

    试题 1
    — Hello I'd like to speak to Phil
    — He's out to lunch now _________________
    AWould you mind calling back later
    BSorry you can't
    CI don't know
    试题 2
    — Would you mind helping me for a minute Barbara
    — _________________What do you want me to do
    AYes I do
    BSorry I have no time
    CI'd be glad to
    试题 3
    The question never ______ in discussion
    Aset up
    Bcame up
    Cput up
    试题 4
    They were successful ______ a communication satellite
    Bto launch
    Cin launching
    试题 5
    — Mom must I finish my homework now
    — No you ______ You may have supper first
    试题 6
    Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer for each question
    1 MrTaylor comes from ( )
    A a charity orgnazation
    B Menglin Publishing House
    C Qiangxaing Commubity
    2 Peter the Director feels ( )to join the meeting
    A nervous
    B tired
    C pleased
    3 Peter gives ( )first
    A a welcome speech
    B an opening speech
    C a closing speech
    4 Which is true according to the dialog( )
    A This project has been finished now
    B All the details of the project have been settled before the meeting
    C They will be having many things to do about the project
    5 The purpose of this meeting is to ( )
    A show thanks to the manager
    B discuss more details about the project
    C invite the manager to visit the community
    试题 1
    — Unbelievable I have failed the driving test again
    — _________________This is not the end of the world
    AGo ahead
    BGood luck
    CCheer up
    试题 2
    — Dad this is my roommate Andrea
    — _________________
    AIt's very thoughtful of you
    BHope to meet you again
    CHello Andrea I've heard so much about you
    试题 3
    The company hosted a ______ for their new staff
    试题 4
    He has been looking forward to _____ to England for a long time
    试题 5
    Mr White ______ short stories but he ______ a TV play these days
    Ais writing is writing
    Bis writing writes
    Cwrites is writing
    试题 6
    It's very interesting to study names of different countries Chinese names are different ( A)
    foreign names Once an English lady came to visit me When I was introduced to her she said Glad to meet you Miss PingThen she gave me her name card with three words on itBetty J BlackSo I saidThank you Miss BettyWe looked at each other and laughed heartily Later I found that the English people ( B )
    their family names last and the given names ( A ) while their middles are not used very much I explained to her that the Chinese family name ( C )
    first the given names last so she should never call me Miss Ping She asked if we Chinese had a middle name I told her we didn’t But people may often find three words on a Chinese name card In this case the family name still comes first and the other words after it ( B )
    a twoword given name It is quite usual in China My sister is Li Xiaofang She has two words in her given name instead of just one like mine.
    1 A from B in C at
    2 A hold B put C keep
    3 A first B second C last
    4 A are B mean C comes
    5 A is B are C were
    试题 1
    — I would like to make an appointment for the meeting Which day would you prefer Tuesday or Thursday
    — _________________
    AAt any time
    BWell either time will do
    CYou make the time
    试题 2
    — Dad this is my roommate Andrea
    — _________________
    AHope to meet you again
    BIt's very thoughtful of you
    CHello Andrea I've heard so much about you
    试题 3
    Can we ______ another worker to help Jimmy or find another solution
    试题 4
    I'm afraid I won't be available then I ______ a friend off at five this afternoon
    Awill be seeing
    Bwill see
    试题 5
    — Mom must I finish my homework now
    — No you ______ You may have supper first
    试题 6
    Meetings are very common nowadays They can be weekly monthly or annually Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time They seem pointless and boring at times
    Then how do you run an effective meeting
    First assign roles such as greeter timekeeper and note taker so that you the organizer can be free to lead discussions and presentations
    Next take charge from the start Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about and everything that you talk about is useful
    Most important of all follow the agenda At the end of the meeting spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda
    Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested Remember that a good meeting is a twoway communication Be open to everyone's opinion ideas and suggestions Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present
    And finally close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeksThen send out meeting minutes within a few days while everyone still remembers the points
    1 A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles (T)
    2 Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting(F)
    3 An unsuccessful meeting might be full of singleway communication ( T )
    4 When the meeting is closed it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks (F)
    5 Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting (F)

    试题 1
    — Hello this is John speaking Could I speak to Mike

    ASorry who is Mike
    BOf course you can
    CHold the line please
    试题 2
    — Hello Sky Travel Agency May I help you

    AYes what's your line of business
    BYes I prefer economy class
    CYes I'd like to make reservations to Beijing on the flight ZH8147 at 600 pm on December 19th
    试题 3
    Do you require a deposit(定金)to a reservation
    试题 4
    She wants a job where ______
    Aher management skills can be put to good use
    Bcan her management skills be put to good use
    Ccan put her management skills to good use
    试题 5
    Mike ______ his colleagues when the phone rang
    Ais talking with
    Bwas talking with
    Ctalked with
    试题 6
    A business itinerary is written for business trips which should include everything from travel arrangements to hotel information and business meetings
    Give travel arrangements in detail The travel arrangements should include phone numbers directions departure time where to check in taxi information and the address of any planned stop
    Provide complete hotel information This includes the room number directions to the hotel checkin and checkout times as well as information about any services the hotel provides
    List information for any meetings you are going to attend It includes the name of the organization time address and a contact name and number Remember to write down any special information you may need to bring to each meeting It can help prevent you from forgetting something important such as presentations sample products or contracts
    Write a suggested restaurant list that gives several choices for lunch and dinner Select restaurants near where you will be attending meetings or stopping
    1 What is a business itinerary written for ( )
    A Business contact
    B Business meetings
    C Business trips
    2 What does the underlined wordstopmean ( )
    A The act of stopping something
    B A brief stay in the course of a journey
    C The event of something ending
    3 What can help prevent you from forgetting something important ( )
    A To write down any special information
    B Just to remember it
    C To ask your secretary to remind you
    4 What does meeting information include ( )
    A Phone numbers directions departure time where to check in taxi information
    B Room number directions to the hotel checkin and checkout times
    C The name of organization time address and a contact name and number
    5 Which statement is TRUE according to the passage ( )
    A It's unnecessary to include detailed information in a business itinerary
    B Complete hotel information should be provided
    C You can select any restaurants without considering its location

    试题 1

    — The roundtrip air fare for a person is only 188
    AHow much does the airplane cost
    BWhat is the exact air fare
    CHow much does the trip cost
    试题 2
    — This is Melinda speaking from Qiaoxiang Community Service Center
    — Let me see There will be some visits to our community library and learning center
    ACan you tell me the address of your community
    BI'm calling for the arrangement of the visit next Monday
    CPlease tell me the arrangement of the visit next Monday
    试题 3
    Most tour companies ______ advance payment when a booking is made
    Ainsist on
    Bturn down
    Chave difficulty with
    试题 4
    This is true of management ______ of workers
    Bas well as
    试题 5
    Do not do anything _____ should go against his will
    试题 6
    Do you seem to be late for work or school a lot Being on time is very important for personal success Learn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on time – all the time
    To be punctual means to do what you should do on time Being a punctual person one should
    Recognize time Keep your watch exact It may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead Keep a clock phone computer or anything that shows time in each room of your house
    Wake up when you need to If you have difficulty with this place your alarm clock to somewhere that you cannot reach from your bed that way you have to get up to turn it off If you can't get out of bed on time you may be going to bed too late Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself at least 7 hours'sleep
    Insist on being 15 minutes early for everything If you have to be at work at 800 tell yourselfI have to be at work at 745 If you do this you will be on time even with a slight traffic jam You can talk with others who are early and that will make you happy before work
    1 Being punctual has nothing to do with personal success ( F )
    2 It is unnecessary to set your watch two minutes ahead ( F )
    3 You'd better place your alarm clock beside your bed so that you can turn it off at once ( T)
    4 Being a punctual person one should sleep earlier to allow himself more than 7 hours'sleep ( T)
    5 This passage is mainly about the importance to be punctual ( F )

    试题 1
    — May I speak to Tom
    — I'm sorry He isn't in the office now

    — Yes of course
    ACan I leave a message?
    BWho's calling please?
    CCan I help you?
    试题 2
    — This is Melinda speaking from Qiaoxiang Community Service Center
    — Let me see There will be some visits to our community library and learning center
    ACan you tell me the address of your community
    BPlease tell me the arrangement of the visit next Monday
    CI'm calling for the arrangement of the visit next Monday
    试题 3
    Can you explain your arrangements
    Aof detail
    Bon detail
    Cin detail
    试题 4
    ______ means to do what you should do on time
    ABe punctual
    CTo be punctual
    试题 5
    She wants a job where ______
    Aher management skills can be put to good use
    Bcan her management skills be put to good use
    Ccan put her management skills to good use
    试题 6
    Organizing your daily schedule is something that you know needs to be done but where exactly does one start A lot of people see time ( B )
    as a superpower ( A )
    effectively organizing your daily schedule at work is simple if you have a plan and it's a skill that anyone can learn
    What does the start of your day look ( C)
    Do you come to the office sit down at your desk and have no idea where to begin Invest just a few minutes to plan your daily schedule – review your meetings and appointments and work out those important tasks
    Many people waste the first hour or two of their day onbusy work(checking email ( A )
    the web opening mail etc) instead of creating a daily schedule It's easy to leave you feeling ( C )
    you've wasted the entire morning Pick one big task to deal with as soon as you get to the office
    1 A managing B management C manager
    2 A But B So C Although
    3 A as B up C like
    4 A surfing B playing with C going on
    5 A even if B even though C as though




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