
    A阅读列短文题四选项中选出佳答案( 15 题题 2 分满分 30 分)

    31 If Amy works as a guide she can get ____________
    A 500 a month B 12 an hour C 35 a week D 185 a month
    32 If Mr Black wants to rent a house for his family he can _____________
    A call 5554140 B call 5550698 C call 5554863 D email guidehr@126 com
    33 Who lost a cat ________________
    A Lizie B John C Andrew D Peter
    Have you ever heard the phrase You never get a second chance to make a first impression (印象) It may sound like an unusual piece of advice but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future
    What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds When you meet someone for the first time by the time you have stated your name or shaken hands the other person has already formed an opinion about the kind of person you are
    So how do you make a good first impression All things grownups tell you such as being polite and being welldressed are very important However the most important tool for making a good first impression is your face Smiling being responsive and looking like you are happy will almost always leave a positive ( 积极) impression on people especially those who do not know you Most people generally speaking are ready to smile back when they are smiled at
    Furthermore smiling and being in a positive mood helps you to know and get a better understanding of new things This means that you can possibly be friendlier to people you do not know and be more creative and able to solve problems more quickly So if you ever need a reason to be happy think about the wonderful people you might meet and impress with a cheerful smile
    34 What does the underlined word react in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese
    A 回应 B 道歉 C 报告 D 建议
    35 Which paragraph shows how soon others form opinions on you
    A Paragraph 1 B Paragraph 2 C Paragraph 3 D Paragraph 4
    36 What can be learned from the last paragraph
    A Friendliness helps solve problems
    B Being positive helps you find a way out
    C There are many reasons to be happy
    D Thinking of great people cheers you up
    It was a cold winter night when the police officer Lee and the detective Smith were walking back to the police station They saw a robber attacking an old woman on the road Lee and Smith ran over to the robber at once
    The robber saw them and ran away as fast as he could Lee and Smith followed him for a long distance until the robber rushed into an underground station Lee and Smith ran into the station and tried to find him It was quite dark outside that night and they couldn’t see the robber clearly But they remembered what his body shape was like
    When they went in they saw six men in the station All of them had the similar build as the robber
    Lee looked at them carefully one by one
    The first man was arguing(争辩) with an underground station worker He seemed to be very upset The second one was watching the fight between the first man and the worker It seemed like he was quite interested in it
    The third one was running to warm himself up as it was cold in the station
    The fourth one was quietly reading a newspaper His face was hidden behind the newspaper The fifth one was wearing a big coat sitting on a bench quietly
    The sixth one was waiting for the underground He looked at his watch several times He seemed to be in a hurry
    Lee finally found out which one the robber was He whispered to Smith Look The robber wanted to cover up his panting(气喘吁吁) by doing this
    37 As soon as Lee and Smith saw the robber attacking an old woman they __________
    A hurried to catch the robber B ran into the police station
    C warned the thief to stop at once D rushed into the underground station
    38 The robber rushed into the underground station to ____________
    A rob the passengers B argue with others
    C fight against the worker D run away without being arrested
    39 Who was the robber according to Lee
    A The fifth man B The third man C The second man D The sixth man
    40 What’s the best title for the article
    A An Unlucky Suspect B A Brave Policeman
    C A Carefully Planned Robbery D A Wise Detective
    Huck is my name Huckleberry Finn The story started when my best friend Tom Sawyer and I found 12000 in a cave That money made us rich We got 6000 each Judge Thatcher an important man in St Petersburg put it in the bank and now we get a dollar a day interest (利息)
    Then a kind old lady called Widow Douglas invited me to live with her because I haven’t got a family or a home My mother died a long time ago then my dad Pap disappeared He was a violent (狂暴) man especially when he drank a lot which was most of the time and he often beat me I was scared of him I didn’t go to school like the other boys of my age I lived on the streets and in the woods
    My life changed after I lived with the widow ( 寡妇) She gave me a bed to sleep in and bought new clothes for me She read stories to me and taught me how to eat at a table But then her sister Miss Watson arrived She brought her black slave ( 奴隶) Jim with her I liked Jim but I didn't like Miss Watson very much She often shouted at me
    Widow Douglas sent me to school every day I didn't like going there at first because learning was very difficult But when I could read and write a bit I didn't mind going
    The months passed and winter came The weather got cold One morning I woke up and there was snow on the ground On my way to school I saw some footprints outside the widow’s house There was a cross on the heel (脚) of the left one My heart jumped Only one person wore boots with a cross on the left heel Pap
    He’s heard about my money I thought And he wants it
    That night I went to see Jim Jim had a magic ball made of animal hair There was a spirit inside the ball that could answer people’s questions about the future
    41 How did Huck get the money which was given to Judge Thatcher to put in the bank
    A Huck’s father gives him
    B Huck’s mother leaves the money to him before she dies
    C Window Douglas gives him
    D Huck and Tom Sawyer find the money in a cave
    42 How did Huck feel about living with Widow Douglas
    A He hated his new life B He didn’t mind his new life
    C He loved his new life D He wanted to get away from his new life
    43 From the passage we can know that ____________
    A Miss Douglas was very kind to Huck
    B Mr Thatcher was unimportant to Huck
    C Miss Watson was rather patient with Huck
    D Huck’s dad was very generous to him
    44 Which is the right order of what happened in the story
    ①Widow Douglas sent Huck to school ②Huck’s mother died
    ③Widow Douglas invited Huck to live with her ④Widow Douglas read stories to Huck
    A ③②④① B ②③④① C ③④②① D ②④③①
    45 What can we learn about Huckleberry Finn according to the passage
    A Huck had a happy life with his parents
    B Huck knew Pap wanted to get his money
    C It was Jim who helped Huck when he was in trouble
    D Thatcher offered a bed to Huck to sleep in
    31~33 BCD 34~36 ABB 37~40 ADBD 41~45 DCABB

    三阅读理解(计 50分)
    A 阅读列短文 题ABCD四选项中选出佳选项( 15题 题2分 计30分)
    New York is 3 hours ahead of California
    but it does not make California slow
    Someone graduated at the age of 22
    but waited 5 years before getting a good job
    Someone became a CEO at 25
    and died at 50
    While another became a CEO at 50
    and __▲____ to 90 years
    Someone is still single
    while someone else got married
    Obama retires(退休)at 55
    but Trump starts at 70
    Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone
    People around you might seem to go ahead of( 前)you
    some might seem to be behind you
    But everyone is running their own RACE in their own TIME
    Don't envy them or laugh at them
    They are in their TIME ZONE and you are in yours
    Life is about waiting for the right moment to act
    So RELAX
    You're not LATE
    You're not EARLY
    You are very much ON TIME and in your TIME ZONE
    31 We can know that when it's 6 a m in New York it's ______________in California
    A 9 a m B 9 p m C 3a m D 3 p m
    32 The best word for he blank in he poem is _____________
    A born B lived C grew D married
    33 What can we learn from the poem
    A Obama starts at 55 but Trump retires at 70
    B Life is all about waiting for time zones
    C The earlier we succeed the better we will be
    D Don't hurry and take your own steps
    In Chinese there is an idiom江郎(Jiang Lang's talent ends) It means a writer has lost his or her ability to write well Who was Jiang Lang Jiang Lang was an ancient Chinese poet whose real name was Jiang Yan He was born to a poor family during the Southern Dynasty (420589) When he was young he studied hard and became good at writing Everyone praised his talent The prince heard about his great writing skills and gave him a job in the royal court(廷) But later on as Jiang Lang moved into higher positions and became richer he stopped studying Day by day he lost his ability to write excellent poems and articles People felt sorry for him and described him as江郎
    There is another legend(传说)that one day Jiang Lang had a dream A man said to him T have left my pen in your hand for too long Now it's time to take it back So Jiang Lang took out a colorful pen and returned it to the man After having that dream Jiang's writing became quite poor
    If you don't keep practicing you can lose your talent as well
    34 What can we know about Jiang Lang from the passage
    A Jiang Lang is his real name B He was born into a rich family
    C He was talented when he was young D He lived during the Northern Dynasty
    35 People felt sorry for Jiang when____________________
    A he became poor again B he lost a pen in a dream
    C he stopped working in the court D he could no more write good poems
    36 People use江郎to describe a person who ___________________
    A loses his or her talent B studies very hard
    C has poor parents D was clever at a young age
    When the leaves begin to change their colours and the birds head south we know the season is starting to change On Sept7 comes White Dew(白露)the 15th solar term(节气)of the year It marks the beginning of he cool autumn As the temperature falls White Dew is often seen on the grass and trees at night
    For writers and poets autumn is a difficult season to describe It's the end of the summer and therefore a little sad The days seem to get shorter The nights draw inand when you wake in the morning there's mist(薄雾)and it's cooler Winter is around the corner
    American writer Ernest Hemingway wrote in his book A Moveable Feast(流动盛宴)You expected to be sad in the fall Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches(枝条)were bare(光秃秃) against the wind and the cold wintry light
    But on the other hand autumn has its good side There are so many changes at this time of year such as the colourful leaves and cooler nights French writer Albert Camus even thought autumn was a second spring when every leaf is a flower This view is also found in the most famous autumn poem in English literature To Autumn by John Keats In that poem Keats says that autumn has its own songs just like spring
    Another theme of this season is wisdom The arrival of autumn is thought to be similar to a person becoming mature(成熟)
    The great Irish poet W B Yeats used this idea in his poem The Wild Swans at Coole (库尔野天鹅writing about the changing seasons in Coole Park in the west of Ireland Seeing and counting 59 swans he remembers first making the count as a young man Seeing the swans do the same thing for all those years he's reminded that even though we get older our hearts always stay the same age
    37 What conclusion about White Dew can we draw from this passage
    A It is often unnoticed by writers and poets
    B It is the time of year with the most rainfall
    C It is when the temperature begins to drop
    D It is a sign of the end of the autumn
    38 A Moveable Feast was mentioned to ________________
    A show the sad part of autumn
    B point out that autumn is very cold
    C announce that winter will soon come
    D express sadness about the end of life
    39 What does this idea in the last paragraph refer to
    A Nature is full of unexpected changes
    B We can always stay young at heart
    C Autumn is related to one's growing old
    D Autumn is an important season for man
    40 What's the article mainly about
    A The solar term White Dew
    B Why autumn is a sad season
    C Autumn weather and activities
    D Famous writers' description of autumn
    Many years pass Arthur and his men are resting in the beautiful forest of Usk They are talking and laughing Everyone is happy Suddenly a young boy rides among them The boy's face is white and there is blood on his clothes
    Arthur calls to his knights (骑士) Help him
    The boy is weak Arthur's men give him food and water Soon the boy is ready to speak My master is Sir Myles of White Fountain The blood on my clothes is his he says Then he tells Arthur his story
    One day we are riding and we see a great castle In front of the castle there is a tree with shields(盾)on it And near the tree there is a bridge Next
    to the bridge we see a shield There are some words next to the shield on the tree Do not hit the shield
    But my master loves adventure He hits the shield When my master hits the shield a knight in black armor(盔甲)rides out of the castle He comes to the bridge and wants to fight my master They fight but the Black Knight is too strong My master is hurt The Black Knight takes my master's shield and puts it on the tree He does not help my master He rides away back to his castle When they hear this Arthur and his men are angry Good knights do not ride away and leave a hurt man says Arthur
    He decides to look for the Black Knight Merlin goes with him and soon they arrive at the bridge Arthur hits the shield and waits Almost at once the Black Knight rides out of the castle to fight Arthur
    The fight begins Both men are very strong The Black Knight is fast but Arthur is fast too The Black Knight's helmet(头盔)falls from his head and Arthur sees his face It is his great enemy Sir Pellinore Arthur hits him again but this time his sword breaks Sir Pellinore lifts his sword and hits Arthur Arthur falls to his knees Sir Pellinore lifts his sword again He's going to kill Arthur But Merlin is quick He hits Sir Pellinore on the head and saves Arthur
    —Taken from Chapter 4 of King Arthur
    41 Who is Arthur
    A The boy's master B The head of some knights
    C Sir Pellinore's friend D Sir Myles's great enemy
    42 According to the meaning of the underlined word adventure in Paragraph 5 which of the following can be called an adventure
    A A dangerous trip in African jungles B An unforgettable birthday party
    C A long train journey across India D An exciting basketball final
    43 What's the purpose of the Black Knight's putting shields on the tree
    A To warn people not to get into the castle
    B To make friends with other knights
    C To show how many knights he has beaten
    D To wait for their masters to get them back
    44 Why does Arthur decide to fight the Black Knight
    A Because Arthur wants to show his kills
    B Because the Black Knight breaks the rule of knights
    C Because Arthur hates to see a knight hurt and helpless
    D Because the Black Knight takes Sir Myles' shield
    45 What can we infer from the passage
    A The boy goes back to the castle with Arthur
    B Merlin helps kill the Black Knight
    C The Black Knight is too fast for Arthur to beat
    D Sir Pellinore is just the Black Knight
    3135 CBDCD 36~40ABACD 4145 BACBD

    三阅读理解( 15 题 题 2 分 计 30 分)
    A.读列短文 题 ABCD 四选项中选出佳答案

    About onefifth of the world’s population speaks Chinese as their first language Chinese is one of the six official working languages of the United Nations(UN) Since 2011 Chinese Language Day has been celebrated on April
    20 The date is close to the solar term guyu People celebrate guyu to remember Cang Jie Many people believe that Cang Jie was the first person to write Chinese characters

    The World Table Tennis Championships will start on April 21 in Budapest Hungary The event will end on April 28 This will be Budapest’s fourth time hosting it The Chinese team features both old favorites and new names Many famous players will take part in the competition We wish them good luck

    April is going to be a great time for film fans in Beijing The 9th Beijing International Film Festival will be held from April 13 to 20 It will feature new movies as well as classic movies Directors and actors from around the world will also compete for the festival’s highest honor the Tiantan Awards

    Japan’s Emperor Akihito(明仁天皇) plans to abdicate(退位) on April 30 at 85 He will be the first Japanese emperor to abdicate while still alive in 200 years He is doing so because his health is getting worse After he abdicates his elder son Crown Prince Naruhito will become the new emperor on May 1 A new era(时代) will begin
    31 How many official working languages are used in the United Nations
    A Ten B Seven C Six D Five
    32 How long will the World Table Tennis Championships last
    A For eight days B For a month C For ten days D For a day
    33 What will the 9th Beijing International Film Festival feature
    A Only new movies B Only classic movies
    C Both new movies and classic movies D Neither new movies or classic movies
    34 Why is Japan’s Emperor Akihito going to abdicate?
    A Because of his death B Because of his health
    C Because of the weather D Because of his elder daughter
    35 Where can we find the passages
    A In a history book B In a newspaper C On a sports website D In a movie magazine
    From deserts( 沙漠) and beaches to playgrounds sand is a common sight But you might not know that sand is also a useful resource
    Sand is the second mostused resource in the world after water the BBC reported However the UN said that sand is not limitless and that we might be running out of it
    Sand is made up of very small pieces of rock soil and minerals It can take tens of thousands of years to form But now we are using sand more quickly than it is being formed According to the BBC we use about 15 billion tons of sand every year to build houses roads and other things That’s enough to build a 20meterhigh by 20meterwide wall around the equator(赤道) every year
    People also put sand in the sea to make new islands Singapore for example is now 20 percent bigger than it was in 1965 Palm islands are three large manmade islands in Dubai United Arab Emirates They took 94 million cubic meters of sand to build They are the largest manmade islands in the world
    If people keep using this much sand it will run out in many places For example Vietnam may run out of construction(建造) sand by 2020 Live Science noted
    Since people need so much sand they are trying to mine(开采) more of it But this is bad for the environment Mining sand may cause beaches to disappear and more floods to happen in places close to the sea Also this may affect the habitats of many plants and animals
    36 What is the first mostused resource in the world
    A Sand B Water C Gold D Coal
    37 Every year we use about ____________ tons of sand
    A 94 million B 20 billion C 20 million D 15 billion
    38 What does the story tell us about sand
    A It can only be found on beaches B It is the most used resource in the world
    C It can never be used up D It can be used up
    39 The world’s largest manmade island is in ______________
    A Singapore B Britain C Dubai D Vietnam
    40 In places close to the sea more floods will happen because of ______________
    A overmining of sand B climate change
    C the increasing size of certain islands D the death of some plants
    Sir Henry and Captain Good were exhausted and weak from loss of blood
    I too was more tired than I could remember ever being We rested Therefore for many days before we even thought about the future Then when we were strong enough to travel again I said to Ignosi You promised me diamonds if I helped you to become king
    I did he said I will keep my promise But only Gagool knows where to find them and I must kill her and the other witches
    There has been enough killing I said Tell the old woman that if she will lead us to the diamonds you will spare her life
    Ignosi thought about this for a long time and then he said I will speak to the woman and tell you what she says
    Ignosi was as good as his words and he persuaded Gagool to guide us to the diamonds Three days later Sir Henry Captain Good Foulatathe girl who owed her life to Captain Good and Infadoos were climbing the mountains called the Three Witches Some warriors carried Gagool She screamed and cursed continuously but she knew where the diamonds were And at last we came to a deep hole in the ground It had sloping sides and was not a natural hole It was the work of miners
    Huge statues guarded the mine I remembered that King Solomon worshipped some strange gods Could these be statues of those gods I asked Sir Henry who knew much about ancient history
    It is possible he said The Phoenicians were great merchants and builders They built King Solomon’s Temple Perhaps they dug this mine for him
    We want to go into the mine I told Gagool
    It is the Place of Death she said but if you want to enter then I will lead the way
    41 Why were Sir Henry and Captain Good weak
    A Because they walk for a long time B Because they lost much blood
    C Because they felt very hungry D Because they didn’t sleep well
    42 What did Ignosi promise me to do
    A To give me some food B To be the king
    C To help me find the diamonds D To kill Gagool
    43 Why did Ignosi say that he wanted to kill Gagool
    A Because she had told King Wala to kill him
    B Because she was a witch
    C Because she knew where the diamonds were
    D Because she would not help him
    44 What did Sir Henry and I think the statues at the mine entrance might represent
    A Phoenicians B Warriors C King Solomon D Gods
    45 Where did Gagool tell the travelers that the tunnel at the end of the big cave led to
    A The Palace of Life B The Place of Death
    C Solomon’s Great Road D King Solomon’s Mines
    3135 CACBB 3640 BDDCA 4145 BCCDB





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