
    卷(选择题 55分)
    1 —Would you like to go to the museum this weekend
    A Long time no see B Sure I’d like to C Nice to meet you D Here you are
    2 Linda had ________ fever and her parents drove her to the hospital in ________ hurry
    A a a B a the C the a D the the
    3 It is necessary for schools to ________ the needs of the students’ development
    A avoid B hide C refuse D satisfy
    4—Excuse me Mr Li How can I become a good basketball player
    —________ practicing hard
    A In B Within C Beyond D By
    5—Li Ming could you come and help me in the garden please
    —Sorry Mom I ________ Lucy with her Chinese now
    A help B helped C am helping D have helped
    6—David ________ me a phone call as soon as you arrive at the train station
    —OK Dad
    A give B gives C giving D to give
    7 This pen doesn’t work Can you give me ________ one
    A other B others C another D the others
    8 It is reported ________ Gao Tingyu set an Olympic record at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
    A whether B that C what D when
    9 You can ________ the word in the dictionary if you want to know its meaning
    A look up B look after C look for D look into
    10 ________ we don’t have classes tomorrow why not go out for a picnic
    A Until B After C Before D Since
    11 —Shandong pancakes are delicious ________
    —Thank you I’ve had enough
    A Hold the line B See you then C Help yourself D Mind your step
    12 I want to take this ________ to show respect for staff
    A opportunity B habit C question D price
    13—I feel a little nervous about the coming interview
    —Don’t worry I ________ believe you can make it
    A do B does C did D done
    14 —Li Ling could you tell me ________ the new T—shirt
    —I bought it in a shop on the Internet
    A where did you buy B where will you buy C where you bought D where you will buy
    15 Young people are encouraged to take an ________ part in sports
    A act B active C action D activity
    16 By the end of yesterday we ________ over 1000 emails from all over the world
    A receive B were received C have received D had received
    17 My grandparents dance square dances every day ________ bad weather stops them
    A when B if C unless D once
    18 We believe all countries can work together ________ a community with a shared future for mankind
    A build B builds C built D to build
    19 The first two services are free ________ the third costs 15
    A neither B or C while D either
    20 These books should ________ to the library on time
    A return B returned C be returned D have returned
    21 You won’t go to the gym today ________
    A Nor I will B Nor will I C So I will D So will I
    22 Do you know the girl to ________ he is talking
    A whom B which C who D that
    23 The sign says that here you can’t ________

    A park a car B take photos C eat and drink D make a call
    The fastest trains to Pudong International Airport
    leave from Platform 6
    24 Andy can take ________ at Platform 6 to Pudong International Airport

    A a bus B a subway C a plane D a train
    25 When will John’s birthday party be held
    Please join us for a
    Birthday Party
    John Smith
    ________ June ________
    Friday 24 1000 am
    ________ 2022 ________
    Lakeside Grand Hotel
    567 Downtown Street
    RSVP by June 23 to Mary
    A On June 23 B On July 23 C On June 24 D On July 24
    Final Speech Competition
    Speech Topic My Dream Job
    describe your dream job

    Make clear your career goal

    state your career planning
    Competitors top 30 students in the first round of the competition
    Judges 3 teachers and 2 experts from local companies
    Time 200 pm~500 pm on June 30 Thursday
    Place Room 505 on the fifth floor of the teaching building
    The Students’ Union
    26 The text above is probably a(n) ________
    A thankyou letter B science report C activity poster D sales advertisement
    27 Which requirement is NOT included in the competition
    A To describe your dream job B To talk about your family
    C To state your career planning D To make clear your career goal
    28 Who will take part in the final speech
    A All the students in the school B All the teachers in the school
    C Anyone who’s interested in the competition D The winners in the first round of the competition
    29 Where will the competition take place
    A In the library B In the lab
    C In the teaching building D In the dining room
    30 How many judges will attend the competition
    A Two B Three C Four D Five
    When you walk into a room full of people and greet someone be sure to smile Smiling shows you are friendly Studies have shown that a truly smiling person is more confident than others Smiling may help you with life and work
    •Smiling can make you full of energy
    When you smile and smile more often you can feel happy and get relaxed Then you may have enough energy to go for your goal
    •Smiling can help you make friends
    A person with a true smile is more popular in a group People are likely to make friends with someone who has a friendly face
    •Smiling may help you get jobs
    A smile shows you are a confident person And your confidence comes from your knowledge skills and abilities A smiling person can seize job chances more easily
    So when the day isn’t going too well try to remember the good times you had in the past Let’s smile a lot and stay happy every day
    31 What should you do when greeting someone
    A Be sure to smile B Laugh loudly C Keep silent D Stand still
    32 In the writer’s opinion smiling can make a person ________
    A honest B clever C relaxed D unhealthy
    33 Who will be more popular in a group
    A A lazy person B A person with a true smile
    C A boring person D A person with a bitter smile
    34 In the last paragraph the writer calls on us to ________
    A smile and get a job B make more friends
    C gain knowledge D smile and stay happy
    35 What’s the best title of the text
    A On Smile B On Success C On Failure D On Friendship
    Every summer Bill and his parents go on vocation This year they drove to the beach and Bill spent an unforgettable day
    It took them three hours to drive to the beach While Dad was parking their car Mom and Bill went to find a good place on the sand Bill soon met a boy of his age and went over to greet him The boy told Bill he was Tim and invited Bill to play in the water together
    They ran in and out of the water They were having a great time Suddenly a big wave came Tim fell down and was carried away off the shore He was in danger Bill was frightened He looked around and spotted a lifeguard nearby He quickly ran to him waving his hands and shouting for help The lifeguard rushed to the water swam to Tim and brought him safely back to shore Just then Bill’s and Tim’s parents hurried to the scene Tim’s parents were fearful and thankful They realized that without Bill’s quick action Tim might have been drowned(淹死)
    That night Tim’s mom invited Bill and his parents to dinner The two boys became good friends They would never forget the lessons from the matter—keep safety in mind and seek help in time
    36 Where did Bill’s family go on vocation this summer
    A On the beach B On an island C In the countryside D In the mountains
    37 How long did it take to reach their destination
    A 1 hour B 2 hours C 3 hours D 4 hours
    38 The underlined word spotted in Paragraph 3 means ________
    A 害怕 B 发现 C 忽视 D 嘲笑
    39 According to the text which is the right order of the story
    ①Bill quickly ran to ask for help ②Bill and Tim played in the water
    ③Tim was saved by the lifeguard ④Tim was in danger when playing
    A ②④①③ B ②④③① C ④②①③ D ④②③①
    40 From Bill we can learn that when we find someone in danger we’d better ________
    A leave it alone B seek help in time C save the person alone D surround and watch
    卷二(非选择题 25分)
    A Good morning Li Hua 41 is everything going
    B Pretty good Do you know Shenzhou13 spaceship has returned to earth safely
    A Of 42 I’m so proud of it
    B Yeah It shows China has made much progress in the space field
    A I can’t 43 with you more
    B Well I’m studying hard to be a skilled worker to serve our country What 44 you
    A My dream is to be an engineer I just won the first prize in the skill competition in our school
    B Congratulations
    A 45 a lot
    Last summer I planned to find a job I did not want to keep 46 (ask) my parents for money As I never had a job before I decided to 47 (start) with a parttime job
    I was 48 (excite) at my job search I found there 49 (be) a lot of choices such as a cashier a salesperson or a waitress I wanted a job 50 was close to my home At 51 same time the job schedule could be adjustable for I still had much schoolwork to do
    I applied to six different places One week later I received three interview 52 (call) After thinking 53 (careful) I chose a cashier in the supermarket For me this job seemed more 54 (interest) than the other two I was glad that I could earn money by 55 (me)
    Requirements for Team Members
    Marketing or other relevant(相关)majors
    a college graduate
    fluent English computer skills team work strong communication
    outgoing creative responsible
    at least one year’s work experience manage time well
    假设该公司员工Zhao Liang希加入销售团队请根述求外方销售总监Simon Logan写封电子邮件
    点包括:1 写邮件目
    2 具备条件
    3 表达态度期盼回复
    注意:1 文中出现考生真实信息
    2 词数80~120
    3 开头结尾已出计入总词数
    Date July 8 2022
    From Zhao Liang
    To Simon Logan Sales Department Head
    Subject An application for joining the marketing team
    Dear Mr Logan
    I’m Zhao Liang from the Sales Department Glad to know that a marketing team aboard will be built in our company
    Yours sincerely
    Zhao Liang

    1 B
    2 A
    3 D
    4 D
    5 C
    6 A
    7 C
    8 B
    9 A
    10 D
    11 C
    12 A
    13 A
    14 C
    15 B
    16 D
    17 C
    18 D
    19 C
    20 C
    21 B
    22 A
    23 A
    24 D
    25 C
    26 C
    27 B
    28 D
    29 C
    30 D
    31 A
    32 C
    33 B
    34 D
    35 A
    36 A
    37 C
    38 B
    39 A
    40 B
    41How 42course 43agree 44about 45Thanks
    46asking 47start 48excited 49were 50which
    51the 52calls 53carefully 54interesting 55myself





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