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    Unit 6 How do you feel
    The first period(第课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

    Let’s try
    ·够运基听力技巧完成Let’s try板块听力务
    Let’s talk
    ·够通观察谈Let’s talk板块图片PPT老师帮助理解话意

    ·够语境中助图片等理解chase mice bad hurt be afraid of be angry with意思正确发音
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1 Warmup & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song
    Play the song If you’re happy clap your hands by using the PPT (出示课件)
    Students can sing along with the song and do actions after it
    3 Free talk
    T That’s cool How do you feel now Are you happy
    Ss …
    4 Leadin
    Present the pictures of the main scene(课件出示:Unit 6情景图)
    T Look at these pictures How does Sarah feel
    Lead students to talk about the pictures by using the sentences below
    Is she happysadangry…in Picture…
    Use the facial expressions to help students understand the words
    T In this unit we’re going to talk about feelings
    Write down the topic How do you feel on the blackboard
    Step 2 Presentation
    Teaching purpose②
    1 Finish the exercises②
    (1) Show the part of Let’s try to students(课件出示教材P58 Let’s try板块容)
    T It’s cold outside Sam is talking with Sarah Where are they Are they at home Are they at school What will they do Can you guess
    (2) Ask students to read the questions quickly
    T Now let’s listen and find the right answers
    (3) Play the recording(课件出示:教材P58 Let’s try板块音频)
    Students listen to the recording and try to circle the right answers
    (4) Play the recording again and check the answers(出示课件)
    Q1 Where are they (At home)
    Teaching purpose③
    Q2 What will they do (Watch films)
    2 Look and predict③
    Show the picture of Let’s talk to students(课件出示:教材P58 Let’s talk板块图片)Let students look at the picture carefully Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue
    T Sam and Sarah are at home Look out of the window What’s the weather like
    Ss It’s cold windy outside
    T And what do you see in Sarah’s hand
    Ss I see a DVD There is a cat and a mouse in the picture on the DVD
    T Yes Maybe the cat is chasing the mouse now
    Write down the word chase on the blackboard Do the action to help students understand the word and then teach the word
    T Sam and Sarah are at home What will they do
    Ss They will watch a film
    T What film will they watch Can you guess
    Teaching purpose④
    Ss There is a cat in the picture on the DVD Maybe it’s a film about a cat
    T Cool Let’s watch it
    3 Watch and answer④
    (1) Show the questions on the PPT(出示课件)
    Q1 What’s the cartoon about
    Q2 What does the cat do
    (2) Play the cartoon(课件出示:教材P58 Let’s talk板块视频)
    Students watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions
    (3) Check the answers
    A1 It’s about a cat
    A2 It’s a police officer
    T Cool The cat is a police officer He chases the mice The mice are afraid of him
    Show a picture to help students understand the word and the phrase mice be afraid of… on the PPT(课件出示:猫抓老鼠老鼠害怕图片)
    Lead students to read the words

    Write down the sentence The mice are afraid of him on the blackboard and teach the sentence
    4 Read and answer Learn the new words
    Show the question on the PPT(出示课件)
    Q3 Why is the cat angry with the mice
    Students read the dialogue and try to answer the question
    Ss Because the mice are bad They hurt people
    Use the pictures to help students understand the words bad hurt (课件出示:badhurt相关容)
    Lead students to read the words
    5 Learn the new sentence structure
    T Because the mice are bad They hurt people The cat is angry with them
    Lead students to read the word angry

    Teaching purpose⑤
    Write down the sentence structure …be angry with… on the blackboard
    T Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now Why
    Ss Because the cat is angry with the mice
    T Good
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Read and act⑤
    (1) Students read after the recording(课件出示:教材P58 Let’s talk板块音频)Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups
    (3) Students act out the dialogue
    2 Choose the word to fill in the blanks
    (1) Show some sentences on the PPT
    (2) Students try to fill in the blanks by using am is are
    Answers a is b is c am d are e is f are
    (3) Students say the sentences
    Ask several students to read the sentences to the class The other students listen to them and make evaluations
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    1 Look and say
    (1) Ask students to look at the three pictures in the book Use some questions to lead them to understand
    T How do you feel about Picture 1
    S1 I’m afraid of him

    (2) Lead students to discuss in pairs
    T How do these pictures make you feel Please tell your partner
    (3) Ask several students to show to the class The other students listen to them and make evaluations
    2 Guessing game
    Choose one student to come to the front of the classroom Ask himher to act out an emotion with actions and expressions
    T How does heshe feel
    The other students guess it Praise the student who guesses right
    Students play the game in groups


    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises


    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    ·Be able to understand the questions and predict the main content of the listening part
    ·Be able to use basic listening skills to complete the listening task
    Let’s talk
    ·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the picture And be able to answer the question below the dialogue
    ·Be able to read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally and act it out in groups
    ·Be able to use the sentence structure be+ adj to express their feelings in situations
    · Be able to understand and read the new words and the phrases chase mice bad hurt be afraid of be angry with correctly by using the pictures in the context
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    ·Be able to understand and read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    ·Be able to use the key sentence structure be+ adj to express feelings in situations
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song
    Play the song If you’re happy clap your hands
    3 Free talk
    4 Leadin
    Present the pictures of the main scene
    Lead students to observe and talk about the pictures
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing along with the song and do actions after it
    3 Free talk
    4 Observe and talk about the pictures of the main scene
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning Use the pictures of the main scene to lead in the topic of expressing feelings in this unit naturally
    1 Finish the exercises
    (1) Show the part of Let’s try
    (2) Let students read the questions quickly
    (3) Play the recording
    (4) Play the recording again and check the answers
    (1) Predict the listening content
    (2) Read the questions quickly
    (3) Listen to the recording
    and try to circle the right answers
    (4) Check the answers
    Lead students to predict the listening content before listening Cultivate students’ logical reasoning ability
    2 Look and predict
    Show the picture of Let’s talk Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue Teach the word chase
    Look at the picture carefully Answer the teacher’s questions
    Predict the main idea of the dialogue Learn the word chase
    Use the questions to lead students to predict the main idea of the dialogue Cultivate students’ observation ability and logical reasoning ability Pave the way for further learning
    3 Watch and answer
    (1) Show the questions on the PPT
    (2) Play the cartoon
    Let students watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions
    (3) Check the answers
    Teach the word and the phrase mice be afraid of… Teach the sentence
    (1) Read the questions
    (2) Watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions
    (3) Check the answers
    Learn the word and the phrase mice be afraid of…
    Learn the sentence

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    4 Read and answer Learn the new words
    Show the question on the PPT
    Lead students to read the dialogue and answer the question
    Teach the words bad hurt
    Read the dialogue and try to answer the question
    Try to understand and learn the words
    Help students get an overall perception of the dialogue and get useful information Use the questions to lead students to learn the new words the phrase the sentence structure and the sentence
    5 Learn the new sentence structure
    Teach the sentence structure …be angry with…
    Learn the new sentence structure …be angry with…
    1 Read and act
    (1) Play the recording and let students read after the recording
    (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups
    (3) Let students act out the dialogue
    (1) Read after the recording Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Practice the dialogue in groups
    (3) Act out the dialogue
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Choose the word to fill in the blanks
    (1) Show some sentences on the PPT
    (2) Let students try to fill in the blanks by using am is are
    (3) Let students read the sentences
    (1) Look at the sentences on the PPT
    (2) Try to fill in the blanks by using am is are
    (3) Some students read the
    sentences and the other students evaluate them
    Prepare for the next part Practice the key words and sentences
    1 Look and say
    (1) Let students look at the three pictures in the book Use some questions to lead them to talk about the pictures
    (2) Let students discuss in pairs
    (3) Ask several students to show to the class and the other students listen and make evaluations
    (1) Look at the three pictures and talk about them with the help of the teacher
    (2) Discuss in pairs
    (3) Show to the class and
    make evaluations
    Help students use the language they have learned to describe their own feelings by looking at the pictures
    2 Guessing game
    Choose one student to come to the front of the platform Ask himher to act out an emotion with actions and expressions and the other students guess it Praise the student who guesses right
    Let students play the game in groups
    One student acts out an emotion with actions and expressions The other students try to guess Then play the game in groups
    Consolidate the knowledge through the game Improve students’ motivation of learning
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises





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