高考词汇检测练习(一)无答案 (1)

    Section 1 aadvertisement


    1 abandon ______________2 acknowledge ________________3 abundant _________________

    4 academy ______________5 absurd _____________________6 accumulate ________________

    7 accomplish _____________8 abstract ____________________9 adequate __________________

    10 钦佩羡慕欣赏__________11 优点优势 __________________12 征聘等广告 ___________

    13 收养采纳 ____________14 址写址说话 ___________15 增加补充说 ___________


    1 考虑进____________________________2 enable sb to do sth _______________________

    3 采取行动 ______________________________4 havegain access to ________________________

    5 专心(absorb) __________________________6 on no account ____________________________

    7 意外偶然 ________________________8 外(addition)______________________

    9 获成功 _____________________________10 预先事先提前 ______________________

    11 ()适应 ____________________________12 录取允许进入 ____________________


    1 When deeply ________________ work he always forgets all about eating or sleeping

    2 One reason for her preference for city life is that she can ________ easy _______________ places likes shops

    and restaurants

    3 Yesterday when I was wandering on the pavement near a park I met an old neighbor __________________

    4 One must __________ the audience _____________________ when making speeches

    5 Only if you make an effort will you _________________ sooner or later

    6 ______________________ reading for knowledge we read for fun and inspiration

    7 It took him a while ________________________ working night shifts(夜班)

    8 News came from the school office that WangLin had __________________________ Beijing University


    1 The paper is due next month and I am working seven days _______ week often long into ______ night

    2 Fearing further attacks most of the population had _____________(abandon) the city

    3 The ability ____________(laugh) and smile is ____________(actual) something we are born with

    4 I was about to turn off my computer _____________ I received ________ email

    5 I’d like to buy _______ house modern comfortable and above _________ in a quiet neighborhood

    6 It is generally _____________(accept) that people are motivated by success

    7 According ______ a US report some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years

    8 The poor weather may have accounted ___________ the small crowd

    9 So far the wellknown journalist _________________(accumulate) more than 4000 interviews with famous people

    10 I have been accustomed to _______________(get) up early every morning after living in school

    11 Only when we match our words with ____________(action) can we make _______ difference in whatever we hope ___________________(accomplish)

    12 He is acknowledged ________ one of the greatest musician in the world

    Section 2 adviceannual


    1 忠告建议n_______________2 advocate nvt________________3 affair n_______________

    4 影响 vt ____________________5 负担起买起 ___________6 agency _______________

    7 agriculture ___________________8 affection _____________________9 aimlessly _____________

    10 差_______________11 独单独 ___________12 然___________

    13 altitude _____________________14 总直 ________________15 amateur _____________

    16 ambulance __________________17 annual ______________________18 恼怒______________


    1 征求某意见__________________________2 毕竟终究 ____________________________

    3 次次三 ______________________4 某岁时候 _________________________

    5 against one’s willwishes_____________________6 意致相符_____________________

    7 come to one’s aid___________________________8 arrive atcome toreach an agreement (with)__________

    9 目__________________________________10 量(amount)_________________________

    11 实现某目标抱负 _______________________ 12 tremble within anger _____________________

    13 做外没选择_______________________14 allow for _______________________________

    15 机场 _________________________________16 come to life _____________________________

    17 总(all) ________________________________18 允许某做某事 _______________________


    1 Though I dislike his works I admire him__________________ he is a great writer

    2 His words do not ________________ his actions

    3 The daughter ______________________________ her parents never to talk with strangers outside

    4 I warned him of the danger ________________________ but he didn’t listen

    5 This activity __________________ improving the students’ listening and speaking abilities

    6 Seeing what his naughty son had done he glared at him _________________________________

    7 A little bit of kindness will be rewarded with ______________________ benefit

    8 I’m angry now Why don’t you just mind your own business and ______________________

    9 When facing such an emergency I ______________________________ report it to the police

    10 Don’t worry We’ll go and pick you up __________________


    1 It is _____________(strong) advised that we ________________(bear) useful expressions in mind every day

    2 Having spent nearly all our money we couldn’t afford ______________(stay) at a hotel

    3 China is faced with the challenges of ________ aging population

    4 I don’t know where he is but he was here a minute ____________

    5 Nowadays cycling along with jogging and swimming ________(be) regarded as one of the best all round forms of exercise

    6 With the government’s aid those ____________(affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlement

    7 Little Tom sat ____________(amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him

    8 Find ways to praise your children often _________ you’ll find they will open their hearts to you

    9 Mr Davies was _____________(annoy) that the books were missing

    10 with his help we’ve learned how _______________(analyse) and settle problems

    section 3 anotherassociate


    1 appreciate______________2 antique ________________3 anyhow _________________

    4 apartment ______________5 apparently______________6 appetite________________

    7 applaud_________________8 applicant_______________9 appropriate________________

    10 architect________________11 arrest __________________12 artificial ________________

    13 Asian_________________14 aspect____________________15 忧虑渴___________

    16 助手理员___________17 道歉vi ________________18 出现显_______________

    19 接方式_____________20 批准赞成______________21 区面积________________

    22 出现起_____________23 感羞耻______________24 分配指派_______________


    1 be anxious to do sth_______________________2 with anxiety _____________________________

    3 take sth apart ______________________________4 answer for_______ ________________________

    5 make an appointment with sb_________________6 It appears (to sb)thatas if _____________________

    7 某事某争 ________________________8 外 ______________________________

    9 某申请_____________________________10 某道歉 ____________________________

    11 做准备 ______________________________12 ______________________________

    13 ____________________________14 应____________________________

    15 呼吁某做某事(appeal)_______________________________


    1 The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their kids ________________________ camp out during the trip

    2 Rod loves ____________________ clocks However he never manages to put them together again

    3 I am writing to ______________________________ not being able to join you for dinner’

    4 The government ______________________________ everyone to save water

    5 Do you ever ____________________ your family _____________ which TV program to watch

    6 I’m writing to __________________ the post of volunteer for our school English association

    7 _________________ good service the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes

    8 You’ll have to __________________ your wrongdoing one day

    9 One’s life has value ___________________ one brings value to the life of others

    10 You have to search for __________ many opportunities _________________ to practice listening

    11 He was waiting for his brother’s return ____________________

    12 We had to write a paper on how we plan to __________ what we would learn in class _______ our future lives


    1 But can uniforms help improve school standards The answer _______ this question is not clear

    2 Sports has become an important form of entertainment __________(appeal) to both men and women

    3 There’s evidence that people who have a purpose in life appear ____________(do) better

    4 I really appreciate ______________(work) with someone who does such a good job

    5 I’d appreciate _________ if you could give me the opportunity

    6 With Teachers’ Day _____________(approach) our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day

    7 At the meeting they discussed three different approaches ___________ the study of mathematics

    8 I hope my suggestions will meet your ________________(approve)

    9 Accidents always arise ___________ carelessness

    10 I’m _________________(shame) that I could not answer your question
    Section 4 associationbath


    1 atmosphere ______________2 attain __________________3 audience _______________

    4 authority ________________5 automatic ________________6 awful __________________

    7 awkward ________________8 barely ___________________9 anniversary _______________

    10 approximately ___________11 barrier __________________12 assumption _______________

    13 惊讶_________________14 袭击侵袭 _____________15 顾参加出席__________

    16 篮子(篮球运动)篮________17 银行岸____________________18 空_______


    1 认重重视(attach)__________________________2 试图做某事(attempt)____________________

    3 注意关注 ____________________________4 on average ____________________________

    5 明白意识 ________________________________6 基础 __________________________

    7 速度 __________________________________8 保持衡 ____________________________

    9 吸引某注意力_____________________________10 关联 _________________________

    11 某惊讶 _____________________________12 bargain with sb about the price ______________

    13 on the basis of ____________________________14 from bad to worse _____________________

    15 badly offwell off _____________________________16 be bathed in __________________________


    1 To be honest a lot of people _______________________________ becoming rich and famous

    2 On the bus you will often notice someone ___________ more ___________________ his mobile phone

    3 Women ________________ live longer than men

    4 People around the world should ________________ the real situation of water shortage

    5 The story _______________ a true story is so touching that everyone couldn’t help crying

    6 ________________ brilliant sunshine we felt warm and happy

    7 Some people say that classical music ____________________ only ________old people though I don’t think so

    8 ___________________________ I should see him here He should have attended school

    9 We are hoping for an improvement but things have gone ____________________________

    10 We normally show sympathy to those who are ______________ than us because they live a tough time


    1 We are working in ________________(associate) with a local company to raise money for the homeless

    2 ________ is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work

    3 He stared _________ complete astonishment at the child who was so impolite

    4 He left school ______ the age of 15 and hunted for a job in a big city

    5 Recently the H7N9 _______________(attack) many cities which worries us a lot

    6 Would you like to join us _____ the game I’m afraid not for I have something important _________(attend) to

    7 Listen ____________(attention) in class especially those that you think are difficult to understand

    8 We should develop a good attitude __________ life

    9 This is one of the most _______________(attract) places I’ve been to

    10 In the 1940s electricity was available _______ people in almost all areas of the United States




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