
    Module 1 My classmates模块检测试题
    (45分钟 100分)
    Ⅰ 听力(10分)
    (Ⅰ)录音中五句子 听遍 选择相符图片(5分)

    1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________4 __________5 __________
    ( )6 Tom Black is from England
    ( )7 He is 13 years old
    ( )8 Tom is in Class Two Grade Seven
    ( )9 Miss Li is Tom’s English teacher
    ( )10 Tom can speak a little Chinese
    Ⅱ 单项选择(10分)
    1 (2011·温州中考)Lucy is __________ good girl She often helps others
    A a B an C the D ∕
    2 —Nice to meet you
    A I’m fine B Nice to meet you too
    C Good morning D Hello
    3 —How old are you
    —I’m ________
    A twelve B Daming C in Class One D a student
    4 What ________ your father’s name
    A are B is C am D be
    5 I am from ________ What about you
    A Chinese B English C Japanese D America
    6 —________ he English
    —No ________ not ________ Chinese
    A Is he is He isn’t B Is he is He is
    C Are he isn’t He is D Are he is He is
    7 —What’s your name
    A Your name is Li Ping B My name is Peter Green
    C Hello D I don’t know
    8 The teacher’s name is Henry Mason His students call him ________
    A Mr Mason B Mr Henry
    C Mr Samuel D Mrs Mason
    9 —Where are you from
    —Lingling is ________ and we are ________
    A a Chinese England B Chinese English
    C Chinese England D China English
    10 —Is Wang Linlin fourteen years old
    A Yes he’s B Yes he isn’t
    C No he isn’t D No he is
    Ⅲ 完形填空(10分)
    Look at this girl 1 name is Wang Meimei 2 is twelve Wang Ming is her brother He is 3 Class ThreeGrade Two Do you know how old he is He is fourteen years old The brother 4 sister are in No 2 Middle School Their mother 5 a teacher She is an 6 teacher Their father Mr Wang is a teacher 7 He is a Chinese teacher in No 8 Middle School Their students all love them because they love their students They have() a cat 8 name is Mimi 9 a nice cat The cat and Wang Meimei are 10 friends
    1 A Her B She C He D His
    2 A He B I C You D She
    3 A on B with C in D at
    4 A but B so C or D and
    5 A am B is C are D be
    6 A English B Chinese C Japanese D England
    7 A to B too C two D also
    8 A Its B It C It’s D its
    9 A Its B They’re C It’s D It
    10 A right B fine C nice D good
    Ⅳ 阅读理解(10分)
    My name is Tom and I’m in Class One I’m from England Lucy is my best friend And we are in the same (样) class
    My name is Lucy My family name is Sun I’m not from England I am from Shanghai China I am a Chinese girl I’m in Class Three Tom is my friend We’re 12 years old We like singing very much
    My name is Wang Yu I’m from China I am in Shanghai I am 13 years old I’m in Class Four I like reading books and listening to music
    1 Tom is from __________
    A England B Beijing C Shanghai D America
    2 Lucy’s family name is __________
    A Tom B Sun C Jiang D Li
    3 Tom is __________ years old
    A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14
    4 Wang Yu is in __________
    A England B Beijing C Shanghai D America
    5 Wang Yu is in Class __________
    A One B Two C Three D Four
    Ⅴ 词汇运(10分)
    1 I am from E __________ and I can speak English
    2 —W__________ are they from
    —They are from London
    3 Mr Li is my English teacher and h__________ is from Sanya
    4 I like this b__________ apple and I don’t like that small one
    5 —Do you like her
    —Yes we a__________ like her
    6 Fan Bingbing and Yang Mi __________ (be) actresses (女演员)
    7 __________ (She) English name is Lucy
    8 This is __________ (he) friend
    9 Betty is her __________ (give) name
    10 —Are you from __________ (America)
    —Yes And I am an __________ (America)
    Ⅵ 句型转换(10分)
    1 Jack is nine years old (改否定句)
    Jack __________ nine years __________
    2 My name is Emma (画线部分提问)
    __________ __________ name
    3 Zhang Lili is from Jiamusi City (画线部分提问)
    __________ __________ Zhang Lili from
    4 Wang Lingling is in Class Three (改般疑问句作肯定回答)
    —__________ Wang Lingling in Class Three
    —Yes __________ __________
    5 are friends good Wang Dong I and ( )(连词成句)
    Ⅶ 补全话(10分)
    A I’m an English girl
    B What class are you in
    C That’s OK
    D Where are you from
    E I’m new here
    AMy name is Sam What’s your name
    BMy name is Wang Dong 1
    AOh 2
    BI’m in Class Two Grade One
    A 3 We’re in the same class 4
    BI’m from England 5
    1 __________2 __________ 3 __________4 __________5 __________
    Ⅷ 短文填空(10分)
    Name Feng Shaofeng
    English name William Feng
    Age (年龄) 34
    From Shanghai
    Language(语言)Chinese English
    Job actor (演员)
    Hello 1 name is Feng Shaofeng Feng is my 2 name And my 3 name is William Feng William is my 4 name I’m 5 years old I’m 6 Shanghai I’m 7 and I can speak 8 and 9 I am an 10 Do you like the TV play Gong (宫) I played (表演) in it Do you like me
    1 __________2 __________3 __________ 4 __________5 __________
    6 __________7 __________ 8 __________9 __________ 10 __________
    Ⅸ 书面表达(20分)
    First name Jim Last name Smith
    Age(年龄) 12 Class 2
    City London Friends Lucy and Lily
    Chinese teacher Ms Zhang

    (Ⅰ)1 Nice to meet you
    2 I’m your teacher
    3 I’m in Class Three Grade One
    4 I am from Beijing
    5 My brother is a student
    答案:1~5 CDBAE
    (Ⅱ)I have a friend His name is Tom Black He is from England He is 12 years old He is a student He is in Class Two Grade Seven Miss Li is his Chinese teacher He studies hard Now he can speak a little Chinese
    答案:6~10 TFTFT
    Ⅱ 1解析选A考查冠词法露西女孩泛指good辅音音素开头选A
    2解析选BNice to meet you答语Nice to meet you( too)选B
    3解析选A句意:——?——12岁 How old ?表示……/……岁? 常询问年龄选A
    4解析选B句意:父亲什名字?句中your father’s name单数应be动词单数形式is
    5解析选D 短语be from般接表示国家城市名词
    7解析选B问句What’s your name回答通常I’m My name is ABCD四选项中B项符合条件
    8解析选AMasonfamily name答案A
    ——玲玲中国 英国 Chinese意中国单复数形式相English意英国 China意中国 England意英国
    Ⅲ1解析选A第句Look at this girl 知名字答案选A
    2解析选D文中girl her相致称代词第三称单数格形式she
    4解析选Dthe brother and sister意兄妹brothersister列关系and连接
    6解析选A位英语老师an English teacheran元音音素开头单词前先排BC两项England意英国English 意英语选A
    10解析选D朋友good friends
    Ⅳ1解析选A短文第段I’m from England 知
    2解析选B短文第二段My name is Lucy My family name is Sun 知
    3解析选B短文第二段Tom is my friend We’re 12 years old 知
    4解析选C短文第三段My name is Wang Yu I’m from China I am in Shanghai 知
    5解析选D短文第三段I’m in Class Four 知
    Ⅴ答案:1 England 2 Where 3 he 4 big 5 all
    6 are 7 Her 8 his 9 given 10 America American
    Ⅵ答案:1 isn’t old 2 What’s your 3 Where is 4 Is she is
    5 Wang Dong and I are good friends
    Ⅶ答案:1~5 EBCDA
    Ⅷ答案:1 My 2 lastfamily 3 English 4 firstgiven 5 34
    6from 7 Chinese 8 Chinese 9 English 10 actor
    Hi this is my new friend His name is Jim Smith He is twelve years old He is in Class Two He is from London Lucy and Lily are his friends His Chinese teacher is Ms Zhang





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