
    This is a true story There was a player 26 Jerry in the football team He liked playing football but he wasn’t good at it So he had few chances to play 27 his team He felt very sorry for it
    One day his father died from a terrible illness He had to return home to deal with something After that an important 28 was going to begin He found the coach at once 29 to attend the match He was not good at skills so the coach would not 30 him to take part in the match But now as he relented(心软) he agreed to let Jerry play for only three minutes When the time was up he would be changed by 31
    On the courtJerry turned very agilely(敏捷) 32 his practiced skills He broke through the opposition line bravely The coach was very satisfied with him Three minutes 33 the coach made Jerry keep 34 on the court Jerry continued his excellent 35 leading the team to 36 the match The coach hugged him 37 and said Kid you have never been so fast so strong and so skilled What happened on earth(究竟)
    Jerry said My father is blind 38 he has never watched my match Now he has 39 to the heaven and finally can watch my match As soon as I think of my father watching me I am full of energy and I feel confident too
    The coach understood 40 can drive everything Do you agree with him
    26 A called B played C named D got
    27 A for B with C after D against
    28A meeting B activity C party D match
    29 A planning B asking C waiting D liking
    30 A order B tell C teach D allow
    31 A boys B students C others D players
    32 A across B for C under D with
    33 A past B later C before D after
    34A stay B to stay C staying D stayed
    35 A mind B performance C body D brain
    36 A play Bprepare C win D change
    37 A excitedly B luckily C sadly D angrily
    38A but B so C and D or
    39 A gone B been C returned D come
    40 A Teamwork B Love C Friendship D Business
    2630 CADBD 3135 CDBCB 3640 CABAB

    Years ago while I lived in England part of my school task(务) was to help the children with special needs I was chosen to 26 in a school with disabled children The teacher asked me to
    27 Nancy a tenyearold girl One of 28 hands could not move At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement(成) 29 she was able to put on her own coat But I saw more in her She had always wanted to put a string (线) 30 the hole of a key
    For the 5 years Nancy was in the school the teachers always 31 to help her but always ended up doing all the work for her I knew Nancy could do 32 so I encouraged (鼓励) her to do something herself At first Nancy often failed and got very 33 Sometimes I wanted to give up too 34 after a week Nancy was able to do 35 she had wanted to do for so many years Her teachers cried 36 when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement
    Disabled people should 37 be told they can’t do this or that With just some encouragement they can do it The look 38 that girl’s face when she was able to do it herself meant the 39 to me I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves 40 telling them they can’t do it
    26 A read B study C work D visit
    27 A look after B look for C look at D look over
    28 A his B her C my D your
    29 A before B through C if D until
    30 A through B across C over D into
    31 A failed B refused C agreed D tried
    32 A less B more C nothing D anything
    33 A excited B pleased C unsafe D unhappy
    34 A And B However C But D So
    35 A which B that C what D how
    36 A in danger B in fear C with care D with joy
    37 A never B always C often D sometimes
    38 A of B in C on D at
    39 A earth B sun C moon D world
    40 A instead of B because C together with D more than
    26~30:CABCA 31~35:DBDBC 36~40:DACBA

    Dear Deborah
    Thanks to you we are able to have a comfortable home for our children to 21 and learn in this year Last Monday Michael and his sister Janet 22 Michael’s 9th birthday with a cake and some cards in the nice place There was a look of 23 on their lovely faces
    Thank you for your kind 24 of 1000 to Childrens Residential Services of Greater Boston For the homeless children like Michael and Janet in our center your kindness makes a great 25 to them
    With your helpwe’ll buy new 26 for our children in a day or two The children can’t 27 to use them to do their homework and talk with their friends
    The computers are a 28 of our Excellence in Service Campaign The campaign aims to(旨)make our home even 29 for Michael Janet and their new friends
    We would love you to visit our home 30 you can meet our children We love to show you around our homeand the children enjoy 31 visitors One or two might even show you 32 they can do with their new computers
    Janet Teebs our development director (负责)is always 33 to set up a visit for you or to answer any question you may have Please 34 her at 5204460912 or email her at janetteebs @ CRS com
    Again thank you for your 35 You are a part of our children’s lives too
    21 A speak B work C eat D live
    22 A shared B celebrate C kept D planned
    23 A joy B surprise C love D luck
    24 A example B gift C service D prize
    25 A decision B message C difference D promise
    26 A schoolbags B notebooks C televisions D computers
    27 A wait B try C remember D choose
    28 A way B part C rule D sign
    29 A cleaner B richer C nicer D bigger
    30 A so B unless C until D or
    31 A organizing B training C meeting D controlling
    32 A what B when C how D why
    33 A busy B upset C welcome D available
    34 A hear B call C watch D write
    35 A interest B invitation C preparation D kindness
    21—25 DBABC 26—30 DABCA 31—35 CADBD




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