following year with no increase in the amount of working hours All this happened as a result of simply improving quality It was in the late 1970s that American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue By that time Japanese firms such as Honda and Sony were taking over large portions of the American consumer market while it took most American firms until the 1990s to put quality control practices in place 操作提示通题干拉框选择正确答案
    1 According to W Edward Deming what is the best time to control product quality e C During the production process
    2 When there are quality failures where does W Edward Deming think the blame lies C In the tools
    3 Which of the following will not help to create a quality workplace A Working alone
    4 During which period were some Japanese firms winning American consumer markets over American firms C 1970s
    5 According to the passage which of the following statements about quality control is NOT correct B Quality control can be done within one department
    1 Quality control is a series of activities that ensure and improve the quality of products and service C 质量控制系列确保提高产品质量服务行
    2 The goal of statistical quality control was to gather data that would allow for the constant improvement of manufacturing processes A 统计质量控制目标收集数便断改进制造工艺
    3 Involvement participation and teamwork are seen as absolute 'must haves' if a quality workplace is to be created B 果创造高质量工作环境员工介入员工参团队合作视绝必条件
    4 It was the late 1970s that American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a significant issue C 1970年代晚期美国制造业工厂意识质量控制重问题
    5 Doorways offer no greater protection than any other area B 出入口保护作区域强

    1__________________ With pleasure Emergency planning covers several different aspects Could you explain when your work on emergency planning began Could you explain why your work on emergency planning is still on Could you explain how your work on emergency planning is going on 标准答案Could you explain how your work on emergency planning is going on
    2_______________We have sent out leaflets to all residents explaining what to do in an emergency How do you dealwith emergency What have you talked to the public What do you want the residents do 标准答案What have you talked to the public
    3Many disasters allow no time for people to gather even the most basic necessities which is ______ planning ahead is essential why because since标准答案why
    4Government agencies are responsible for declaring the evacuation of a given area and will in many instances already have evacuation plans ______ out of place in place of in place标准答案in place
    5When you complete Part 1 you will be able to learn __________ to what do for specific hazards what to do for specific hazards what do for specific hazards标准答案what to do for specific hazards
    7_____________________ Fire fire service please There's a huge fire here 911 how may I direct your call How may I help you What can I do for you 标准答案911 how may I direct your call
    8Patrols should be conducted by teams ______ individuals rather than no less than more than标准答案rather than
    9Preparedness actions are aimed ______ planning organizing training equipping exercising evaluating and implementing corrective actions to ensure effective coordination during incident response to at for标准答案at
    10Hurry up If the fire spreads to the stairs it could block our way out_____________This is no time for talking Let's run We'd better call 911 You're right标准答案You're right
    11Some of the risks may be relevant to your community Find out which ones by ______ wwwGetPrepareduk visiting visit visited标准答案visiting
    12These preparedness frameworks either exist in various stages of development ______ have been implemented nor and or标准答案or
    14Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down It's only two floors_________________We'd better wait for the rescue That' a good idea No we can't do that I think we will kill ourselves标准答案No we can't do that
    15______ these potential problems twoway radios are preferable as they are extremely reliable for short distances and can broadcast to several people at once Considered Given Including标准答案Given
    17Chemical spill guidelines should be established by the lab supervisor and should take into ______ the following consideration confidence care标准答案consideration
    19A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night weekend or holiday with little or no warning have to dared may标准答案may

    1 Building occupants should not reenter the building until cleared by emergency personnel C 楼房居民危险情况没应急员清完前应该次进入楼道
    2 In addition it is recommended that all staff and faculty members maintain a personal emergency kit in their work area } A 外建议员工工作区放置套急救包
    ms ranging from relatively minor to severe { A 紧急情况会导致相轻微严重种恢复问题
    4 Doorways offer no greater protection than any other area B 出入口保护作区域强
    5 We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution C 应该放做出贡献位置

    13二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容判断文章句子正确(T)错误(F)(题10分)HOW TO PREPARE AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR YOUR WORKPLACE Emergencies and disasters can occur any time without warning The more you are prepared for them the better you will be able to act reducing panic and confusion when an emergency occurs Emergency response plans (ERPs) are intended to provide clear and effective steps for managing an emergency An ERP should deal with a variety of issues including evacuation of buildings communication with local emergency services and the general public individual roles and responsibilities during an emergency and supplies and materials that may be needed Follow these basic guidelines to develop an effective ERP for your workplace Determine when an evacuation would be necessary Choose primary and secondary evacuation routes and emergency exits Make sure they are clearly marked and well lit Post signs Install emergency lighting in case a power cut occurs during an evacuation Ensure that evacuation routes and emergency exits are wide enough for people to be evacuated clear at all times and unlikely to expose evacuating people to additional hazards Coordinate your plan with the local emergency management office Choose evacuation wardens who will help others during an evacuation and account for employees Establish specific evacuation procedures This includes a sample ERP to give you a better idea of what your procedures should include Establish a system for accounting for evacuated employees Hold emergency drills at least once a year to ensure that employees know what to do in an emergency and to test the effectiveness of emergency exit routes and procedures Keep records of such drills Consider the transportation needs of employees Post evacuation procedures where employees can read them Establish procedures for helping people with disabilities and people who do not speak your local language Consider how you could quickly get important personal information about employees in an emergency (for example contact numbers for their home nextofkin or special medical conditions 操作提示句子正确选择拉选项框T句子错误选择拉选项框F
    1 The emergency response plan is needed for reducing panic and confusion when an emergency occurs {T }
    2 Supply of basic necessities is not included in an ERP { F}
    3 According to the passage the blocked emergency exits can help avoid further hazards F}
    4 The evacuation plan of your workplace should be in line with that of local emergency management office {T }
    5 To ensure that employees know what to do in an emergency and to test the effectiveness of emergency exit routes the emergency drills should be held once half a year { F}

    中拉选项框选择恰词语补全填空 Over the decade 2001–2010 an average of more than 700 natural and technological emergencies occurred globally every year {affect affecting affected} approximately 270 million people and causing over 130 000 deaths annually Twentyfive per cent of these emergencies and 44 per cent of these deaths occurred in less developed countries with limited capacities to prepare for and respond effectively {to with for} emergencies These statistics do not include the high levels of mortality and morbidity associated with conflictrelated emergencies {Due to Based on According to} the World Bank over 15 billion people live in countries affected by violent conflict These populations suffer from the consequences of societal disruption and increases in mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases acute malnutrition trauma and complications from chronic diseases Over the same time period risks to public health {have increased has increased increases} due to globalization and international travel and trade Such risks might be transmitted by people (eg SARS influenza polio Ebola) goods food animals (eg zoonotic disease) vectors (eg dengue plague yellow fever) or the environment (eg radionuclear releases chemical spills or other contamination) In all types of emergencies the poorest and most vulnerable people suffer disproportionately These {positive negative affirmative} impacts are complicated by the enormity of the resulting economic costs averaging over US100 billion per year The appropriate and timely management of these risks requires effective national and international capacities intersectoral collaboration the promotion of equity the protection of human rights and the advancement of gender equality
    标准答案子问题 1affecting 子问题 2to 子问题 3According to 子问题 4have increased 子问题 5negative
    18二阅读理解阅读面文章根文章容完成相应选择题(题10分)EBOLA SURGE 2014 The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa Although the current epidemic does not cause a significant risk to other nations many countries including China and the United States of America have actually been working closely with the Ebola hit states For example the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking precautions at home besides its activities abroad CDC's team of virus hunters is supported by specialized public health teams both in West Africa and at the CDC Atlanta headquarters Together they offer continuous support to save lives and protect people CDC works closely with a number of US government agencies national and international partners CDC's experience of working with Ebola is important to the World Health Organization's growing West Africa Ebola response On Sept 2 2014 CDC Director Tom Frieden called for more international partners to join this effort The sooner the world comes together to help West Africa the safer we all will be We know how to stop this outbreak There is a window of opportunity to do so the challenge is to scale up the massive response needed to stop this outbreak CDC's response to Ebola is the largest international outbreak response in CDC's history with over 100 disease specialists on the ground in West Africa supported by hundreds of public health emergency response experts stateside activated at Level 1 its highest level because of the significance of this outbreak The CDC supports affected countries to establish Emergency Operations Centers at national and local levels and helps countries track the epidemic including using realtime data to improve realtime response Efforts in West Africa to identify those infected and track people who have come into contact with them are improving The CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to improve diagnosis and testing samples from people with suspected Ebola from around the world Local health care systems are strengthened through communication coordination with partners and training on infection control for health care workers and safe patient treatment 操作提示通题干拉框选择
    1 How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak  C Not the first but the largest one
    2 The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was B an international activity
    3 What does the word massive mean in Para 3  A Huge
    4 How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response  C More than 100
    5 What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak  A Work closely with governmental national and international partners





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