
    The air all around us is so dirty And we breathe dirty air every day A lot of this air comes from cars When we 1 a bus or take a walk we breathe smoke that comes out of the cars If we do sports 2 we breathe in more of this air It is hard to do sports because it is hard to breathe
    Breathing this air is very unhealthy It makes people 3 It can cause people to have a cough or allergies(敏) It can also make people not live as long
    People think the problem is very serious Some people want to move away But not 4 of them can move away People should take action Instead of using a car or a bus for transportation we could walk or ride bicycles Taking the MTR also reduces much 5
    Plants and trees are also good for the air They give us more oxygen We can help plant more trees If we all do our part we'll be 6 make the air cleaner
    1.A.put out B.wait for C.look at D.think of
    2.A.outside B.instead C.nearby D.soon
    3.A.happy B.cool C.sick D.healthy
    4.A.any B.some C.few D.all
    5.A.pollution B.noise C.information D.advice
    6.A.thankful to B.given to C.able to D.used to
    Maggie’s Diet Blog
    Week 1
    This week I have decided that I have to start keeping fit I can’t let people see my unhealthy body in a swimsuit this summer I must do something I’ve decided to eat fewer sweets and snacks 1 I’ m going to eat more fruit and vegetables It’s difficult but I know it’s important for me to stay healthy
    Week 2
    It has been a hard week eating vegetables and fruits only But I 2 go on my diet I will also have to do some exercise this week 3 I’m worried about getting fit by this summer So I go jogging (慢跑) for 30 minutes every evening
    Week 3
    This week I feel I’m getting fit I also feel more energetic I guess it’s because I’ve eaten a lot of 4 food and have sports every day I read an 5 in the newspaper todaysaying that walking can also help people keep fit effectively I think I’ll start walking to school It only 6 me 15 minutes but I can get more exercise I believe if I keep practising these good habits I’ll look great in my swimsuit this summer
    1.A.Next B.Besides C.Of course D.Instead
    2.A.must B.may C.can D.needn’t
    3.A.because B.though C.why D.until
    4.A.health B.healthy C.unhealthy D.junk
    5.A.advice B.article C.adventure D.address
    6.A.costs B.spends C.takes D.pays
    School Spirit Week
    In American if you see a group of students wearing crazy hats or summer Tshirts in the middle of winter don’t be 1 They may be celebrating their School Spirit Week (学校精神周)
    School Spirit Week is a time for students to 2 their pride and spirit in their school School holds it during any week of the year During the week students wear school colors and decorate the classrooms Every day there is a different theme (题) This is also students’ favorite part They 3 different contests and have fun together The contests include
    Twins Day
    Twins Day is not limited to twins (双胞胎) Students try to find as many classmates as they can and get them to dress in the 4 way
    Celebrity Day
    Pop stars change every year but dressing up like one of them is always fun If students don’t have a favorite 5 they can dress themselves up by wearing a red carpet gown (礼服) or tuxedo (燕尾服) On this special day there is a red carpet made of paper at the entrance to the school Like celebrities students will pose (摆姿势) for 6 as they walk into school
    1.A.happy B.interested C.surprised D.shy
    2.A.show B.drop C.reply D.organize
    3.A.play with B.take part in C.get on with D.learn from
    4.A.awful B.different C.useful D.same
    5.A.contest B.star C.classmate D.shirt
    6.A.parties B.teachers C.photos D.holidays
    I have a friend She doesn’t walk talk or laugh but she is very kind and friendly to me When I feel tired she can help me 1 She makes me happy almost every day You can’t touch or see her but she’s 2 Do you know who she is She is my best friend — music
    Music is my favorite type of art When I was four years old I began to listen to different kinds of music The first time I saw a piano a blackandwhite musical instrument I was attracted by it
    At first I was 3 playing the piano But as a fouryearold girl classical music is not very attractive to me So I became impatient and didn’t want to play the piano anymore However two months later I changed my mind
    One day I was listening to The Ninth Symphony (第九交响曲) at home My mother told me that Beethoven wrote it after he was deaf The symphony sounded very powerful because he wrote it with 4 emotion Beethoven was deaf but he didn’t 5 on practicing the piano
    So I should learn from him From then on I began learning to play the piano again and tried very hard to practice
    I love playing the piano When I feel happy I will play a happy song toshare 6 with my parents when I feel sad I will choose a sorrowful songto pour out my sadness I will always remember my best friend music
    1.A.work B.study C.repair D.relax
    2.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere
    3.A.famous for B.poor at C.careful with D.interested in
    4.A.strong B.sad C.angry D.enjoyable
    5.A.show off B.give up C.clean up D.pay for
    6.A.information B.food C.happiness D.invitation

    Our English teacher was like a friend to us and we all liked her One day she came into the classroom and shouted Who 1 this window She held up a piece of broken glass and asked She seldom became angry but this time she was
    I did this I threw a baseball and then it happened I didn’t want to say it was me because I didn’t have enough money and my father would be 2 with me But later something strong in my heart suddenly made me stand up I did it I said 3 How difficult it was for me to say that My teacher took a book from the book shelves and then walked to my desk I was afraid that she was going to punish (惩罚) me
    I know you like collecting stamps very much she said looking down at my face Here is a book about it that you are looking for Now the book is yours and I shall not punish you Remember it’s because you told the 4 I couldn’t believe it I didn’t 5 to pay for the window And I got my favourite book
    I haven’t seen my teacher for many years but I will never forget the 6 I learned on that day
    1.A.cleaned B.climbed C.broke D.fixed
    2.A.pleased B.excited C.frightened D.angry
    3.A.terribly B.honestly C.easily D.hardly
    4.A.story B.lie C.truth D.time
    5.A.love B.want C.use D.need
    6.A.book B.toy C.lesson D.help
    Tom and Jack are good friends They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain So they can help each other But 1 of them likes to use his head They work hard but they are still very poor Most villagers have built new houses but they still live in the low and broken houses They never 2 why
    One day Tom went to town to buy some medicine for his wife In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive He told Jack about it as soon as he went back They decided to carry some apples to the city They 3 some money from their friends and bought nearly 1000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor (拖拉机) Bad luck A lot of apples had already been carried there when they arrived A few days later they had to sell them at a 4 price They felt sad and returned to their village
    I can’t understand why we suffer losses in business 5 others always make money Tom said one day
    The tractor was too small Jack said without thinking We’ll carry 6 apples on a truck next time
    I agree said Tom How foolish we were
    1.A.both B.all C.none D.neither
    2.A.fine B.find out C.look at D.look for
    3.A.made B.gave C.borrowed D.sent
    4.A.high B.low C.expensive D.cheap
    5.A.while B.because C.although D.so that
    6.A.few B.fewer C.much D.more
    An Wang was born in Shanghai China He went to America at the age of twentyfive He studied at Harvard a famous university near Boston He was ___1____ and soon got a doctorate (博士头衔) In 1951 An Wang ____2____ a small company It had only one room and two employees (雇员) Every year the company grew and grew By 1985 Wang had thirty thousand employees and had made 3000 million dollars His company became one of the most ____3____ companies in the USA.It made the newest computers_____4___An Wang was very rich money did not change him He lived with his wife in the same house outside Boston He only had two suits at one time and they were blue He was kind to the poor and liked to give money to them People in the USA will ___5____ forget this good man
    1.A.happy B.hardworking C.strong D.careful
    2.A.designed B.made C.found D.started
    3.A.important B.public C.difficult D.possible
    4.A.Because B.Although C.Since D.Before
    5.A.sometimes B.always C.never D.Often
    When you get tired after a long hours' work several minutes' walk in a nearby 1 park helps you relax Or you may stand facing the lake or the sea They'll calm you just like the green plants
    Colour is a 2 part of the answers Green and blue help make people feel quieter and safer All colors have special power So I just have found out that many colours have special effects on people's minds and 3
    Try an easy and interesting experiment There's a red box and white one Then weigh two boxes with your hands Which one is heavier Most people think that the red box is heavier even though they weigh 4
    Colors can affect(影响)learning Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue Blue helps most people calm down and 5 more
    People use different colors in different places Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls tables and desks red They use light colors such as light blue or light green Red makes people feel excited while light colors help them relax
    Start with your small room Try to make some changes in it and you'll get to know how 6 color is
    1.A.green B.yellow C.white D.red
    2.A.most B.small C.key D.important
    3.A.hearings B.smells C.feelings D.tastes
    4.A.the same B.difficult C.different D.similar
    5.A.eat B.drink C.sleep D.think
    6.A.necessary B.usual C.important D.terrible
    Tired of the noisy life in Bangladesh(孟加拉) a young writer has found a great place to have some quiet and happy hours
    Each day the 25yearold Bangladeshi writer uses a pulley(滑车)to 1 to a wooden platform at the top of a tree The platform is 30 metres 2 the ground
    I 3 four to five hours in the tree reading and writing listening to the birds singing he said
    The young writer sleeps there sometimes I feel great when I am in the tree writing poetry in the moonlight or looking at the sun 4 or setting It is a wonderful lifeHe added
    At first other villages thought I was mad but now many people ask me to build the same kinds of tree house for them They want to have such a different life He said
    Bangladesh is a country 5 a population of 144 million It has become one of the world’s most crowded countries
    1.A.climb B.go down C.stay D.jump
    2.A.on B.from C.above D.under
    3.A.spend B.take C.pay D.cost
    4.A.raising B.going C.dropping D.rising
    5.A.have B.with C.without D.has
    Wild animals are our friends but many of them are getting fewer and fewer We should try to protect them The four animals below are now in danger
    Tibetan Antelopes
    Tibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) are mediumsized animals They mainly feed on grass They are usually found in groups of about 20 They are killed for their wool which is warm soft and fine and can be made into expensive clothes Although people can get the wool without killing the animals people 1 kill them before taking the wool The number of them is dropping year by year There are less than 75000 Tibetan antelopes left in the world down from a million 50 years ago
    Golden Monkeys(金丝猴)
    Golden monkeys are mainly found in Sichuan Gansu Shanxi provinces and Shengnongjia mountainous area of Hubei Province Golden monkeys have goldenorange fur They 2 around in the daytime usually in groups of as many as 100 to 200 heads or 20 to 30 heads They feed on fruits and young leaves of bamboos But people are destroying the environment 3 they live Trees and bamboos are disappearing so golden monkeys have less and less to eat
    Elephants are very big and strong They are bigger than any other animals on land They are grey and have long trunks(象鼻) and tusks(象牙) They have poor eyesight but very good hearing and smell They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbours Normally they live in a group for many years Young male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 years old Now there are very few elephants in the world The number of them is becoming 4 because their living areas are used for farming Also people hunt them for their tusks
    Wolves are not very big They have grey fur Wolves have very good eyesight hearing and smell Wolves’ food is various They eat animals insects and snails They are friendly to each other and never attack people They do not kill for fun Wolves are in danger too They are losing their living areas because people cut down forests 5 they will have no home or food
    1.A.carefully B.quickly C.successfully D.simply
    2.A.move around B.look around C.live together D.play together
    3.A.that B.which C.how D.where
    4.A.fewer and fewer B.smaller and smaller C.less and less D.more and more
    5.A.Soon B.Later C.After D.Before





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