
    初二英语 202007
    1试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分满分130分考试时间100分钟
    部分15道题题听段话段话听两遍听段话前时间阅读题目听完请题中A B C三选项中选出佳答案
    1 What are the two speakers talking about

    2 Which one was taken away by Jim's father

    3 What does Ben always do after dinner now

    4 What does John think people in poor countries need most

    5 What did the woman think of the speech
    A It was popular B It was boring C It was interesting
    6 What does Tom's mother mean
    A Tom should finish his homework
    B Tom should go out
    C Tom should do the cleaning as well
    7 How many girls are there in the classroom
    A 4 B 7 C 10
    8 How does the girl feel now
    A Much better B A little better C Much worse
    9 Where are the two speakers talking
    A At the airport B In a hotel C At school
    10 Why is Mike late
    A Because he missed the bus
    B Because he stayed up late last night
    C Because he had an accident on the way
    11 When can the man come to see the doctor this week
    A On Tuesday and Friday
    B On Wednesday and Thursday
    C Any weekday except Monday
    12 How much is the cap now
    A 10 dollars B 26 dollars C 36 dollars
    13Which colour does the woman think Simon should use
    A Red B Yellow C Orange
    14 What was Kate doing when her father saw her
    A She was cleaning the wall
    B She was drawing a horse on the wall
    C She was riding a horse
    15 How often does Lisa go to the English Club
    A Once a week B Twice a week C Twice a month
    听段话两篇短文听两遍听段话短文前时间阅读题目听完请题中A B C三选项中选出佳答案
    16 Which club is Daniel in
    A The Maths Club B The Football Club C The Reading Club
    17What can we know about Mrs Wu
    A She is short B She has short hair C She is tall
    听第篇短文完成第1820题请根短文容A B C三选项中选出正确选项完成信息记录表
    A website designer
    The person needs at least 18 years of experience
    The person should be able to work 19 and make good decisions
    Contact information
    The person can 20 the company to know more information
    18 A two B three C five
    19A with different people B under stress C over the weekend
    20 A call B go to C email
    21 What's the population of Mary's town
    A 2000 B 20000 C 200000
    22 Where is the park
    A Next to a h4spltal
    B Amass from a library
    C Near Mary's house
    23 Which building is the most beautiful in the town
    A The library B The hospital C Mary's school
    24What's the weather like in winter in the town
    A Dry and sunny B Cold and rainy C Warm and cloudy
    25 When might Mary write the email
    A At 7 a m B At 6 p m C At 11 p m
    A B C D四选项中选出填入空白处佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    26—How about the charity sale Jack
    —I should say it was great success
    A the B a C an D
    27—Susan why are you still here They are all ready to start
    —I'm sorry but I when to Start
    A won't be told B am not told C didn't tell D wasn't told
    28—Why are you worried
    —I'm looking forward to a call from my daughter She New York for three days
    A has gone to B has been to C has been in D has come in
    29—Wow Sam it's popular to make a Vlog with the mobile phone
    —Just with a software called Meipai Let me show you
    A which to use B what to use C how to use it D where to use it
    30—Listen Is that Millie playing the piano in the room
    —No It be Mi11ie She has gone to Hong Kong
    A may not B needn't C mustn't D can't
    31—It's useful for the deaf people to learn sign languages
    —Yes it's an important way of for them
    A application B introduction C communication D conclusion
    32 Trees can help keep the air clean they can make the city cooler in hat summer
    A However B Moreover C Otherwise D Indeed
    33—Look Helen is running faster and faster
    —But she is too far behind I don't think she is win this time
    A too fast to B too slow to C enough fast to D fast enough to
    34—If I want to write about good reading habits what method should I use
    —You can use That means you have to give a general statement first and then use specific information to support it
    A Time order B Space order
    C General to specific D Specific to general
    35—It's kind of you to give a helping hand My spoken English has greatly improved

    A I'm sorry to hear that B what a pity
    C It all depends D My pleasure
    通读列短文题A B C D四选项中选出填入空白处佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    You'd better not work when you're very hungry If you decide to do your homework right after school you may have a 36 before getting to work Always do your homework 37 you get tired Don't wait until very 38 in the evening or the homework will seem much 39 than it really is
    Break your time into manageable(易处理)periods If you have more than an hour's homework 40 yourself a break after an hour On the other hand don't break it up so 41 that you can't get anything done You should be able to work at least after an hour at a time without 42 Don't put it off until the last 43 If you put off doing your homework you will always think of it and you won't enjoy your 44 time so much If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test you will have too much work to do for the exam
    A little bit each night enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school will take the 45 out of tests and keep you on top of it all Do your homework at the same time every day This will help you make it a habit
    36A snack B sleep C break D dream
    37A after B when C because D before
    38Aearly B slow C late D sudden
    39Aharder B lazier C smarter D easier
    40 A take B treat C return D give
    41A much B little C often D well
    42 A leaving B stopping C helping D teaching
    43A week B hour C minute D day
    44A lucky B free C busy D sad
    45A joy B noise C hope D fear
    请认真阅读列短文短文题A B C D四选项中选出佳选项答题卷该项涂黑

    46 Sign 1means
    A they don't work right now B they stay inside
    C they Look for help D the owner is ill
    47 Sign 2 is mainly for
    A businessmen B drivers C students D teachers
    48 Sign 3 is probably put up
    A on the gate of a park B on the gate of a school
    C on the door of a pet store D on a past beside a road
    Jackie is writing a summary and feedback about School Day to his teacher
    School Day was held successfully on June 215th Twentyfour student helpers from Grade 8 were divided into four groups of six Each group had a task to raise money for the disabled
    Group 1
    Group 2
    Group 3
    Group 4
    School postcards
    (Leader Natalie)
    Chinese paintings
    (Leader Tina)
    Recycling bags
    made by students
    (Leader Leo)
    Homemade snacks
    by parents
    (Leader Nick)
    All of the groups performed well on School Day and received praise from the visitors In shortour School Day went well and we got no poor opinions from the visitors
    Opinions Pram 300 students have been collected Most students thought the activities were good However some students thought the prices of the school postcards wore a little bit high

    Have a meeting with the headmaster about prizes for excellent student helpers
    49 The text is written to
    A give a report B have School Day
    C collect opinions from visitors D hold a meeting with teachers
    50 How did most students feel about the activities
    A Bored B Satisfied C Excited D Surprised
    51 Which of the following is TRUE about the activities
    A 120 students like the recycling bags
    B School postcards were sold in Tina's group
    C 24 students offered their feedback
    D Student helpers who did well can get prizes
    Just as I came back home I heard a sound coming from the bedroom upstairs—it was from my favourite violin
    I rushed upstairs and saw a boy in dirty clothes pulling my violin down At first sight I found a new pair of shoes missing It seemed he was surely a thief
    Howeverwhen I saw his eyes full of fear my anger disappeared I smiled and asked Are you Mr Ram's student Rubens I'm his butler(男家) I've heard Mr Ram say his student will come It must be you
    Has my teacher gone out the boy said I think I'd better visit him again in a while
    I nodded and asked him Do you like playing the violin
    Yes but I'm too poor to afford one the boy replied
    Then I'll give you this violin The boy looked at me surprisingly but he picked up the violin While going out of the room he suddenly saw a huge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney on the wall His face turned pale He stood there for a moment and ran out He must have understood what had happened because no master would put up the butler's photo on the wall of his living room
    A few years later at a music competition in Melbourne I was invited to be the judge(评委) Finally a violin player called Merritt won the first prize
    After the prizegiving Merritt ran to me holding a violin box his face red and asked Mr Brian do you still know me You gave me the violin which I have treasured ever since Today I want to say sorry and give back this violin to you without regret…
    He was just the Mr Ram's student
    52 The waiter felt at first when lie saw the boy pulling his violin down
    A afraid B angry C sad D worried
    53 In fact the boy was
    A Mr Ram's student B a visitor to the Ram family
    C the butler's friend D a thief to the writer's home
    54 The boy's face turned pale probably because he realized
    A the butler took the violin by mistake B the butler was just the master
    C the master had come back home D his new shoes were missing
    55 The passage mainly wants to tell us that
    A it's never late to say sorry B the future is what we make it
    C kindness in giving has great power D failure is the mother of success
    I am 22 I used to work in a hotel It was boring
    One day a guest and I had a conversation She asked me Do you like your job I was sad because I knew the answer No
    She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life You are too young to hate your job young man Go to get your passport and start your adventure(险)
    So I did
    Since I was a little kid I was dreaming to know Europe So next day I had my passport And one week later my plane tickets
    It was impossible to have a long holiday So I resigned My boss said I was crazy My friends said that I was not responsible I just paid no attention to those voices
    It was Europe in winter Not the best time to travel there But Europe in winter is really cheap
    I packed some books a camera 4 shirts 2 pants a Coat gloves 2 pairs of walking shoes and music to give away
    I had little money I just walked and walked I went to high mountains and big cities I saw some beautiful sunsets I heard same of the best musicians(for free)I discovered that there was still love in the world I realized that sunrises are not always blue or yellow Sometimes they mix
    I spent 22 days and 1500(including the plane tickets)
    What I did to save money
    1 Used Couch surfing (沙发客)
    2 Ate 20cent bread
    3 Went to Burger King to get free potato chips and water
    4 Learned to cook
    5 Talked with local people They always know where to do cool and cheap stuff(事)
    6 Only went to free museums(only in England)
    Until this point in my life I never had a clear idea of how to deal with my life Now I do I want to be a photographer so that I can inspire(激励)people with my pictures Thanks to this travel Thanks to that lady
    56 Why did the old lady advise the man to have an adventure
    A Because he was pour B Because she was old
    C Because he didn't like his job B Because he wanted to know Europe
    57 What's the meaning of the underlined word resigned in paragraph 6
    A请假 B退缩 C离开 D辞职
    58 What didn't the man take with him
    A Money and books B Clothes and music
    C Camera and passport D Food and mobile phone
    59 In order to save money he
    A lived in hotel
    B ate bread and hamburgers
    C worked as cook
    D tried to find places to do cool and cheap stuff
    60 Why did say Thanks to this travel Thanks to that lady
    A Because the travel and the lady let him see beautiful sunsets
    B Because the travel and the lady let him know how to deal with his life
    C Because the travel and the lady let him hear some of the best musicians
    D Because the travel and the lady let him discover that there was still love in the world
    (At break Amy meets Ken in the hallway)
    Amy Hi Ken Jane's birthday is coming Have you received her invitation
    Ken Yes 61
    Amy Me too I'm just thinking about the gift 62
    Ken Well she likes writing Why not get her pens and books
    Amy 63 I think she'll be happy to get them
    Ken Yeah By the way how will you buy the gift Will you ask your parents for money
    Amy 64 I've already saved my pocket money
    Ken Youre right I think we should learn to manage pocket money I just spend it on the things I really need
    Amy That's true 65
    Ken What a kind girl Learning to save and use money are both important to us
    A Yes please
    B Sounds good
    C Of course not
    D How about you
    E Can you come to my party
    F Have you got any good ideas
    G I also use it to help others in need
    65 Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them (明智)
    67 Listen The rain is beating (碰) the window making a sound
    68 This is the (骄傲)thing I have ever done
    69 As they grow older teenagers should be created more like (成)
    70 She wanted to take part in the club activity but was (拒绝)
    71 During the visit to France President Xi said that China and France should work c for the peace and development of the world
    72 ['sepəreɪtɪŋ]your time and effort properly is important when you prepare for the exams
    73—Have you made up your about your further education
    —Yes I will surely go to Beijing University for Physics
    74—Some people usually sleep in the open air
    —I think the government should provide them with cover
    75—How was the sick girl Dr Ma
    —She was on in time and now she is much better





    It was a warm day in July and Alice and her sister were sitting on the grass in a field Alice's sister was reading but Alice was bored There was nothing for her to do She looked around and yawned She was hot and she was beginning to feel sleepy She yawned again
    Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her
    Oh dear Oh dear I'm late Very late he was muttering to himself He stopped and took a big watch out of his waistcoat pocket He looked at it and said Oh dear Oh dear again and continued running
    How very curious Alice thought A rabbit in a waistcoat with a pocket watch I wonder where he's going
    She got up and ran after him He went across the grass to the corner of the field and disappeared down a rabbit hole Alice followed him down the hole too
    Down down down she fell into the deep dark hole She looked down but she couldn't see the bottom of it All around her there were a lot of bookshelves and cupboards There were also some pictures and maps on the walls She saw some jars on the shelves She picked one up and read the label
    She opened it but it was empty What a pity she thought and she put it in one of the cupboards as she fell past it Downdowndown
    I must be near the centre of the earth now she thought That's about four thousand miles down I think(Alice knew this from a geography lesson)
    81How did Alice feel when sitting on the grass

    82 Why did Alice run after the White Rabbit

    83Do you like Alice After reading the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland what do you think of Alice

    l Many hands make light work
    Meaning If lots of people share the work it will make a job easier to complete
    l Practice makes perfect
    Meaning If you keep practicing you will be better of it
    My favourite English saying
    My favourite English saying is





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