
    第部分 听力(四题满分20分)
    听五段话段话题请题 ABC三选项中选出佳选项段话读两遍
    1What is are in the bag

    2What does Tony want to buy

    3What's the boy's last name
    A BrownB SmithC White
    4What color is Dave's clock
    5 What is on December 26th
    A The tennis gameB The baseball gameC The soccer game
    听两段话段话题请题 ABC三选项中选出佳选项段话读两遍
    6What fruit does the girl like
    A StrawberriesB ApplesC Bananas
    7How many apples does the boy eat every day
    AOne B TwoCThree
    听面段话回答第8 10题
    8Why does Tom like Friday
    A Because he can watch TV
    BBecause he can play with his friends
    C Because he can play computer games
    9What does the girl think of geography
    A It's interestingB It's difficultCIt's relaxing
    10When does the girl have music
    A On WednesdayB On ThursdayC On Friday

    Ⅲ 短文理解(5题题1分满分5分)
    听篇短文短文五题请根短文容题ABC三选项七年级英语试卷 第1页(6页)
    11 When is Jerry's birthday
    A On August 13thBOn August 30thC On September 30th
    12What's Jerry's phone number
    12 When does Jerry often play basketball
    A On Mondays and Saturdays B On Wednesdays and Fridays C On Mondays and Fridays
    14Who often watches basketball games on TV with Jerry
    A His fatherB His brotherCHis mother
    15What is NOT fun for Jerry
    A Math and historyBMath and artCMusic and science
    IV 信息转换(5题题1分满分5分)

    第二部分 英语知识运(两题满分 30分)V单项选择(10题题1分满分10分)
    题 ABCD四选项中选出填入空白处佳选项
    21Do you like fruitYes I like____
    A potatoes Bchicken C pears Dbread
    22—Thank you for your help Cindy
    A That's for sure B You're welcome CHow are you DThat sounds good
    23 This is _ new teacher____name is Peter
    A your My B his Your C hisHer D your His
    24Can I help you—Yes I want to that book on the shelf(书架)
    A go Bplay Cget D like
    25_ do you have dinner —Hamburgers
    AWhere in BWhere for CWhat in DWhat for
    26—Please tell me about your —I like running in the morning
    A habit B family Cclass D festival
    27_____do you have your first lesson—At 800 in the morning
    A When BWhere CWhy DWho
    28He is always by(…旁边)the window and the stars at night
    A take B takes C watch D watches

    29 —The students are all in this film(电影)Your Name
    A interested interesting Binterested interested
    Cinteresting interested D interesting interesting
    30Linda's birthday is coming Let's__the gift(礼物)—What about a dictionary
    Alook at B think about C ask for D play with
    Ⅵ 完形填空( 20题题1分满分 20分)
    阅读列短文题 ABCD四选项中选出佳选项
    Hello I'm AliceI'm 31 English girlI have 32 friends They are Gina and CindyI love 33 We like sports Gina 34 two soccer balls three volleyballs and four basketballsShe loves sports but she 35 play themCindy doesn't have a soccerShe thinks it's 36 for herShe likes ping—pong I don't have a soccer ball it 37 my brother doesWe go to the 38 schoolWe play 39 school with our friends It's 40 so we like it What about you Do you like sports
    31A the Ba Can D
    32 Aone Btwo Cthree Dfour
    33 A them Bher C they Dshe
    34 A have Bdon't have C has Ddoesn't have
    35 Adon't Bdoesn't C isn't Daren't
    36 A difficult B great Cfun Dinteresting
    37 A and B Cso Dbut
    38 Anice Bsame Cgood D next
    39 A under B in Con Dafter
    40A relaxing B tidy Cboring Ddifficult

    Jenny likes shopping She often buys 41 for her familyOne dayshe goes to a 42 It's on saleShe buys a 43 skirt for her motherRed is her mother's favorite color She buys a brown shirt for her father 44 he likes brownJenny buys a sweater for her sister AmyIt's red and 45 very niceShe buys a pair of baseball bats for her 46 TomHe likes playing baseball so he 47 it There is()an important person in her familyThat's her grandmotherAnd 48 does Jenny buy for her She buys her a 49 bag She can put(放)her keys and many(许)other things in itHer family like the things very much They think Jenny is a 50 girl
    41Afood B trousers Cskirt Dclothes
    42A store B room C school D library
    43A red Bblue Cgreen Dwhite
    44Aso Bbecause Cand Dbut
    45Asees Blooks Cwatches Dsells
    46A sister Bfriend Cteacher Dbrother
    47Afinds Bplays C knows Dneeds
    48A what Bwhy Cwhen Dwhere
    49Aold Bshort C big Dsmall
    50A healthy Btall Cgood Dbusy
    第三部分 阅读理解(两题满分 45分)
    A Good morning51
    B YespleaseI need a cup
    A 52
    B Orange
    B Cool54
    A Thirty yuan
    B OK I'll take it
    B Thank you
    A How much are they
    B Here you are
    C What's the price of it
    D Can I help you
    E Is this your cup
    F What color do you like
    GHow about this one
    Ⅷ 阅读理解( 20 题题2分满分 40分)
    A pink watch My name is Julia Please call 538 5692
    A bicycle It's blue and white Please cal Linda Number 462 3964
    A schoolbag Its green Please call Jim at 674 3290
    An English book Here's a nameJackon it Please call Alice Number 475 5329
    56If you find a pink watch you can call
    A674 3290 B462 3964 C475 5329 D538 5692
    57According to the articleJim loses
    Aa book Ba bicycle C a watch Da schoolbag
    58Where can we see this article
    A On the school board BIn a storybook CIn a sports magazine(杂志)DIn a party
    I'm LindaIn my roommy books are always on the desk My computer game is always theretoo My shoes are under the bedMy schoolbag is always on the sofaI'm tidy but my brother Alan isn't He always asks me for help
    Look His room is in a mess nowThe books are everywhere——on the bed on the sofa and under the desk His computer game is on the bedHis shoes are on the sofa Where's his schoolbagIs it under the bed Noit isn'tIs it under the chair Noit isn't Ohlook It's under his quilt on the bed
    59 Where are Linda's books
    A On the bedB On the sofa C Under the deskD On the desk
    60What's under Alan's quilt
    AA schoolbagB ShoesC Books DA computer game
    61What's the main idea(中心思想)of the second paragraph(段落)
    A Linda's room is tidy B Linda's room is in a mess
    CAlan's room is tidy D Alan's room is in a mess
    Hi I'm BobI like pingpong I have three good friends this termThe first one is a nice girlHer name is JaneHer birthday is on October 28th She likes baseball and ping—pong The second one is Paul He is a fat boy He likes basketball His birthday is June 16th It is my birthdaytoo The last one is our English teacher Mr MillerHe always helps me with my English He likes soccer very much Next month is Teachers' DayJane wants to buy him a nice soccerPaul wants to make a nice card for him by himself()and buy him some red flowers(花)I want to buy him a white soccer shirt because he likes white very much
    62 and have the same birthday
    A Bob and Jane BJane and Mr Miller CMr Miller and Paul DPaul and Bob
    63 kinds(种)of sports are in this article
    A Six B Five CFour DThree
    64From the articlewe can know it's now
    A September BAugust CJuly D October
    65Paul will buy MrMiller
    Aa nice card Bsome flowers Ca soccer shirt Da nice soccer
    I am a school girlMy brother and I are twins(双胞胎)We study(学)at No1 Middle School There are()twenty—five boys and eighteen girls in our classWe like school My parents are teachers
    We go to school from Monday to FridayWe have no classes on Saturdays and SundaysWe get up (起床) at sixand have breakfast at 6∶30We come to school at 7∶00Classes begin(开始)at eightWe have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon We have lunch at school for an hour After that we have sports
    We have ChinesemathEnglish geography historyand other lessons Some of us are good at ChineseScience is my brother's favorite subjectand mine is artWe go home(回家)at 5∶30We have dinner at 6∶00We do our homework(家庭作业)at seven every evening and go to bed at 9∶30We work very hard
    66I have classes in the morning from Monday to Friday
    A no Btwo Cfour Dsix
    67 We have for an hour
    A breakfast Blunch C sports Ddinner
    68 My favorite subject is
    Aart B Chinese C science Dhistory
    69 There are students in our class
    A36 B40 C43 D50
    Do you know many(许)students aren't healthy today
    Now many students know sports are good for their healthBut they don't like playing sports Some of them only watch them on TVWhat's more(更)many of them only like watching TV and playing computer games They always sayPlay soccer Ohit sounds difficult Play basketball Oh it sounds boring
    And many boys and girls don't like vegetables They don't have carrots for lunch and they don't have tomatoes for dinnerBut vegetables and fruit are healthy foodThey need to eat lots of them every day but they like junk foodThey like eating ice—cream and hamburgers
    So if you want to be healthy eat vegetables and play sports every day
    70Many of students don't like
    A watching TV in ChineseBplaying computer games C hamburgers Dsports
    71The underlined phrasejunk food means in Chinese
    72If you want to be healthy what should you do
    A Watch more TV BEat more junk food CDon't play sports DEat more vegetables
    Jack is 10 years old and I am his pencil I am helping Jack
    Jack's pencil box is my home I have some friends here They are a crayon a ruler and an eraser Jack loves me very much and uses me every day in the school and at homeI am busy but happy
    TodayI am not very happy Because a music pen comes inIt is a music pen It can write(写)and sing(唱)But I am old and I can't sing Jack loves it very much Now the music pen is his favourite What do I do now Can I go to a new home Help me
    73How many friends does the pencil have(超5词)
    74Why isn't the pencil happy today(超10词)
    75Who is Jack's favourite now(超10词)
    第四部分 写(两题满分25分)
    76Are these m (图)yoursDale—No mine are old
    77I am very f (空闲)this weekI can go and meet my cousinMike
    78 They have a school trip on the t___(第三)day of January
    79 Can you finish the model
    —Yesit's e (容易)for me
    80 Helen and Sally w (想)some milk please go and ask your aunt for it
    假学校举行My friend题英语演讲赛请写篇演讲稿介绍朋友 David短文需包括表提示容适发挥行文连贯少60词

    My friend
    I have a good friend





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