2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语学案30(Unit7- Grammar )(无答案)


    1 飞机做手术 2 建贫困区
    3 两月前治愈 4 帮助穷
    5 志愿者分发街
    6 学生会持 71942年建立英国
    1 When can we use the passive voice
    2 思考系动词 smell taste sound feel 等动法部分感官动词(see watch)法

    三预完成P88 A3(填) P89 练
    ( ) 1 It’s said that one of the robbers in a park yesterday
    A caught B was caught C were caught D is caught
    ( ) 2The soup good Would you like to try some Ok
    A is smelt B was smelt C smells D smelt
    ( ) 3Jane to sing us an American song last Saturday
    A invited B was asked C told D is invited
    ( ) 4All the old people in our neighbourhood at the home for the elderly
    A are taken good care of C take good care of
    B are taken good care D look after well
    ( ) 5The surprising story the morning of 1 May
    A was happened in B happened in
    C was happened on D happened on
    ( )6_____ a new library _____ in our school last year
    A Is built B Was built C Does build D Did build
    ( )7Cotton____ in the southeast of China
    A is grown B are grown C grows D grow
    ( )8So far the moon ____ by man already
    A is visited B will be visited C has been visited D was visited
    ( )9A talk on Chinese history _____ in the school hall next week
    A is given B has been given C will be given D gives
    ( )10How many trees ____ this year
    A are planted B will plant C have been planted D planted
    ( )11A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now
    A are doing B are being done C has been done D will be done
    ( )12When ___ this kind of computers______ Last year
    A did use B was used C is used D are used
    ( )13The Great Wall ____ all over the world
    A knows B knew C is known D was known
    ( )14Who _____ this book _____
    A did written B was written by C did written D was written
    ( )15A story _____ by Granny yesterday
    A was told us B was told to us C is told us D told us
    ( )16The monkey was seen _____ off the tree
    A jump B jumps C jumped D to jump
    ( )17The school bag ___ behind the chair
    A puts B can be put C can be putted D can put
    ( )18Older people ____ well
    A looks after B must be looked after C must look after D looked after
    ( )19Our teacher ______ carefully
    A should be listened to B should be listen C be listened D is listened
    ( )20 This kind of medicine ____ in a dry and cool place
    A keep B kept C must keep D must be kept
    ( )21Middle school students _________ not to smoke
    A is always told B always tell C are always told D always told
    (    ) 22 The old must _________ politely
            A be spoken to   B speak to   Cbe spoken   D speak
    ( )23The Great Wall is _______________ as the longest wall in the world
    A know       B known       C knows    D knew
    1 You can watch TV when your homework (do)
    2 We (teach) History by Mr Brown this term
    3 He (choose) to be the monitor by his classmates last week
    4 These photos (take) by Linda on the Great Wall the day before yesterday
    5 When the Olympic Sports Center (build)
    6 It’s said(说) that the long bridge______________(build) in two months.
    7 Where to have the meeting ______________(discuss) now
    8 Which language __________the most widely __________(speak) in the world?
    9 The lost boy_____________(not find) so far
    10 Last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.
    11 The students ___________ often __________(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs
    12 The old man is ill He _______________(must send) to the hospital
    13 Vegetables eggs and fruits ______________(sell) in this shop
    14 What _________ knives __________(make) of They___________(make) of metal and wood
    15 Can the magazine _______________(take) out of the library
    16 The room ________________(clean) by me every day
    17 The stars can’t _________________(see) in the daytime
    18 Some flowers _______________ (water) by Li Ming already
    19 This kind of shoes _______________(sell) well
    20 The food _______________(smell) delicious
    21 The boy _______________(ask) to Tom’s party yesterday
    22 Thirty bikes _______________(mend) by Uncle Wang next week
    23 This song can _________________(sing) in different ways
    24 Many topics _______________(cover) in the course and they are very interesting
    1 建立慈善机构帮助需

    2 志愿者年贫困孩子筹集寒衣

    3 学生正街分发传单

    4 包括失明童残疾筹钱周末举办场慈善演出

    5 眼部问题生活改善

    6 帮助全国成百千万穷孩子接受基础教育(get)

    Do you know what Oxfam is Where was it started How many branches does it have now
    Oxfam is an 1 organization to help the poor all over the world The name Oxfam comes from the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (全国饥荒救济委员会) started in 1942 The group worked to send food to war victims during the Second World War When the war was over Oxfam 2 its charity work sending materials and money to the poor throughout Europe As the 3 in Europe improved Oxfam turned its attention to the needs of people in poor countries Today there are 17 member organizations of Oxfam around 4 such as Oxfam America Oxfam Canada Oxfam Hong Kong
    In 1970 Oxfam America 5 in Washington DC Three years later it moved to Boston In England Oxfam 6 many charity activities every year to raise money It also has many charity shops The shops receive things donated by people and 7 them to those who need them The money from the sales
    8 help the homeless and the poor in different parts of the world
    Oxfam Hong Kong is 9 Oxfam Every year Oxfam Hong Kong organizes a charity walk 10 Trail walker to help the poor in Hong Kong and some other areas in the world
    1 A European B America C national D international
    2 A stopped B changed C continued D started
    3 A people B food C money D situation
    4 A the world B Europe C Oxford D America
    5 A started B was started C starts D is started
    6 A organizes B organized is C organized Dwas organized
    7 A collect B sell C send D give
    8 A used to B uses to C is used to D is used
    9 A part of B a part of C parts of D member of
    10 A calls B called C is called D was called
    On Children’s Day 1997 Hong Kong held an i_________(1)activity In this activity children and their parents p_______(2)the rich and the poor
    There was a d_________(3)party the rich had delicious food b_________(4)the poor had only bread and porridge The parents a________(5)hoped they would have the dinner for the poor with their children They hoped that their children would 1________(6)the poor people’s lives from the dinner party
       Many people on earth don’t have enough food or c_________(7) Every day only one half of the people in the w___________(8)could have enough food
       The activity was held to m___________(9)families understand poor people’s lives and also taught the parents that too many material things were not g      (10)for children
    1 ______________ 2 _____________ 3 ______________ 4 _____________ 5 _____________
    6 ______________ 7 _____________ 8 ______________ 9 _____________ 10 ____________




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