

    1—What's your plan for the summer vacation
    AI have a good plan
    BI'm shopping now
    CI'm planning to go to Italy
    2—Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight
    ANo I have no ideas
    BNol don't like being with you
    CYes that's very kind of you Thanks
    3—Can 1 take your order madam
    AYesI'd like an Italian soup to start with
    BYesit's as quiet as we expected
    C No the price's reasonable
    4Hey what are you doing in that room
    ANothing else
    BFineThank you
    Clam preparing for the test next week
    5—Why do you want to leave your previous job
    AI'm hoping to have a better position
    Bl don't want to work at all
    CYou won't understand it
    6—Thank you very much for your suggestion
    AYou're welcome
    BThank you the same
    C Don’t do that
    7—What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter olympics
    AYes l have been there
    BI'm going to be a volunteer
    C Il am travelling abroad
    8—You seem a little blue todayWhat's the matter
    Al am very happy
    BIt doesn't matter
    CIt's been a difficult day
    9—How long has your daughter been missing
    Al miss my daughter a lot
    BWe haven't seen each other for two months
    CAbout half an hourI've been looking for her everywhere
    10—Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation
    ANoI already have plans
    BI'd love to but I'm busy tonight
    CI'm illso I shouldn’t go out
    11 —You blame me for thatdon't you—No
    A of course not
    BI don't want to
    C l do think you are to blame
    12I'd like to invite you to my birthday party an Saturday evening
    A Thank you for your invitation
    B I don't want to join your party
    C I did not go to the party that night
    13—You seem a little blue today What's the matter
    A l am a little sad
    B It doesn't matter
    c It's been a difficult day
    14—Can I take your ordermadam_
    A Yes I'd like an Italian soup to start with
    B Yesit's as quiet as we expected
    c Nothe price's reasonable
    15Heywhat are you doing in that room
    A Nothing else
    B Fine Thank you
    C l am preparing for the test next week
    16Hey Peter Can you_Sure what is it
    Adome a favor
    Bdo something good
    Cdo anything for me
    17—What's your plan for the summer vacation
    A I have a good plan
    BI'm shopping now
    c I'm planning to go to Italy
    18—You seem a little blue today What's the matter
    A1am very happy
    B It's been a difficult day
    CIt doesn't matter
    19—Tomyou to my birthday partyI'm very happy to join the partyWhen will it be
    A I'd like to invite
    BI have to invite
    Cl should invite
    20—Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight
    A No I have no ideas
    B Nol don't like being with you
    C Yes that's very kind of you thanks
    21—Hey PeterCan you—Sure what is it
    Adome a favor
    Bdo something good
    Cdo anything for me
    22—What's your plan for the summer vacation
    A l have a good plan
    BI'm shopping now
    CI'm planning to go to Italy
    23—You seem a little blue today What's the matter
    Alam very happy
    BIt's been a difficult day
    CIt doesn't matter
    24—Tomyou to my birthday partyI'm very happy to join the partyWhen will it be
    A I'd like to invite
    BI have to invite
    Cl should invite
    25—Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight
    A NoI have no ideas
    B Nol don't like being with you
    C Yes that's very kind of you thanks
    26The Internet is magic Can we get everything from it
    A Yesyou ate absolutely right
    B Yesl totally agree with you
    C We11 it is impossible
    27 There are so many strange phone calls nowadays I'm fed up with those calls—Speaking of strange phone calls_
    A who are these nasty people
    B you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds
    c there may be some information you can get from them
    28—Why do you want to leave your previous job
    AI'm hoping to have a better position
    B l don't want to work at all
    c You won't understand it
    29You seem a little blue today What's the matter
    Al am a little sad
    B It doesn't matter
    C It's been a difficult day
    30Heywhat are you doing in that room
    A Nothing in particular
    B Fine Thank you
    C l am preparing for the test next week
    31 Do you think you are the suitable person for this position
    A I'm not sure if l will be here for the task
    B l don't think Xiao Ming is the right person to count on
    c Yes I'm hard working and I think I am suitable for this position
    32There was a gunshot in the cinema last nightl heard about itand_
    A I felt into sleep immediately after that
    B l hope nobody was hurt in the cinema
    c do you know what movie was on last night
    33l need to look for some papers to add to my research report
    A Do you like the library in our school
    BHow many papers have you read so far
    C Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web
    34 There are so many strange phone calls nowadays I'm fed up with those calls—Speaking of strange phone calls
    A who are these nasty people
    B you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds
    C there may be some information you can get from them
    35—What's your plan for the summer vacation
    A I have a good plan
    BI'm shopping now
    C I'm planning to go to London
    36Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad
    A I've never been to those cities
    B Maybe somewhere in Europe
    C I'm traveling in the summer
    37Would you like me to help you make a plan for the sumnmer vacation
    A Nol already have plans
    B I'd love to but I'm busy right now
    C I'm illsol shouldn't go out
    38—Why do you want to leave your previous job
    A I'n hoping to have a better pos1t1on
    B l don't want to work at all
    C You won't understand it
    39—How can 1 get legal advice for free
    A You can get nothing for free
    B To be frank] don't care aboul that
    C You can go to a law firm and ask about that
    40Honey would you like to have a talk with me
    A Talk with you What for
    BI'm not interested in the talk
    C About the situations we are having these days
    41—Can 1 take your order madam
    AYesI'd like an Italian soup to start with
    BYesit's as quiet as we expected
    CNo the price’ s reasonable
    42—Do you often surf on the Internet
    AYesI surf on the internet
    BYesI use it a lot nowadays
    CYesI seldom do so
    43—Why do you want to leave your previous job
    AI'm hoping to have a better position
    BI don't want to work at all
    CYou won't understand it
    44—our city is getting safer and safer
    AI hope there will be no crimes anymore
    BCrimes are sometimes good
    cI don’t want to discuss this with you
    45—OkayCalm downpleaseWhat happened_
    AWe were shopping in the cosmetic section on the ground floor
    BAbout half an hour I've been looking for her everywhere
    CWe were in the shop and I turned around and she was gone





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