
    1 China is very famous______ its food
      2 Don’t worry There is nothing wrong______ you
      3 They will arrive______ Shanghai tomorrow morning
      4______ my way home I met up with a friend
      5 The post office is______ the bank and the hotel
      6 ______ his help we couldn’t finish the work successfully
      7 There is a tall tree______ front______ my house
      8 Our school is______ the other side of the road
      9 The little boy looks______ his mother
      10 When waiting for a bus______ a bus stop you must stand______ line
      11 Could you help me look ______my son when I am out
      12 Students must listen______ the teacher carefully______ class
      13 Li Yan is my friend She often helps me______ my lessons
      14 My brother spent much time______ his homework yesterday evening
      15______ the end we all passed the English exam
    1  Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard (in on by with)
    2   She is taking the children out _______ a walk (in on for by)
    3   You can choose the best one ________ them (in on among by)
    4   Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces (in on with into)
    5   There are two bridges ______ the river  (over on with into)
    6   There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall (on in over above)
    7    He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands He is deep in thought  (on in at with)
    8  _______ the help ____ the teachers the students have made great progress ______their study (on in of with)
    9 He will be back _______ a minute  ( on in for by)
    10 The teacher is standing _______ the class (on before to in)
    11Our train arrived_____Shanghai____630_____a foggy November day (on in at by)
    ( )1—How can we protect ourselves _______ the earthquake
    —We should stay calm first
    A with B about C for D from
    ( )2 We’ll play basketball _______ Class 3 tomorrow
    A over B against C to D for
    ( )3—A person’s life is like a road lots of difficulties
    —Yes so we need positive energy
    A by B with C along D during
    ( )4Mother’s Day is _____ the second Sunday in May in the United States
    A on B in C at
    ( )5You see Kevin is writing ______ his left hand
    A at B as C for D with
    ( )6A conversation __ a wise person is worth ten years’ st udy of books
    A for B l ike C with D to
    ( )7I sometimes help my mom with her housework ______ Saturdays
    A at B in C on D to
    ( )8Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened ______ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year
    A on B at C in D to
    ( )9—She sold her treasures to cure her mother’s illness even though it was her own wishes
    —It’s so kind _____ her
    A against of B above of C on for D for for
    ( )10—This problem is far ______ me I’m afraid I can’t work it out
    —Don’t worry we will help you
    A beyond B beside C behind D between
    ( )11 Teenagers should be encouraged to go ______ and be close to nature
    A inside B back C outside D off
    ( )12—What’s the most important morning news on CCTV today
    —The Chinese government warned Japan _____ do harm to China’s territorial sovereignty (领土权) again and again
    A to not B didn’t C no t to D do not
    ( )13 Mr Green’s office is _______ the 26th floor You can take the life there
    A at B in C on D for
    ( )14 ______ the exam we’ll say goodbye to our dear teachers classmates as well as our beautiful school
    A In B For C After D Through
    ( )15—What time do you usually go to school Jack
    —_______ abou t half past seven
    A On B In C At D For
    ( )16 They usually go shopping ____ their lunch break
    A against B among C between D during
    ( )17—What would you like _______ your afternoon tea?
    —Just a cup of coffee _______ some sugar and milk
    A of with B of without C for with D for without
    ( )18—Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel
    —Go ______ the post office and you will find it on the left
    A pass B past C to pass D passed
    ( )19Meimei is a beautiful girl _______ big eyes and dark hair
    A in B on C at D with
    ( )20 On May 10th a horse was found running happily _____ the busy street in
    A at B of C in D from
    ( )21 The castle stands in a quiet place the main road at the far end of the river
    A to B for C Off D out
    ( )22 Cambridge is a small city _______ the east of Englan d
    A between B with C in D under
    ( )23Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned ______ hard work
    A with B by C for D without
    ( )24 Some workers in that factory have to work _______ night
    A at B for C with D among
    ( )25 ______ all his pocket money Dan bought a present for his mother on
    Mother’s Day
    A With B For C By D In
    ( )26 We’re leaving tomorrow We will be away _______ next Friday
    A from B until C on D since
    ( )27A ship from South Korea sank into the sea _______ April 16 2020
    A in B on C at D for
    ( )28 It is believed that _______ December 21 1891 the first basketball game in history was played
    A on B in C at D by
    ( )29—How soon will his father come back from London
    —_______ a week
    A Since B In C At D On
    ( )30Now people regard drinking tea _______ a culture than a habit
    A as B by C of D with
    ( )31—What can I do for you
    —I hope I have a n ice house _______ a big garden
    A of B wi th C from D about
    ( ) 1 Miss White looks _______her mother She is goodlooking too
    A after B for C like D at
    ( ) 2 When will Mrs Smith come to Shanghai _______ March 5
    A On B To C At D In
    ( )3 When did you begin to learn English _______ 2017
    A Since B At C In D From
    ( )4 Do you like English films
    Yes I was told that there would be an English film _______ the evening of September 1st
    A in B on C at D to
    ( )5 What are you doing I’m writing my talk_______ tomorrow
    A on B by C to D for
    ( )6 Who are the boys _____ green sports shirts Oh they are the fans of Guo’an Team
    A with  B in C at D from
    ( )7 Does his uncle live in London
    Yes he has lived there _____ two years ago
    A from B in C before D since
    ( )8 Is the old bridge made_______ wood
    Yes it is
    A in B of C from D into
    ( )9 My uncle has just bought a house ____ a small garden ___ front of it
    A with in B of at C near by D in on
    ( )10 Can you make a sentence _______ the word produce OK Let me have a try
    A in B by C with D at
    A:Good morning
    B:Good morning1_______________________?
    A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache
    A:Ever since this morning
    B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold Have you taken your temperature
    A:No I haven’t
    B:Oh you’ve got a fever
    A:Is it serious
    B:Nothing serious
    A:What should I do then
    B:You can take some medicine and drink much water
    B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon
    A:Thank you doctor 5_______ __________________ Bye
    shout  he  good  sing  beautiful  able  hear  one   listen  as it take
     Once there was a piano player in a bar People came to just   1   him play But one night a lady asked him to sing a song
    I don't sing said the man
    But the lady told the waiter I'm tired of   2   to the piano I want the player to sing
    The waiter   3   across the room Hey friend If you want to get paid sing a song So he did He had never sung in public before Now he was singing for the 4   time Nobody had ever sung the song Mona Lisa so   5
    He had talent(天赋)he was sitting on He may have lived the rest of his life  6   a noname piano player in a noname bar But once he found by accident that he could sing well he went on working hard and became one of the bestknown  7   in the US 8   name was Nat King Cole
    You have skills and   9    too You may not feel that your talent is great but it may be           10   than you think With hard work most skills can be improved Besides you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent
    1 2 3 4 5
    6 7 8 9 10





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