

    试题 1
    — Hey Derek which do you think is harder to learn marketing or designing

    APersonally I think designing is more difficult
    BIt is the best design I have ever seen
    CI like it very much
    试题 2

    — I'm not sure what I'll do I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself
    AWhat are you doing
    BWhere are you going
    CWhat are your plans for summer vacation
    试题 3
    Through the work plan the team leader is able to ______ the tasks at hand the deadlines for completion and the responsible parties for effective management
    试题 4
    She kept on ______ although she was tired
    Cto work
    试题 5
    Your goal is to publish a book and have _____ manuscript sent out to publishers by November 2016
    试题 6
    二 阅读理解:阅读面短文根文章容进行判断正确写T错误写F
    Whatever projects you do you need to have a clear and accurate action plan Here are a few ideas to make a good action plan
    First know your goals If you don't know where you're going you're likely to end up anywhere or even nowhere The action plan should be specific measurable achievable relevant and timed (SMART) It will take you toward the completion of that goal
    Next list the necessary strategies that will be used to realize the goals Be clear about very important events and also any hidden difficulties you may meet Break large tasks into smaller ones Set deadlines for each task Without clear deadlines some tasks may never get completed
    Thirdly follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished Once your plan is made and shared with the team the next step is simple take daily action and make sure that everyone is doing their part
    Finally change the date if you must but never give up on the goals Sometimes unexpected situations and events can appear and prevent you from finishing the tasks on time If this happens do not be discouraged – change your plan and continue working to meet your goals
    1 Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do( F )
    2 SMART stands for suitable measurable achievable relevant timed( F )
    3 When making an action plan you'd better take possible difficulties into consideration( T )
    4 Don't change your plan even if some unexpected events happen( F )
    5 This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan( T )
    试题 1
    — We'll have a charity book sale together with Menglin Publishing House next month
    — Yes I think the Music Square is large enough
    ACould you give any suggestion on the location
    BWhich place is suitable
    CCan you tell me the possible location
    试题 2

    — I'm afraid not But I'll be free this afternoon
    ACan you spare me a few minutes now
    BIs there any vacancy in your company
    CDo you have the time
    试题 3
    your plan and don't stop until it is finished
    试题 4
    You can pick a specific time and place and ask them ______ they want to go
    试题 5
    Within the team a work plan can tell each member what ______ and why
    Ahas been done
    Bis being done
    Chas done
    试题 6
    A work plan is an important tool to tell what tasks to do when to finish who to take where to go and how to get there The work plan organizes your task with a timetable of what when and how a job needs to be done Within the team a work plan can tell each member what is being done and why
    A work plan sets objectives The clear objectives can help the process of planning developing and managing a project Through the work plan the team leader is able to identify the tasks at hand the deadlines for completion and the responsible parties for effective management
    An effective work plan can show you whether your project is being carried according to the timetableIf everything is going on well just keep on following the planThe schedule should be flexible It can be changed for more realistic timelines when meeting any problems
    1 Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage( )
    A A work plan keeps people informed
    B A work plan helps cut down expenses
    C A work plan is important in planning and management
    2 What can the clear objectives help( )
    A It can help each member know what is being done and why
    B It can help the team leader with effective management
    C It can help the process of planning developing and managing a project
    3 What does the underlined word deadlines mean( )
    A duration
    B death time
    C the point in time at which something must be completed
    4 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage( )
    A When meeting any problems you can change your plan for more realistic timelines
    B When meeting any problems you should not change your plan
    C When meeting any problems you can give up your plan
    5 The best title for the passage would be ( )
    A The importance of clear objectives
    B The importance of a work plan
    C The importance of team work
    试题 1

    — Nothing much
    AIs everything going well
    BWhat's up
    CCan I help you
    试题 2

    — I'm afraid not But I'll be free this afternoon
    ADo you have the time
    BIs there any vacancy in your company
    CCan you spare me a few minutes now
    试题 3
    The work was done her instructions
    Aaccordance with
    Baccording with
    Caccording to
    试题 4
    ______ has not yet been decided
    AWhen to hold the meeting
    BWhen is held the meeting
    CWhen hold the meeting
    试题 5
    You can pick a specific time and place and ask them ______ they want to go
    试题 6
    Listen to the dialog and decide whether the following statements are True(T) or False (F)
    1 They will sell the books in a supermarket next month( F)
    2 Menglin Publishing House has been engaged in charity work for many years( T )
    3 It is not decided when and where the sale will be held( T )
    4 George will make a plan for the book sale with Melinda together( F )
    5 George asks Melinda to hand in the plan next week( F )
    试题 1

    — I'm not sure what I'll do I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself
    AWhere are you going
    BWhat are your plans for summer vacation
    CWhat are you doing
    试题 2
    — Hey Derek which do you think is harder to learn marketing or designing

    APersonally I think designing is more difficult
    BIt is the best design I have ever seen
    CI like it very much
    试题 3
    She hasn't the funds to her design
    Amake sure
    Bend up
    Ccarry out
    试题 4
    She kept on ______ although she was tired
    Ato work
    试题 5
    ______ has not yet been decided
    AWhen to hold the meeting
    BWhen hold the meeting
    CWhen is held the meeting
    试题 6
    1 Follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished( )
    A 计划完成前停
    B 计划进行直完成停
    C 计划进行完成前停
    2 Sometimes the most difficult part of forming a plan to solve a problem is that you're not exactly sure what the problem is( )
    A 时候制定解决问题计划难部分确定问题什
    B 时候制定计划难部分解决确定问题
    C 时候难部分制定解决问题计划确定什问题
    3 The less clear you are about what you want to do the less effective your plan will be( )
    A 太清楚想做什计划会失效
    B 越清楚想做什计划越没成效
    C 计划越没成效越弄清楚想做什
    4 Once you've set a specific timeline the next step is to take daily action and do your own part( )
    A 设置具体时间表步采取日常行动职责
    B 旦已设置具体时间表步天采取行动做事情
    C 旦已设置具体时间表步天行动起职责
    5 I am not particularly busy at the moment What's up( )

    试题 1

    — Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you
    AWhat's your plan tomorrow
    BI'm just wondering if you could come to join us
    CDo you have an appointment
    试题 2

    — It's lovely I have never been to such beautiful place like that
    AWould you like to go to the concert with me
    BHow's the weather like today
    CHow about your trip
    试题 3
    She feel very tired and was glad to him
    Alean on
    Bdepend on
    Cput on
    试题 4
    The Two parties made it clear that they would not _____ the invitation unless the Centre reduced its tax component
    试题 5
    On their arrival you should ______the following points
    Apay to
    Bpay attention to
    Cattention to
    试题 6
    A letter of invitation is written to invite people for a business event or personal occasion The letter should be short and clear A soft and polite tone should be used An invitation letter should have the date time and the event Always send the letter of invitation in advance You need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event
    Let's take a look at some steps that will help you outline a letter of invitation
    Begin the letter with name and address of sender and receiver Note the date
    Start the main body of the letter with salutations a word likeDearfollowed by the receiver's name
    Give the event in the first paragraph
    Put relevant facts like date time and place of the event in the beginning
    Make that the receivers know the way to the place
    Let the receivers know that they have to notice the inviters whether they will join the event or not before a certain date The letter will note with the details of a contact person to confirm their attendance for the event
    1 What's the purpose of writing a letter of invitation ( )
    A To invite people for a business event
    B To invite people for a personal occasion
    C Either A or B
    2 Which is not necessary when writing a letter of invitation?( )
    A date
    B weather
    C place
    3The letter of invitation should not be ( )
    A short
    B easy
    C clear
    4 Why should we send the letter of invitation in advance ( )
    A Because the invitation is important
    B Because the receiver will need to plan to come to the event
    C Because the receiver will forget to come to the event
    5Which might be the title of the whole passage ( )
    A How to write a letter of invitation
    B The importance of writing a invitation letter
    C The purpose of writing a invitation letter
    试题 1

    — It takes about 3 hours
    AHow often do you take a train
    BWhen will your train arrive
    CHow long will the journey take
    试题 2
    — Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning

    AI'm sorry but I have another appointment tomorrow Thanks anyway
    BNo I have nothing planned tomorrow
    CWell I'll be most delighted to come over
    试题 3
    The environmentalists and wild goats’ ______ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment
    试题 4
    A good tour guide tells visitors ______
    AWhat couldn't miss they during the trip
    BWhat they couldn't miss during the trip
    CWhat during the trip they couldn't miss
    试题 5
    ______ after introduction you can ask about their journey
    ABroken the ice
    BBreaking the ice
    CTo break the ice
    试题 6
    Receiving Visitors at the Airport
    Do you sometimes need to go to meet some visitors at the airport What should you do when you meet them What should you talk about On their arrival you should pay attention to the following points
    Ÿ Going up to meet the visitors
    Ÿ Asking about their journey
    Ÿ Helping with their luggage
    When going to the visitors and making introduction at the airport you should remember that the person of less importance regardless of gender is introduced to the person of greater importance and the visitor is always more important than anyone in your organization The introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake
    To break the ice after introduction you can ask about their journey like Did you enjoy your journey How was your trip etc If you want to be more friendly and helpful you may offer to take the luggage
    When you get to the hotel accompany your visitors to the hotel front desk and help them with the checkin After checkin ask a bell boy to help carry the luggage
    When your visitors have settled down discuss the schedule with them to see if there might be any changes If there are changes don't forget to let the related persons know
    1 When making introductions the introduction is usually starting with a brief and firm handshake (T)
    2 In order to break the ice you may ask visitors about their journey after the introduction ( T)
    3 If you want to be more friendly and helpful you'd better help carry the luggage (T )
    4 You should discuss the schedule with the visitors before they've settled down ( F )
    5 It is not friendly to ask about the visitor's journey ( F )
    试题 1
    — I'd like to invite you for dinner on Saturday

    AI am going to take a vacation this holiday
    BThank you for your kind invitation I'll be there on time
    CFine Everything went smoothly Thanks
    试题 2

    — Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you
    ADo you have an appointment
    BI'm just wondering if you could come to join us
    CWhat's your plan tomorrow
    试题 3
    Scientists have made great contributions _____ development of our human beings
    试题 4
    If there are changes don't forget _____ the related persons know
    Bto let
    试题 5
    ______ after introduction you can ask about their journey
    ABroken the ice
    BBreaking the ice
    CTo break the ice
    试题 6
    Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer for each question
    1 The visitor is from the Menglin Publishing House( T )
    2 The visitor has an appointment with Helen( F )
    3 Melinda offers the visitor a cup of tea( F )
    4 They are going to hold a director's meeting( T )
    5 They hope they could have a good cooperation( T )




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