
    单项选择(题1分 15分)
    (  )1 Mr Green is a kind man He always tries his best to help ______ weak
    A a               B the           C an              D 填
    (  )2 We have different opinions ______ the matter
    A about                      B of          C in           D at
    (  )3 We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains
    A if                  B unless                      C as soon as            D so that
    (  )4 —Mom I want to drive to my grandparents’ home
    —Don’t be ______ You are too young to drive
    A silly           B noisy                 C nervous             D sad
    (  )5 Susan come on Keep ______ You will be the winner
    A to run             B to running                 C run                     D running
    (  )6 The letter was personal so he ______ it in the drawer
    A used          B shared               C hid             D swung
    (  )7 —The math problem is too difficult
    —Don’t worry Let’s find a good way ______ it
    A to solve          B solve                C solving          D to solving
    (  )8 I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city
    A returned        B returns             C was returning        D will return
    (  )9 My grandmother’s ______ is my grandfather
    A brother       B uncle                 C husband             D father
    (  )10 Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer
    A visited          B visiting              C to visit           D visits
    (  )11 Alex is ill so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him
    A instead of       B instead              C because         D because of
    (  )12 Dale please remind me ______ the windows after school
    A to closing            B closing              C close            D to close
    (  )13 The popular TV program ______ five years ago
    A hung out            B went out           C came out            D ran out
    (  )14 I don’t think it’s fair to make such a little kid ______ so many afterschool classes
    A take              B to take               C taking    D to taking
    (  )15 —______
    —I think it’s boring
    A Do you have a storybook     
    B What did you learn from the story
    C Did you hear about the story  
    D What do you think about the story
    A) 根句意汉语提示写出句中缺单词
    1 Why is the man always __________(笑) at me He looks friendly
    2 This sweater __________(适合) me I like it
    3 The dress is made of __________(丝绸)
    4 Different people have different __________(声音)
    5 I wasn’t __________(勇敢) enough to tell her what I thought of her
    B) 根句意括号单词适形式填空
    6 Don’t throw __________(stone) It’s dangerous
    7 Look The stars are __________(shine)
    8 Don’t go to that shop — they will __________(cheat) you
    9 The story __________(excite) the little boy very much just now
    10 He __________(shoot) a bird and killed it
    1 孙悟空变成动物
    Sun Wukong can ___________ himself ___________ different animals
    2 天气冷街没
    It is ___________ cold ___________ there are few people in the street
    3 昨天狗带家
    The dog ___________ us ___________ her home yesterday
    4 年十月份结婚
    They ___________ ___________ last October
    5 周末俩没参加聚会
    ___________ ___________ us went to the party last weekend
    A Hi Mike You look very tired (1)_________________________________
    B Oh I went to see a 3D movie last night and went to bed very late
    A (2)_________________________________
    B With my father
    A (3)_________________________________
    B We went there by bike
    A What’s the name of the movie
    B Titanic
    A (4)_________________________________
    B I don’t think it is interesting at all
    A (5)_________________________________
    B Because the ending makes me very sad
    A You like some exciting movies right
    B Yes you are right
    heavy thirteen too woman they man watch pass drive again with stop
    One spring afternoon I went to the shopping center with my son As I was looking for the parking space (停车位) I saw a(n) (1)________ pushing her shopping cart (购物车) in front of us and the cart looked too (2)________ for her — it was full of food and drinks She was also carrying three bags in her hands She saw us and tried to move to the side so that we could (3)________ At that time the wind blew away two of the food bags and she ran to catch (4)________ I asked if she was OK Yes she said I’ll be out of your way soon She picked up the two bags but another bag fell off 
    I (5)________ my car and told my son to wait for a minute I ran to the woman and she said sorry first She told me those things were for her son’s (6)________ birthday party I helped her put the things in her car She said Thank you so much I smiled and said I am a mother (7)________ Many people helped me before I’m just returning the kindness She said thanks (8)________ and got in her car
    When I walked to the shopping center (9)________ my son he took my hand It was the most touching gesture (动作) of all and I realized that our children are always (10)________
    Long long ago the Jade Emperor (玉皇帝) organized an animal race The first 12 animals to win could get a   1   in the Chinese Zodiac (十二生肖) and have a year named after them
    The cat and the mouse both   2   the ox (公牛) to wake them early on the day of the race That day the ox   3   to wake them but without success So the kind ox carried them on   4   back and started running when the race began The mouse   5   just when the ox was going cross the last river He knew that he could   6   beat the cat So he pushed the   7   off the ox’s back When the ox reached the other side of the river the mouse jumped off and ran to the finishing line just   8   the ox The tiger came third
    So the 12year cycle (循环) begins with the mouse The ox comes after him The tiger   9   the ox The rabbit dragon snake horse goat monkey rooster dog and pig come after them The cat was   10   to finish the race almost dying in the river but she has no place in the zodiac
    So that’s why cats kill mice They can never forget what happened in that race long long ago
    (  )1 A place            B prize   C sign                         D skill
    (  )2 A promised       B helped C hated                       D asked
    (  )3 A loved            B refused C forgot                      D tried
    (  )4 A her               B his C their                         D your
    (  )5 A made up        B took up C woke up                  D dressed up
    (  )6 A never           B still C perhaps                    D almost
    (  )7 A monkey        B cat C tiger                         D dog
    (  )8 A for               B against       C before                     D after
    (  )9 A leads             B cheats C reminds                    D follows
    (  )10 A fast           B lucky C easy                         D free
    A peacock (孔雀) and a tortoise (龟) were good friends One day a bird catcher caught the peacock and was going to sell him on the market The peacock asked the bird catcher to allow him to say goodbye to his friend the tortoise The bird catcher agreed
    The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go but he refused The tortoise then said If I give you a nice gift will you let my friend go Certainly answered the bird catcher
    So the tortoise jumped into the river and after some time he came up with a big pearl (珍珠) The bird catcher was so surprised He was so happy that he let the peacock go
    A few days later the bird catcher came back to the tortoise He thought he didn’t get enough for letting the peacock go He told the tortoise that he would catch the peacock again unless he got another big pearl
     The tortoise knew his friend the peacock went to a safe place Well said the tortoise please return the pearl that I gave you and I will come back with two
    The bird catcher thought for some time and gave the pearl to the tortoise Then the tortoise swam away and said I am not so stupid to take one and give two The bird catcher could only stand by the river and feel sorry for being greedy (贪婪)
    (  )1 What did the peacock want to do before the bird catcher was going to sell him
    A To give a gift to his friend
    B To give a gift to his parents      
    C To say goodbye to his friend
    D To say goodbye to his parents    
    (  )2 What did the tortoise promise the bird catcher at first
    A Lots of fish          B A nice gift        C A larger bird          D Special skills 
    (  )3 The bird catcher came back to the tortoise because he wanted to ______ 
    A sell the tortoise
    B catch more birds
    C learn how to catch fish
    D get more from the tortoise 
    (  )4 What did the bird catcher get at last
    A Nothing             B Two birds      C A big pearl           D Two big pearls
    (  )5 The passage mainly tells us ______
    A we shouldn’t be greedy
    B tortoises are clever animals 
    C we should be friendly to animals
    D two different animals can be good friends
    Kellie Lenamond is 16 She’s from the United States She has many hobbies She likes playing volleyball She also likes playing the violin and she loves singing But Kellie has an unusual hobby beekeeping (养蜂)
    Kellie doesn’t work with her bees every day She looks after her hives (蜂房) about twice a month in the spring summer and autumn She spends more time with her bees in winter There aren’t many flowers for the bees to get food from at this time of year So Kellie feeds the bees sugar water in winter
    This is a usual day for Kellie when she works with her bees
    800 She gets up and eats breakfast
    900 She makes sugar water for the bees
    10 00 She does her homework
    1100 She practices the violin
    1200 She makes lunch for her brothers and sisters Then they eat lunch together
    300 She goes to volleyball practice
    500 She and her mom make dinner
    700 After dinner Kellie dresses herself in special clothes She feeds the bees sugar water
    Every summer Kellie takes honey from the hives Her bees can make a lot of honey in a year Kellie and her family sell some of the honey cook with some of the honey and give friends honey too
    Kellie’s friends don’t go near the hives They are afraid They don’t want the bees to sting (蜇) them Kellie says they don’t understand that bees are safe I like standing safely in the middle of the bees No one else is brave enough she says
    (  )1 How many hobbies does Kellie have
    A Two  B Three C Four  D Five
    (  )2 Kellie spends more time with the bees in winter because ______
    A she likes winter best 
    B her parents ask her to do so
    C she doesn’t need to go to school
    D bees can’t get enough food from flowers
    (  )3 What’s the right order of the things in Kellie’s one usual day
    ①Kellie feeds the bees
    ②Kellie plays the violin
    ③Kellie plays volleyball
    ④Kellie does her homework
    A ④②③①         B ④③①②         C ③①②④         D ③②④①
    (  )4 When does Kellie take honey from the hives
    A In spring          B In summer        C In autumn        D In winter
    (  )5 What do Kellie’s friends feel when they see the bees
    A Excited            B Afraid               C Angry        D Comfortable
    学愚公移山事定着深印象吧?请根单元学容面提示词语The story of Yu Gong题愚公移山事英语简叙述谈谈事中学什80词左右开头已出计入总词数
    提示词语:90 move the mountains Zhi Sou die sons grandsons continue god be moved help
    The story of Yu Gong
    Once upon a time there was an old man called Yu Gong                             




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